Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
The daily bag and possession limits for canvasback were increased based on new information on population status and federal guidelines, which allow for increased recreational opportunity on this species in 2015-16.
Includes white-fronted geese in the bag limits for the Oct. 17, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016, season for snow, Ross', and blue geese in Goose Management Area 1, because the current three year average for Pacific white-fronted geese is 565,403, above the flyway objective of 300,000.
For Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B seasons, the testing requirements were changed to apply only to new hunters and those who did not maintain a valid 2014-15 authorization, because of licensing limitations to require retesting of all hunters in 2015-16.
For Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B seasons, requirements were clarified for hunters to comply with the directions of authorized department personnel related to the collection of goose subspecies information and invalidate authorizations for noncompliance, to satisfy requirements to provide harvest information to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
For Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B seasons, the penalty for taking one dusky Canada goose was reduced from a misdemeanor to an infraction and other penalties were explicitly detailed in rule language to recognize the difficulties in distinguishing Canada goose subspecies and improve rule enforcement capabilities.
The hunting hour table ending dates were standardized to March 10 to conform to federal framework ending dates. February and March hunting hours were corrected to conform to leap year dates and daylight savings times.
WAC 232-28-436 ((2014-))2015-2016 Migratory waterfowl seasons and regulations.
Statewide: Oct. ((11-15, 2014 and Oct. 18, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015)) 17-21, 2015 and Oct. 24, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016; except scaup season closed Oct. ((11-31, 2014)) 17 - Nov. 6, 2015.
Special youth hunting weekend open only to hunters 15 years of age or under (must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old who is not hunting): Sept. ((20-21, 2014)) 19-20, 2015.
Daily Bag Limit: 7 ducks, to include not more than 2 hen mallard, 2 pintail, 3 scaup, ((1)) 2 canvasback, and 2 redhead statewide; and to include not more than 1 harlequin, 2 scoter, 2 long-tailed duck, and 2 goldeneye in Western Washington.
Possession Limit for Regular Season: 21 ducks, to include not more than 6 hen mallard, 6 pintail, 9 scaup, ((3)) 6 canvasback, and 6 redhead statewide; and to include not more than 1 harlequin, 6 scoter, 6 long-tailed duck, and 6 goldeneye in Western Washington.
Possession Limit for Youth Hunting Weekend: 14 ducks, to include not more than 4 hen mallard, 4 pintail, 6 scaup, ((2)) 4 canvasback, and 4 redhead statewide; and to include not more than 1 harlequin, 4 scoter, 4 long-tailed duck, and 4 goldeneye in Western Washington.
Season Limit: 1 harlequin in Western Washington.
Hunters must possess a special ((2014-15)) 2015-16 hunting authorization and harvest record card for sea ducks when hunting harlequin, scoter, long-tailed duck, and goldeneye in Western Washington. A hunter who has not previously possessed a sea duck harvest report card must submit an application form to Washington state department of fish and wildlife (WDFW). Immediately after taking a sea duck into possession, hunters must record in ink the information required on the harvest record card.
COOT (Mudhen)
Same areas, dates (including youth hunting weekend), and shooting hours as the general duck season.
Daily Bag Limit: 25 coots.
Possession Limit: 75 coots.
Same areas, dates (except youth hunting weekend), and shooting hours as the general duck season.
Daily Bag Limit: 8 snipe.
Possession Limit: 24 snipe.
GEESE (except Brant)
Special youth hunting weekend open only to hunters 15 years of age or under (must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old who is not hunting): Sept. ((20-21, 2014)) 19-20, 2015, statewide except Western Washington Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B.
Daily Bag Limit: 4 Canada geese.
Possession Limit: 8 Canada geese.
Western Washington Goose Seasons
Goose Management Area 1: Island, Skagit, Snohomish counties. Oct. ((11, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015)) 17, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016 for snow, Ross', ((and)) blue, and white-fronted geese. Oct. ((11-23, 2014 and Nov. 1, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015)) 17-29, 2015 and Nov. 7, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016 for other geese (except brant).
Daily Bag Limit: 4 geese.
Possession Limit: 12 geese.
Hunters must possess a special ((2014-15)) 2015-16 migratory bird hunting authorization and harvest record card for snow geese when hunting snow, Ross', and blue geese in Goose Management Area 1. A hunter who has not previously possessed a snow goose harvest report card must submit an application form to Washington state department of fish and wildlife (WDFW). Immediately after taking a snow, Ross', or blue goose into possession, hunters must record in ink the information required on the harvest record card.
It is unlawful to discharge a firearm for the purpose of hunting waterfowl within 100 feet of any paved public road on Fir Island in Skagit County or to discharge a firearm for the purpose of hunting snow geese within 100 feet of any paved public road in other areas of Skagit County.
While hunting snow geese, if a hunter is convicted of (a) trespass; (b) shooting from, across, or along the maintained part of any public highway; (c) discharging a firearm for the purpose of hunting waterfowl within 100 feet of any paved public road on Fir Island in Skagit County or discharging a firearm within 100 feet of any paved public road for the purpose of hunting snow geese in other areas of Skagit County; or (d) exceeding the daily bag limit for geese, authorization will be invalidated for the remainder of the current snow goose season and an authorization will not be issued for the subsequent snow goose season.
Goose Management Area 2A
Clark, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum counties((, and that part of Clark County north of the Washougal River)): Open in all areas except Ridgefield NWR from ((8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)) 30 minutes after the start of official hunting hours to 30 minutes before the end of official hunting hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays only, ((Nov. 8-30, 2014 and Dec. 10, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015)) Nov. 14, 2015 - Dec. 6, 2015; Dec. 16, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016; and Feb. 10, 2016 - Mar. 9, 2016. During Feb. 10, 2016 - Mar. 9, 2016, public lands are closed to goose hunting in Goose Management Area 2A. Ridgefield NWR open from ((8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)) 30 minutes after the start of official hunting hours to 30 minutes before the end of official hunting hours, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only, Nov. ((8-29, 2014 and Dec. 11, 2014 - Jan. 24, 2015; except closed Nov. 11, Nov. 27, and Dec. 25, 2014; and Jan. 1, 2015)) 14, 2015 - Dec. 5, 2015; and Dec. 17, 2015 - Jan. 30, 2016.
Bag Limits for Goose Management Area 2A:
Daily Bag Limit: 4 geese, ((to include not more than 1)) except for dusky Canada ((goose)) geese.
Possession Limit: 12 geese, ((to include not more than 1)) except for dusky Canada ((goose)) geese.
((Season Limit: 1)) Dusky Canada ((goose)) geese: SEASON CLOSED.
Goose Management Area 2B
((Pacific County: Open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturdays and Wednesdays only, Oct. 11-25, 2014 and Nov. 1, 2014 - Jan. 17, 2015.)) Grays Harbor and Pacific County: Open from 30 minutes after the start of official hunting hours to 30 minutes before the end of official hunting hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays only, Oct. 17-25, 2015; Nov. 14, 2015 - Jan. 10, 2016; and Feb. 14, 2016 - Mar. 9, 2016. During Feb. 14, 2016 - Mar. 9, 2016, public lands are closed to goose hunting in Goose Management Area 2B.
Bag Limits for Goose Management Area 2B:
Daily Bag Limit: 4 geese, ((to include not more than 1)) except for dusky Canada ((goose, and 1 Aleutian goose)) geese.
Possession Limit: 12 geese, ((to include not more than 1)) except for dusky Canada ((goose, and 3 Aleutian)) geese.
((Season Limit: 1)) Dusky Canada ((goose)) geese: SEASON CLOSED.
Special Provisions for Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B:
A dusky Canada goose is defined as a dark-breasted (as shown in the Munsell color chart 10 YR, 5 or less) Canada goose with a culmen (bill) length of 40-50 mm. ((A cackling goose is defined as a goose with a culmen (bill) length of 32 mm or less.
The goose season for Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B will be closed early if dusky Canada goose harvests exceed area quotas which collectively total 80 geese. The fish and wildlife commission has authorized the director to implement emergency area closures in accordance with the following quotas: A total of 80 duskys, to be distributed 15 for Zone 1 (Ridgefield NWR); 25 for Zone 2 (Cowlitz County south of the Kalama River); 20 for Zone 3 (Clark County except Ridgefield NWR); 10 for Zone 4 (Cowlitz County north of the Kalama River and Wahkiakum County); and 10 for Zone 5 (Pacific County). Quotas may be shifted to other zones during the season to optimize use of the statewide quota and minimize depredation.))
Hunters must possess a valid special ((2014-15)) 2015-16 migratory bird hunting authorization ((and harvest record card)) for Goose Management Area 2A/2B when hunting geese in Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B. New hunters and those who did not maintain a valid ((2013-14)) 2014-15 authorization must review goose identification training materials and score a minimum of 80% on a goose identification test to receive authorization. Hunters who fail a test must wait 28 days before retesting, and will not be issued a reciprocal authorization until that time.
((Immediately after taking any goose into possession, hunters must record in ink the information required on the harvest record card. Hunters must go directly to the nearest check station and have geese tagged when leaving a hunt site, before 6:00 p.m. All geese shall be presented intact and fully feathered at the check station. If a hunter takes the season bag limit of 1 dusky Canada goose or does not comply with requirements listed above regarding checking of birds and recording harvest on the harvest record card)) It is unlawful for hunters in Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B to fail to comply with the directions of authorized department personnel related to the collection of goose subspecies information pursuant to RCW 77.12.071. A person who prevents department personnel from collecting samples of tissue or other bodily parts is subject to prosecution under RCW 77.15.360 Unlawful interfering in department operations-Penalty. If a hunter takes a dusky Canada goose or does not comply with requirements listed above regarding WDFW collection of subspecies information, authorization will be invalidated
by the department and the hunter will not be able to hunt geese in Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B for the remainder of the season
((and the special late goose season)). It is unlawful to fail to comply with all provisions listed above for Goose Management Areas 2A and 2B
. Taking one dusky Canada goose is punishable as an infraction under RCW 77.15.160 (5)(b). Other violations of Area 2A or 2B goose hunting rules are punishable as an infraction under RCW 77.15.160 (2)(e) or as a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor under RCW 77.15.400 unlawful hunting of wild birds, depending on the circumstances of the violation.
((Special Late Goose Season for Goose Management Area 2A:
Open to WDFW master hunter program graduates and youth hunters (15 years of age or under, who are accompanied by a master hunter) possessing a valid special 2014-15 migratory bird hunting authorization for Goose Management Area 2A/2B and daily goose harvest record card, in areas with goose damage in Goose Management Area 2A on the following days, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Saturdays and Wednesdays only, Feb. 4 - Mar. 8, 2015.
Daily Bag Limit: 4 geese, to include not more than 1 dusky Canada goose.
Possession Limit: 12 geese, to include not more than 1 dusky Canada goose.
Season Limit: 1 dusky Canada goose.
A dusky Canada goose is defined as a dark-breasted Canada goose (as shown in the Munsell color chart 10 YR, 5 or less) with a culmen (bill) length of 40-50 mm. A cackling goose is defined as a goose with a culmen (bill) length of 32 mm or less.
Hunters qualifying for the season will be placed on a list for participation in this hunt. WDFW will assist landowners with contacting qualified hunters to participate in damage control hunts on specific lands incurring goose damage. Participation in this hunt will depend on the level of damage experienced by landowners. The special late goose season will be closed by emergency action if the harvest of dusky Canada geese exceeds 85 for the regular and late seasons. All provisions listed above for Goose Management Area 2A regarding authorization, harvest reporting, and checking requirements also apply to the special late season; except hunters must confirm their participation at least 24 hours in advance by calling the goose hunting hotline (listed on hunting authorization), and hunters must check out by 5:00 p.m. on each hunt day regardless of success. It is unlawful to fail to comply with all provisions listed above for the special late season in Goose Management Area 2A.))
Goose Management Area 3
Includes all parts of Western Washington not included in Goose Management Areas 1, 2A, and 2B: Oct. ((11-23, 2014 and Nov. 1, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015)) 17-29, 2015 and Nov. 7, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016.
Daily Bag Limit: 4 geese.
Possession Limit: 12 geese.
Eastern Washington Goose Seasons
Goose Management Area 4
Adams, Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Spokane, and Walla Walla counties: Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays only during Oct. ((11, 2014 - Jan. 18, 2015; Nov. 11, 27, and 28, 2014; Dec. 25, 26, 29, and 30, 2014; Jan. 1, 2015; and every day Jan. 19-25, 2015)) 17, 2015 - Jan. 24, 2016; Nov. 11, 26, and 27, 2015; Dec. 25, 28, 29, and 31, 2015; Jan. 1 and 18, 2016; and every day Jan. 25-31, 2016.
Goose Management Area 5
Includes all parts of Eastern Washington not included in Goose Management Area 4: Oct. ((11-13, 2014)) 17-19, 2015 and every day from Oct. ((18, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015)) 24, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016.
Bag Limits for all Eastern Washington Goose Management Areas:
Daily Bag Limit: 4 geese.
Possession Limit: 12 geese.
Open in Skagit County only on the following dates: Jan. 9, 10, ((11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24, and 25, 2015)) 13, 16, 17, 20, 23, and 24, 2016.
If the 2015-16 preseason brant population in Skagit County is 3,000-6,000 (as determined by the midwinter waterfowl survey), the brant season in Skagit County will be open only on the following dates: Jan. 9, 13, and 16, 2016.
If the ((2014-15)) 2015-16 preseason brant population in Skagit County is below ((6,000)) 3,000 (as determined by the midwinter waterfowl survey), the brant season in Skagit County will be canceled.
Open in Pacific County only on the following dates: Jan. 2, 3, ((4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 18, 2015)) 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 17, 2016.
Hunters must possess a special ((2014-15)) 2015-16 migratory bird hunting authorization and harvest record card for brant when hunting brant. A hunter who has not previously possessed a brant harvest report card must submit an application form to Washington state department of fish and wildlife (WDFW). Immediately after taking a brant into possession, hunters must record in ink the information required on the harvest record card.
Bag Limits for Skagit and Pacific counties:
Daily Bag Limit: 2 brant.
Possession Limit: 6 brant.
Season closed statewide.
Hunters must report 2014-15 harvest information from band-tailed pigeon harvest record cards to WDFW by Sept. 30, 2014, and harvest information from brant, sea duck, and snow goose harvest record cards to WDFW by Feb. 15, 2015. Every person issued a migratory bird hunting authorization and harvest record card must return the entire card to WDFW or report the card information at the designated internet site listed on the harvest record card. Any hunter failing to report by the deadline will be in noncompliance of reporting requirements. Hunters who have not reported hunting activity by the reporting deadline for any harvest record card acquired in 2014-15 will be required to pay a $10 administrative fee before any new 2015-16 migratory bird authorization and harvest record card will be issued. A hunter may only be penalized a maximum of $10 during a license year.))
(((Bag limits include geese and mourning doves.)
Oct. 11-15, 2014 and Oct. 18, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015 statewide; except scaup season closed Oct. 11-31, 2014.)) Same season dates for each species in each area as listed above.
Daily Bag Limit: 3, straight or mixed bag ((with)), including ducks, coots, snipe, geese, and mourning doves during established seasons.
((Possession Limit: 9, straight or mixed bag with geese and mourning doves during established seasons.
GEESE (Falconry)
(Bag limits include ducks, coot, snipe, and mourning doves.)
Goose Management Area 1: Oct. 11, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015 for snow, Ross', or blue geese. Oct. 11-23, 2014 and Nov. 1, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015 for other geese.
Goose Management Area 2A: Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays only, Nov. 8-23, 2014 and Dec. 3, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015.
Goose Management Area 2B: Saturdays and Wednesdays only, Oct. 11-25, 2014 and Nov. 1, 2014 - Jan. 17, 2015.
Goose Management Areas 3, 4, and 5: Oct. 11-12, 2014 and Nov. 1, 2014 - Jan. 25, 2015.
Daily Bag Limit for All Areas: 3 geese (except brant), straight or mixed bag with ducks, coots, snipe, and mourning doves during established seasons.
Possession Limit for All Areas: 9 geese (except brant), straight or mixed bag with ducks, coots, snipe, and mourning doves during established seasons.))