WSR 15-18-078
[Filed August 28, 2015, 2:07 p.m., effective September 28, 2015]
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Amendments and additions to chapters 392-117, 392-121, 392-122, 392-123, 392-129, 392-134, 392-138, and 392-140 WAC to address the following:
. | To amend office of superintendent of public instruction's existing apportionment and finance rules to include public charter schools. |
. | Define charter schools' reporting requirements, how they will receive general and categorical apportionment and special allocations for full- and part-time student enrollment, and their budgeting requirements. |
. | Define how charter schools will comply with legal requirements pertaining to emergency school closure, and associated student body moneys. |
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending chapters 392-117, 392-121, 392-122, 392-123, 392-129, 392-134, 392-138, and 392-140 WAC.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW
28A.150.290, 28A.710.220.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 15-14-131 on July 1, 2015.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 5, Amended 169, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: August 28, 2015.
Randy Dorn
State Superintendent
of Public Instruction
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-13-054, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91)
WAC 392-117-005 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.150.290 which establishes that the superintendent of public instruction shall have the power and duty to make rules and regulations that are necessary for the proper administration of allocations for basic education and other purposes and RCW
28A.300.040, which states that the powers and duties of the superintendent of public instruction include:
(1) To have supervision over all matters pertaining to the public schools;
(2) To report to the governor and the legislature such information and data as may be required for the management and improvement of the schools; and
(3) To print and distribute forms that are necessary to discharge the duties of officials charged with the administration of the laws relating to the common schools.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-13-054, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91)
WAC 392-117-030 Failure to submit timely general apportionment data.
In the event any school district, charter school, or educational service district fails to submit data by the due date established or in the form required by the superintendent of public instruction and the data are unavailable for calculations pursuant to this chapter or the biennial Operating Appropriations Act, the superintendent of public instruction shall either:
(1) Perform calculations and make payments as if the school district, charter school, or educational service district reported zero data; or
(2) Delay calculations and payments to the school district, charter school, or educational service district until the next monthly apportionment payment or until after data are submitted in the form required.
If a school district, charter school, or educational service district is unable to report by the due date or in the form required by the superintendent of public instruction due to extenuating circumstances, the district or charter school may request to make a tentative report. If the superintendent of public instruction agrees that extenuating circumstances exist and if the tentative report is received in time for the calculations, the superintendent of public instruction may use such tentative report for calculations and payments until such time as the district or charter school submits the final required data: Provided, That a tentative report shall not be used for more than one monthly apportionment calculation without consent of the superintendent of public instruction.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-13-054, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91)
WAC 392-117-035 Failure to submit timely annual financial statements.
A school district's or charter school's apportionment payments shall be delayed by the superintendent of public instruction if a school district or charter school fails to submit its annual financial statements (Report F-196) to the superintendent of public instruction by the established due date. An educational service district's apportionment payments shall be delayed by the superintendent of public instruction if an educational service district fails to submit its annual financial statements (Report F-185) to the superintendent of public instruction by the established due date. The first apportionment payment to be delayed will be for the month in which the annual financial statements are due. The first apportionment payment shall be delayed no less than thirty days. The first apportionment payment and subsequent apportionment payments shall be delayed until the annual financial statements are filed in approvable form.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 00-12-037, filed 5/31/00, effective 7/1/00)
WAC 392-117-045 Corrections to data reported to the superintendent of public instruction.
School districts, charter school, and educational service districts shall submit corrections to district or charter school enrollment, personnel, and other data affecting state apportionment as provided in this section.
(1) If at any time prior to the completion of audit of data by the state auditor a school district, charter school, or educational service district discovers that data have been reported to the superintendent of public instruction in error, the district or charter school shall submit revised data. The "completion of audit" means the date of the exit conference held by the state auditor with district or charter school staff as part of the district's regular financial and state compliance audit.
(2) During audit of data, districts or charter schools submitting revised data shall provide a copy of revisions to the state auditor. "During audit" means between the entrance conference and the exit conference held by the state auditor with district or charter school staff as part of the district's or charter school's regular financial and state compliance audit.
(3) After audit of data by the state auditor, the district or charter school shall report revisions only as part of the audit resolution process pursuant to chapter 392-115 WAC. "After audit" means after the exit conference held by the state auditor with district or charter school staff as part of the district's or charter school's regular financial and state compliance audit.
(4) Unless the superintendent of public instruction provides instructions to the contrary, revised data shall be submitted in the same manner as the original report. The revised report shall contain an original signature of the educational service district superintendent ((or)), the school district superintendent, the charter school's lead administrator, or the authorized official.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-13-054, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91)
WAC 392-117-050 Documentation requirements.
School districts, charter schools, and educational service districts shall provide upon request by the superintendent of public instruction and for audit purposes, documentation to support all data reported to the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to this chapter.
WAC 392-117-055 Reporting contracts for charter schools.
Each public charter school in its first year of operation should contract with the charter school's resident education service district school district for the purpose of reporting general apportionment data, educational data, and year end financial report data to the superintendent of public instruction under this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-121-001 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.150.290 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to adopt rules and regulations as are necessary for the proper administration of chapter
28A.150 RCW. This general authority is supplemented by RCW
28A.150.400 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to develop apportionment factors based on data and statistics derived in an annual period established by the superintendent of public instruction.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 88-03-013, filed 1/11/88)
WAC 392-121-003 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to set forth policies and procedures related to the general apportionment of state moneys for the operation of ((common)) public schools within the state of Washington. This section shall apply for apportionment purposes only and shall not apply to program approval standards for basic education entitlement.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-23-044, filed 11/16/92, effective 12/17/92)
WAC 392-121-011 General provisions.
The following general provisions apply to this chapter:
(1) Calculations made by the superintendent of public instruction shall use the most current school district information for the school year or charter school on file with the superintendent of public instruction at the time of the calculation unless otherwise provided in this chapter or in chapter 392-117 WAC, Timely reporting.
(2) Full-time equivalent staff shall be rounded to the nearest three decimal places.
(3) Full-time equivalent enrollment shall be rounded to the nearest two decimal places.
(4) Ratios of full-time equivalent staff to students shall be expressed as a ratio of staff to one thousand students and shall be rounded to the nearest two decimal places (e.g., 51.21/1000).
(5) Unless otherwise stated, report forms, staff, salary, and enrollment data references in these rules are report forms, staff, salary, or enrollment data for the school year for which calculations pursuant to this chapter are being made.
(6) Employee assignments and account codes for program, duty, and activity shall mean the same as defined in the accounting manual for public school districts in the state of Washington and in instructions for personnel reporting provided by the superintendent of public instruction.
(7) School districts and charter schools shall have available upon request by the superintendent of public instruction and for audit purposes, such documentation as necessary to support all data reported to the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-23-044, filed 11/16/92, effective 12/17/92)
WAC 392-121-021 Reporting requirements.
The provisions of chapter 392-117 WAC, Timely reporting, apply to allocations made pursuant to this chapter. Failure of a school district or charter school to report in the form or by the deadline required by the superintendent of public instruction may result in the reduction or delay of apportionment payments.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 99-20-021, filed 9/28/99, effective 9/29/99)
WAC 392-121-031 Definition-School year.
As used in this chapter, "school year" means the annual period commencing on the first day of September of one calendar year and ending the last day of August of the ensuing calendar year: Provided, That for those school districts or charter schools commencing basic education program prior to September 1, the following activities shall be considered to be within the school year that commences September 1.
(1) School days scheduled prior to September 1; and
(2) Staff days and activities in preparation for the school year included in employee contracts for the school year, but occurring before September 1.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 88-03-013, filed 1/11/88)
WAC 392-121-033 Definition-School day.
As used in this chapter, "school day" means a calendar day except school holidays on which students enrolled in the school district or charter school are afforded the opportunity to be engaged in educational activity which is planned, supervised, and conducted by or under the supervision of the school district or charter school certificated staff, and on which day all or any portion of the students enrolled in the program actually participate in such educational activity.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-21-019, filed 10/9/09, effective 11/9/09)
WAC 392-121-106 Definition-Enrolled student.
As used in this chapter, "enrolled student" means a person residing in Washington state who:
(1) Is eligible to enroll in the school district's education programs because he or she:
(a) Resides in the school district with or without an address (RCW
28A.225.010, 28A.225.160 and 28A.225.215);
(b) Resides on a United States reservation, national park, national forest, or Indian reservation contiguous to the school district (RCW
(c) Resides in a school district not offering the grade for which they are eligible to enroll such as a nonhigh district (RCW
(d) Has been released from the school district he or she resides in and has been accepted by the school district claiming enrollment (RCW
28A.225.225 and 28A.225.230);
(e) Will be attending the school district as part of an interdistrict cooperative program (RCW
(f) Will be attending school in a school district in another state per a reciprocity agreement pursuant to RCW
28A.225.260; or
(g) Will be attending a public charter school, as defined by RCW 28A.710.010, located within Washington state.
(2) After the close of the prior school year has presented himself or herself, or has been presented, to the school district's or charter school's appropriate official to be entered on the school district's or charter school's rolls for the purpose of attending school in grades kindergarten through twelve;
(3) Is under twenty-one years of age at the beginning of the school year;
(4) Actually participated on a school day during the first four school days of the current school term (semester or quarter), or on a school day during the current school year on or prior to the date being counted, in a course of study offered by the school district or charter school as defined in WAC 392-121-107; and
(5) Does not qualify for any of the enrollment exclusions set forth in WAC 392-121-108.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-107 Definition-Course of study.
As used in this chapter, "course of study" means those activities for which students enrolled pursuant to chapters 180-16, 180-51, 392-169, 392-134, and 392-410 WAC may be counted as enrolled students for the purpose of full-time equivalent student enrollment counts.
(1) Course of study includes:
(a) Instruction - Teaching/learning experiences conducted by school district staff as directed by the administration and the board of directors of the school district, or teaching/learning experiences conducted by charter school staff as directed by the charter school administration and charter school board, inclusive of intermissions for class changes, recess and teacher/parent-guardian conferences that are planned and scheduled by the district or charter school for the purpose of discussing students' educational needs or progress, and exclusive of time for meals.
(b) Alternative learning experience - Alternative learning experience provided by the school district or charter school in conformance with WAC 392-121-182.
(c) Instruction provided by a contractor - Instruction provided by a contractor in conformance with WAC 392-121-188 or 392-121-1885.
(d) National guard - Participation in a national guard high school career training program for which credit is being given toward either required or elective high school credits pursuant to RCW
28A.300.165 and WAC 392-410-320.
(e) Ancillary service - Any cocurricular service or activity, any health care service or activity, and any other services or activities, for or in which enrolled students are served by appropriate school district
or charter school staff. The term shall include, but not be limited to, counseling, psychological services, testing, remedial instruction, speech and hearing therapy, health care services, and if such service is provided by the district
or charter school, certificated contact time pursuant to RCW
28A.225.010 (4)(a) with students who are in a home-based instruction program. The term shall exclude all extracurricular activities and all other courses of study defined in this section. In conformance with WAC 392-134-025, school districts
and charter schools report the actual number of student contact hours of ancillary service for part-time, private school, and home-based students to the superintendent of public instruction.
(f) Work based learning - Training provided pursuant to WAC 392-410-315 and reported as provided in WAC 392-121-124.
(g) Running start - Attendance at an institution of higher education pursuant to RCW
28A.600.300 through 28A.600.400, chapter 392-169 WAC.
(h) Transition school - Participation in the University of Washington's transition school and early entrance program pursuant to RCW
28A.185.040, and chapter 392-120 WAC. Such participation shall be reported by the University of Washington and shall not be reported by a school district
or charter school.
(i) Technical college direct funding - Enrollment at a technical college pursuant to RCW
28A.150.275 and WAC 392-121-187. Such participation shall be reported by the technical college and shall not be reported by a school district unless the technical college and the school district agree to have the school district report such enrollment.
(2) Course of study does not include:
(a) Home-based instruction pursuant to RCW
28A.225.010(4): Education programs provided by a parent which do not meet the requirements of WAC 392-121-182 cannot be claimed for state funding;
(b) Private school instruction pursuant to chapter
28A.195 RCW;
(c) Adult education as defined in RCW
(d) Instruction provided to students who do not reside in Washington state (RCW
(e) Enrollment in state institutions, i.e., state operated group homes, county juvenile detention centers, state institutions for juvenile delinquents, county and city adult jails, and state residential habilitation centers;
(f) Instruction preparing a student for the general education development (GED) test if such instruction generates state or federal moneys for adult education;
(g) Enrollment in education centers except as provided under contract with a school district pursuant to RCW
28A.150.305 and WAC 392-121-188
or 392-121-1885;
(h) Enrollment in the Washington state school for the deaf and the Washington state school for the blind;
(i) Extracurricular activities including but not limited to before and after school activities such as classes, sports and other activities offered outside the regular curriculum or for which credit is not earned; or
(j) Attendance at universities, colleges, community colleges, or technical colleges of students not earning high school credit.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-108 Definition-Enrollment exclusions.
A person who qualifies for any of the exclusions set forth in this section shall not be counted as an enrolled student pursuant to WAC 392-121-106.
(1) Absences - Except as provided in (a) and (b) of this subsection, a student whose consecutive days of absence from school exceed twenty school days, or a part-time student that has not attended school at least once within a time period consisting of twenty consecutive school days, shall not be counted as an enrolled student until attendance is resumed. School days are defined as the regularly scheduled instructional days for the general population of the school or district the student is enrolled in, regardless of the student's individualized schedule.
(a) If there is a written agreement between the appropriate school official and a student's parent or guardian pursuant to RCW
28A.225.010 that the student's temporary absence is not deemed to cause a serious adverse effect upon the student's educational progress, the absent student may be counted as an enrolled student for up to two monthly enrollment count dates as specified in WAC 392-121-122.
(b) A student receiving home and/or hospital service pursuant to WAC 392-172A-02100 shall be counted as an enrolled student as provided in WAC 392-122-145.
(2) Dropouts - A student for whom the school district or charter school has received notification of dropping out of school by the student or the student's parent or guardian shall not be counted as an enrolled student until attendance is resumed.
(3) Transfers - A student who has transferred to another public or private school and for whom the school district or charter school has received notification of transfer from the school to which the student has transferred, from the student, or from the student's parent or guardian shall not be counted as an enrolled student unless the student reenrolls in the school district or charter school.
(4) Suspensions - A student who has been suspended from school pursuant to WAC 392-400-260 or in accordance with a charter school's student discipline policy, when the conditions of the suspension will cause the student to lose academic grades or credit, shall not be counted as an enrolled student until attendance is resumed.
(5) Expulsions - A student who has been expelled from all school subjects or classes by the school district pursuant to WAC 392-400-275 or 392-400-295 or in accordance with a charter school's student discipline policy shall not be counted as an enrolled student until such time as enrollment in a district program has resumed; a student who has been partially expelled, such as from a single school subject or class, by the school district or charter school pursuant to WAC 392-400-275 or 392-400-295 or in accordance with a charter school's student discipline policy may be considered a part-time enrolled student.
(6) Graduates - A student who has met the high school graduation requirements of chapter 180-51 WAC by the beginning of the school year.
(7) Tuition - A student paying tuition including, but not limited to, students on an F-1 visa or students enrolled in a tuition-based summer school program.
(8) An institution student who is claimed as a 1.0 FTE by any institution as an enrolled student eligible for state institutional education support pursuant to chapter 392-122 WAC where the institution's count date occurs prior to the school district count date for the month. Where the count dates occur on the same date, the institution shall have priority for counting the student.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-119 Definition-Enrollment count dates.
As used in this chapter, "enrollment count dates" means the fourth school day of September and the first school day of each of the nine subsequent months of the school year for all school districts and charter schools including districts and charter schools which commence basic education programs prior to September 1st. Exceptions are limited to the following:
(1) In school districts where not every school or grade follows the same calendar of school days, the calendar of an individual school or an entire grade level within a school may determine the monthly enrollment count date for that school or grade level within the school.
(2) The nine count dates for running start enrollment shall be the first school day of each month of October through June.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-122 Definition-Full-time equivalent student.
As used in this chapter, "full-time equivalent student" means each enrolled student in the school district or charter school as of one of the enrollment count dates for at least the minimum number of hours set forth in subsection (1) of this section, inclusive of class periods and normal class change passing time, but exclusive of meal intermissions: Provided, That each hour counted shall contain at least 50 minutes of instruction or supervised study provided by appropriate instructional staff. The purpose of recognizing "50 minute hours" is to provide flexibility to school districts and charter schools which utilize block periods of instruction so long as students are ultimately under the jurisdiction of school staff for the equivalent of 60 minute hours: Provided further, That the hours set forth below shall be construed as annual average hours for the purposes of compliance with this chapter.
(1) The minimum hours for each grade are as follows:
(a) Kindergarten: 20 hours each week, or 4 hours (240 minutes) for each scheduled school day;
(b) Primary (grades 1 through 3): 20 hours each week, or 4 hours (240 minutes) each scheduled school day;
(c) Elementary (grades 4 through 6): 25 hours each week, or 5 hours (300 minutes) each scheduled school day;
(d) Secondary (grades 7 through 12): 25 hours each week, or 5 hours (300 minutes) each scheduled school day.
(2) Except as limited by WAC 392-121-136, a student enrolled for less than the minimum hours shown in subsection (1) of this section shall be counted as a partial full-time equivalent student equal to the student's hours of enrollment divided by the minimum hours for the student's grade level set forth in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The full-time equivalent of a student's running start enrollment pursuant to RCW
28A.600.300 through 28A.600.400 shall be determined pursuant to chapter 392-169 WAC. If a running start student is enrolled both in high school courses provided by the school district
or charter school and in running start courses provided by the college, the high school full-time equivalent and the running start full-time equivalent shall be determined separately.
(4) The full-time equivalent of University of Washington transition school students shall be determined pursuant to chapter 392-120 WAC.
(5) The full-time equivalent of a student's alternative learning experience shall be determined pursuant to WAC 392-121-182.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-123 Nonstandard school year programs.
A student participating in a program of education occurring during the nonstandard school year on a tuition-free basis may be claimed for state funding to the extent that the student was not claimed as a 1.0 AAFTE during the regular school year (September through June), subject to the following:
(1) Eligible student FTE in a nonstandard school year program shall be claimed based upon the following:
(a) Enrolled hours based upon the standards in WAC 392-121-122 or 392-121-182.
(b) Credit based for student enrolled in a college program under WAC 392-121-188.
(c) A student enrolled in transition school or a running start program is not eligible for nonstandard school year funding.
(2) A district or charter school shall make month by month evaluation of the student to determine if the following conditions were met during the regular school year:
(a) The student was not home schooled or enrolled in a private school.
(b) The student was not claimed as a 1.0 FTE in a regular or institution education program.
(3) For each month in which the conditions of subsection (2) of this section are met, the district or charter school shall determine the amount of student FTE claimed for the student. To the extent the enrollment claimed is less than 1.0 FTE for each month, the school district or charter school may claim nonstandard school year FTE based upon the student enrollment in the nonstandard school year school program.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-124 Full-time equivalent enrollment for work based learning.
For work based learning provided pursuant to WAC 392-410-315 or by charter schools, a student's full-time equivalent shall be determined as follows:
(1) For cooperative work based learning experience, in accordance with WAC 392-410-315 (1)(g), divide the student's hours of work experience for the month by two hundred; for example: Forty hours of cooperative work experience equals two tenths of a full-time equivalent (40 ÷ 200 = 0.20). For instructional work based learning experience, in accordance with WAC 392-410-315 (1)(f) and 296-125-043(4), divide the student's enrolled hours of work experience for the month by one hundred; for example: Twenty hours of instructional work experience equals two tenths of a full-time equivalent (20 ÷ 100 = 0.20). Enrollment exclusions in WAC 392-121-108 apply to instructional work based learning enrolled hours.
(2) Estimated or scheduled hours of cooperative work based learning experience may be used in determining a student's full-time equivalent on an enrollment count date: Provided, That the combined monthly hours reported for the school year shall not exceed the student's actual hours of cooperative work based learning experience documented on the student's work records and maintained by the school district or charter school for audit purposes.
(3) Work based learning provided as part of a state-approved vocational education program qualifies for enhanced vocational funding and may be included in determining a student's vocational full-time equivalent enrollment.
(4) No more than three hundred sixty hours of cooperative work based learning may be claimed for funding for each credit a student pursues as reported on the student's transcript. No more than one hundred eighty hours of instructional work based learning may be claimed for funding for each credit a student pursues as reported on the student's transcript.
(5) Funding may be claimed only for work based learning hours that occur after the work based learning plan, work based agreement, program orientation and new employee orientation, as defined in WAC 392-410-315, are completed.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-02-004, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13)
WAC 392-121-136 Limitation on enrollment counts.
Enrollment counts pursuant to WAC 392-121-106 through 392-121-133 are subject to the following limitations:
(1) Except as provided in (a), (b) and (c) of this subsection, no student, including a student enrolled in more than one school district, shall be counted as more than one full-time equivalent student on any count date or more than one annual average full-time equivalent student in any school year.
(a) School districts or charter schools operating approved vocational skills center programs during the summer vacation months may claim additional full-time equivalent students based upon actual enrollment in such vocational skills centers on the aggregate of enrolled hours based upon the fourth day of each summer session. Each district or charter school operating an approved vocational skills center program shall be entitled to claim one annual average full-time equivalent student for each 900 hours of planned student enrollment for the summer term(s) subject to the limitation in (c) of this subsection.
(b) Enrollment count limitations apply separately to a student's running start, skills center and high school enrollments and is limited to an overall maximum 1.8 FTE.
(c) Subject to (b) of this subsection, a student enrolled in a skill center program during the regular school year may be claimed for up to a combined 1.6 full-time equivalent student. A student enrolled in running start during the regular school year may be claimed for up to a combined 1.2 full-time equivalent student. A student enrolled in high school and skills center for more than 1.0 FTE, can be claimed for a 0.2 running start FTE.
Each student may be claimed for a maximum of a 1.0 full-time equivalent for the skills center enrollment, a maximum of a 1.0 full-time equivalent for running start and a maximum of a 1.0 full-time equivalent for the student's high school enrollment subject to the overall combined FTE limitation in (b) of this subsection.
(2) Running start enrollment counts are limited as provided in chapter 392-169 WAC and specifically as provided in WAC 392-169-060.
(3) The full-time equivalent reported for a five year old preschool student with a disability is limited as provided in WAC 392-121-137.
(4) No kindergarten student, including a student enrolled in more than one school district, shall be counted as more than one-half of an annual average full-time equivalent student in any school year.
(5) A student reported as part-time on Form SPI E-672 shall not be reported by a school district or charter school for more than part-time basic education funding on that enrollment count date and the total enrollment reported by one or more school districts or charter schools for basic education and on Form SPI E-672 must not exceed one full-time equivalent.
(6) Districts
and charter schools providing an approved state-funded full-day kindergarten program as provided in chapter
28A.150 RCW (from E2SSB 5841) may claim up to an additional 0.50 FTE based upon student enrolled hours in excess of the 0.50 FTE provided under subsection (4) of this section.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-06-038, filed 2/25/09, effective 3/28/09)
WAC 392-121-137 Full-time equivalent enrollment of students with a disability.
In determining the full-time equivalent enrollment of students reported as students with a disability pursuant to chapter 392-172A WAC, the following rules apply:
(1) If the student is enrolled exclusively in an ungraded special education program, the student's grade level shall be based on the typical grade level of students of the same age (e.g., a student who is six years old at the beginning of the school year shall be counted as a first grader).
(2) If the student is enrolled in a grade level below the typical grade level of students of the same age, the school district or charter school shall have the option of counting the student in the grade enrolled or the typical grade level of students of the same age.
(3) A student with a disability who is five years old at the beginning of the school year may be counted as a kindergarten student only if the student is enrolled full time (twenty hours or more per week), or is enrolled in a kindergarten program and is provided special education services in addition to the kindergarten program.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 15-03-056, filed 1/14/15, effective 2/14/15)
WAC 392-121-182 Alternative learning experience requirements.
(1) Purposes: The purposes of this section are the following:
(a) To ensure that students enrolled in an alternative learning experience offered by a school district or public charter school have available to them educational opportunities designed to meet their individual needs;
(b) To provide general program requirements for alternative learning experiences offered by or through school districts and charter schools;
(c) To provide a method for determining full-time equivalent enrollment and a process school districts and charter schools must use when claiming state funding for alternative learning experiences.
(2) General requirements: A school district or charter school must meet the requirements of this section to count an alternative learning experience as a course of study pursuant to WAC 392-121-107. This section applies solely to school districts and charter schools claiming state funding pursuant to WAC 392-121-107 for an alternative learning experience. It is not intended to apply to alternative learning experiences funded exclusively with federal or local resources. This section does not apply to alternative learning experiences offered by charter schools pursuant to charter contract terms governing the operation of alternative learning experience in the school.
(3) Definitions: For the purposes of this section the following definitions apply:
(a)(i) "Alternative learning experience" means a course, or for grades kindergarten through eight, grade-level course work, that is a delivery method for the program of basic education and is:
(A) Provided in whole or in part independently from a regular classroom setting or schedule, but may include some components of direct instruction;
(B) Supervised, monitored, assessed, evaluated, and documented by a certificated teacher employed by the school district or charter school, or under contract as permitted by applicable rules; and
(C) Provided in accordance with a written student learning plan that is implemented pursuant to the school district's or charter school's policy and this chapter.
(ii) The categories of alternative learning experience courses are:
(A) "Online course" means an alternative learning experience course that has the same meaning as provided in RCW
(B) "Remote course" means an alternative learning experience course or course work that is not an online course where the student has in-person instructional contact time for less than twenty percent of the total weekly time for the course.
(C) "Site-based course" means an alternative learning experience course or course work that is not an online course where the student has in-person instructional contact time for at least twenty percent of the total weekly time for the course.
(b) "Alternative learning experience program" is a school or a program within a school that offers alternative learning experience courses or course work;
(c) "Certificated teacher" means an employee of a school district((, or)) or charter school, of a school district contractor pursuant to WAC 392-121-188, or a charter school contractor pursuant to WAC 392-121-1885, who is assigned and endorsed according to the provisions of chapter 181-82 WAC;
(d) "Direct personal contact" means a one-to-one meeting between a certificated teacher and the student, or, where appropriate, between the certificated teacher, the student, and the student's parent. Direct personal contact can be accomplished in person or through the use of telephone, e-mail, instant messaging, interactive video communication, or other means of digital communication. Direct personal contact:
(i) Must be for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the written student learning plan;
(ii) Must be related to an alternative learning experience course or course work identified in the written student learning plan; and
(iii) Must at minimum include a two-way exchange of information between a certificated teacher and the student. All required direct personal contact must be documented.
(e) "In-person instructional contact" means face-to-face contact between a certificated teacher and the student in a classroom environment. In-person instructional contact may be accomplished in a group setting between the teacher and multiple students. The in-person instructional contact must be:
(i) For the purposes of actual instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the written student learning plan; and
(ii) Related to an alternative learning experience course identified in the written student learning plan.
(f) "Intervention plan" means a plan designed to improve the progress of students determined to be not making satisfactory progress. An intervention plan must be developed, documented, and implemented by a certificated teacher in conjunction with the student and, for students in grades K-8, the student's parent(s). For students whose written student learning plan includes only online courses, the intervention plan may be developed by the school-based support staff in conjunction with the student and certificated teacher and must be approved by the student's online certificated teacher. At minimum, the intervention plan must include at least one of the following interventions:
(i) Increasing the frequency or duration of contact with a certificated teacher for the purposes of enhancing the ability of the certificated teacher to improve student learning;
(ii) Modifying the manner in which contact with a certificated teacher is accomplished;
(iii) Modifying the student's learning goals or performance objectives;
(iv) Modifying the number of or scope of courses or the content included in the learning plan.
(g) "Parent" has the same definition as "parent" in WAC 392-172A-01125;
(h) "Satisfactory progress" means a determination made in accordance with subsection (4)(c) that a student's progress toward achieving the specific learning goals and performance objectives specified in the written student learning plan is satisfactory;
(i) "School week" means any seven-day calendar period starting with Sunday and continuing through Saturday that includes at least three days when a district's schools are in session or when a charter school is in session;
(j) "School-based support staff" means an employee of a school district((, or)) or a charter school, of a school district contractor pursuant to WAC 392-121-188, or a charter school contractor pursuant to WAC 392-121-1885, who is supporting a student in an online course. The school-based support staff may or may not hold a teaching certificate;
(k) "Substantially similar experiences and services" means that for each purchased or contracted instructional or cocurricular course, lesson, trip, or other experience, service, or activity identified on an alternative learning experience written student learning plan, there is an identical or similar experience, service, or activity made available to students enrolled in the district's regular instructional program:
(i) At a similar grade level;
(ii) At a similar level of frequency, intensity, and duration including, but not limited to, consideration of individual versus group instruction;
(iii) At a similar level of cost to the student with regard to any related club, group, or association memberships; admission, enrollment, registration, rental or other participation fees; or any other expense associated with the experience or service;
(iv) In accordance with district adopted or charter school adopted content standards or state defined grade level standards; and
(v) That is supervised, monitored, assessed, evaluated, and documented by a certificated teacher.
(l) "Synchronous digital instructional contact" means real-time communication between a certificated teacher and the student using interactive online, voice, or video communication technology. Synchronous digital instructional contact may be accomplished in a group setting between the teacher and multiple students. The synchronous digital contact must be:
(i) For the purposes of actual instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the written student learning plan; and
(ii) Related to an alternative learning experience course or course work identified in the written student learning plan.
(m) "Total weekly time" means the estimated average hours per school week the student will engage in learning activities to meet the requirements of the written student learning plan;
(n) "Written student learning plan" means a written plan for learning that includes at least the following elements:
(i) A beginning and ending date for the student's alternative learning experience courses;
(ii) An estimate by a certificated teacher of the average number of hours per school week the student will engage in learning activities to meet the requirements of the written student learning plan. This estimate must consider only the time the student will engage in learning activities necessary to accomplish the learning goals and performance objectives specified in the written student learning plan;
(iii) For online courses and remote courses, a description of how weekly contact requirements will be fulfilled;
(iv) A description of each alternative learning experience course or course work included as part of the learning plan, including specific learning goals, performance objectives, and learning activities for each course, written in a manner that facilitates monthly evaluation of student progress. This requirement may be met through the use of individual course syllabi or other similarly detailed descriptions of learning requirements. The description must clearly identify the requirements a student must meet to successfully complete the course or course work. Courses or course work must be identified using course names, codes, and designators specified in the most recent Comprehensive Education Data and Research System data manual published by the office of superintendent of public instruction;
(v) Identification of the certificated teacher responsible for each course or course work included as part of the plan;
(vi) Identification of all instructional materials that will be used to complete the learning plan; and
(vii) A description of the timelines and methods for evaluating student progress toward the learning goals and performance objectives specified in the learning plan;
(viii) Identification of whether each alternative learning experience course or course work meets one or more of the state essential academic learning requirements or grade-level expectations and any other academic goals, objectives, and learning requirements defined by the school district or charter school.
(4) Alternative learning experience program requirements:
(a) Each student participating in an alternative learning experience must have a written student learning plan developed and approved by a certificated teacher that is designed to meet the student's individual educational needs. A certificated teacher must have responsibility and accountability for each course specified in the plan, including supervision and monitoring, and evaluation and documentation of the student's progress. The written student learning plan may be developed with assistance from the student, the student's parents, or other interested parties. For students whose written student learning plan includes only online courses, the written student learning plan may be developed and approved by a certificated teacher or a school-based support staff.
(b) Each student enrolled in an alternative learning experience must have one of the following methods of contact with a certificated teacher at least once a school week until the student completes all course objectives or otherwise meets the requirements of the learning plan:
(i) Direct personal contact; or
(ii) In-person instructional contact; or
(iii) Synchronous digital instructional contact.
(c) The educational progress of each student enrolled in an alternative learning experience must be evaluated at least once each calendar month of enrollment by a certificated teacher or, for students whose written student learning plans include only online classes, school-based support staff in accordance with this section. The results of each evaluation must be communicated to the student or, if the student is in grades K-8, both the student and the student's parent. For students whose written student learning plan includes only online courses, a school-based support staff may communicate the progress evaluation to the student. Educational progress must be evaluated according to the following requirements:
(i) Each student's educational progress evaluation must be based on the learning goals and performance objectives defined in the written student learning plan.
(ii) The evaluation of satisfactory progress must be conducted in a manner consistent with school district or charter school student evaluation or grading procedures, and be based on the professional judgment of a certificated teacher.
(iii) In the event that the monthly evaluation is not completed within the calendar month being evaluated, the evaluation must be completed within five school days of the end of the month. Districts and charter schools must not claim funding for the subsequent month for a student who was not evaluated within that time frame.
(iv) The progress evaluation conducted by a certificated teacher must include direct personal contact with the student with the following exceptions:
(A) After an initial month of satisfactory progress, in subsequent months where progress continues to be satisfactory the evaluation may be communicated to the student without direct personal contact.
(B) Direct personal contact is not required as a part of the evaluation conducted in the final month of the school year if the evaluation takes the form of the delivery of final grades to the student.
(v) Based on the progress evaluation, a certificated teacher must determine and document whether the student is making satisfactory progress reaching the learning goals and performance objectives defined in the written student learning plan.
(vi) For students whose written student learning plan includes only online courses, school-based support staff, according to school policy and procedures, may use the student's progress grades in the online course or courses to determine whether a student's progress is satisfactory. School-based support staff, following school policy and procedures, may take into account nonacademic factors or local school expectations to finalize the determination of satisfactory progress. The progress grades posted in the learning management system may serve as the documentation of determining satisfactory progress.
(vii) If it is determined that the student failed to make satisfactory progress or that the student failed to follow the written student learning plan, an intervention plan must be developed for the student. An intervention plan is not required if the evaluation is delivered within the last five school days of the school year.
(viii) If after no more than three consecutive calendar months in which it is determined the student is not making satisfactory progress despite documented intervention efforts, a course of study designed to more appropriately meet the student's educational needs must be developed and implemented by a certificated teacher in conjunction with the student and where possible, the student's parent. This may include removal of the student from the alternative learning experience and enrollment of the student in another educational program offered by the school district or charter school.
(5) Required school district or charter school board policies for alternative learning experiences: The board of directors of a school district or charter school board claiming state funding for alternative learning experiences must adopt and annually review written policies authorizing such alternative learning experiences, including each alternative learning experience program and program provider. The policy must designate, by title, one or more school district official(s) or charter school official(s) responsible for overseeing the district's or charter school's alternative learning experience courses or programs, including monitoring compliance with this section, and reporting at least annually to the school district board of directors or charter school board on the program. This annual report shall include at least the following:
(a) Documentation of alternative learning experience student headcount and full-time equivalent enrollment claimed for basic education funding;
(b) Identification of the overall ratio of certificated instructional staff to full-time equivalent students enrolled in each alternative learning experience program;
(c) A description of how the program supports the district's or charter school's overall goals and objectives for student academic achievement; and
(d) Results of any self-evaluations conducted pursuant to subsection (10) of this section.
(6) Alternative learning experience implementation requirements:
(a) School districts or charter schools that offer alternative learning experience courses or course work must ensure that they are accessible to all students, including students with disabilities. Alternative learning experience courses or course work for special education students must be provided in accordance with chapter 392-172A WAC.
(b) Contracting for alternative learning experience courses or course work is subject to the provisions of WAC 392-121-188.
(c) It is the responsibility of the school district or school district contractor, or charter school or charter school contractor, to ensure that students have all curricula, course content, instructional materials and learning activities that are identified in the alternative learning experience written student learning plan.
(d) School districts and charter schools must ensure that no student or parent is provided any compensation, reimbursement, gift, reward, or gratuity related to the student's enrollment or participation in, or related to another student's recruitment or enrollment in, an alternative learning experience course or course work unless otherwise required by law. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, funds provided to parents or students for the purchase of educational materials, supplies, experiences, services, or technological equipment.
(e) School district employees are prohibited from receiving any compensation or payment as an incentive to increase student enrollment of out-of-district students in an alternative learning experience course or course work.
(f) Curricula, course content, instructional materials, learning activities, and other learning resources for alternative learning experience courses or course work must be consistent in quality with those available to the district's or charter school's overall student population.
(g) Instructional materials used in alternative learning experience courses or course work must be approved pursuant to school board policies adopted in accordance with RCW
(h) A district or charter school may purchase educational materials, equipment, or other nonconsumable supplies for students' use in alternative learning experience courses or course work if the purchase is consistent with the district's or charter school's approved instructional materials or curriculum, conforms to applicable laws and rules, and is made in the same manner as such purchases are made for students in the district's or charter school's regular instructional program. Items so purchased remain the property of the school district or charter school upon program completion.
(i) School districts and charter schools are prohibited from purchasing or contracting for instructional or cocurricular experiences and services that are included in an alternative learning experience written student learning plan including, but not limited to, lessons, trips, and other activities, unless substantially similar experiences or services are also made available to students enrolled in the district's or charter school's regular instructional program. This prohibition extends to a district's or charter school's contracted providers of alternative learning experience programs, and each district and charter school shall be responsible for monitoring the compliance of its contracted providers. Nothing herein shall:
(i) Prohibit school districts or charter schools from contracting with school district or charter school employees to provide services or experiences to students; or
(ii) Prohibit school districts
or charter schools from contracting with online providers approved by the office of superintendent of public instruction pursuant to chapter
28A.250 RCW; or
(iii) Require school districts
or charter schools that contract with school district
or charter school employees to provide services or experiences to students, or with online providers approved by the office of superintendent of public instruction pursuant to chapter
28A.250 RCW, to provide substantially similar experiences and services under this subsection.
(j)(i) A school district
or charter school that provides alternative learning experience courses or course work to a student must provide the parent(s) of the student, prior to the student's enrollment, with a description of the difference between home-based instruction pursuant to chapter
28A.200 RCW and the enrollment option selected by the student. The parent must sign documentation attesting to his or her understanding of the difference. Such documentation must be retained by the district
or charter school and made available for audit.
(ii) In the event a school district or charter school cannot locate a student's parent within three days of a student's request for enrollment in an alternative learning experience, the school district or charter school may enroll the student for a conditional period of no longer than thirty calendar days. The student must be disenrolled from the alternative learning experience if the school district or charter school does not obtain the documentation required under this subsection before the end of the thirty day conditional enrollment period.
(k) The school district or school district contractor
, or charter school or charter school contractor, is prohibited from advertising, marketing, and otherwise providing unsolicited information about learning programs offered by the school district
or charter school including, but not limited to, digital learning programs, part-time enrollment opportunities, and other alternative learning programs, to students and their parents who have filed a declaration of intent to cause a child to receive home-based instruction under RCW
28A.200.010. School districts
and charter schools may respond to requests for information that are initiated by a parent. This prohibition does not apply to general mailings, newsletters, or other general communication distributed by the school district
((or the)), school district contractor
, charter school, or charter school contractor to all households in the district.
(l) Work-based learning as a component of an alternative learning experience course of study is subject to the provisions of WAC 392-410-315 and 392-121-124.
(m) The school district or charter school must institute reliable methods to verify a student is doing his or her own work. The methods may include proctored examinations or projects, including the use of web cams or other technologies. "Proctored" means directly monitored by an adult authorized by the school district or charter school.
(n) School districts may accept nonresident students under the school choice enrollment provisions of RCW
28A.225.200 through 28A.225.230 and chapter 392-137 WAC for enrollment in alternative learning experiences.
(o) School districts enrolling a nonresident student must inform the resident school district if the student drops out of the alternative learning experience program or is otherwise no longer enrolled.
(p) The alternative learning experience must satisfy the office of superintendent of public instruction's requirements for courses of study and equivalencies as provided in chapter 392-410 WAC.
(q) High school alternative learning experience courses must be offered for high school credit. Courses offering credit or alternative learning experience programs issuing a high school diploma must satisfy the state board of education's high school credit and graduation requirements as provided in chapter 180-51 WAC.
(r) Beginning in the 2013-14 school year and continuing through the 2016-17 school year, school districts and charter schools offering or contracting to offer alternative learning experience courses must pay costs associated with a biennial measure of student outcomes and financial audit of the district's or charter school's alternative learning experience courses by the office of the state auditor.
(7) Enrollment reporting procedures: Effective the 2011-12 school year, the full-time equivalency of students enrolled in an alternative learning experience must be determined as follows:
(a) The school district or charter school must use the definition of full-time equivalent student in WAC 392-121-122 and the number of hours the student is expected to engage in learning activities as follows:
(i) On the first enrollment count date on or after the start date specified in the written student learning plan, subject to documented evidence of student participation as required by WAC 392-121-106(4), the student's full-time equivalent must be based on the estimated average weekly hours of learning activity described in the student's written student learning plan.
(ii) On any subsequent monthly count date, the student's full-time equivalent must be based on the estimated average weekly hours of learning activity described in the written student learning plan if:
(A) The student's progress evaluation conducted in the prior calendar month pursuant to subsection (4)(c) of this section indicates satisfactory progress; or
(B) The student's progress evaluation conducted in the prior calendar month pursuant to subsection (4)(c) of this section indicates a lack of satisfactory progress, and an intervention plan designed to improve student progress has been developed, documented, and implemented within five school days of the date of the prior month's progress evaluation.
(iii) On any subsequent monthly count date if an intervention plan has not been developed, documented, and implemented within five days of the prior month's progress evaluation, the student's full-time equivalent must not be included by the school district or charter school in the subsequent month's enrollment count.
(iv) Enrollment of part-time students is subject to the provisions of RCW
28A.150.350, and generates a pro rata share of full-time funding.
(b) The enrollment count must exclude students meeting the definition of enrollment exclusions in WAC 392-121-108 or students who have not had contact with a certificated teacher for twenty consecutive school days. Any such student must not be counted as an enrolled student until the student has met with a certificated teacher and resumed participation in their alternative learning experience or is participating in another course of study as defined in WAC 392-121-107;
(c) The enrollment count must exclude students who are not residents of Washington state as defined by WAC 392-137-115;
(d) The enrollment count must exclude students who as of the enrollment count date have completed the requirements of the written student learning plan prior to ending date specified in the plan and who have not had a new written student learning plan established with a new beginning and ending date that encompasses the count date;
(e) For alternative learning experience programs that end prior to June 1st, the June enrollment count date may be the last school day in May and include students whose written student learning plan includes an ending date that is the last school day in May.
(f) Graduating alternative learning experience students whose last school day is in May may be included in the June enrollment count if the following conditions are met:
(i) The alternative learning experience program calendar identifies that the last day of school for the graduating students is in May.
(ii) The students' written student learning plan includes an end date that is the last day of school for graduating students in May.
(g) School districts claiming alternative learning experiences students for funding for nonresident students must document the district of the student's physical residence, and shall establish procedures that address, at a minimum, the coordination of student counting for state funding so that no student is counted for more than one full-time equivalent in the aggregate including, but not limited to:
(i) When a resident district and one or more nonresident district(s) will each be claiming basic education funding for a student in the same month or months, the districts shall execute a written agreement that at minimum identifies the maximum aggregate basic education funding each district may claim for the duration of the agreement. A nonresident district may not claim funding for a student until after the effective date of the agreement.
(ii) When a district is providing alternative learning experiences to nonresident students under the school choice enrollment provisions of RCW
28A.225.200 through 28A.225.230 and chapter 392-137 WAC the district may not claim funding for the student until after the release date documented by the resident district.
(8) Assessment requirements:
(a) All students enrolled in alternative learning experience courses or course work must be assessed at least annually, using, for full-time students, the state assessment for the student's grade level and using any other annual assessments required by the school district
or charter school. Part-time students must also be assessed at least annually. However, part-time students who are either receiving home-based instruction under chapter
28A.200 RCW or who are enrolled in an approved private school under chapter
28A.195 RCW are not required to participate in the assessments required under chapter
28A.655 RCW.
(b) Any student whose alternative learning experience enrollment is claimed as greater than 0.8 full-time equivalent in any one month through the January count date must be included by the school district or charter school in any required state or federal accountability reporting for that school year, subject to existing state and federal accountability rules and procedures.
(c) Students enrolled in nonresident district alternative learning experience courses or course work who are unable to participate in required annual state assessments at the nonresident district must have the opportunity to participate in such required annual state assessments at the district of physical residence, subject to that district's planned testing schedule. It is the responsibility of the nonresident enrolling district to establish a written agreement with the district of physical residence that facilitates all necessary coordination between the districts and with the student and, where appropriate, the student's parent(s) to fulfill this requirement. Such coordination may include arranging for appropriate assessment materials, notifying the student of assessment administration schedules, arranging for the forwarding of completed assessment materials to the enrolling district for submission for scoring and reporting, arranging for any allowable testing accommodations, and other steps as may be necessary. The agreement may include rates and terms for payment of reasonable fees by the enrolling district to the district of physical residence to cover costs associated with planning for and administering the assessments to students not enrolled in the district of physical residence. Assessment results for students assessed according to these provisions must be included in the enrolling district's accountability measurements, and not in the district of physical residence's accountability measurements.
(9) Reporting requirements:
(a) Each school district or charter school offering alternative learning experience courses or course work must report monthly to the superintendent of public instruction accurate monthly headcount and full-time equivalent enrollment for students enrolled in alternative learning experiences ((as well as)). Each school district offering alternative learning experience courses or course work must further report monthly to the superintendent information about the resident and serving districts of such students.
(b) Each school district or charter school offering alternative learning experience courses or course work must submit an annual report to the superintendent of public instruction detailing the costs and purposes of any expenditure made pursuant to subsection (6)(i) of this section, along with the substantially similar experiences or services made available to students enrolled in the district's or charter school's regular instructional program.
(c) Each school district or charter school offering alternative learning experience courses or course work must annually report the following to the superintendent of public instruction:
(i) The number of certificated instructional staff full-time equivalent assigned to each alternative learning experience program; and
(ii) Separately identify alternative learning experience enrollment of students where instruction is provided entirely under contract pursuant to RCW
28A.150.305 and WAC 392-121-188.
(d) Each school district
or charter school offering alternative learning experience courses must report all required information to the office of superintendent of public instruction's
Comprehensive Education Data and Research System under RCW
((Beginning with the 2013-14 school year,)) School districts
and charter schools must designate alternative learning experience courses as such when reporting course information to the
Comprehensive Education Data and Research System.
(10) Documentation and record retention requirements: School districts and charter schools claiming state funding for alternative learning experiences must retain all documentation required in this section in accordance with established records retention schedules and must make such documentation available upon request for purposes of state monitoring and audit. School districts and charter schools must maintain the following written documentation:
(a) School board policy for alternative learning experiences pursuant to this section;
(b) Annual reports to the school district board of directors or charter school board as required by subsection (5) of this section;
(c) Monthly and annual reports to the superintendent of public instruction as required by subsection (9) of this section;
(d) The written student learning plans required by subsection (4) of this section;
(e) Evidence of weekly contact required by subsection (4) of this section.
(i) For students participating in regularly scheduled classes, including in-person instructional contact and synchronous digital instructional contact, evidence may include classroom attendance records.
(ii) For students who are not participating in regularly scheduled classes, evidence of contact must include the date of the contact, the method of communication by which the contact was accomplished, and documentation to support the subject of the communication.
(f) Student progress evaluations and intervention plans required by subsection (4) of this section;
(g) The results of any assessments required by subsection (9) of this section;
(h) Student enrollment detail substantiating full-time equivalent enrollment reported to the state; and
(i) Signed parent enrollment disclosure documents required by subsection (6)(j) of this section.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-21-024, filed 10/7/13, effective 11/7/13)
WAC 392-121-188 Instruction provided under contract.
School districts have general authority to contract for the services of individuals to provide instruction, subject to applicable state and federal laws and local collective bargaining agreements. School districts also have authority to enter into interdistrict cooperative agreements for instructional services with other school districts under RCW
28A.225.250. However, when a school district contracts with an entity other than a school district and that entity employs staff to provide basic education instruction claimed by the school district for state basic education funding, the requirements of this section also apply. Instruction provided by such an entity (hereafter called the contractor) may be counted as a course of study and claimed by the school district for state funding if the following requirements are met:
(1) The school district board of directors in accordance with RCW
28A.320.015 adopts a resolution that concludes it is in the best interest of the students to expand the options available by providing an appropriate basic education program pursuant to the contract and sets forth the rationale in support of the conclusion. A board adopted resolution is not required for online courses purchased by the school district from an online provider approved by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW
(2) The school district retains full responsibility for compliance with all state and federal laws;
(3) The contractor complies with all relevant state and federal laws that are applicable to the school district;
(4) The contractor provides instruction free of sectarian or religious influence or control;
(5) The contractor charges the student no tuition for enrollment;
(6) Enrollment is voluntary;
(7) No student or person is unlawfully excluded from participation on the grounds of ((race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, or presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap)) sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, or marital status;
(8) Each student is enrolled in the school district reporting the enrollment and each high school student is working toward course credits which satisfy high school graduation requirements;
(9) If the contractor is a state higher education institution, a state funded education center, or any other state funded entity, the contractor is not claiming enrollment of the student or receiving direct state support for the contracted instruction reported pursuant to this section;
(10) The curriculum is approved by the district. District approval for online course curriculum is not required for online courses offered by an online provider approved by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW
(11) The contractor provides enrollment reports to the school district that comply with this chapter;
(12) The contractor maintains and has available for audit or review by the school district, state, or federal authorities documentation of enrollment, hours of instructional activity participated in by the students, personnel data, and financial data including all revenues and expenditures pertaining to the contract with the school district;
(13) As of October 1st, if a contractor certificated employee employed by a contractor other than an institution of higher education spends more than twenty-five percent of a full-time equivalent time with students for a given school district, the school district must report the individual contractor certificated employee as required by the SPI annual personnel reporting system for calculation of state funding, staff ratios and statistics;
(14) The school district and contractor execute a written contract which is consistent with this section, and which sets forth the duties of the contractor in detail sufficient to hold the contractor accountable to the school district. School districts that purchase online courses through the online course catalog provided by the office of superintendent of public instruction are exempt from this provision;
(15) The school district and contractor establish a process for periodic monitoring by the school district for compliance with this section and other terms of the contract between the school district and contractor. School districts that purchase online courses through the online course catalog provided by the office of superintendent of public instruction are exempt from this provision;
(16) Contracts for services for students with disabilities shall comply with WAC 392-172A-04085 and 392-172A-04090;
(17) Full-time equivalent enrollment reported for students served under a contract with a higher education institution shall be based on the number of hours of instruction meeting the criteria in WAC 392-121-107 (1)(a) provided by staff of the higher education institution under the contract. This section does not apply to running start enrollment, which is governed by chapter 392-169 WAC or at-risk programs meeting the standards of subsection (18) of this section; and
(18) Full-time equivalent enrollment reported for students served under contract with a community or technical college as defined in RCW
28B.50.030 shall be based on the credits generated by the student consistent with WAC 392-169-025 if the program meets the following standards:
(a) The student is earning credits applicable to a high school diploma.
(b) The program is focused on serving credit deficient students.
(c) The student population served is considered at-risk and meet the following criteria:
(i) The students have already dropped out of high school; or
(ii) The students have not demonstrated success in the traditional high school environment.
(19) The school district requires the contractor to clearly state in all of the contractor's advertising, publicity, or public statements regarding the contracted service that the service is being offered by the school district under contract.
WAC 392-121-1885 Instruction provided under contract by charter schools.
Charter schools are authorized to enter into contracts with any school district, educational service district, or other public or private entity for the provision of educational instructional services to the same extent as other noncharter public schools, as long as the charter school board maintains oversight authority over the charter school. When a charter school contracts with an entity other than a school district and that entity employs staff to provide basic education instruction claimed by the charter school for state basic education funding, the requirements of this section also apply. Instruction provided by such an entity (hereafter called the contractor) may be counted as a course of study and claimed by the charter school for state funding if the following requirements are met:
(1) The charter school retains full responsibility for compliance with all state and federal laws;
(2) The charter school complies with all relevant state and federal laws that are applicable to charter schools;
(3) The contractor provides instruction free of sectarian or religious influence or control;
(4) The contractor charges the student no tuition for enrollment;
(5) No student or person is unlawfully excluded from participation on the grounds of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, or marital status;
(6) Each student is enrolled in the charter school reporting the enrollment and each high school student is working toward course credits which satisfy high school graduation requirements;
(7) If the contractor is a state higher education institution, a state funded education center, or any other state funded entity, the contractor is not claiming enrollment of the student or receiving direct state support for the contracted instruction reported pursuant to this section;
(8) The curriculum is approved by the charter school. Approval for online course curriculum is not required for online courses offered by an online provider approved by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW
(9) The contractor provides enrollment reports to the charter school that comply with this chapter;
(10) The contractor maintains and has available for audit or review by the charter school, charter school authorizer, and state or federal authorities documentation of enrollment, hours of instructional activity participated in by the students, personnel data, and financial data including all revenues and expenditures pertaining to the contract with the charter school;
(11) As of October 1st, if a contractor certificated employee employed by a contractor other than an institution of higher education spends more than twenty-five percent of a full-time equivalent time with students for a given charter school, the charter school must report the individual contractor certificated employee as required by the SPI annual personnel reporting system for calculation of state funding, staff ratios and statistics;
(12) The charter school and contractor execute a written contract which is consistent with this section, and which sets forth the duties of the contractor in detail sufficient to hold the contractor accountable to the charter school. Charter schools that purchase online courses through the online course catalog provided by the office of superintendent of public instruction are exempt from this provision;
(13) The charter school and contractor establish a process for periodic monitoring by the charter school and charter school authorizer for compliance with this section and other terms of the contract between the charter school and contractor. Charter schools that purchase online courses through the online course catalog provided by the office of superintendent of public instruction are exempt from this provision;
(14) Contracts for services for students with disabilities shall comply with WAC 392-172A-04085 and 392-172A-04090;
(15) Full-time equivalent enrollment reported for students served under a contract with a higher education institution shall be based on the number of hours of instruction meeting the criteria in WAC 392-121-107 (1)(a) provided by staff of the higher education institution under the contract. This section does not apply to running start enrollment, which is governed by chapter 392-169 WAC; and
(16) The charter school requires the contractor to clearly state in all of the contractor's advertising, publicity, or public statements regarding the contracted service that the service is being offered by the charter school under contract.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 06-19-045, filed 9/15/06, effective 10/16/06)
WAC 392-121-200 Definition-Certificated employee.
As used in this chapter, "certificated employee" means:
(1) A person who holds a professional education certificate issued by the superintendent of public instruction and who is employed by a school district or charter school in a position for which such certificate is required by statute, rule of the professional educator standards board, or written policy or practice of the employing school district; or
(2) A superintendent or a person hired to fill a position designated as, or which is, in fact, deputy superintendent or assistant superintendent; or
(3) A charter school's lead administrator or a person hired to fill a position as the lead administrator's deputy administrator or assistant administrator.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 99-08-008, filed 3/25/99, effective 4/25/99)
WAC 392-121-201 Definition-Contractor certificated employee.
As used in this chapter, "contractor certificated employee" means a person who holds a professional education certificate issued by the superintendent of public instruction and who is employed by a contractor as defined in WAC 392-121-188 or 392-121-1885 in a position for which such certificate is required.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-205 Definition-District certificated instructional employee.
As used in this chapter, "district certificated instructional employee" means any school district or charter school certificated employee who is employed in whole or part as one or more of the following:
(1) An elementary, secondary or other teacher who instructs pupils in classes or courses;
(2) An educational staff associate who assists, evaluates, counsels, or instructs students in a manner consistent with the employee's educational staff associate certificate; or
(3) Other certificated staff assigned to the 300 or 400 series duty codes as defined in the S-275 personnel reporting instructions.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-206 Definition-Contractor certificated instructional employee.
As used in this chapter, "contractor certificated instructional employee" means a contractor certificated employee who:
(1) Is employed by a contractor, pursuant to WAC 392-121-188 or 392-121-1885, to serve students claimed for basic education funding by a school district or charter school; and
(2) Is employed as one or both of the following:
(a) An elementary, secondary or other teacher who instructs pupils in classes or courses; or
(b) An educational staff associate who assists, evaluates, counsels, or instructs students in a manner consistent with the employee's educational staff associate certificate.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 11-21-065, filed 10/17/11, effective 11/17/11)
WAC 392-121-210 Definition-Basic education certificated instructional employee.
As used in this chapter, "basic education certificated instructional employee" means a district or charter school certificated instructional employee or a contractor certificated instructional employee assigned in whole or in part to the following programs as defined in the accounting manual for public school districts in the state of Washington:
(1) 01 Basic Education;
(2) 02 Basic Education-Alternative Learning Experience;
(3) 31 Vocational, Basic, State;
(4) 34 Middle School Career and Technical Education-State;
(5) 45 Skills Center, Basic, State; and
(6) 97 ((Districtwide)) District-wide Support.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-212 Definition-Full-time equivalent (FTE) certificated instructional staff.
As used in this chapter, "full-time equivalent (FTE) certificated instructional staff" means the number of staff units determined as follows:
(1) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services as a certificated instructional employee for not less than 180 full work days shall be counted as one FTE.
(2) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services for 180 partial days as a certificated instructional employee shall be counted as a partial FTE, such part to be the quotient rounded to three decimal places obtained by dividing that part of the day worked by the full day as determined by the district or charter school.
(3) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services for less than 180 full work days as a certificated instructional employee shall be counted as a partial FTE, such part to be the quotient rounded to three decimal places obtained by dividing the number of work days contracted for by 180: Provided, That if the normal annual full-time contract for the position exceeds 180 work days, the greater number of work days normally contracted shall be used as the divisor.
(4) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services for less than 180 partial days as a certificated instructional employee shall be counted as a partial FTE, such part to be the quotient rounded to three decimal places obtained by dividing the part of the day worked by the full day as determined by the district or charter school and then multiplying the result by the ratio of work days contracted for by 180: Provided, That if the normal annual full-time contract for the position exceeds 180 work days, the greater number of work days normally contracted shall be used in place of 180 in the ratio.
(5) No employee shall be counted as more than one full-time equivalent certificated staff unit.
(6) The length of a full work day as used in this section shall be determined by the district or charter school.
(7) As used in this section, contracts to provide services as a certificated instructional employee shall exclude supplemental contract services as defined under RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-215 Definition-Full-time equivalent (FTE) basic education certificated instructional staff.
As used in this chapter, "full-time equivalent (FTE) basic education certificated instructional staff" means the number of staff units determined as follows:
(1) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services as a basic education certificated instructional employee for not less than 180 full work days shall be counted as one FTE.
(2) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services for 180 partial days as a basic education certificated instructional employee shall be counted as a partial FTE, such part to be the quotient to three decimal places obtained by dividing that part of the day worked by the full day as determined by the district or charter school.
(3) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services for less than 180 full work days as a basic education certificated instructional employee shall be counted as a partial FTE, such part to be the quotient rounded to three decimal places obtained by dividing the number of work days contracted for by 180: Provided, That if the normal annual full-time contract for the position exceeds 180 work days, the greater number of work days normally contracted shall be used as the divisor.
(4) Each employee of the school district or charter school who, as of October 1 of the school year, is contracted to provide services for less than 180 partial days as a basic education certificated instructional employee shall be counted as a partial FTE, such part to be the quotient rounded to three decimal places obtained by dividing the part of the day worked by the full day as determined by the district or charter school and then multiplying the result by the ratio of work days contracted for to 180: Provided, That if the normal annual full-time contract for the position exceeds 180 work days, the greater number of work days normally contracted shall be used in place of 180 in the ratio.
(5) No employee shall be counted as more than one full-time equivalent basic education certificated staff unit.
(6) The length of a full work day as used in this section shall be determined by the district or charter school.
(7) As used in this section, contracts to provide services as a basic education certificated instructional employee shall exclude supplemental contract services as defined under RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-220 Definition-S-275 reporting process.
As used in this chapter, "S-275 reporting process" means the electronic personnel reporting process which is defined annually by the superintendent of public instruction.
This reporting process shall include individuals who are known as of October 1 to be:
(1) District or charter school employees with a contract for certificated employment to provide services during the period September 1 through August 31;
(2) Classified employees, employed by the district or charter school to provide services during the period September 1 through August 31; and
(3) Contractor certificated instructional employees, contracted to provide services during the period September 1 through August 31.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 95-21-096, filed 10/18/95, effective 11/18/95)
WAC 392-121-225 Definition-Report S-275.
As used in this chapter, "Report S-275" means the alphabetic listing of certificated personnel employed by a school district or charter school on October 1 as prepared by the superintendent of public instruction from data submitted by the district or charter school through the S-275 reporting process for the school year.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-20-061, filed 9/25/14, effective 10/26/14)
WAC 392-121-257 Definition-In-service credits.
As used in this chapter, "in-service credits" means credits determined as follows:
(1) Credits are earned:
(a) After August 31, 1987; and
(b) After the awarding or conferring of the employee's first bachelor's degree.
(2) Credits are earned on or before October 1 of the year for which allocations are being calculated pursuant to this chapter.
(3) Credits are earned in either:
(a) A locally approved in-service training program which means a program approved by a school district board of directors
or charter school board, and meeting standards adopted by the professional educator standards board pursuant to the standards in WAC 181-85-200 and the development of which has been participated in by an in-service training task force whose membership is the same as provided under RCW
28A.415.040; or
(b) A state approved continuing education program offered by an education agency approved to provide in-service for the purposes of continuing education as provided for under rules adopted by the professional educator standards board pursuant to chapter 181-85 WAC.
(4) Credits are not earned for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the employee's next highest degree.
(5) Credits earned after September 1, 1995, must satisfy the additional requirements of WAC 392-121-262.
(6) Credits are not counted as academic credits pursuant to WAC 392-121-255 or nondegree credits pursuant to WAC 392-121-259.
(7) Ten locally approved in-service or state approved continuing education credit hours defined in WAC 181-85-030 equal one in-service credit.
(8) Each forty hours of participation in an approved internship with a business, industry, or government agency pursuant to chapter 181-83 WAC equals one in-service credit.
(a) No more than two in-service credits may be earned as a result of an internship during any calendar-year period.
(b) Each individual is limited to a maximum of fifteen in-service credits earned from internships.
(9) Accumulate credits rounded to one decimal place.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-072, filed 2/19/13, effective 3/22/13)
WAC 392-121-262 Definition-Additional criteria for all credits.
Credits earned after September 1, 1995, must satisfy the following criteria in addition to those found in WAC 392-121-255, 392-121-257, and 392-121-259:
(1) At the time credits are recognized by the school district or charter school, the content of the course must meet at least one of the following:
(a) It is consistent with a school-based plan for mastery of student learning goals as referenced in RCW
28A.655.110, the annual school performance report, for the school in which the individual is assigned;
(b) It pertains to the individual's current assignment or expected assignment for the following school year;
(c) It is necessary for obtaining endorsement as prescribed by the Washington professional educator standards board;
(d) It is specifically required for obtaining advanced levels of certification;
(e) It is included in a college or university degree program that pertains to the individual's current assignment or potential future assignment as a certificated instructional staff;
(f) It addresses research-based assessment and instructional strategies for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and language disabilities when addressing learning goal one under RCW
28A.150.210, as applicable and appropriate for individual certificated instructional staff; or
(g) Beginning in the 2011-12 school year, it pertains to the revised teacher evaluation system under RCW
28A.405.100, including the professional development training provided in RCW
(2) Credits which have been determined to meet one or more of the criteria in subsection (1) of this section shall continue to be recognized in subsequent school years and by subsequent school district and charter school employers; and
(3) Credits not recognized in a school year may be recognized in a subsequent school year if there is a change in the qualifying criteria such as a change in professional educator standards board rules, a change in the district's or charter school's strategic plan, a change in the school-based plan for the school in which the individual is assigned, a change in the individual's assignment, or a change in the individual's employer.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-07-141, filed 3/23/10, effective 4/23/10)
WAC 392-121-264 Definition-Certificated years of experience.
Regardless of the experience factors used by a school district or charter school for the purposes of its salary schedule(s), as used in this chapter, the term "certificated years of experience" means the number of years of accumulated full-time and part-time professional education employment prior to the current reporting school year in the state of Washington, out-of-state, and a foreign country. School districts and charter schools shall report all certificated years of experience including those beyond the experience limit of the school district's or charter school's salary schedule.
(1) Professional education employment shall be limited to the following:
(a) Employment in public or private preschools or elementary and secondary schools in positions which require certification where:
(i) Schools include the Centrum education program, the Pacific Science Center education program, educational centers authorized under chapter
28A.205 RCW, and Seattle Children's Hospital education program;
(ii) Certification means the concurrent public professional education licensing requirements established in the state, province, country, or other governmental unit in which employment occurred and which, for the state of Washington, refers to the certificates authorized by WAC 181-79A-140 and temporary permits authorized by WAC 181-79A-128;
(b) Employment in public or private vocational-technical schools, technical colleges, community/junior colleges, colleges, and universities in positions comparable to those which require certification in Washington school districts;
(c) Employment in a governmental educational agency with regional administrative responsibilities for preschool, elementary, and/or secondary education including but not limited to an educational service district, office of superintendent of public instruction, or United States department of education in any professional position including but not limited to C.P.A., architect, business manager, or physician;
(d) Experience in the following areas:
(i) Military, Peace Corps, or Vista service which interrupted professional education employment included in (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection; and
(ii) Sabbatical leave.
(e) For nondegreed vocational/career and technical education instructors, up to a maximum of six years of management experience as defined in WAC 181-77-003(6) acquired after the instructor meets the minimum vocational/career and technical education certification requirements of three years (six thousand hours) established in WAC 181-77-041 (1)(a)(i), regardless of when the initial certificate is issued and regardless of type of vocational/career and technical education certificate held. If a degree is obtained while employed in the state of Washington as a nondegreed vocational/career and technical education instructor, the eligible years of management experience pursuant to this subsection reported on Report S-275 prior to the awarding of the degree shall continue to be reported but shall not increase.
(f) Beginning in the 2007-08 school year, for occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers regulated under Title 18 RCW, years of experience may include employment as occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers, that does not otherwise meet the requirements of (a) through (e) of this subsection, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(i) Experience included under this subsection shall be limited to a maximum of two years.
(ii) The calculation of years of experience shall be that one year of experience in a school or other nonschool position counts as one year of experience for the purposes of this subsection, per subsection (2)(a) of this section.
(iii) Employment as occupational therapists shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring licensure as an occupational therapist under Title 18 RCW, or comparable out-of-state employment; and
(B) While holding a valid occupational therapist license, or other comparable occupational therapist credential.
(iv) Employment as physical therapists shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring licensure as a physical therapist under Title 18 RCW, or comparable out-of-state employment; and
(B) While holding a valid physical therapist license, or other comparable physical therapist credential.
(v) Employment as nurses shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring licensure as a registered nurse under Title 18 RCW, or comparable out-of-state employment; and
(B) While holding a valid registered nurse license, or other comparable registered nurse credential.
(vi) Employment as speech-language pathologists or audiologists shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring the same or similar duties and responsibilities as are performed by speech-language pathologists or audiologists regulated under Title 18 RCW; and
(B) After completion of the minimum requirements for conditional certification as a school speech-language pathologist or audiologist established in WAC 181-79A-231 (1)(c)(iv).
(vii) Employment as counselors shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring the same or similar duties and responsibilities as are performed by counselors regulated under Title 18 RCW; and
(B) After completion of the minimum requirements for emergency certification as a school counselor established in WAC 181-79A-231(3).
(viii) Employment as psychologists shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring the same or similar duties and responsibilities as are performed by psychologists regulated under Title 18 RCW; and
(B) After completion of the minimum requirements for emergency certification as a school psychologist established in WAC 181-79A-231(3).
(ix) Employment as social workers shall be limited to the following:
(A) In positions requiring the same or similar duties and responsibilities as are performed by social workers regulated under Title 18 RCW; and
(B) After completion of the minimum requirements for emergency certification as a school social worker established in WAC 181-79A-231(3).
(x) Certificated years of experience as occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers, determined pursuant to this subsection and reported on Report S-275, by teachers and other certificated staff who are no longer employed as occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers, shall continue to be reported but shall not increase.
(2) Years of full-time and part-time professional education employment prior to the current reporting school year are accumulated as follows:
(a) For each professional education employment which is not employment as a casual substitute pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section;
(i) Determine the total number of hours, or other unit of measure, per year for an employee working full-time with each employer;
(ii) Determine the number of hours, or other unit of measure, per year with each employer, including paid leave and excluding unpaid leave;
(iii) Calculate the quotient of the hours, or other unit of measure, determined in (a)(ii) of this subsection divided by the hours, or other unit of measure, in (a)(i) of this subsection rounded to two decimal places for each year.
(b) For professional education employment as a casual substitute pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section:
(i) Determine the total number of full-time equivalent substitute days per year;
(ii) Calculate the quotient of full-time equivalent days determined in (b)(i) of this subsection divided by 180 rounded to two decimal places for each year.
(c) No more than 1.0 year may be accumulated in any traditional nine-month academic year or any twelve-month period.
(i) Accumulate, for each year, professional education employment calculated in (a)(iii) and (b)(ii) of this subsection.
(ii) Determine the smaller of the result in (c)(i) of this subsection or 1.00 for each year.
(d) Determine certificated years of experience as the accumulation of all years of professional education employment calculated in (c)(ii) of this subsection and report such years rounded to one decimal place.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-23-044, filed 11/16/92, effective 12/17/92)
WAC 392-121-266 Definition-LEAP salary allocation documents.
As used in this chapter, "LEAP salary allocation documents" means the computerized tabulations prepared by the legislative evaluation and accountability program (LEAP) and identified in the state Operating Appropriations Act as part of the formula for determining average salaries for the purpose of allocating state moneys to school districts or charter schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-07-006, filed 3/6/14, effective 4/6/14)
WAC 392-121-280 Placement on LEAP salary allocation documents-Documentation required.
School districts and charter schools shall have documentation on file and available for review which substantiates each certificated instructional employee's placement on LEAP salary allocation documents. The minimum requirements are as follows:
(1) Districts and charter schools shall document the date of awarding or conferring of the highest degree including the date upon which the degree was awarded or conferred as recorded on the diploma or transcript from the registrar of the accredited institution of higher education.
(a) If the highest degree is a master's degree, the district or charter school shall also document the date of awarding or conferring of the first bachelor's degree.
(b) If the degree was awarded by an institution which does not confer degrees after each term, and all degree requirements were completed at a time other than the date recorded on the diploma or transcript, a written statement from the registrar of the institution verifying a prior completion date shall be adequate documentation.
(c) If the degree program was completed in a country other than the United States, documentation must include documentation in English of degree equivalency for the appropriate degree as allowed by WAC 181-79A-260: Provided, That documentation of degree equivalency is not required if that institution of higher education is already regionally accredited or accredited by the distance education and training council, pursuant to WAC 181-78A-010(7).
(2) Districts and charter schools shall document academic credits by having on file a transcript from the registrar of the accredited institution of higher education granting the credits. For purposes of this subsection:
(a) An academic credit is deemed "earned" at the end of the term for which it appears on the transcript: Provided, That a written statement from the registrar of the institution verifying a prior earned date may establish the date a credit was earned;
(b) Washington state community college credits numbered one hundred and above are deemed transferable for purposes of WAC 392-121-255(4) subject to the limitations of that same subsection;
(c) Credits are not deemed "earned" at an institution of higher education which transfers-in credits. Such credits must be documented using a transcript from the initial granting institution and are subject to all the limitations of WAC 392-121-255;
(d) If the credits were completed in a country other than the United States, documentation must include a written statement of credit equivalency for the appropriate credits from a foreign credentials' evaluation agency approved by the office of superintendent of public instruction: Provided, That documentation of degree equivalency is not required if that institution of higher education is already regionally accredited or accredited by the distance education and training council, pursuant to WAC 181-78A-010(7); and
(e) For credits earned after September 1, 1995, districts and charter schools shall document that the course content meets one or more of the criteria of WAC 392-121-262(1). At a minimum, such documentation must include a dated signature of the immediate principal, supervisor, or other authorized school district or charter school representative and must be available to the employee's future employers.
(3) Districts and charter schools shall document in-service credits:
(a) By having on file a document meeting standards established in WAC 181-85-107; and
(b) For credits earned after September 1, 1995, districts and charter schools shall document that the course content meets one or more of the criteria of WAC 392-121-262(1). At a minimum, such documentation must include a dated signature of the immediate principal, supervisor, or other authorized school district or charter school representative and must be available to the employee's future employers.
(4) Districts and charter schools shall document nondegree credits.
(a) For vocational/career and technical education educator training credits pursuant to WAC 392-121-259(3) districts and charter schools shall have on file a document meeting standards established in WAC 181-85-107 and evidence that the training was authorized pursuant to WAC 181-77-003 (2), (9), or (12).
(b) For credits calculated from converted occupational experience pursuant to WAC 392-121-259(3) districts and charter schools shall have on file documents which provide:
(i) Evidence that the occupational experience meets the requirements of WAC 181-77-003(7);
(ii) Evidence of the individual's actual number of hours of employment for each year including dates of employment; and
(iii) The district or charter school calculation of converted credits pursuant to WAC 392-121-259(3).
(c) For credits earned after September 1, 1995, districts shall document that the course content meets one or more of the criteria of WAC 392-121-262(1). At a minimum, such documentation must include a dated signature of the immediate principal, supervisor, or other authorized school district representative and must be available to the employee's future employers.
(5) Districts and charter schools shall document certificated years of experience as follows:
(a) For certificated years of experience obtained and reported on Report S-275 prior to the 1994-95 school year districts and charter schools shall have on file documents that provide evidence of employment including dates of employment.
(b) For certificated years of experience reported on Report S-275 for the first time after the 1993-94 school year districts and charter schools shall have on file:
(i) The total number of hours, or other unit of measure, per year for an employee working full-time with each employer;
(ii) The number of hours, or other unit of measure (worked by the employee), per year and dates of employment with each employer, including paid leave and excluding unpaid leave: Provided, That documentation of hours in excess of one full-time certificated year of experience in any twelve-month period is not required;
(iii) The quotient of the hours, or other unit of measure, determined in (b)(ii) of this subsection divided by the hours, or other unit of measure, in (b)(i) of this subsection rounded to two decimal places for each year;
(iv) The name and address of the employer;
(v) For those counting ((out-of-district)) experience outside of the school district or charter school pursuant to WAC 392-121-264 (1)(a), evidence whether or not the position required professional education certification pursuant to WAC 392-121-264 (1)(a)(ii);
(vi) For those counting experience pursuant to WAC 392-121-264 (1)(b), a brief description of the previous employment which documents the school district's or charter school's decision that the position was comparable to one requiring certification in the Washington school districts;
(vii) For those counting management experience pursuant to WAC 392-121-264 (1)(e), evidence that the experience meets the requirements of WAC 181-77-003(6);
(viii) For those counting experience (for educational staff associates) pursuant to WAC 392-121-264 (1)(f), evidence that the previous employment meets the requirements in the applicable subsections of WAC 392-121-264 (1)(f).
(6) Any documentation required by this section may be original or copies of the original: Provided, That each copy is subject to school district or charter school acceptance or rejection.
(7) The falsification or deliberate misrepresentation, including omission of a material fact concerning degrees, credits, or experience by an education practitioner as defined in WAC 181-87-035 shall be deemed an act of unprofessional conduct pursuant to WAC 181-87-050. In such an event the provisions of chapters 181-86 and 181-87 WAC shall apply.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-299 Determination of district average certificated instructional staff salary for the purpose of apportionment.
Each school district's
or charter school's average certificated instructional staff salary for the purpose of apportioning state general fund moneys to school districts pursuant to RCW
28A.150.250 and 28A.150.260 shall be determined by the superintendent of public instruction as provided in the biennial Operating Appropriations Act using definitions and procedures provided in this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-22-065, filed 11/1/02, effective 12/2/02)
WAC 392-121-400 Apportionment of basic education moneys.
From the basic education moneys appropriated to the superintendent of public instruction, the superintendent shall allocate moneys as follows:
(1) Allocations shall be made pursuant to chapter
28A.150 RCW, the state Operating Appropriations Act, and this chapter.
(2) Allocations
to school districts shall be made in twelve monthly payments during the school year pursuant to RCW
28A.510.250 to each school district operating a program approved by the state board of education.
(a) Initial monthly payments shall be based on estimates of such data as the superintendent of public instruction deems necessary to commence payment for the school year, such estimates to be submitted by school districts to the educational service districts or superintendent of public instruction on forms provided by the superintendent of public instruction. The latest date on which a school district may make changes in these data shall be the date on which the school district files its budget with the educational service district.
(b) As the school year progresses, monthly payments to school districts shall be adjusted to reflect actual full-time equivalent students enrolled, district average certificated instructional staff salary for purpose of apportionment, other school district characteristics, deductible revenues and such other data as are deemed necessary by the superintendent and reported by school districts and other governmental agencies on forms provided or approved by the superintendent of public instruction.
(3) Allocations to public charter schools shall be made pursuant to RCW 28A.710.220.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-06-038, filed 2/25/09, effective 3/28/09)
WAC 392-121-415 Basic education allocation-Deductible revenues.
In addition to those funds appropriated by the legislature for basic education allocation purposes, the following locally available general fund revenues shall be included in the computation of the total annual basic education allocation of each school district
or charter school pursuant to RCW
28A.150.250 and 28A.150.260 and shall be deducted from payments made pursuant to WAC 392-121-400:
(1) Proceeds from the sale, rental or lease of stone, minerals, timber, forest products, other crops and matter, and improvements from or on tax title real property managed by a county pursuant to chapter
36.35 RCW;
(2) Proceeds from state forests pursuant to RCW
79.22.040 and 79.22.050;
(3) Federal in lieu of tax payments made pursuant to RCW
84.72.020; and
(4) Proceeds from the sale of lumber, timber, and timber products on military reservations or facilities in accordance with U.S.C. §2665, Title 10, and P.L. 97-99.
(5) Local in lieu of tax payments including but not limited to payments made pursuant to RCW
35.82.210, 35.83.040, and 79.19.110.
Otherwise deductible revenues from any of the foregoing sources received by a school district due solely to the district's levy of a capital projects fund or debt service fund excess tax levy shall constitute nongeneral fund revenues and shall not be deducted in the computation of the district's annual basic education allocation for that school year.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-03-068, filed 1/12/12, effective 2/12/12)
WAC 392-121-421 Definition-Resident student-Basic education allocation-Federal forest funds.
As used in RCW
28A.520.020, resident full-time equivalent students means full-time equivalent students as defined in WAC 392-121-122, excluding
(1) Students enrolled in school district alternative learning experience programs who reside outside the county of the school district boundaries; and
(2) Students enrolled in charter school alternative learning experience programs who do not reside in the county in which the charter school is located.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 88-03-013, filed 1/11/88)
WAC 392-121-425 Basic education allocation during strike.
Unless a school district's or charter school's program is disapproved in accordance with WAC 180-16-162 through 180-16-164, basic education allocations shall continue for the period of a strike.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 88-03-013, filed 1/11/88)
WAC 392-121-430 Kindergarten and grade one through twelve programs considered collectively-Failure to operate an approved program-Denial of apportionment.
For the purpose of this chapter, a school district's or charter school's scheduled kindergarten and grade one through twelve programs shall be considered collectively. The total program of a district or charter school may not be subdivided for the purpose of applying program approval standards. Those school days which are conducted during the period of a strike following transmittal of a notice of disapproval shall be discounted for state basic education entitlement purposes at the rate of one hundred-eightieth of the district's or charter school's basic education entitlement for the school year per school day: Provided, That kindergarten and grade one through twelve programs shall be considered separately for the purpose of computing compliance with minimum school day requirements and any loss of basic education entitlement.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-001, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-121-435 Transfer of basic education allocation.
The board of directors of a school district or a charter school board may request the superintendent of public instruction to pay a portion of the district's or charter school's basic education allocation to another school district, a charter school, or an educational service district. The request must be submitted on Form 1324 and must state the dollar amount of the transfer. The board can modify the dollar amount of the transfer by submitting another Form 1324 to the superintendent of public instruction. Unless the form requesting a transfer states a timeline for making the transfer, the superintendent of public instruction shall execute the transfer pursuant to the provisions of WAC 392-121-400.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-19-040, filed 9/13/90, effective 10/14/90)
WAC 392-121-436 Emergency advance payments-School district application.
The board of directors of a school district or a charter school board may apply for any emergency advance on the school district's or charter school's basic education allocation. The application shall take the form of a resolution adopted by the board ((of directors)) setting forth the following:
(1) The nature of the unforeseen condition requiring the advance;
(2) The amount requested to be advanced;
(3) The net cash and investment balance of the general fund as of the date of the resolution;
(4) A forecast of the general fund receipts, disbursements, and net cash and investment balance for each month remaining in the fiscal year; and
(5) A disclosure of any existing or planned general fund revenue anticipation notes.
(6) A disclosure of any existing or planned general fund loan to or from another fund of the school district or charter school.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-19-040, filed 9/13/90, effective 10/14/90)
WAC 392-121-438 Emergency advance payments-Approval criteria.
The superintendent of public instruction shall approve requests for an emergency advance if the following conditions are met:
(1) The unforeseen condition causing the need for the emergency advance could not have been anticipated by a reasonably prudent person.
(2) It is probable that if the emergency advance is not made that the school district or charter school will be on:
(a) An interest-bearing, warrant-issuing basis within two months following the receipt of the resolution; and
(b) Warrant interest for at least three months from September through June.
(3) The school district or charter school shall not have:
(a) Cash investments of the general fund during the months it estimates that it would pay warrant interest except for the emergency advance; or
(b) Inter-fund loans from the general fund to any other funds during the months it estimates that it would pay warrant interest; or
(c) Any existing or anticipated general fund revenue anticipated notes.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-06-038, filed 2/25/09, effective 3/28/09)
WAC 392-121-440 Emergency advance payments-Determination of amount.
The superintendent of public instruction shall calculate the emergency advance on the school district's or charter school's basic education allocation as the lesser of:
(1) The amount set forth in the school district's or charter school's resolution;
(2) An amount not to exceed ten percent of the total amount to become due and apportionable to the district or charter school from September 1 through August 31 of the school year.
(3) The highest negative monthly cash and investment balance of the general fund between the date of the resolution and May 31st of the school year less any redirection of a school district's or charter school's basic education allocation to the capital projects fund, debt service fund, or both.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-19-040, filed 9/13/90, effective 10/14/90)
WAC 392-121-442 Emergency advance payments-Forfeiture of earnings on emergency advance.
The superintendent of public instruction shall deduct from a school district's or charter school's basic education allocation apportionment entitlement the amount of any earnings by the school district or charter school on the investment of a temporary cash surplus due to a previously obtained emergency advance.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-19-040, filed 9/13/90, effective 10/14/90)
WAC 392-121-443 Emergency advance payments-Repayment of advances.
Repayments of advances will be accomplished by a reduction in the school district's or charter school's apportionment payments on or before June in the current school year.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 88-03-013, filed 1/11/88)
WAC 392-121-460 Fire district allocation.
In addition to those moneys distributed for basic education purposes, school districts are entitled per RCW
52.30.020 to be reimbursed for moneys expended for the purchase of fire protection services from fire protection districts. Only
school district's school plants located in a fire protection district established pursuant to Title 52 RCW shall be eligible for such moneys.
Payment to districts shall be made each July as a part of the monthly apportionment allocation.
The headcount enrollment used to compute each district's reimbursement will be as of October 1 of the school year for which the allocation is being made. The count shall be entered on forms provided to school districts by the superintendent of public instruction.
Any moneys allocated to school districts for the purpose stated in this rule and not used for this purpose shall be recovered by the superintendent of public instruction from a district's monthly apportionment allocation.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 06-17-141, filed 8/22/06, effective 9/22/06)
WAC 392-121-465 Formula for and distribution of state moneys for the state incentive grants for increased enrollment in vocational skills centers program.
The purpose of this section is to establish policies and procedures for the calculation and distribution of state incentive moneys to school districts and, if appropriate, public charter schools increasing their enrollments in vocational skills centers.
(1) As used in this section, the term "average annual full-time equivalent students" or AAFTE shall be defined as that term is defined in WAC 392-121-133(1).
(2) Enrollment used in this calculation shall be the AAFTE reported in the form and by the deadline required by the superintendent of public instruction.
(3) A district's or, if appropriate, charter school's state incentive grants for increased enrollment in vocational skills centers shall be calculated as follows:
(a) Determine the increase in the vocational skill center AAFTE of the resident district from the base year of 2004-05 to the current year;
(b) Multiply the number of students obtained in (a) of this subsection by the per pupil allocation established and subject to the limitations in the State Operating Appropriations Act in effect at the time the apportionment is due; and
(c) The product is the district's or charter school's annual incentive payment.
(4) As provided in the State Operating Appropriations Act in effect at the time apportionment is due, money appropriated but not spent in subsection (3) of this section shall be distributed to skills centers for increased capacity of summer vocational programs. The allocation methodology shall be based upon the skills center full-time equivalent reported enrollment from the prior October 1.
(5) The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion to districts and, if appropriate, charter schools for the state incentive grants for increased enrollment in vocational skills centers the amount calculated per district or charter school in this section in June of each year commencing June 2006.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-14-038, filed 6/26/91, effective 7/27/91)
WAC 392-121-500 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Applicable provisions.
The provisions of WAC 392-121-500 through 392-121-545 apply to the withholding of basic education allocations pursuant to chapter 103, Laws of 1990 to facilitate repayment of school district and charter school expenditures to the federal government pursuant to WAC 392-115-090 or a federal audit resolution process.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-07-006, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91)
WAC 392-121-520 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Definition-Substantial impairment.
As used in WAC 392-121-500 through 392-121-545, "substantial impairment" means that after reducing the school district's or charter school's current school year basic education allocation by the amount of disallowed costs plus accrued interest the school district or charter school is likely to incur a negative unreserved general fund balance as of August 31 of the current school year and is unlikely to be able to balance the school district or charter school general fund budget for the ensuing school year without requesting the superintendent of public instruction for permission to budget receivables pursuant to WAC 392-123-060.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-07-006, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91)
WAC 392-121-525 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Determination of substantial impairment.
If any school district or charter school does not repay disallowed costs plus accrued interest or commit to an acceptable repayment plan within thirty calendar days of issuance of the management decision letter, the superintendent of public instruction shall determine if substantial impairment exists.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-07-006, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91)
WAC 392-121-530 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Notice of substantial impairment.
If the superintendent of public instruction determines pursuant to WAC 392-121-525 that substantial impairment exists, the superintendent of public instruction shall notify the school district or charter school in writing that:
(1) No withholding shall occur until such time as substantial impairment no longer exists;
(2) Unless the school district or charter school repays disallowed costs plus accrued interest or agrees to an acceptable repayment plan, the superintendent of public instruction, at least once every twelve months, or sooner at the request of the school district or charter school, shall determine if substantial impairment exists pursuant to WAC 391-121-525; and
(3) Interest will continue to accrue until the amount of disallowed costs plus accrued interest are repaid to the federal government.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-07-006, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91)
WAC 392-121-535 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Notice of intent to withhold basic education allocations.
If the superintendent of public instruction determines pursuant to WAC 392-121-525 that substantial impairment does not exist, the superintendent of public instruction shall notify the school district or charter school in writing of intent to withhold basic education allocations.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-07-006, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91)
WAC 392-121-540 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Withholding of basic education allocations.
If the school district or charter school does not repay disallowed costs plus accrued interest or commit to an acceptable repayment plan within thirty calendar days of the notice provided pursuant to WAC 392-121-535, the superintendent of public instruction shall withhold from the school district's or charter school's next basic education apportionment payment an amount equal to the disallowed costs plus accrued interest. After the initial withholding the superintendent of public instruction shall withhold amounts for additional interest accruing on disallowed costs.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-07-006, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91)
WAC 392-121-545 Withholding for repayment of federal moneys-Payment of withheld basic education allocations.
Moneys withheld pursuant to WAC 392-121-540 shall be restored to the school district or charter school or paid to the federal government as provided in this section.
(1) If the school district or charter school repays disallowed costs plus accrued interest to the federal government or commits to an acceptable repayment plan before the close of the state biennium in which withholding occurred the superintendent of public instruction shall restore withheld moneys to the school district's or charter school's basic education allocation.
(2) If the school district or charter school does not repay or commit to repay pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the superintendent of public instruction shall request the legislature for reappropriation of basic education moneys for the purpose of repaying the federal government. The requested reappropriation shall include amounts for interest accruing on disallowed costs up to the anticipated date of repayment to the federal government.
(3) Upon reappropriation of moneys pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the superintendent of public instruction shall pay an amount equal to the disallowed costs plus accrued interest to the federal government.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-049, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-121-570 Vocational indirect cost limit-Applicable code provisions-Purpose-Effective date.
(1) WAC 392-121-570 through 392-121-578 define the fifteen percent limit on indirect cost charges to school district state-funded vocational-secondary programs as required by the Biennial Operating Appropriations Act. These rules do not apply to federal vocational funding which is governed by federal policies.
(2) The purpose of these sections is to assure that state allocations for vocational education are expended by school districts and charter schools to support state vocational programs. The minimum levels defined here are not to be construed as recommended expenditure levels.
(3) These sections are effective for the 2002-03 school year and thereafter.
(4) WAC 392-121-570 through 392-121-578 also apply to program 34, with program 34 substituted wherever program 31 appears. Running start does not apply to program 34.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-01-058, filed 12/11/03, effective 1/11/04)
WAC 392-121-571 Vocational indirect cost limit-Definitions.
As used in WAC 392-121-570 through 392-121-578:
(1) "Program 31" means the vocational-basic-state program as defined in the Accounting Manual for Public School Districts in the State of Washington.
(2) "Basic allocation for vocational students" means the amount of money generated by a school district's or charter school's vocational full-time equivalent enrollment in the general apportionment formula using the state funding formula factors including the grade 4-12 staffing ratios without enhancement, and using the district's or charter school's average certificated instructional staff mix factor for program 31 staff from the district's S-275 personnel report.
(3) "Enhancement allocation for vocational students" means the additional money above the basic allocation for vocational students generated by a school district's or charter school's vocational full-time equivalent enrollment as a result of the enhanced state vocational staffing ratio and enhanced nonemployee related cost allocation for vocational students. This enhancement shall be calculated using the district's or charter school's average certificated instructional staff mix factor for program 31.
(4) "Vocational running start allocation" means the amount generated in the general apportionment formula by a school district's or charter school's running start students enrolled in vocational courses in a community or technical college pursuant to chapter 392-169 WAC.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-01-058, filed 12/11/03, effective 1/11/04)
WAC 392-121-573 Vocational indirect cost limit-Calculation of minimum program 31 expenditures.
Each school district's or charter school's minimum program 31 expenditures equal the sum of the following amounts:
(1) Eighty-five percent of the total basic and vocational enhancement allocations for vocational students;
(2) Ninety-three percent of the vocational running start allocation; plus
(3) Any carryover from the prior school year allowed under WAC 392-121-578.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-01-058, filed 12/11/03, effective 1/11/04)
WAC 392-121-574 Vocational indirect cost limit-Preliminary notice to school districts and charter schools below the minimum expenditure level.
(1) After the close of the school year, and before December 31, the superintendent of public instruction shall compare each school district's and charter school's program 31 expenditures for the school year as reported on the district's Report F-196 annual year end financial statements to the district's or charter school's minimum program 31 expenditures.
(2) If a district's or charter school's program 31 expenditures are less than the minimum, then the superintendent shall notify the district or charter school of the results of the calculation including any potential recovery of state funding.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-01-058, filed 12/11/03, effective 1/11/04)
WAC 392-121-576 Vocational indirect cost limit-School district requests for review and adjustment.
(1) After receiving notice of the preliminary notice pursuant to WAC 392-121-574, and before the ensuing January 15, a school district or charter school may request review and adjustment to the superintendent's calculations. The request shall be in a form prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction and shall be signed by the school district superintendent or the superintendent's designee, or the charter school lead administrator or lead administrator's designee.
(2) Grounds for review and adjustment include:
(a) Errors in the calculation; or
(b) Inaccurate school district or charter school data used in the calculation.
(3) A district or charter school requesting review and adjustment due to inaccurate school district or charter school data shall submit corrected data pursuant to the superintendent's instructions.
(4) The superintendent of public instruction shall correct any errors in the calculations or revise the school district or charter school data used in the calculations as appropriate.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-049, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-121-578 Vocational indirect cost limit-Recovery of state allocations.
(1) At the time of the January apportionment calculations after the close of the school year, the superintendent of public instruction shall recalculate each school district's or charter school's minimum direct expenditures.
(2) If the district's or charter school's program 31 expenditures are below the minimum program 31 expenditure amount, the district or charter school shall be allowed to carry over into the ensuing school year an amount equal to up to ten percent of the minimum expenditure amount excluding any carryover from the prior school year. The actual amount carried over to the ensuing year shall be no more than the vocational enhancement less the recovery.
(3) The superintendent of public instruction shall recover from the district's or charter school's general apportionment allocation as a prior year adjustment an amount equal to the lesser of the district's or charter school's enhancement allocation for vocational students or the following amount:
(a) The district's or charter school's minimum program 31 expenditures; minus
(b) The district's or charter school's program 31 expenditures plus any allowable carryover.
(4) Recoveries made pursuant to this section shall be adjusted after the January apportionment calculation if revised enrollment, staff mix, or expenditure data submitted by the district or charter school and accepted by the superintendent of public instruction materially affects the district's or charter school's recovery amount.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-122-005 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.150.290 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to adopt rules and regulations for the implementation of chapter
28A.150 RCW.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-03-118, filed 1/23/91, effective 2/23/91)
WAC 392-122-010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish policies and procedures for the distribution of state moneys to school districts
and charter schools for programs authorized by RCW
28A.150.370 other than basic education apportionment, special allocations pursuant to chapter 392-140 WAC, and transportation allocations.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-002, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-122-106 Definition-Form P-223H.
"Form P-223H" means the report of school district and charter school special education headcount enrollment for eligible special education students as defined in WAC 392-122-135 submitted monthly by the school districts and charter schools to the superintendent of public instruction for the school year for the purpose of calculating the special education program allocations.
(1) The count dates for special education student enrollments shall be the same as specified in WAC 392-121-122.
(2) This report shall indicate the special education enrollment by resident school district and serving school district.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-002, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-122-107 Definition-Report 1220.
"Report 1220" means the school district's and charter school's special education allocation report calculated and prepared by the superintendent of public instruction using the district's or charter school's eight-month average annual headcount enrollment as submitted on Form P-223H for the school year and for the 1994-95 school year the ratios and percentages established in the LEAP document for state special education program allocation as defined in WAC 392-122-105. For the purpose of special education allocations, the district's or charter school's eight-month average annual headcount enrollment shall be the average of the enrollments for the first school day of the second reporting month and the subsequent seven months.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-002, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-122-120 State special education program-Determination of district average state special education program certificated instructional staff salary for the purpose of apportionment.
For the 1994-95 school year the determination of district average special education program certificated instructional staff salary used in the special education allocation formula for the purposes of apportionment to schools and charter schools shall be the same as specified in WAC 392-121-299: Provided, That the words "state special education program" shall be substituted for "basic education" throughout that section.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-04-082, filed 2/3/09, effective 3/6/09)
WAC 392-122-140 State special education program-Home and/or hospital care.
State special education program moneys shall be allocated to school districts and charter schools for students eligible under WAC 392-172A-02100 temporarily requiring home and/or hospital care at the maximum rate provided annually by the superintendent of public instruction for the purpose of distributing home and/or hospital care allocations.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-002, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-122-150 State special education program-Hospital educational program.
State special education program moneys shall be allocated by the superintendent of public instruction to school districts and charter schools operating a hospital educational program for the exclusive purpose of maintaining and operating the hospital educational program. School districts and charter schools shall be allocated funds for hospital educational programs at the maximum rate provided annually by the superintendent of public instruction for the purpose of distributing hospital educational program allocations.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-002, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-122-155 State special education program-Board and room cost.
State special education program moneys shall be allocated to school districts and charter schools for the cost of approved board and room for eligible handicapped students served and requiring board and room, who are not eligible under programs of the department of social and health services, but deemed in need of the board and room by the superintendent of public instruction. These moneys are in lieu of transportation costs. School districts and charter schools shall be allocated moneys for board and room of eligible special education students at the maximum rate provided annually by the superintendent of public instruction for the purpose of distributing board and room allocations.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-10-009, filed 4/24/14, effective 5/25/14)
WAC 392-122-160 State special education program-Reporting.
(1) At such times as are designated by the superintendent of public instruction, each school district and charter school shall report the number of eligible special education students receiving special education according to instructions provided by the superintendent of public instruction. The disability condition shall be one of such conditions in WAC 392-122-135. The age for the purpose of determining the special education program allocation calculated in WAC 392-122-105 shall be the age of the student on the monthly enrollment count date as defined by WAC 392-121-119. The age reported by the school district or charter school shall be for apportionment purposes only and not for determination of a child's eligibility for access to a special education program.
(2) Each school district and charter school shall provide, upon request, such additional data as are necessary to enable the superintendent of public instruction to allocate and substantiate the school district's or charter school's allocation of state special education moneys.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-03-002, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96)
WAC 392-122-165 State special education program-Apportionment of state special education program moneys.
From moneys appropriated by the legislature, the superintendent of public instruction shall apportion state special education program moneys to each school district and charter school based on the criteria cited in the State Operating Appropriations Act for the respective school year for state special education program allocation and on the provisions of WAC 392-122-100 through 392-122-166. The superintendent of public instruction shall make payments in the same manner as provided in WAC 392-121-400.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-04-082, filed 2/3/09, effective 3/6/09)
WAC 392-122-166 State special education program allocation.
The board of directors of a school district or charter school may request the superintendent of public instruction to pay a portion of the district's or charter school's special education allocation to another school district, charter school, or an educational service district. The request must be submitted on Form 1295 and must state the dollar amount of the transfer. The board can modify the dollar amount of the transfer by submitting another Form 1295 to the superintendent of public instruction. Unless the form requesting a transfer states a timeline for making the transfer, the superintendent of public instruction shall execute the transfer pursuant to the provisions of WAC 392-121-400.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 98-21-065, filed 10/20/98, effective 11/20/98)
WAC 392-122-208 Definition-State institutional education program-Other education provider.
"Other education provider" means:
(1) An educational service district, institution of higher education, private contractor (including public charter school) or any combination thereof providing an institutional education program in an adult correctional facility operated by the department of corrections under contract with the superintendent of public instruction and the department of corrections; or
(2) An educational service district providing an institutional education program pursuant to a contract with a school district in a state-operated group home, institution for juvenile delinquents, or residential habilitation center, or county-operated juvenile detention center.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-24-029, filed 11/24/08, effective 12/25/08)
WAC 392-122-221 Definition-State institutional education program-Enrollment exclusions.
The following may not be counted as an enrolled institutional education program student:
(1) A person whose educational activity has terminated.
(2) A person who has transferred to another institution ((or)), school district, or charter school.
(3) An institution student who:
(a) Has not engaged in educational activity in the past five school days, excluding days of excused absence;
(b) Has not engaged in educational activity in the past ten school days including days of excused absence; or
(c) Is claimed by any school district or charter school as an enrolled student eligible for state basic education support pursuant to chapter 392-121 WAC where the school district's count date occurs prior to the institution's count date for the month.
When the institution's count date and the school district's or charter school's count date are on the same date, institutions shall have priority for counting the student.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-12-008, filed 5/23/13, effective 6/23/13)
WAC 392-122-424 Full-day kindergarten program-Letter of acceptance and approvals.
(1) School districts with eligible schools or charter schools that intend to provide a FDK program shall submit a letter of acceptance to the superintendent of public instruction in accordance with a timeline established by the superintendent of public instruction. This letter of acceptance must include the following:
(a) Assurances that the school shall comply with all program requirements outlined in RCW
(b) Assurances that the district or charter school can provide the full-day kindergarten program for all children of parents who request it in each eligible school; and
(c) Any other requirements as established by the office of superintendent of public instruction.
(2) The superintendent shall approve the letters of acceptance that have met the requirements in subsection (1) of this section. If, after approving all of the letters of acceptance that were received that met the requirements in subsection (1) of this section, the superintendent determines that additional funding will be available, the superintendent shall notify charter schools and school districts with schools that have the next highest levels of free and reduced price lunch eligibility that they are eligible.
(3) The eligibility for FDK is determined based upon an individual building's student poverty and may not transfer to other buildings or students within ((the)) a school district.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-04-082, filed 2/3/09, effective 3/6/09)
WAC 392-122-705 Formula for the distribution of state moneys for the state transitional bilingual program.
(1) As used in this section the term "eligible student" shall mean those students defined under WAC 392-160-005(3) and 392-150-015.
(2) A district's or charter school's entitlement for state moneys for the state transitional bilingual program shall be calculated as follows:
(a) Multiplying the number of eligible students by the per pupil allocation established in the State Appropriation Act for the state transitional bilingual program.
(b) The result of the calculation provided in (a) of this subsection is the district's or charter school's entitlement subject to WAC 392-122-710 and its provision for enrollment adjustment.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-04-082, filed 2/3/09, effective 3/6/09)
WAC 392-122-710 Distribution of state moneys for the transitional bilingual program.
The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion to districts
or charter schools for the state transitional bilingual program the amount calculated per district in WAC 392-122-705 according to the apportionment schedule provided in RCW
28A.510.250. Monthly payments to districts
and charter schools shall be adjusted during the year to reflect changes in the district's
or charter school's reported eligible students as reported on the P223, monthly report of school district enrollment form. For the purpose of transitional bilingual allocations, the district's
or charter school's eight-month average annual headcount enrollment of eligible students as defined in WAC 392-160-005(3) and 392-160-015 shall be the average of such enrollment for the first school day of the second reporting month and the subsequent seven months.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-04-082, filed 2/3/09, effective 3/6/09)
WAC 392-122-805 Formula for distribution of state moneys for the state highly capable students education program.
(1) As used in this section, the term "average annual full-time equivalent students" or AAFTE shall be defined as that term defined in WAC 392-121-133.
(2) A district's or charter school's entitlement for state moneys for the state highly capable students education program shall be calculated as follows:
(a) Multiplying the AAFTE of the reporting district or charter school by the per pupil allocation established in the State Operating Appropriations Act in effect at the time the apportionment is due; and
(b) The product is the district's or charter school's entitlement subject to WAC 392-122-810 and its provision for enrollment adjustment.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-122-810 Distribution of state moneys for the state highly capable students education program.
The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion to districts
and charter schools for the state highly capable student education program the amount calculated per district
or charter school in WAC 392-122-805 according to the apportionment schedule provided in RCW
28A.510.250. The amount apportioned may be adjusted intermittently to reflect changes in the district's
or charter school's AAFTE students as reported on the P223, monthly report of school district enrollment form.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 09-04-082, filed 2/3/09, effective 3/6/09)
WAC 392-122-900 General provision-Indirect cost limitations, carryover limitations and recoveries.
Categorical apportionment moneys shall be expended for allowable categorical program costs. Indirect cost charges to categorical programs are limited as provided in this section. Categorical moneys may be carried over from one school district or charter school fiscal year to another only as provided in this section.
(1) The superintendent of public instruction shall recover categorical program allocations made pursuant to this chapter if not expended by the school district or charter school during the school year for allowable program costs.
(2) For the 2000-01 school year and thereafter, "allowable program costs" means direct program expenditures plus allowable indirect program charges.
(a) Direct program expenditures are expenditures directly traceable to the program for the school year reported consistent with the Accounting Manual for Public School Districts in the State of Washington and instructions provided by the superintendent of public instruction including the Administrative Budgeting, and Financial Reporting Handbook.
(b) For the purposes of this section, special education program expenditures shall be reduced (abated) by revenues to account 7121 special education revenues from other districts or charter schools.
(c) For special education, highly capable, and transitional bilingual, allowable indirect program charges equal direct program expenditures times the percentage calculated from the school district's or charter school's annual financial statements (Report F-196) for two school years prior as follows:
(i) Divide direct expenditures for program 97 districtwide support by;
(ii) Total general fund direct expenditures for all programs minus direct expenditures for program 97 districtwide support; and
(iii) Round to three decimal places.
(d) For the learning assistance program, allowable indirect program charges equal the direct program expenditures times the federal restricted indirect rate calculated by the superintendent of public instruction.
(e) For the institutional education program, allowable indirect program charges equal the state institutional education program allocation times the percentage allocated for indirect costs pursuant to the biennial operating appropriations act and the state funding formula.
(3) Commencing with the 1994-95 school year allocation, a school district or charter school may carry over from one school district fiscal year to the next up to ten percent of the state learning assistance program allocation. Carryover moneys shall be expended solely for allowable learning assistance program costs.
(4) Commencing with the 1997-98 school year allocation, a district or charter school may carry over from one school fiscal year to the next up to ten percent of state special education program allocation. Carryover moneys shall be expended solely for allowable state special education program costs.
(5) Commencing with the 1998-99 school year allocation, a school district may carry over from one school district fiscal year to the next up to ten percent of the state institutional education program allocation. Carryover moneys shall be expended solely for allowable state institutional education program costs.
(6) The amount recovered pursuant to this section for special education, highly capable, bilingual, and learning assistance programs shall be determined as follows:
(a) Sum the state allocation for the categorical program for the school year and any carryover from the prior school year if applicable;
(b) Determine the district's or charter school's allowable program costs for the school year pursuant to this section;
(c) If the result of (a) of this subsection exceeds the result of (b) of this subsection, the difference less any allowable carryover shall be recovered.
(7) The amount recovered pursuant to this section for the institutional education program shall be determined as follows:
(a) Sum the state allocation for the institutional education program for the school year excluding any amount provided for indirect costs, and any carryover from the prior school year if applicable;
(b) Determine the school district's direct expenditures for the institutional education program as reported on Report F-196 or such other document filed pursuant to instructions provided by the superintendent of public instruction;
(c) If the amount of (a) of this subsection exceeds the amount of (b) of this subsection, the difference less any allowable carryover shall be recovered.
(8) This section applies to categorical program allocations to school districts, educational service districts and, in the case of institutional education programs, entities contracting to provide an institutional education program funded under this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 86-01-021, filed 12/9/85)
WAC 392-122-905 General provision-Maximum control factor-Proration.
The maximum rate of allocation specified in this chapter shall be allocated by the superintendent of public instruction to school districts and charter schools unless the state appropriations for these programs are insufficient and it is necessary for the superintendent of public instruction to prorate all or a portion of these funds appropriated for allocation to school districts or charter schools for such programs. All such prorations shall be announced to school districts and charter schools through official agency bulletins or reports.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-03-118, filed 1/23/91, effective 2/23/91)
WAC 392-122-910 General provisions-Recovery for failure to meet program requirements.
(1) Categorical apportionment moneys affected by this chapter shall be recovered in the event that a school district or charter school fails to meet one or more conditions that are established in state law, including the state Operating Appropriations Act, or state rules, or regulations.
(2) Such recovery shall occur if:
(a) The school district's or charter school's failure to meet one or more established conditions is documented either on a school district or charter school report that has been submitted to the superintendent of public instruction or by review of the school district's or charter school's program by the superintendent of public instruction; and
(b) The school district or charter school has been given notice by the superintendent of public instruction of such failure at least thirty calendar days prior to the date of recovery.
(3) The amount of such recovery shall be proportional to the degree to which the school district or charter school fails to meet the established condition.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-123-003 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.505.140 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to promulgate rules and regulations regarding budgetary procedures and practices by school districts.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-123-005 Purposes.
The purposes of this chapter are to implement chapter
28A.505 RCW and insure proper budgetary procedures and practices on the part of school districts
and charter schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 81-20-007, filed 9/24/81)
WAC 392-123-010 The accounting manual.
The superintendent of public instruction and the office of the state auditor shall publish and distribute to each school district and charter school an accounting manual which shall be referred to as The Accounting Manual for Public School Districts of the State of Washington. Such accounting manual, as now or hereafter amended, shall govern the accounting procedures of each school district and charter school and is hereby incorporated into this chapter by this reference. Prior to any revision thereof, the superintendent of public instruction shall publish notice of such proposed action and shall hold at least one public hearing.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 80-06-043, filed 5/13/80)
WAC 392-123-011 School district and charter school fiscal year.
The fiscal year for school districts ((fiscal year)) and charter schools shall begin on September 1 and end on August 31.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 99-20-021, filed 9/28/99, effective 9/29/99)
WAC 392-123-047 Definitions-Revenue, accrual basis expenditures, cash basis expenditures, appropriation, and disbursements.
As used in this chapter, the term:
(1) "Revenue" shall mean an addition to assets of a fund of a school district or charter school during a fiscal period that is available to finance the funds' expenditures during the fiscal period. Revenue does not accompany the increase of liabilities or represent refunds of previous disbursements. Revenue may be in the form of cash, or in the form of noncash assets such as donated commodities. Revenue for accrual basis expenditure funds is limited to amounts received in cash or noncash donations, plus or minus adjustments for revenue accruals.
(2) "Cash basis revenue" shall mean the actual receipt of revenue not adjusted for revenue accruals.
(3) "Revenue accruals" shall mean those revenues which are (a) anticipated to be received in cash after the close of the fiscal period and (b) represent reimbursement for expenditures incurred by the end of the fiscal period. In order for revenue to be included in revenue accruals, it must meet the above tests.
Revenue accruals, if they meet both tests include: Reimbursements on categorical grants for which expenditures have been made but payment has not been received; payments from other school districts that are due, but are not collected by the end of the fiscal period; deferrals of apportionment payments by the state when a deferral occurs because of district request or state mandate, and the revenue is due to the district; and rental or lease payments that are currently due, and there is reasonable assurance of payment.
Revenue that cannot be accrued because it does not meet the above tests includes: Collection of excess levies not expected to be received until after the end of the fiscal period and PL 874 funds that are to be received in cash in the following fiscal period, i.e. the twenty-five percent payment that is received after the end of the fiscal period.
(4) "Expenditures" shall mean the decrease in assets with no corresponding decrease in liabilities, or the increase in liabilities with no corresponding increase in assets. Expenditures for activities prior to September 1, but within the school year as defined in WAC 392-121-031, are considered expenditures of the school year commencing September 1.
(5) "Expenditure refunds" shall mean the increase in assets with a corresponding decrease in expenditures.
(6) "Revenue refunds" shall mean the increase in liabilities with a corresponding decrease in revenues.
(7) "Liabilities" shall mean debt or other legal obligations arising out of transactions in the past which are payable but not necessarily due.
(8) "Accrual basis expenditures" shall mean expenditures incurred during a given fiscal period, whether paid or unpaid.
(9) "Cash basis expenditures" shall mean the disbursement of cash for expenditures during a given fiscal period regardless of when liabilities are incurred, and the disbursement of inventory.
(10) "Appropriation" shall mean the maximum authorization during a given fiscal period to incur expenditures.
(11) "Disbursements" shall mean payments in cash, including the issuance of warrants, and the disbursement of inventory.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 99-20-021, filed 9/28/99, effective 9/29/99)
WAC 392-123-049 Basis of budgeting and accounting.
All school districts and charter schools must utilize the following methods of revenue and expenditure recognition in budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting:
(1) Recognize revenue as defined in WAC 392-123-047: Provided, That school districts that elect the cash basis of expenditure recognition as defined below shall recognize revenue on the cash basis.
(2) Recognition of expenditures for all funds shall be on the accrual basis: Provided, That school districts with under one thousand full time equivalent students for the preceding fiscal year may make a uniform election for all funds, except debt service funds, to be on the cash basis of expenditure recognition. Notification of such election shall be given to the state superintendent of public instruction in the budget of the school district and shall remain in effect for one full fiscal year: Provided further, That charter schools may not elect to make a uniform election for any funds to be on the cash basis of expenditure recognition.
(3) Expenditures for activities prior to September 1, but within the school year as defined in WAC 392-121-031, are considered expenditures of the school year commencing September 1.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 83-21-027, filed 10/10/83)
WAC 392-123-053 Budget contents.
Each school district or charter school that anticipates being an operating district or charter school in the common school system of the state during the following fiscal year shall prepare a budget. For districts anticipating consolidation or annexation, separate budgets shall be prepared pending official consolidation or annexation proceedings.
Every school district and charter school budget shall be prepared, submitted and adopted in the format prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. The budget classifications contained in said format shall be in accordance with the accounting manual for public school districts, published by the superintendent of public instruction and the state auditor. Budgets prepared and adopted in a format other than that prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction shall not be official and will have no legal effect.
All items on the budget form shall be completed correctly in accordance with instructions provided by the superintendent of public instruction before the budget is presented for hearing review and approval. Information pertaining to budget development which is not available at the time of budget preparation shall be estimated using the most current and reliable information available.
The budget shall set forth the estimated revenues for the budgeted fiscal year, the estimated revenues for the fiscal year current at the time of budget preparation, the actual revenues for the last completed fiscal year, and the reserved and unreserved fund balances for each year. The estimated revenues from all sources for the ensuing fiscal year shall not include any revenue not anticipated to be available during that fiscal year: Provided, That school districts and charter schools, pursuant to WAC 392-123-060 can be granted permission by the superintendent of public instruction to include as revenues in their budgets, receivables collectible in future fiscal years.
Any budget or appropriation adopted by the school district board of directors or charter school board that contains estimated expenditures in excess of the total of estimated revenue for the budgeted fiscal year plus estimated fund balance at the beginning of the budgeted fiscal year less ending reserve fund balance for the budgeted year without written permission from the superintendent of public instruction shall be null and void and shall not be considered an appropriation.
The school district or charter school budget shall set forth by detailed items or classes the estimated expenditures for the budgeted fiscal year, the estimated expenditures for the fiscal year current at the time of budget preparation, and the actual expenditures for the last completed fiscal year. Total salary amounts, full-time equivalents and the high, low and average annual salaries shall be displayed by each job classification within each activity within each program. If individual salaries within each position title are not displayed, districts shall provide individual salaries together with the position title of the recipient and the total salary amounts budgeted for each program upon request. Salary schedules shall be displayed. In districts or, when applicable, charter schools where negotiations have not been completed, the district or charter school may budget the salaries at the current year's rate and restrict fund balance for the amount of anticipated increase in salaries, so long as an explanation shall be attached to the budget on such restriction of fund balance.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-08-058, filed 4/2/96, effective 5/3/96)
WAC 392-123-054 Time schedule for budget.
The time schedule for preparation, adoption and filing of the annual budget is as follows:
| | | |
Final Date For Action |
First-Class Districts |
Second-Class Districts |
Public Charter Schools |
July 10 |
Final date for district to prepare annual budget. Upon completion of their budgets, every school district shall publish a notice stating that the district has completed the budget, placed it on file in the school district administration office, that a copy thereof will be furnished to any person who calls upon the district for it, and that the board of directors will meet for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget of the district for the ensuing fiscal year. Such notice shall designate the date, time, and place of said meeting. The notice shall also state that any person may appear thereat and be heard for or against any part of such budget. Said notice shall be published at least once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the district, or, if there be none, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties in which such district is a part. The last notice shall be published no later than seven days immediately prior to the hearing. |
Same as first-class. |
Final date for charter school to prepare its proposed annual budget. Upon completion of their proposed budgets, every charter school shall publish a notice stating that the charter school has completed the budget, placed it on file in the charter school administration office, that a copy thereof will be furnished to any person who calls upon the school for it, and that the school board will meet for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget of the charter school for the ensuing fiscal year. Such notice shall designate the date, time, and place of said meeting. The notice shall also state that any person may appear thereat and be heard for or against any part of such budget. Said notice shall be published at least once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties in which such school is a part. The last notice shall be published no later than seven days immediately prior to the hearing. Every charter school shall submit the proposed budget to the office of superintendent of public instruction and the charter school's authorizer, as defined in RCW 28A.710.010. |
Final date to have sufficient copies of budget to meet reasonable demands of public. Also, final date to submit the budget to the educational service district for review and comment. The July 10th date may be delayed by the superintendent of public instruction if the state's operating budget is not finally approved by the legislature until after June 1st. |
Same as first-class |
Final date to have sufficient copies of budget to meet reasonable demands of public. The July 10th date may be delayed by the superintendent of public instruction if the state's operating budget is not finally approved by the legislature until after June 1st. |
August 1 |
Final date for board directors to meet in public hearing and fix and adopt said budget. |
Such hearing may be continued not to exceed a total of two days: Provided, That the budget must be adopted no later than August 1st. |
Upon conclusion of the hearing the board of directors shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the budget separately, and shall by resolution adopt the budget and the appropriations as so finally determined, and enter the same in the official minutes of the board. |
August 3 |
Last date to forward the adopted budget to educational service district for review, alteration and approval. |
August 31 |
Final date for board of directors to meet in public hearing and fix and adopt said budget. Such hearing may be continued not to exceed a total of two days: Provided, That the budget must be adopted no later than August 31st. Upon conclusion of board of directors shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the budget separately, and shall by resolution adopt the budget and the appropriations as so finally determined, and enter the same in the official minutes of the board. |
Final date for the budget review committee to fix and approve the amount of the appropriation from each fund of the budget. One copy of the approved budget will be retained by the educational service district and one copy will be retained by the superintendent of public instruction. No budget review committee shall knowingly approve any budget or appropriation that is in violation of state law or rules and regulations adopted by the superintendent of public instruction. Members of the budget review committee as referred to in this section shall consist of the educational service district superintendent or a representative thereof, a member of the local board of directors or a representative thereof and a representative of the superintendent of public instruction. |
Final date for the charter school board to meet in public hearing and fix and adopt said budget. Such hearing may be continued not to exceed a total of two days: Provided, That the budget must be adopted no later than August 31st. The charter school board shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the budget separately, and shall by resolution adopt the budget and the appropriations as so finally determined, and enter the same in the official minutes of the board. |
September 3 |
Final date for district to file the adopted budget with their educational service district. |
Final date for the charter school to submit the adopted annual budget to the office of superintendent of public instruction and the charter school's authorizer, as defined in RCW 28A.710.010. |
September 10 |
Final date for educational service district to file the adopted budgets with the superintendent of public instruction. |
Final date for the superintendent of public instruction to return a copy of the approved budget to the local school district. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 83-21-027, filed 10/10/83)
WAC 392-123-055 Identification of revenues to be included in the budget.
Only revenues which can be reasonably anticipated to be available, as defined in WAC 392-123-047 in the fiscal period for which the budget is being prepared may be budgeted by a school district or charter school, except under the following condition: Receipt of written permission from the superintendent of public instruction to budget as revenue in a district's budget receivables collectible in future fiscal periods.
All available current information including current instructions contained in bulletins now or hereafter published by the superintendent of public instruction shall be used to determine the amount of budget revenues that can reasonably be expected to be available in the fiscal period. Proposed levies which have not been certified as approved by the voters shall not be included in the budget as adopted for operation of the district or charter school.
For charter schools authorized by a school district board of directors, allocations to a charter school that are included in RCW 84.52.0531 (3)(a) through (c) shall be included in the school district's budget in the same manner as other public schools in the district.
For levies submitted to voters after a charter school's start-up date, the charter school must be included in the school district's budget in the same manner as other public schools in the district.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 83-21-027, filed 10/10/83)
WAC 392-123-060 Petition to budget receivables collectible in future fiscal periods.
When a school district or charter school is unable to prepare a budget or a budget extension in which the estimated revenues for the budgeted fiscal period plus the estimated fund balance or actual fund balance in case of a budget extension, at the beginning of the budgeted fiscal period less the ending reserved fund balance for the budgeted fiscal year do not at least equal the estimated expenditures for the budgeted fiscal period, the school district board of directors or charter school board may deliver a petition in writing at least twenty days before the budget or budget extension is scheduled for adoption to the superintendent of public instruction requesting permission to include receivables collectible in future periods beyond the fiscal period being budgeted in order to balance the budget or budget extension for the fiscal period being budgeted. Said petition shall include a resolution of the school board requesting permission to budget receivables collectible in future fiscal periods and other such information as the superintendent of public instruction shall deem as necessary.
If such permission is granted, it shall be in writing, and it shall contain conditions, binding on the district or charter school, designed to improve the district's or charter school's financial condition.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 80-06-043, filed 5/13/80)
WAC 392-123-065 Noncompliance with binding restrictions.
If a school district fails to comply with any binding restrictions issued by the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to WAC 392-123-060, or if a public charter school's authorizer deems the charter school has failed to comply with the superintendent's binding restrictions, the allocation of state funds for support of the school district or charter school may be withheld, pending an investigation of the reason for such noncompliance by the superintendent of public instruction. Written notice of the intent to withhold state funds, with reasons stated for this action, shall be made to the school district or charter school by the superintendent of public instruction before any portion of the state allocation is withheld.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-123-070 Overexpending and exceeding the budget.
Total budgeted expenditures for each fund as adopted in the budget of a school district
or charter school shall constitute the appropriations of the district
or charter school for the budgeted fiscal year and the board of directors
or charter school board shall be limited in the incurring of expenditures to the amount of each such appropriation. The board of directors shall incur no expenditures for any purpose in excess of the appropriation for each fund: Provided, That no board of directors
or charter school board shall be prohibited from incurring expenditures for the payment of regular employees, for the necessary repairs and upkeep of the school plant, for the purchase of books and supplies, and for their participation in joint purchasing agencies authorized in RCW
28A.320.080 during the interim while the budget is being settled under WAC 392-123-080: Provided further, That transfers between budget classes may be made by the school district's chief administrative officer or finance officer, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by the school district board of directors.
Directors, officers or employees of school districts who knowingly or negligently violate or participate in a violation of this section by the incurring of expenditures in excess of any appropriation(s) shall be held civilly liable, jointly and severally, for such expenditures in excess of such appropriation(s), including consequential damages following therefrom, for each such violation. If as a result of any civil or criminal action the violation is found to have been done knowingly, such director, officer, or employee who is found to have participated in such breach shall immediately forfeit his office or employment, and the judgment in any such action shall so provide.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the duty of the attorney general to carry out the provisions of RCW
43.09.260, as now or hereafter amended.
WAC 392-123-073 Budget extensions-Public charter schools.
If in a public charter school it becomes necessary to increase the amount of the appropriation, the charter school board, before incurring expenditures in excess of expenditures therefor, shall adopt a resolution stating the facts and the estimated amount of appropriation to meet it.
Such resolution shall be voted on at a public meeting, notice to be given in the manner provided in WAC 392-123-054. Its introduction and passage shall require the vote of a majority of all members of the charter school board.
Any person may appear at the meeting at which the appropriation resolution is to be voted on and be heard for or against the adoption thereof.
One copy of all adopted appropriation resolutions shall be filed with the superintendent of public instruction. Another copy shall be filed with the charter school's authorizer, as defined in RCW
28A.710.010. The final date for adopting appropriation resolutions extending budgets shall be the close of business on August 31st or the last business day prior to August 31st if August 31st occurs on a nonbusiness day. Each copy of all appropriation resolutions filed shall have attached a copy of the charter school's latest budget status report. The revised budget shall be in the format prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction and shall be prepared in accordance with instructions provided by the superintendent of public instruction. Any appropriation resolution adopted after the date specified in this section shall be null and void. Any appropriation resolution adopted after the current appropriation level has been exceeded shall be null and void to the extent that the current appropriation level has been exceeded.
The superintendent of public instruction's review of budget extensions shall consist of data entry and edit, review of revenues and reserved and unreserved fund balances for accuracy, appropriateness of expenditures, and determination of whether or not the budget extension is in compliance with this chapter, state statutory law, and budget instructions issued by the superintendent of public instruction.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-03-024, filed 1/7/92, effective 2/7/92)
WAC 392-123-074 Effective date of appropriation resolutions.
The effective date of appropriation resolutions are as follows:
| | | | | | |
First-Class Districts |
Second-Class Districts |
Public Charter Schools |
Resolutions adopted pursuant to WAC 392-123-054. |
12:00 a.m. September 1. |
12:00 a.m. September 1 or when approved by the budget review committee, whichever is later. |
12:00 a.m. September 1. |
Resolutions adopted pursuant to WAC 392-123-071 ((and)), 392-123-072 and 392-123-073. |
When adopted by the school district board of directors. |
When approved by the superintendent of public instruction. |
When adopted by the charter school board. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 85-15-110, filed 7/24/85)
WAC 392-123-076 Identification of balanced budget.
For each fund contained in the school district or charter school budget the estimated expenditures for the budgeted fiscal period must not be greater than the total of the estimated revenues for the budgeted fiscal period, plus the estimated fund balance at the beginning of the budgeted fiscal period, less the estimated reserved fund balance at the end of the budgeted fiscal period and, where appropriate, the projected revenue from receivables collectible in future periods as approved by the superintendent of public instruction for inclusion in the budget.
The proceeds of any loan must not be used to balance the budget of the borrowing fund.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 80-06-043, filed 5/13/80)
WAC 392-123-077 Termination of appropriations.
All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the school district or charter school fiscal year. At the expiration of said period all appropriations of said period shall become null and void and any claim presented thereafter against any such appropriation for the fiscal period just closed shall be provided for in the appropriations for the ensuing fiscal period.
WAC 392-123-0795 Review of public charter school budgets.
The superintendent of public instruction shall review a charter school's adopted annual budget following the charter school board's submission of the budget to the superintendent of public instruction and the charter school's authorizer under WAC 392-123-054. The review shall include, but not be limited to, completion of data entry and edit, review of revenues and unreserved fund balances for accuracy, appropriateness of expenditures, and determination of whether or not the budget is in compliance with this chapter, state statutory law, and budget instructions issued by the superintendent of public instruction.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order 8-76, filed 7/23/76)
WAC 392-123-080 Budget determined to be unsound after superintendent's review.
If the superintendent of public instruction determines that the budget of any school district does not comply with this chapter and/or the provisions of state statutory law applicable to school district((s)) budgets, the superintendent shall provide written notice of such determination ((shall be provided)) to the board of directors of the district.
If the superintendent of public instruction determines that the budget of any charter school does not comply with this chapter and/or the provisions of state statutory law applicable to charter school budgets, the superintendent shall provide written notice of such determination to the charter school board and the charter school's authorizer.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order 8-76, filed 7/23/76)
WAC 392-123-100 Revised budget as not submitted or noncompliant.
If a school district fails or refuses to submit a revised budget at the direction of the superintendent of public instruction which complies with state statutory law and this chapter, the matter shall be submitted to the state board of education. Written notification of the superintendent's intention to submit the matter to the state board shall be made to the board of directors and administration of the school district and to the educational service district superintendent.
If a charter school fails or refuses to submit a revised budget at the direction of the superintendent of public instruction which complies with state statutory law and this chapter, the superintendent will provide written notice of the charter school's failure or refusal to the charter school's authorizer.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order 8-76, filed 7/23/76)
WAC 392-123-110 Monthly financial statements and reports prepared by school district administration.
Monthly financial statements and reports shall be prepared by the administration of each school district or charter school on a monthly basis as required by this chapter. The reports shall contain the most current information available at the time of preparation. The purpose of these financial reports shall be to provide the board of directors of the district or charter school board with certain financial information necessary for the proper financial management of the district or charter school. All monthly reports shall be made available by the administration of a district or charter school to each member of the board of directors of the district or charter school board and to any person or organization upon request pursuant to the policies of the board of directors. A district or charter school shall provide the superintendent of public instruction with any of the required reports upon request.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-03-024, filed 1/7/92, effective 2/7/92)
WAC 392-123-115 Monthly budget status reports.
A monthly budget status report for each fund shall be prepared by the administration of each school district and charter school; and a copy of the most current budget status reports shall be provided to each member of the board of directors of the district or charter school board at the board's regular monthly meeting. The report shall contain the most current approved budget amounts by summary level accounts and the fund balance at the beginning and end of the period being analyzed. State Form F-198, which is entitled "budget status report," is an example of the type and level of information necessary for this report. Also, as a part of the budget status report, the administration shall provide each member of the board of directors or charter school board with a brief written explanation of any significant deviations in revenue and/or expenditure projections that may affect the financial status of the district or charter school. If deemed necessary by the superintendent of public instruction, and upon written notice to the district or charter school by the superintendent of public instruction, (1) a school district shall file a monthly budget status report for one or more funds along with other financial information shall be filed with either the educational service district superintendent or the superintendent of public instruction or both for the period of time set forth in such notice, or (2) a charter school shall file a monthly budget status report for one or more funds along with other financial information with the superintendent of public instruction for the period of time set forth in such notice.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-03-024, filed 1/7/92, effective 2/7/92)
WAC 392-123-120 Statement of financial condition-Financial position of the school district.
The administration of each school district and charter school shall be required to provide the board of directors of the district or charter school board with a statement of financial condition monthly. The "statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance" in state Form F-196, is an example of the type of format and level of information necessary for this report.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 85-15-110, filed 7/24/85)
WAC 392-123-125 Personnel budget status report.
Each school district and charter school shall maintain the capability to prepare a monthly personnel status report according to the schedule set forth for monthly budget status reports in WAC 392-123-115. This report shall display the combined responsibilities of the district's or charter school's administrative staff for personnel management and budget control and shall indicate the status of expenditures and commitments for salaries and wages. The report shall also indicate the number of certificated and classified positions planned in the budget and the amount of funds budgeted for those positions, summarized by program and/or responsibility area. The number of positions actually filled and the amount of funds actually expended and encumbered in support of these positions shall also be displayed in a manner that can be compared with budget. Any significant variance between budgeted positions and actual should be explained. The personnel budget status report shall be provided to the superintendent of public instruction or the board of directors of the district or charter school board within ten days from the date of such request from either the superintendent or board. A district's board of directors or a charter school board may use the personnel status report in conjunction with a monthly budget status report and the statement of financial condition to manage the financial position of the district.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-123-135 Interfund loans-Definition.
An interfund loan is considered to be a temporary loan of moneys between one
school district fund and another. An interfund loan is not considered to be an investment pursuant to the provisions of RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 83-21-027, filed 10/10/83)
WAC 392-123-140 Interfund loans allowable.
Loans are allowable to the general fund, the transportation vehicle fund, the capital projects fund and the debt service fund of school districts. Loans are allowable from the general fund and the capital projects fund. Loans shall not be made to the detriment of any function or project for which the fund was established.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 91-23-043, filed 11/14/91, effective 12/15/91)
WAC 392-123-180 Bond proceeds.
Money derived from the sale of bonds, including interest earnings thereof, shall be deposited in the capital projects fund, the transportation vehicle fund, the general fund, or the debt service fund, as applicable, and may only be used
by school districts for the purposes as enumerated in RCW
Accrued interest paid for bonds sold shall be deposited in the debt service fund.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-129-003 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.150.290(2) which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to establish the terms and conditions for allowing a school district to receive an allocation of state moneys when the school district is unable, due to an unforeseen emergency, to fulfill the following statutory requirements:
(1) One hundred eighty days of operation; or
(2) The total program hour offerings, teacher contact hours, or course mix and percentage requirements imposed by law.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-129-005 Purpose.
This chapter shall govern a school district's
or charter school's entitlement to allocations of state moneys pursuant to RCW
28A.150.290(2) for any school year during which it is unable to conduct the kindergarten program, first through twelfth grade program, or both due to one or more unforeseen emergencies such that the following statutory requirements cannot be met:
(1) The minimum number of school days; and/or
(2) Program hour offerings, teacher contact hours, and course mix and percentages.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-129-015 Definition-Vacation day.
As used in this chapter, "vacation day" means a day other than:
(1) A school day;
(3) Saturday unless actually used for a school day; or
(4) An inservice day for employees of the school district or charter school that:
(a) Was scheduled prior to the unforeseen school closure; and
(b) Was actually used for that purpose.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-050 Definition-Mechanical failure.
As used in this chapter, "mechanical failure" means a discontinuation or disruption of utilities such as heating, lighting, or water beyond the control of a school district board of directors, a charter school board, and ((its)) their respective employees.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-060 Definition-Action or inaction by one or more persons.
As used in this chapter, "action or inaction by one or more persons" means, but is not limited to, arson, vandalism, riots, insurrections, bomb threats, bombing, or delays in the scheduled completion of construction projects beyond the control of a school district board of directors, a charter school board, and ((its)) their respective employees. It shall not mean any labor dispute between a school district board of directors or charter school board and any employee.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-080 Definition-Foreseeable school closure days.
As used in this chapter, "foreseeable school closure days" means those days that are foreseeable in order to provide the school district or charter school with the ability to make up lost school days due to foreseeable natural events, mechanical failure, or action or inaction by one or more persons that would lead to all schools being unsafe, unhealthy, inaccessible, or inoperable.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-090 Definition-District-wide emergency closure.
As used in this chapter, "district-wide emergency closure" means that all school buildings in the school district or charter school are unsafe, unhealthy, inaccessible, or inoperable due to one or more unforeseen natural events, mechanical failures, or actions or inactions by one or more persons.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-100 Definition-School emergency closure.
As used in this chapter, "school emergency closure" means a school in the school district, or a charter school, comprised of more than one school that is unsafe, unhealthy, inaccessible, or inoperable due to one or more unforeseen natural events, mechanical failures, or actions or inactions by one or more persons.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 07-13-090, filed 6/19/07, effective 7/20/07)
WAC 392-129-105 Definition-Reasonable effort.
As used in this chapter, "reasonable effort" means the:
(1) Extension of the school year to and through June 14th; and
(2) Use of scheduled vacation days and foreseeable school closure days, to attain the minimum number of school days and district-wide annual average total instruction hour offerings required by law. In no case, except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall a school district or charter school be considered to have made a reasonable effort unless at least three school days, per incident, and district-wide annual average total instruction hour offerings which have been lost have in fact been made up.
(3) Where a school district or charter school resides in a county which was declared a state of emergency proclamation by the governor due to fire, flood, explosion, storm, earthquake, epidemic, or volcanic eruption, and the emergency impacted district-wide facilities or operations, the superintendent may consider school district or charter school applications to have met the "reasonable effort" test by providing at least the district-wide annual average total instruction hour offerings.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-125 District-wide emergency closure-School district application to the superintendent of public instruction.
A school district or charter school applying for continuation of state support during a district-wide emergency closure will submit the following information:
(1) The name of the school district or charter school;
(2) The name of the superintendent of the school district or lead administrator of the charter school;
(3) A statement signed by the superintendent or charter school's lead administrator that:
(a) The school district board of directors or charter school board has reviewed the application and supports its submittal; and
(b) Any foreseeable school closure days are not included in the request;
(4) The unforeseen natural events, mechanical failures, or actions or inactions by one or more persons which caused the district-wide emergency closure;
(5) The specific dates of the district-wide emergency closure; and
(6) The specific dates that the school district has scheduled to make up the lost days.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-135 District-wide emergency closure-Implementation of superintendent of public instruction's determination of eligibility.
If the superintendent of public instruction determines that the school district has made a reasonable effort to make up all school days and program hour offerings, teacher contact hours, and course mix percentages required by law, the school district or charter school shall receive its full annual allocation of state moneys. If the superintendent of public instruction determines that the school district or charter school has not made a reasonable effort, the school district's or charter school's annual allocation of state moneys shall be reduced by the number of days lost due to the district-wide emergency closure divided by one hundred eighty.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-140 School emergency closure-School district application to the superintendent of public instruction.
A school district or charter school applying for continuation of state support during a school emergency closure will submit the following information:
(1) The name of the school district or charter school;
(2) The name of the superintendent of the school district or lead administrator of the charter school;
(3) A statement signed by the superintendent or charter school's lead administrator that the school district board of directors or the charter school board has reviewed the application and supports its submittal;
(4) The name(s) of the individual schools which did not operate;
(5) The unforeseen natural events, mechanical failures, or actions or inactions by one or more persons which caused the school emergency closure;
(6) The specific dates of the school emergency closure; and
(7) The specific dates that the school district or charter school has scheduled to make up the lost days.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-01-141, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90)
WAC 392-129-145 School emergency closure-Superintendent of public instruction's determination of eligibility.
The superintendent of public instruction shall review each application submitted for a school closure to determine if the application provides a conclusive demonstration that one or more unforeseen natural events, mechanical failures, or actions or inactions by one or more persons prevented the school district or charter school from operating the school. Whenever a school district or charter school provides a school day, it shall be considered as meeting all hours, as originally scheduled for that day, toward meeting its program hour offerings, teacher contact hours, and course mix percentage requirements.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-13-049 [15-12-113], filed 6/12/08 [6/3/15], effective 7/13/08 [7/4/15])
WAC 392-129-150 School emergency closure-Implementation of superintendent of public instruction's determination of eligibility.
If the superintendent of public instruction determines that the school district or charter school has provided a conclusive demonstration that one or more unforeseen natural events, mechanical failures, or actions or inactions by one or more persons prevented the school district or charter school from operating the school, the school district or charter school shall receive its full annual allocation of state moneys. However, the superintendent of public instruction may only excuse the school district or charter school for up to two scheduled school days per incident and not for more than three scheduled school days per school year. Provided, the superintendent may excuse more than two scheduled school days per incident or three scheduled school days per year where the school is located in a county which was subject to a state of emergency declaration by the governor due to fire, flood, explosion, storm, earthquake, epidemic, or volcanic eruption, and the event giving rise to the emergency declaration prevented operation of the school.
(1) If the school district did not conclusively demonstrate that it was prevented from operating the school(s), its allocation of state moneys shall be reduced by:
(((1))) (a) Dividing the number of days lost by one hundred eighty;
(((2))) (b) Multiplying the result obtained in subsection (1) of this section by the annual average full-time equivalent enrollment in the school; and
(((3))) (c) Dividing the result obtained in subsection (2) of this section by the annual average full-time equivalent enrollment in the school district.
(2) If the charter school did not conclusively demonstrate that it was prevented from operating the school, its allocation of state moneys shall be reduced by:
(a) Dividing the number of days lost by one hundred eighty; and
(b) Multiplying the result obtained in (a) of this subsection by the annual average full-time equivalent enrollment in the school.
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-134-002 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.150.350 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to adopt rules and regulations regarding part-time public school attendance.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-134-005 Definitions.
As used in this chapter the term:
(1) "Ancillary service" shall mean any cocurricular service or activity, any health care service or activity, and any other services or activities, except "courses," for or in which preschool through twelfth grade students are enrolled by a public school. The term shall include, but not be limited to, counseling, psychological services, testing, remedial instruction, speech and hearing therapy, health care services, tutorial services such as home or hospital instruction for the physically disabled, and sports activities;
(2) "Course" shall mean any instructional curricular service or activity in which preschool through twelfth grade students are enrolled by a public school;
(3) "Part-time public school student" shall mean a student who is enrolled in a public school for less time than a "full-time equivalent student" as defined in chapter 392-121 WAC, as now or hereafter amended, and shall include:
(a) Private school students to the extent they are also enrolled in a public school as a student thereof for the purpose of taking any course or receiving any ancillary service, or any combination of courses and ancillary services which is not available in the student's private school of attendance;
(b) Any student who is enrolled exclusively in a public school for the purpose of taking courses or receiving ancillary services and/or participating in a work training program approved by the board of directors of the district or charter school board; and
(c) Any student who is participating in home-based instruction to the extent that the student is also enrolled in a public school for the purpose of taking any course or receiving any ancillary service, or any combination of courses and ancillary services.
(4) "Private school" shall mean any nonpublic vocational school and any nonpublic school which provides instruction in any of the grades kindergarten through twelve inclusive of nonpublic sectarian (religious) schools;
(5) "Private school student" shall mean a student who is enrolled in a private school "full time" as defined by the private school of attendance; and
(6) "Home-based instruction" shall mean an instructional program established pursuant to RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 80-05-035, filed 4/15/80)
WAC 392-134-010 Attendance rights of part-time public school students.
An eligible part-time public school student who qualifies as a resident of a public school district pursuant to the definition of a "resident student" set forth in chapter 392-137 WAC, as now or hereafter amended, shall be entitled to attend the schools of the district within his or her attendance area tuition free on a part-time basis. Eligible part-time public school students who meet the admission policies of a public charter school shall be entitled to attend the school tuition free on a part-time basis.
An eligible part-time public school student shall be entitled to take any course, receive any ancillary service, and take or receive any combination of courses and ancillary services which is made available by a public school to full-time students. Eligible nonresident part-time public school students may be enrolled at the discretion of a public school district pursuant to the terms and procedures established for nonresident student attendance in chapter 392-137 WAC, as now or hereafter amended.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 86-01-020, filed 12/9/85)
WAC 392-134-020 Provision of educational program to part-time public school students-Reports-Sites.
(1) Courses, ancillary services, and any combination of courses and ancillary services shall be provided to part-time public school students at the same level and quality as provided by the public school to full-time students;
(2) Courses, ancillary services, and any combination of courses and ancillary services shall be provided to part-time public school students upon public school grounds or on sites which are controlled by a public school district or charter school and at the home or hospital where the student may be confined by reason of a ((physician [physical])) disability or sickness. Courses and ancillary services shall not be provided upon or within any private sectarian (religious) school site or facility: Provided, That field trips and special events incident to the public school program which include participation by both full-time and part-time public school students may be conducted by a public school upon or within private sectarian school facilities;
(3) No test result, grade, or other evaluation of a part-time public school student's abilities, needs, and/or performance which is generated by a public school in connection with the student's attendance may be transmitted or communicated by a public school to a private school except upon the written request of a minor student's parent(s) or guardian(s) or upon the written request of the student if the student is eighteen years of age or older; and,
(4) Transportation between a part-time public school student's private school and a public school in which he/she is enrolled may not be provided to the student at the expense of a public school district or charter school in whole or part: Provided, That the following interschool transportation may be provided at the expense of a public school district or charter school:
(a) Transportation which is provided in connection with a part-time student's participation in field trips and special events permitted by subsection (2) of this section; and
(b) The transportation of part-time public school students which:
(i) Is necessary to comply with a condition to the receipt of federal funds; and
(ii) Is paid or reimbursed for with the federal funds to which the condition is attached, not state or local tax funds or revenues.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 80-05-035, filed 4/15/80)
WAC 392-134-025 State funding procedures.
(1) Public school districts and charter schools shall maintain a record of the number of hours each part-time public school student is enrolled.
(2) Each district and charter school shall report to the superintendent of public instruction as required the number of hours that courses and/or ancillary services, or any combination of courses and ancillary services, are provided to part-time students in the basic enrollment data for state funding purposes.
(3) The information required by subsections (1) and (2) above shall be provided to the superintendent of public instruction on forms provided by and at such times as are designated by the superintendent.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-002, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90)
WAC 392-134-030 Compliance with rules as a condition of state funding.
Each public school district
and charter school shall certify compliance with this chapter as a condition to the reimbursement of costs pursuant to RCW
28A.150.250, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.350, as now or hereafter amended. State and federal funds shall be withheld in whole or part or recovered in whole or part through reduction in future entitlements of a district
or charter school as necessary to enforce the provisions and intent of this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-003 Authority.
The authority for this chapter is RCW
28A.325.020 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to adopt rules and regulations regarding the administration and control of associated student body moneys.
This chapter is further authorized under RCW 28A.710.040(5), which provides that public charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction to the same extent as other public schools.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-005 Purposes.
The purposes of this chapter are to:
(2) Designate the powers and responsibilities of the board of directors of each school district and charter school board regarding the efficient administration, management, and control of moneys, records, and reports of associated student body funds;
(3) Encourage the supervised self-government of associated student bodies; and
(4) Permit fund-raising activities by students in their private capacities for the purpose of generating nonassociated student body private moneys.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-010 Definitions.
(1) "Associated student body organization" means a formal organization of students, including subcomponents or affiliated student groups such as student clubs, which is formed with the approval, and operated subject to the control, of the board of directors of a school district or a charter school board in compliance with this chapter.
(2) "Associated student body program" means any activity which (a) is conducted in whole or part by or in behalf of an associated student body during or outside regular school hours and within or outside school grounds and facilities, and (b) is conducted with the approval, and at the direction or under the supervision, of the school district and charter school.
(3) "Central district office" means the board of directors, the charter school board, and/or their respective official designee to whom authority has been delegated to act in their behalf.
(4) "Associated student body public moneys" means fees collected from students and nonstudents as a condition to their attendance at any optional noncredit extracurricular event of the school district or charter school which is of a cultural, social, recreational or athletic nature, revenues derived from "associated student body programs" as defined in subsection (2) of this section, and any other moneys received by an associated student body, not specified in subsection (5) of this section and WAC 392-138-100, for the support of an associated student body program.
(5) "Nonassociated student body private moneys" means moneys generated by fund-raising activities or solicitation of donations by student groups in their private capacities for private purposes and/or private gifts and contributions.
(6) "Associated student body governing body" means the student council, student activities board, or other officially recognized group of students appointed or elected to represent the entire associated student body within a school in accordance with procedures established by the board of directors of the school district or a charter school board.
(7) "Trust fund" means a fund used to account for assets held by the district or charter school in a trustee capacity for the specific purpose designated by the fund-raising group and described in the notice provided to donors prior to the fund-raising event. Such moneys must be accounted for separately from associated student body public moneys.
(8) "Held in trust" means held as private moneys either within a separate account within the associated student body fund or in a trust fund to be disbursed exclusively for an intended purpose.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-011 Formation of associated student bodies required.
The formation of an associated student body shall be mandatory and a prerequisite whenever one or more students of a school district or charter school engages in money-raising activities with the approval and at the direction or under the supervision of the district: Provided, (1) that the board of directors of a school district may act, or delegate the authority to an employee(s) of the district to act, as the associated student body governing body for any school facility within the district containing no grade higher than the sixth grade; and (2) that the charter school board may act, or delegate the authority to an employee(s) of the school to act, as the associated student body governing body for any charter school containing no grade higher than the sixth grade.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-013 Powers-Authority and policy of school boards ((of directors)).
(1) The board of directors of each school district shall:
(a) Retain and exercise the general powers, authority, and duties expressed and implied in law with respect to the administration of a school district and regulation of actions and activities of the associated student bodies of the district including, but not limited to RCW
28A.320.010 (Corporate powers), RCW
28A.150.070 (General public school system administration), RCW
28A.320.030 (Gifts, conveyances, etc., for scholarship and student aid purposes, receipts and administration), RCW
28A.600.010 (Government of schools, pupils, and employees), RCW
28A.320.040 (Bylaws of board and school government), RCW
28A.400.030 (2) and (3) (Superintendent's duties), RCW
28A.600.040 (Pupils to comply with rules and regulations), RCW
43.09.200 (Local government accounting
-Uniform system of accounting), RCW
36.22.090 (Warrants of political subdivisions), and chapter
28A.505 RCW (School district budgets);
(b) Approve the constitution and bylaws of each district associated student body and establish policies and guidelines relative to:
(i) The identification of those activities which shall constitute the associated student body program;
(ii) The establishment of an official governing body representing the associated student body;
(iii) The methods and means by which students shall be permitted to raise and otherwise acquire associated student body moneys; and
(iv) The designation of the primary advisor to each associated student body and the authority of the primary advisor to designate advisors to the various student subgroup organizations affiliated with an associated student body;
(c) Assign accounting functions, or portions thereof, to the school building level to be performed by a designated representative of an associated student body or centralize the accounting functions at the district central administrative office level;
(d) Provide for the participation of the associated student body or bodies of the school district in the determination of the purposes for which associated student body public moneys and nonassociated student body private moneys if held as private moneys within the associated student body fund shall be budgeted and disbursed((; and)).
(2) Public charter school boards shall:
(a) Approve the constitution and bylaws of the charter school's associated student body and establish policies and guidelines relative to:
(i) The identification of those activities which shall constitute the associated student body program;
(ii) The establishment of an official governing body representing the associated student body;
(iii) The methods and means by which students shall be permitted to raise and otherwise acquire associated student body moneys; and
(iv) The designation of the primary advisor to each associated student body and the authority of the primary advisor to designate advisors to the various student subgroup organizations affiliated with an associated student body;
(b) Assign accounting functions, or portions thereof, to the school building level to be performed by a designated representative of an associated student body;
(c) Provide for the participation of the associated student body in the determination of the purposes for which associated student body public moneys and nonassociated student body private moneys if held as private moneys within the associated student body fund shall be budgeted and disbursed.
(3) If the district or charter school permits students to conduct fund-raising activities and solicitation of donations in ((their)) its private capacities, ((they)) it shall establish policies to permit such activities and the allowable uses of such moneys. The board policy and/or procedures must include the approval process for such activities as well as provisions to ensure appropriate accountability for these funds, which are required to be held in trust.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-014 Accounting procedures and records.
Associated student body public and nonassociated student body private moneys shall be accounted for as follows:
(1) Accounting methods and procedures shall comply with such rules and regulations and/or guidelines as are developed by the state auditor and the superintendent of public instruction and published in the Accounting Manual for Public Schools in the State of Washington and/or other publications;
(2) Whenever two or more associated student bodies exist within a school district or charter school, the accounting records shall be maintained in such a manner as to provide a separate accounting for the transactions of each associated student body in the associated student body program fund;
(3) The fiscal and accounting records of associated student body program moneys shall constitute public records of the school district or charter school, shall be available for examination by the state auditor, and shall be preserved in accordance with statutory provisions governing the retention of public records; and
(4) Nonassociated student body private moneys shall be held in trust by the school within the associated student body fund or within a trust fund and be disbursed exclusively for such purposes as the student group conducting the fund-raising activity shall determine, subject to applicable school board or charter school policies. The district or charter school shall either withhold or otherwise be compensated an amount from such moneys to pay its direct costs in providing the service. Such funds are private moneys, not public moneys under section 7, Article VIII of the state Constitution.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-017 Segregation of public and private moneys.
When a school district or a charter school board has associated student body organizations that receive both public and private moneys as defined in WAC 392-138-010 (4) and (5), two separate sets of accounts shall be maintained. In addition, separate accounting records should be maintained by organization or purpose including clubs, classes, athletic activities, private purpose fund-raising events and general associated student body.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-018 Petty cash funds.
The board of directors of a school district or a charter school board may authorize the establishment and maintenance of associated student body petty cash funds for use in instances when it is impractical to make disbursement by warrant or check, subject to the following conditions:
(1) A petty cash fund shall be initiated by warrant or check;
(2) Paid-out receipts shall constitute invoices for the purpose of vouchering; and
(3) An upper limit of the amount of the petty cash fund shall be established by the board of directors or charter school board.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-019 Compliance with bid law required.
The statutory provisions of RCW
28A.335.190((, the so-called "bid law" governing school district purchasing procedures,)) shall govern purchases payable from the associated student body funds.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-021 Title to property-Dissolution of associated student body or affiliated group.
Title to all such property acquired through the expenditure of associated student body public moneys shall be vested in the school district or charter school.
In the event a member organization affiliated with an associated student body elects to disband or ceases to exist for any reason, then:
(1) The school district, charter school, and parent associated student body shall cease carrying any money or account on behalf of or to the credit of the organization; and
(2) The records of the organization shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with applicable state law regarding the retention and destruction of public records.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-110 Associated student body public moneys-Associated student body program budget.
(1) Each associated student body of a school district, with the guidance of the primary advisor, and at such time as is designated by the central district office, annually shall prepare and submit a financial plan (budget) for support of the associated student body program to the district superintendent or his/her designee for consolidation into a district associated student body program fund budget and then present such budget to the board of directors of the district for its review, revision, and approval: Provided, That revisions of the budget submitted by an associated student body and revisions of the budget approved by the board of directors shall first be reviewed by the associated student body and, in the case of an approved budget, shall be subject to the requirements of chapter
28A.505 RCW regarding emergency expenditures or budget extensions. The budget as approved shall constitute an appropriation and authorization for the disbursement of funds for the purposes established in the budget.
(2) Each associated student body of a charter school, with the guidance of the primary advisor, and at such time as is designated by the charter school's lead administrator, annually shall prepare and submit a financial plan (budget) for support of the associated student body program to the lead administrator or his/her designee for consolidation into a charter school associated student body program fund budget and then present such budget to the charter school board for its review, revision, and approval: Provided, That revisions of the budget submitted by an associated student body and revisions of the budget approved by the charter school board shall first be reviewed by the associated student body and, in the case of an approved budget, shall be subject to the requirements of chapter 392-123 WAC regarding emergency expenditures or budget extensions. The budget as approved shall constitute an appropriation and authorization for the disbursement of funds for the purposes established in the budget.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-115 Associated student body public moneys-Deposit and investment.
All associated student body public moneys, upon receipt, shall be transmitted intact to the district or charter school depository bank and then to the county treasurer or directly to the county treasurer for deposit to the credit of the "associated student body program fund" of the school district or charter school and shall be accounted for, expended, and invested subject to the practices and procedures governing other moneys of the district or charter school except as such practices and procedures are modified by or pursuant to this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-120 Associated student body public moneys-Imprest bank checking account.
The board of directors of a school district or charter school board may authorize the establishment and maintenance of an associated student body imprest bank checking account for convenience and efficiency in expediting disbursements, subject to the following conditions:
(1) The maximum amount of such an account shall be no more than is necessary to provide for disbursements at the level of the month of highest estimated demand for disbursements;
(2) An imprest bank checking account shall be initiated by deposit of, and replenished by, a warrant drawn on the associated student body program fund;
(3) Disbursements from an imprest bank checking account shall be by check and shall be restricted to payments of invoices bearing evidence of student approval in accordance with associated student body bylaws;
(4) An imprest bank checking account shall be replenished at least once each month by a warrant drawn on the associated student body program fund in payment of an approved voucher in an amount equal to the sum total of the disbursements made by check from the imprest bank checking account during the preceding interval; and
(5) The replenishment voucher shall reflect such information as the central district office shall prescribe relative to identification of invoices, invoice approvals, codification of expenditures, cancelled checks, and other information deemed pertinent.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-125 Associated student body public moneys-Disbursement approval-Total disbursements.
Associated student body public moneys shall be disbursed subject to the following conditions:
(1) No disbursements shall be made except as provided for in the budget approved pursuant to WAC 392-138-040;
(2) Disbursements shall occur only upon presentation of properly prepared vouchers in such format and design as the central district office or charter school lead administrator shall prescribe;
(3) All disbursements from the associated student body program fund or any imprest bank account established thereunder shall have the prior approval of the appropriate governing body representing the associated student body. Supporting documentation of the vouchers shall bear evidence of approval by the associated student body governing body in accordance with associated student body bylaws;
(4) When an account within the fund balance of an associated student body organization does not contain a sufficient balance to meet a proposed disbursement, such disbursement shall be limited to the fund balance: Provided, That a transfer of fund balance between associated student body organizations may be made pursuant to the associated student body bylaws and as approved by the associated student body governing body;
(5) Warrants shall not be issued in excess of the moneys on deposit with the county treasurer in the associated student body program fund; and
(6) All disbursements shall be made by warrant except for disbursements from imprest bank accounts and petty cash funds provided for in this chapter.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-130 Associated student body public moneys-League and other joint activities.
Athletic league and other forms of joint inter and intra school district or charter school associated student body programs are not precluded by this chapter. In the case of such joint programs, a single school district or charter school, or associated student body or a board representing the participating associated student bodies shall manage associated student body moneys made available to it for the support of the joint program and received as a result of the conduct of such program, in compliance with this chapter and a written cooperative agreement authorized by the board(s) of directors of the district(s) or charter school board(s).
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-200 Nonassociated student body private moneys.
The board of directors of a school district or a charter school board may permit student groups to raise moneys through fund-raising or solicitation in their private capacities when the following conditions are met:
(1) Prior to solicitation of such funds, the school board approves policies defining the scope and nature of fund-raising permitted. School board policy includes provisions to ensure appropriate accountability, including prompt deposit, holding the moneys in trust, and disbursement only for the intended purpose of the fund-raiser;
(2) Such funds are used for scholarship, student exchange, and/or charitable purposes. Charitable purposes do not include any activity related to assisting a campaign for election of a person to an office or promotion or opposition to a ballot proposition;
(3) Prior to solicitation of such funds notice is given. Such notice identifies the intended purpose of the fund-raiser, further it states the proceeds are nonassociated student body funds to be held in trust by the school district exclusively for the intended purposes;
(4) The school district or charter school withholds or otherwise is compensated an amount adequate to reimburse the district for its direct costs in handling these private moneys; and
(5) WAC 392-138-205 applies to moneys received, deposited, invested, and accounted for under this section.
Nonassociated student body private moneys shall not be deemed public moneys under section 7, Article VIII of the state Constitution.
WAC 392-138-035 shall apply to moneys received, deposited, invested, expended, and accounted for under this section.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-205 Nonassociated student body private moneys-Deposit and investment.
All nonassociated student body private moneys, upon receipt, shall be transmitted intact to the district or charter school depository bank and then to the county treasurer or directly to the county treasurer for deposit to the credit of the school district's or charter school's trust fund or the associated student body fund, if held in trust within that fund within accounts as defined in WAC 392-138-010 and shall be accounted for, expended, and invested subject to applicable school board policy and/or procedures pursuant to WAC 392-138-200.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 01-16-078, filed 7/25/01, effective 8/25/01)
WAC 392-138-210 Nonassociated student body private moneys-Disbursement approval-Total disbursements.
Nonassociated student body private moneys shall be disbursed subject to the following conditions:
(1) If such funds are held in trust within the associated student body fund, they shall be budgeted pursuant to WAC 392-138-013 (1)(d). No disbursements shall be made except as provided for in the budget approved pursuant to WAC 392-138-110. All disbursements shall have the prior written approval of the associated student body or such other authority designated in school district or charter school policy or procedures;
(2) If such funds are held in a trust fund, they are not budgeted. Disbursements shall occur only upon presentation of properly prepared vouchers in such format and design as the central district office shall prescribe, and as provided for in subsection (3) of this section;
(3) Vouchers authorizing disbursements shall be accompanied by written evidence of approval of disbursement by the associated student body or other authority designated in the school district's or charter school's policies and procedures;
(4) Disbursements shall be made only for the intended purposes pursuant to WAC 392-138-200.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-03-023, filed 1/7/92, effective 2/7/92)
WAC 392-140-067 General provisions.
The following general provisions apply to this chapter:
(1) All calculations made by the superintendent of public instruction shall use the most current school district or charter school information for the school year on file with the superintendent of public instruction at the time of the calculation.
(2) Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff shall be rounded to the nearest three decimal places.
(3) FTE enrollment shall be rounded to the nearest two decimal places.
(4) Ratios of FTE staff to students shall be expressed as a ratio of staff to one thousand students and shall be rounded to the nearest two decimal places (e.g., 51.21/1000).
(5) Unless otherwise stated, report forms, staff, salary, and enrollment data referenced in these rules are school district or charter school report forms, staff, salary, or enrollment data for the school year for which calculations pursuant to this chapter are being made.
(6) Employee assignments and account codes for program, duty, and activity shall mean the same as defined in the accounting manual for public school districts in the state of Washington and in instructions for personnel reporting provided by the superintendent of public instruction.
(7) School districts and charter schools shall have available upon request by the superintendent of public instruction and for audit purposes, such documentation as necessary to support all data reported to the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to this chapter.
(8) Full-time equivalent is abbreviated as FTE.
(9) Kindergarten through third grade is abbreviated as K-3.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-03-023, filed 1/7/92, effective 2/7/92)
WAC 392-140-068 Timely reporting.
Provisions of chapter 392-117 WAC, Timely reporting, apply to allocations made pursuant to this chapter. Failure of a school district or charter school to report as required may reduce or delay state apportionment payments.
WAC 392-140-0695 Definition-Charter school.
As used in this chapter, "charter school" means a public school governed by a charter school board and operated according to the terms of a charter contract executed under chapter
28A.710 RCW and includes a new charter school and a conversion charter school.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-03-096, filed 1/17/08, effective 2/17/08)
WAC 392-140-60110 Definition-Community impact.
For the purpose of state special education safety net funding, community impact refers to school district or charter school identified and quantifiable factor(s) beyond the control of the district or charter school which justify disproportional and extraordinary costs associated with the provision of special education services in the district or charter school (i.e., demographic, environmental, sociological, or other facts that can be described and calculated in an application consistent with WAC 392-140-617).
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-054, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-140-602 Special education safety net-Eligible applicants.
(1) An individual school district of the state of Washington is eligible to apply for special education safety net awards on behalf of its resident students. Resident students include those students as defined by state law. Resident students exclude those residing in another district and enrolled as part of an interdistrict cooperative program (RCW
(2) An interdistrict cooperative or educational service agency consistent with WAC 392-172A-01055 and 392-172A-01115 of at least fifteen districts in which all excess cost services for special education students of the member districts are provided by the cooperative or educational agency is eligible to apply for special education safety net awards. Member districts shall be treated as a single school district for the purposes of this chapter and are not eligible to apply for safety net awards individually.
(3) The Washington state center for childhood deafness and hearing loss and the Washington state school for the blind are eligible to apply for high need students under WAC 392-140-616.
(4) Individual charter schools are eligible to apply for special education safety net awards.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-054, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-140-605 Special education safety net-Application types, certification, worksheets.
Application for safety net awards shall be made on Form SPI 1381 - Certification published by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Applications will be considered and awards made according to the schedule published in the annual Safety Net Bulletin.
(1) School districts and charter schools may make application for safety net awards in two categories - High need student(s) and/or community impact factors. The applicant for either or both categories of safety net awards shall certify that:
(a) Differences in costs attributable to district or charter school philosophy, service delivery choice, or accounting practice are not a legitimate basis for safety net awards;
(b) The application complies with the respective safety net application standards of WAC 392-140-616 and 392-140-617;
(c) The application provides true, accurate, and complete information;
(d) The applicant acknowledges that safety net funding is not an entitlement, is subject to adjustment and recovery, may not be available in future years, must be expended in program 21 or program 24 as specified in the award letter, and certifies that federal medicaid has been billed for all services to eligible students consistent with RCW
28A.150.392 (1)(e);
(e) The applicant is making reasonable effort to provide appropriate services for students in need of special education using state funding generated by the basic education apportionment and special education funding formulas and federal funding;
(f) The applicant's special education program is operated in a reasonably efficient manner;
(g) Indirect costs included for purposes of determining safety net awards do not exceed the allowable federally restricted indirect rate plus one percent;
(h) Any available state and federal funding is insufficient to address the request for additional funds;
(i) The costs of any supplemental contracts are not included for purposes of determining safety net awards. Supplemental contracts are those contracts made pursuant to RCW
28A.400.200(4) excluding extended school year contracts (ESY) required by an IEP; and
(j) The costs of any summer school instruction are not included for purposes of making safety net determinations excluding extended school year contracts (ESY) required by a properly formulated IEP.
(2) Worksheet A shall be included with the application and must demonstrate the applicant's capacity for safety net awards. Worksheet A is used to determine a maximum amount of safety net award eligibility. Award amounts may be less than the maximum potential amount of safety net award eligibility determined on worksheet A.
(3) All high need student applications shall include worksheets "A" and "C" and Summary of Applications for High Need Individual Students published in the safety net application, and certification of standards and criteria pursuant to WAC 392-140-616.
(4) All community impact applications shall include worksheet A, the community impact application, all supporting documentation, and certification of standards and criteria pursuant to WAC 392-140-617.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-054, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-140-617 Special education safety net-Standards-Community impact applications.
For applicants requesting state safety net awards to meet the extraordinary costs associated with communities that draw a larger number of families with children in need of special education services, the applicant must meet the standards of WAC 392-140-605 (1)(a) through (j) and convincingly demonstrate that:
(1) Demographic, environmental, sociological or other factor(s) cause the district's or charter school's special education enrollment to be disproportional by category of disability or the overall number of students identified as eligible for special education; and
(2) The unique factor(s) identified by the applicant is not the result of district or charter school philosophy, service delivery choice, or accounting practice; and
(3) The identified factor(s) creates an adverse documentable fiscal impact upon the applicant's special education program; and
(4) The applicant summarizes the steps the applicant has taken or plans to take in response to the factors identified in the application.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-054, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-140-650 Special education safety net-Withdrawal of application.
If at any time an applicant wishes to withdraw an application submitted prior to the committee vote, the superintendent or designee of the applicant district, or lead administrator or designee of the applicant charter school, must submit a letter requesting withdrawal to the state oversight committee manager.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-054, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-140-675 Special education safety net-Adjustments to special education safety net awards.
Final safety net awards shall be adjusted based on:
(1) The percent of potential medicaid eligible students billed. Potential medicaid revenue will be estimated by the office of the superintendent of public instruction based on the applicant's percent of medicaid eligible students billed and the statewide average payment per student as determined in July of the school year for which the applicant is requesting safety net awards. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall provide Form SPI 1679 for district and charter school reporting of medicaid eligible students and shall update the district's or charter school's special education medicaid eligibility count and finalize the count for the year based upon the applicant's most recent submission of Form SPI 1679; and
(2) Changes in factors for which additional or revised information becomes available after the awarding of the initial safety net award.
(a) High need awards and/or community impact awards will be reduced or nullified when the applicant's available revenues and legitimate expenditures for the school year differ significantly from the estimates on which the initial safety net award was based.
(b) An applicant's safety net award may be recovered or adjusted based on the results of the review conducted by the state auditor's office pursuant to WAC 392-140-630.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-05-054, filed 2/13/13, effective 3/16/13)
WAC 392-140-685 Special education safety net-Recovery of state and/or federal awards.
High need student state and/or federal special education safety net awards and state community impact safety net awards shall be recovered or awards reduced for the following reasons:
(1) The application omits pertinent information and/or contains a falsification or misrepresentation of information in the application.
(2) The award is unexpended for the purpose allocated including but not limited to situations where the student leaves ((the)) a school district, ceases attending a charter school, or has a change in services. For students who transfer to another Washington public school district or enroll in a charter school located in Washington state, expenditures for specialized equipment purchased with these funds shall not be recovered provided the district or charter school transfers the equipment to the other school district or charter school.
(3) The applicant has carryover of state and/or federal flow-through special education funding from the school year for which the award was made.
(4) The applicant's available revenues are significantly higher than estimated revenues on which the award was based or the applicant's legitimate expenditures are significantly lower than the estimated expenditures on which the award was based.
(5) The state oversight committee finds grounds for adjustment in the special education program audit team's review pursuant to WAC 392-140-630.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-06-014, filed 2/20/14, effective 3/23/14)
WAC 392-140-915 High poverty funding-Process and definition of eligible schools.
For the purposes of this section, an eligible school is ((one)) a school administered by a public school district board or a public charter school board in which the free and reduced priced lunch percentage for students in grades K-6 exceeds fifty percent within the school building((, and the school is not)). Schools administered by school districts that are part of a district that receives any type of K-6 small school funding or the school does not receive remote and necessary funding are not eligible schools under this section. If a school is determined to be eligible, the K-3 full-time equivalent enrollment as reported to the office of superintendent of public instruction on the P-223 will be used to generate funding at an enhanced class size as determined by the legislature.
CEDARS data as of October of the previous school year will be used to determine school eligibility. A CEDARS extract of October 1st data will be pulled on March 31st to be used as the basis for K-3 high poverty funding eligibility for the subsequent school year. The list of eligible schools will be published by mid April. No changes to CEDARS data made after March 31st will be considered, and appeals will not be allowed.
Funding of K-3 high poverty schools will be based upon budgeted K-3 enrollment in eligible high poverty schools as stated in a district's or charter school's F-203 from September through December. Funding based on average annual full-time equivalent enrollment reported in final approved eligible schools will begin in January and continue through August. Districts and charter schools must meet the legislative compliance requirements of the K-1 high poverty funding in order to retain the full allotment.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-12-004, filed 5/21/14, effective 6/21/14)
WAC 392-140-921 K-1 high poverty class size compliance.
The superintendent of public instruction shall determine which high poverty schools are eligible for enhanced funding for class size reduction per WAC 392-140-915. High poverty class size compliance in schools administered by school districts will be measured at each eligible school independent of other eligible schools within ((a)) the district. A demonstrated class size will be measured at each eligible school. That demonstrated class size will be converted to a funded class size, and a weighted average funded class size by district or charter school will be calculated and used for funding purposes.
Compliance calculations will be performed in January, March, and June of each school year. The most recent weighted average funded class size will be used for funding purposes. Districts and charter schools will be funded based on their budgeted high poverty class size from September through December. Only districts with at least one high poverty eligible school may budget an enhanced class size.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-12-004, filed 5/21/14, effective 6/21/14)
WAC 392-140-932 K-1 high poverty class size-Teachers.
The superintendent of public instruction shall include in the calculation of high poverty class size compliance those teachers reported on the S-275 at the eligible schools that are coded in programs 01 and 79 to grade group K or 1, and are reported in one of the following duty roots:
. Duty Root 31 - Elementary teacher
. Duty Root 33 - Other teacher
. Duty Root 52 - Substitute teacher
. Duty Root 63 - Contractor teacher
S-275 data as of the published apportionment cutoff dates in January, March, and June will be considered in the calculation.
Program 21 special education teachers coded to grade K or 1 at the eligible schools multiplied by the annual percentage of students in special education instruction used in determination of a district's or charter school's 3121 revenue will be included.
Teachers coded to program 02 alternative learning experience shall be excluded.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-12-004, filed 5/21/14, effective 6/21/14)
WAC 392-140-933 K-1 demonstrated class size.
Demonstrated class size at each school will be calculated by dividing the total teachers for that school as described in WAC 392-140-932 into the calculated total of K-1 student FTE for that school. Funded class size will equal the demonstrated class size to a maximum of 24.1 and a minimum of 20.3 students per teacher.
A weighted average of funded class sizes across all high poverty eligible schools will be calculated by multiplying eligible enrollment as defined in WAC 392-140-923 at each school by the funded class size at each school. For school districts, the results of that calculation for each school will be summed and divided by the total K-1 calculate enrollment at all eligible schools to arrive at a district wide weighted average funded class size. This weighted average funded class size will be used for funding purposes.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-20-063, filed 9/27/02, effective 10/28/02)
WAC 392-140-955 Learning improvement days-Definition-Learning improvement day.
As used in this chapter "learning improvement day" means a scheduled work day during the school year for certificated instructional staff funded by the state for the purpose of improving student learning and implementing education reform.
(1) A learning improvement day is a scheduled work day on a district or school calendar.
(2) The length of a learning improvement day shall not be less than the length of a full work day for certificated instructional staff on a school day during the school year: Provided, That two half days may be scheduled in lieu of one full learning improvement day if the combined work hours equal or exceed hours in a full learning improvement day.
(3) No learning improvement day, or half day, shall be scheduled on a school day as defined in WAC 392-121-033.
(4) A school district or charter school may schedule learning improvement days for different school buildings or groups of employees on different calendar days.
(5) Learning improvement days shall be compensated as part of the employee's base contract.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-19-028, filed 9/9/10, effective 10/10/10)
WAC 392-140-956 Learning improvement days-Other definitions.
As used in WAC 392-140-950 through 392-140-967:
(1) "Certificated instructional staff" means district or charter school certificated instructional employees and contractor certificated instructional employees as defined in WAC 392-121-205 and 392-121-206.
(2) "Base contract" means a contract protected by the continuing contract law, RCW
28A.405.300. The base contract does not include hours or compensation provided under a supplemental contract as defined in RCW
(3) "Number of days in the base contract" means the number of full work days in the school year for a full-time certificated instructional employee holding the position for the full school year. Days include paid leave. The number of hours in a full work day is determined by each school district and charter school. Days scheduled before September 1 can be counted in the school year if included and compensated in the base contract for the school year beginning September 1.
(4) "Selected state-funded programs" means the following programs as defined in the Accounting Manual for Public School Districts in the State of Washington:
01 Basic Education
02 Basic Education-Alternative Learning Experience
21 Special Education-Supplemental-State
31 Vocational-Basic-State
34 Middle School Career and Technical Education-State
45 Skills Center-Basic-State
55 Learning Assistance Program-State
65 Transitional Bilingual-State
74 Highly Capable
97 District-wide Support
(5) "State institutional education programs" means the following programs:
26 Special Education-Institutions-State
56 State Institutions, Centers, and Homes-Delinquent
59 Institutions-Juveniles in Adult Jails
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-19-028, filed 9/9/10, effective 10/10/10)
WAC 392-140-961 Learning improvement days-Determination of the number of funded learning improvement days.
The superintendent of public instruction shall separately determine for selected state-funded programs and for institutional education programs the number of funded learning improvement days for each school district or charter school for each school year as follows:
(1) In September through December of each school year, the superintendent will use the number of learning improvement days budgeted by the district or charter school and reported on Form F-203.
(2) Monthly, beginning in January of the school year, using current personnel data reported on the S-275 Personnel Report:
(a) Select all certificated instructional staff with assignments in the selected state-funded programs.
(b) For each employee, subtract one hundred eighty days from the number of days reported in the base contract.
(c) For each school year, take the lesser of the number of learning improvement days funded in the state Biennial Operating Appropriations Act or the result of (b) of this subsection, but not less than zero.
(d) Sum the number of days determined for all employees pursuant to (b) and (c) of this subsection.
(e) Divide the result of (d) of this subsection by the number of employees and round to two decimal places.
(f) The result is the number of funded learning improvement days for the district or charter school.
(3) After the close of the school year, the superintendent shall fund the lesser of:
(a) The number of days determined pursuant to subsection (2) of this section; or
(b) The number of days reported by the district or charter school pursuant to WAC 392-140-967.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-19-028, filed 9/9/10, effective 10/10/10)
WAC 392-140-962 Learning improvement days-Salary allocations for learning improvement days.
Using the number of learning improvement days determined pursuant to WAC 392-140-961, the superintendent of public instruction shall adjust salary allocations to school districts and charter schools as follows:
(1) For general apportionment, the derived base salary allocation for learning improvement days as shown on LEAP Document 2, or successor salary allocation schedules, shall be reduced pro rata for any district or charter school with less than the number of learning improvement days funded in the state Biennial Operating Appropriations Act as the result of the determination under WAC 392-140-961.
(2) Special education allocations shall be adjusted based on adjustments to the unenhanced basic education allocation per full-time equivalent student.
(3) For transitional bilingual, highly capable, and learning assistance program allocations, the additional state allocation per pupil for learning improvement days shall be reduced pro rata for any district or charter school with less than the number of learning improvement days funded in the state Biennial Operating Appropriations Act as the result of the determination under WAC 392-140-961.
(4) For state institutional education programs the salary allocation for learning improvement days shall be reduced pro rata for any district or charter school with less than the number of learning improvement days funded in the state Biennial Operating Appropriations Act as the result of the determination under WAC 392-140-961. Educational service districts or contractors operating state-funded institutional education programs shall be eligible for learning improvement day funding in the same manner as school districts and charter schools.
(5) Allocations for learning improvement days are subject to adjustment or recovery based on findings of the Washington state auditor and chapters 392-115 and 392-117 WAC.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-20-063, filed 9/27/02, effective 10/28/02)
WAC 392-140-965 Learning improvement days-((School district)) Requests for review and adjustment.
A school district or charter school may at any time request that the superintendent of public instruction review and adjust data and calculations used to determine funding for learning improvement days pursuant to this chapter.
Requests for adjustment to the number of learning improvement days provided in the 1999-2000 school year and thereafter shall be considered if the district or charter school shows that the data or calculations are in error, or other bona fide adjustments are necessary.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 02-20-063, filed 9/27/02, effective 10/28/02)
WAC 392-140-967 Learning improvement days-((School district)) Reporting requirements.
After the close of the school year, school districts and charter schools receiving funding for learning improvement days shall report the number of learning improvement days provided by the district or charter school meeting the requirements of WAC 392-140-950 through 392-140-965.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-04-002, filed 1/22/14, effective 2/22/14)
WAC 392-140-973 Salary bonus for teachers and other certificated instructional staff who hold current certification by the national board-Eligibility.
Staff that are eligible for the bonus shall be limited to those meeting the following requirements:
(1) Hold current certification by the national board for professional teaching standards during the entire school year, unless otherwise specified in the state Biennial Operating Appropriations Act; and
(2) Who are:
(a) Teachers and other certificated instructional staff employed full time or part time under written contract by Washington public school districts or educational service districts pursuant to RCW
28A.405.210; or
(b) Teachers and other certificated instructional staff employed full time or part time by a contractor pursuant to WAC 392-121-188 and 392-121-206 (2)(a); or
(c) Teachers and other certificated instructional staff employed full time or part time by the Washington school for the deaf or Washington school for the blind; or
(d) Teachers and other certificated instructional staff employed full time or part time by a charter school.
(3) In addition to bonuses provided by subsection (2) of this section, teachers and other certificated instructional staff shall be eligible for additional bonuses if in an instructional assignment in challenging, high poverty schools, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) Challenging, high poverty schools are schools where, for the prior year, the student headcount enrollment eligible for the federal free or reduced price lunch program was at least:
(i) 70 percent for elementary schools;
(ii) 60 percent for middle schools; or
(iii) 50 percent for high schools; as determined by the October 1 count of the comprehensive education data and research system (CEDARS) or successor data collection and reporting systems, of the office of superintendent of public instruction, on May 1st of that prior year.
(b) For purposes of the national board challenging, high poverty schools bonus, a school shall be categorized based upon the highest grade served as follows:
(i) A school whose highest grade served is 6th grade or lower shall be considered an elementary school;
(ii) A school whose highest grade served is either 7th, 8th, or 9th grade shall be considered a middle school;
(iii) A school whose highest grade served is either 10th, 11th, or 12th grade shall be considered a high school.
(c) A school shall be considered only if it serves thirty or more students, or is the largest school in the district serving its designated category.
(d) Schools that provide institutional education programs pursuant to WAC 392-122-205 shall be designated as challenging, high poverty schools with the student headcount enrollment eligible for the federal free or reduced price lunch program at one hundred percent and shall not be subject to the requirement in this subsection of serving thirty or more students.
(e) The student enrollment data used shall include the state-funded students in kindergarten through twelfth grade, plus prekindergarten students in special education.
(f) Teachers and other certificated instructional staff that meet the qualifications for the challenging, high poverty schools bonus under this subsection who are assigned for less than one full school year or less than full time for the school year shall receive the challenging, high poverty schools bonus in a prorated manner, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(i) The portion of the employee's assignment to challenging, high poverty schools shall be determined as of June 15th of the school year.
(ii) If the employee's assignment to challenging, high poverty schools is less than 1.0 full-time equivalent, the proration shall use the methodology in WAC 392-121-212 and shall be rounded to three decimal places.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-04-002, filed 1/22/14, effective 2/22/14)
WAC 392-140-974 Salary bonus for teachers and other certificated instructional staff who hold current certification by the national board-Administrative procedures.
(1) School districts and charter schools that employ teachers and other certificated instructional staff eligible for the salary bonus shall report those employees to the office of superintendent of public instruction by submitting for each employee the required data as determined by the superintendent of public instruction.
(2) Districts and charter schools shall document each employee's eligibility by maintaining on file for audit a copy of the employee's national board certification notice and evidence of employment and duties assigned. For employees eligible for the challenging, high poverty schools bonus pursuant to WAC 392-140-973(3), districts and charter schools shall also document the employee's instructional assignments in challenging, high poverty schools.
(3) All requests must be submitted to the superintendent of public instruction by June 15th of the school year and shall be paid in the July apportionment and displayed on Report 1197, in revenue account 4158. Bonuses shall be reduced by a factor of 40 percent for first year National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certified teachers, to reflect the portion of the instructional school year they are certified.
(4) For each candidate, the superintendent of public instruction shall send the district or charter school the amount of the salary bonus set in the operating appropriations act plus an amount for the district's or charter school's (employer) portion of mandatory fringe benefits. The amount of the annual bonus in WAC 392-140-973(2) shall be five thousand dollars in the 2007-08 school year. Thereafter, the annual bonus shall increase by inflation. The amount of the challenging, high poverty schools bonus in WAC 392-140-973(3) shall be five thousand dollars in the 2007-08 school year. Thereafter, the challenging, high poverty schools bonus shall not increase by inflation.
(5) The district
or charter school shall pay the bonus to the employee in a lump sum amount on a supplemental contract pursuant to RCW
28A.400.200 no later than August 31st of the school year.
(6) The salary bonus is included in the definition of "earnable compensation" under RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-04-002, filed 1/22/14, effective 2/22/14)
WAC 392-140-975 Salary bonus for teachers and other certificated instructional staff who hold current certification by the national board-Requests for review and adjustment.
A school district or charter school may request that the superintendent of public instruction review and adjust data and calculations used to determine funding for the salary bonus for teachers and other certificated instructional staff who hold current certification by the national board for professional teaching standards pursuant to this chapter and instructions issued by the superintendent of public instruction. Requests to review and adjust data shall be considered only for those districts or charter schools wishing to appeal a school's eligibility designation for the challenging, high poverty schools bonus pursuant to WAC 392-140-973(3).
Requests to review and adjust data shall be considered only if the district shows that the data or calculations are in error, or other bona fide adjustments are necessary.