Section 220-12-090. Classification—Nonnative aquatic animal species.

Latest version.
  • (1) Prohibited aquatic animal species. The following species are classified as prohibited aquatic animal species:
    (a) Amphibians:
    (i) In the family Hylidae: Cricket frog, in the genus Hyla species in the group Arborea including: Hyla annectans, Hyla arborea, Hyla chinensis, Hyla hallowellii, Hyla immaculata, Hyla japonica, Hyla meridionalis, Hyla sanchiangensis, Hyla simplex, Hyla suweonensis, Hyla tsinlingensis, Hyla ussuriensis, and Hyla zhaopingensis.
    (ii) In the family Pelobatidae, spadefoots, all species of the genus Pelobates including P. cultripes, P. fuscus, P. syriacus, and P. varaldii. All species of the genus Scaphiopus including: S. couchii, S. holbrookii, and S. hurterii. All species of the genus Spea including: S. hurterii, S. bombifrons, S. hammondii, and S. multiplicata with the exception of the native species: Spea intermontana the great basin spadefoot.
    (iii) In the family Pipidae: African clawed frog, all members of the genera Silurana, and Xenopus.
    (iv) In the family Ranidae:
    (A) Bull frog, Rana catesbeiana.
    (B) Holoarctic brown frogs and Palearctic green frogs of the genus Rana, including the following: Rana arvalis group (R. arvalis, R. chaochiaoensis, R. chevronta); Rana chensinensis group (R. altaica, R. chensinensis, R. dybowskii, R. kukunoris, R. kunyuensis, R. ornativentris, R. pirica); Rana graeca group (R. graeca, R. italica); Rana japonica group (R. amurensis, R. aragonensis, R. japonica, R. omeimontis, R. zhenhaiensis); the subgenus Rugosa (Rana rugosa, Rana emeljanovi, Rana tientaiensis); Rana tagoi group (R. sakuraii, R. tagoi); Rana temporaria group (R. asiatica, R. dalmatina, R. honnorate, R. huanrenensis, R. iberica, R. latastei, R. macrocnemis, R. okinavana, R. pyrenaica, R. tsushimensis, R. zhengi); and in the Rana Pelophylax section, the subgenus Pelophylax (R. bedriagae, R. bergeri, R. cerigensis, R. chosenica, R. cretensis, R. demarchii, R. epeirotica, R. fukienensis, R. grafti, R. hubeiensis, R. lateralis, R. lessonae, R. nigrolineata, R. nigromaculata, R. perezi, R. plancyi, R. porosa, R. ridibunda, R. saharica, R. shqiperica, R. shuchinae, R. terentievi, R. tenggerensis); and the Rana ridibunda-Rana lessonae hybridogenetic complex species R. esculenta and R. hispanica.
    (v) In the family Ambystomatidae: Mole salamanders. In the genus Ambystomata: A. californiense, A. laterale, A. opacum, A. rosaceum, A. tigrinum, except for the native species A. tigrinum mavortium Western tiger salamander, and A. tigrinum melanostictum Tiger salamander.
    (vi) In the family Amphiumidae one, two, and three toed salamanders or congo eels: All members of the genus Amphiuma.
    (vii) In the family Cryptobranchidae: Giant salamanders and hellbenders, all members of the genera Andrias and Cryptobranchus.
    (viii) In the family Dicamptodontidae, American giant salamanders, all members of the genus Dicamptodon, except for the native species: Dicamptodon tenebrosus, Pacific giant salamander, and Dicamptodon copei, Cope's giant salamander.
    (ix) In the family Hynobiidae: Mountain salamanders, all members of the genera Batrachuperus, Hynobius, Liua, Onychodactylus, Pachyhynobius, Pseudohynobius, Ranodon, and Salamandrella.
    (x) In the family Plethodontidae, subfamily Desmognathinae: All members of the genus Desmognathus, dusky salamander.
    (xi) In the family Plethodontidae, subfamily Plethodontinae: All members of the genera Aneides (climbing salamanders); Batrachoseps (slender salamanders); Eurycea (American brook salamanders); Gyrinophilus (cave salamanders); Hemidactylium (four-toed salamanders); Hydromantes (web-toed salamanders); Plethodon (woodland and slimy salamanders); Pseudotriton (mud or red salamanders), and Speleomantes (European salamanders).
    (xii) In the family Proteidae, mudpuppies, all members of the genus Necturus and Proteus.
    (xiii) In the family Salamandridae: Newts, all members of the genera Chioglossa; Eichinotriton (mountain newts); Euproctus (European mt. salamander); Neurergus (Kurdistan newts); Notophthalmus (red-spotted newts); Pachytriton (Chinese newts); Paramesotriton (warty newts); Salamandrina (speckled salamander); Taricha except for the native species Taricha granulosa granulosa the Northern rough-skinned newt, and Triturus (alpine newts).
    (xiv) In the family Sirenidae, sirens, all species of the genera Pseudobranchus and Siren.
    (b) Reptiles:
    (i) In the family Chelydridae, snapping turtles, all species.
    (ii) In the family Emydidae:
    (A) Chinese pond turtles, all members of the genus Chinemys.
    (B) Pond turtles, all members of the genus Clemmys.
    (C) European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis.
    (D) Asian pond turtle, all members of the genus Mauremys.
    (iii) In the family Trionychidae, American soft shell turtles, all members of the genus Apalone.
    (c) Crustaceans:
    (i) Family Cercopagidae:
    (A) Fish hook water flea, Cercopagis pengoi.
    (B) Spiny water flea, Bythotrephes cederstroemi.
    (ii) Family Grapsidae: Mitten crabs: All members of the genus Erochier.
    (iii) Family Cambaridae: Crayfish: All genera, except a person may possess and transport dead prohibited crayfish species obtained under the department's recreational crayfishing rules (WAC 220-56-336 and 220-56-315). There is no daily limit, size limit, or sex restriction for prohibited crayfish species. All nonnative crayfish must be kept in a separate container from native crayfish. Release of any live crayfish species into waters other than the water being fished is prohibited.
    (iv) Family Parastacidae: Crayfish: All genera except Engaeos, and except the species Cherax quadricarinatus, Cherax papuanus, and Cherax tenuimanus.
    (v) Family Portunidae: European green crab, Carcinus maenas.
    (vi) Family Spheromatidae: Burrowing isopod, Sphaeroma quoyanum.
    (d) Fish:
    (i) Family Amiidae: Bowfin, grinnel, or mudfish, Amia calva.
    (ii) Family Channidae: China fish, snakeheads: All members of the genus Channa.
    (iii) Family Characidae: Piranha or caribe: All members of the genera Pygocentrus, Rooseveltiella, and Serrasalmus.
    (iv) Family Clariidae: Walking catfish: All members of the family.
    (v) Family Cyprinidae:
    (A) Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas.
    (B) Carp, Bighead, Hypopthalmichthys nobilis.
    (C) Carp, Black, Mylopharyngodon piceus.
    (D) Carp, Grass (in the diploid form), Ctenopharyngodon idella.
    (E) Carp, Silver, Hypopthalmichthys molitrix.
    (F) Ide, silver orfe or golden orfe, Leuciscus idus.
    (G) Rudd, Scardinius erythropthalmus.
    (vi) Family Gobiidae: Round goby, Neogobius melanostomus.
    (vii) Family Esocidae: Northern pike, Esox lucius: A person may possess and transport dead prohibited Northern pike obtained under the department's recreational sport fishing rules (WAC 220-56-100 and 220-56-115). There is no minimum size, no daily limit, and no possession limit. Release of any live Northern pike into water other than the water being fished is prohibited.
    (viii) Family Lepisosteidae: Gar-pikes: All members of the family.
    (e) Mammals:
    Family Myocastoridae: Nutria, Myocastor coypu.
    (f) Molluscs:
    (i) Family Dreissenidae: Zebra mussels: All members of the genus Dreissena and all species known as quagga.
    (ii) Family Gastropoda: New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum.
    (2) Regulated aquatic animal species. The following species are classified as regulated aquatic animal species:
    (a) Crustaceans:
    All nonnative crustaceans classified as shellfish.
    (b) Fish:
    (i) All nonnative fish classified as food fish and game fish.
    (ii) Family Cichlidae: Tilapia: All members of the genera Tilapia, Oneochromis, and Sartheradon.
    (iii) Family Clupeidae: Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus.
    (iv) Family Cyprinidae:
    (A) Common carp, koi, Cyprinus carpio.
    (B) Goldfish, Carassius auratus.
    (C) Tench, Tinca tinca.
    (D) Grass carp (in the triploid form), Ctenopharyngodon idella.
    (v) Family Poeciliidae: Mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis.
    (c) Molluscs:
    (i) All nonnative molluscs classified as shellfish.
    (ii) Family Psammobiidae: Mahogany clam or purple varnish clam, Nuttalia obscurata.
    (3) Unregulated aquatic animal species. The following species are classified as unregulated aquatic animal species: None.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012 and 77.12.047. WSR 12-05-082 (Order 12-17), § 220-12-090, filed 2/16/12, effective 3/18/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. WSR 10-07-105 (Order 10-64), § 220-12-090, filed 3/19/10, effective 5/1/10; WSR 04-01-096 (Order 03-312), § 220-12-090, filed 12/16/03, effective 1/16/04; WSR 02-19-007 (Order 02-223), § 220-12-090, filed 9/5/02, effective 10/6/02.]
RCW 77.04.012 and 77.12.047. WSR 12-05-082 (Order 12-17), § 220-12-090, filed 2/16/12, effective 3/18/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. WSR 10-07-105 (Order 10-64), § 220-12-090, filed 3/19/10, effective 5/1/10; WSR 04-01-096 (Order 03-312), § 220-12-090, filed 12/16/03, effective 1/16/04; WSR 02-19-007 (Order 02-223), § 220-12-090, filed 9/5/02, effective 10/6/02.

