
  • WSR 12-17-143




    [ Filed August 21, 2012, 5:21 p.m. ]

         Original Notice.

         Exempt from preproposal statement of inquiry under RCW 34.05.310(4).

         Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Amend Regulation I, Section 6.03 (Notice of Construction).

         Hearing Location(s): Tacoma Municipal Building, 728 St. Helens Avenue, Room 16, Tacoma, WA 98402, on September 27, 2012, at 8:45 a.m.

         Date of Intended Adoption: September 27, 2012.

         Submit Written Comments to: Rob Switalski, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, 1904 3rd Avenue, Suite 105, Seattle, WA 98101, e-mail robs@pscleanair.org, fax (206) 343-7522, by September 26, 2012.

         Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact agency

    receptionist, (206) 689-4010, by September 20, 2012, TTY (800) 833-6388 or (800) 833-6385 (Braille).

         Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Maintain exemption for small boilers and heaters, which have less than ten MMBtu/hr heat input, from the Notice of Construction program.

         Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposal will reduce administrative costs that do not result in environmental gain. The Notice of Construction program will remain focused on the areas of highest environmental importance. Also, the agency will be able to fulfill its obligations associated with EPA delegation of rule implementation. This is a cost savings to the potentially affected sources and this agency.

         Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 70.94 RCW.

         Statute Being Implemented: RCW 70.94.141.

         Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

         Name of Proponent: Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, governmental.

         Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Steve Van Slyke, 1904 3rd Avenue, Suite 105, Seattle, WA 98101, (206) 689-4052; Implementation and Enforcement: Laurie Halvorson, 1904 3rd Avenue, Suite 105, Seattle, WA 98101, (206) 689-4030.

         No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. This agency is not subject to the small business economic impact provision of the Administrative Procedure Act, and the agency is not a school district.

         A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to local air agencies, per RCW 70.94.141.

    August 21, 2012

    Craig Kenworthy

    Executive Director



         (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or allow the establishment of a new source, or the replacement or substantial alteration of control equipment installed on an existing source, unless a "Notice of Construction application" has been filed and an "Order of Approval" has been issued by the Agency. The exemptions in Sections 6.03 (b) and (c) of this regulation shall not apply to:

         (1) Any project that qualifies as construction, reconstruction, or modification of an affected facility within the meaning of 40 CFR Part 60 (New Source Performance Standards), except for Subpart AAA (New Residential Wood Heaters), Subpart BB (Kraft Pulp Mills), Subpart S (Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants), Subpart OOO (Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants), and Subpart IIII pertaining to owners and operators of emergency stationary compression ignition internal combustion engines; and for relocation of affected facilities under Subpart I (Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities) for which an Order of Approval has been previously issued by the Agency;

         (2) Any project that qualifies as a new or modified source within the meaning of 40 CFR 61.02 (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), except for Subpart B (Radon from Underground Uranium Mines), Subpart H (Emissions of Radionuclides other than Radon from Department of Energy Facilities), Subpart I (Radionuclides from Federal Facilities other than Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensees and not covered by Subpart H), Subpart K (Radionuclides from Elemental Phosphorus Plants), Subpart Q (Radon from Department of Energy Facilities), Subpart R (Radon from Phosphogypsum Stacks), Subpart T (Radon from Disposal of Uranium Mill Tailings), Subpart W (Radon from Operating Mill Tailings), and for demolition and renovation projects subject to Subpart M (Asbestos);

         (3) Any project that qualifies as a new source as defined under 40 CFR 63.2 (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories), except for the provisions of Subpart M (Dry Cleaning Facilities) pertaining to area source perchloroethylene dry cleaners, Subpart LL (Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants), the provisions of Subpart S (Pulp and Paper Industry) and Subpart MM (Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft, Soda, Sulfite, and Stand-Alone Semichemical Pulp Mills) pertaining to kraft and sulfite pulp mills, the provisions of Subpart ZZZZ (Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines) pertaining to emergency and limited-use stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines, Subpart DDDDD (Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters), Subpart WWWWW (Hospitals: Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers), Subpart CCCCCC (Gasoline Dispensing Facilities), Subpart HHHHHH (Paint Stripping and Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations), Subpart WWWWWW (Plating and Polishing Operations), Subpart XXXXXX (Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories), Subpart YYYYYY (Ferroalloys Production Facilities), and Subpart ZZZZZZ (Aluminum, Copper, and Other Nonferrous Foundries);

         (4) Any new major stationary source or major modification as defined under WAC 173-400-030; and

         (5) Any stationary source previously exempted from review that is cited by the Agency for causing air pollution under Section 9.11 of this regulation.

         (b) Notifications. A Notice of Construction application and Order of Approval are not required for the new sources identified in this section, provided that a complete notification is filed with the Agency. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or allow establishment of a new source identified in this section unless a complete notification has been filed with the Agency:

         Liquid Storage and Transfer

         (1) Storage tanks used exclusively for:

         (A) Gasoline dispensing and having a rated capacity of >1,001 gallons, PROVIDED THAT they are installed in accordance with the current California Air Resources Board Executive Orders;

         (B) Organic liquids with a true vapor pressure of 2.2-4.0 psia and having a rated capacity of 20,000-39,999 gallons; or

         (C) Organic liquids with a true vapor pressure of 0.5-0.75 psia and having a rated capacity >40,000 gallons.

         (2) Loading and unloading equipment used exclusively for the storage tanks exempted above, including gasoline dispensers at gasoline stations.

         Relocation of Portable Batch Plants

         (3) Relocation of the following portable facilities: asphalt batch plants, nonmetallic mineral processing plants, and concrete batch plants for which an Order of Approval has been previously issued by the Agency. All the conditions in the previously issued Order of Approval remain in effect.

         Dry Cleaning

         (4) Unvented, dry-to-dry, dry-cleaning equipment that is equipped with refrigerated condensers to recover the cleaning solvent.


         (5) Non-heatset, web offset presses and wholesale, sheet-fed offset presses (lithographic or letterpress) using exclusively soy-based or kerosene-like oil-based inks, fountain solutions with 6% VOC by volume or 8.5% if refrigerated to <60°f, and="" cleaning="" solvents="" with="" a="" vapor="" pressure="">25mm Hg or a VOC content 30% by volume.

         Water Treatment

         (6) Industrial and commercial wastewater evaporators (except flame impingement) used exclusively for wastewater generated on-site that meets all discharge limits for disposal into the local municipal sewer system (including metals, cyanide, fats/oils/grease, pH, flammable or explosive materials, organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide, solids, and food waste). A letter from the local sewer district documenting compliance is required in order to use this exemption.

         Sanding Equipment

         (7) Sanding equipment controlled by a fabric filter with an airflow of 2,000-5,000 cfm and an air-to-cloth ratio of <3.5:1 (for="" reverse-air="" or="" manual="" cleaning)="" or=""><12:1 (for="" pulse-jet="">

         Ventilation and Control Equipment

         (8) Vacuum-cleaning systems used exclusively for industrial, commercial, or residential housekeeping purposes controlled by a fabric filter with an airflow of 2,000-5,000 cfm and an air-to-cloth ratio of <3.5:1 (for="" mechanical="" or="" manual="" cleaning)="" or=""><12:1 (for="" pulse-jet="">

         (9) Replacement of an existing paint spray booth that has previously received an Order of Approval, with like kind equipment and for spray coating operations that continue to operate consistent with the previously issued Order of Approval. All the conditions in the previously issued Order of Approval remain in effect.


         (10) Any source not otherwise exempt under Section 6.03(c) of this regulation that has been determined through review of a Notice of Construction application by the Control Officer not to warrant an Order of Approval because it has a de minimis impact on air quality and does not pose a threat to human health or the environment.

         Coffee Roasters

         (11) Batch coffee roasters with a maximum rated capacity of 10 lbs per batch or less.

         (c) Exemptions. A Notice of Construction application and Order of Approval are not required for the following new sources, provided that sufficient records are kept to document the exemption:


         (1) Fuel-burning equipment (except when combusting pollutants generated by a non-exempt source) having a rated capacity:

         (A) <10 million="" btu="" per="" hour="" heat="" input="" burning="" exclusively="" distillate="" fuel="" oil,="" natural="" gas,="" propane,="" butane,="" biodiesel="" that="" meets="" astm="" d="" 6751="" specifications="" (or="" any="" combination="">

         (B) <0.5 million="" btu="" per="" hour="" heat="" output="" burning="" waste-derived="" fuel="" (including="" fuel="" oil="" not="" meeting="" the="" specifications="" in="" section="" 9.08="" of="" this="" regulation);="">

         (C) <1 million="" btu="" per="" hour="" heat="" input="" burning="" any="" other="">

         (2) All stationary gas turbines with a rated heat input <10 million="" btu="" per="">

         (3) Stationary internal combustion engines having a rated capacity:

         (A) <50 horsepower="">

         (B) Used solely for instructional purposes at research, teaching, or educational facilities; or

         (C) Portable or standby units operated <500 hours="" per="" year,="">PROVIDED THAT they are not operated at a facility with a power supply contract that offers a lower rate in exchange for the power supplier's ability to curtail energy consumption with prior notice.

         (4) Relocation of portable, stationary internal combustion engines or gas turbines for which an Order of Approval has been previously issued by the Agency.

         (5) All nonroad compression ignition engines subject to 40 CFR Part 89 and land-based nonroad compression engines subject to 40 CFR Part 1039.


         (6) Crucible furnaces, pot furnaces, or induction furnaces with a capacity 1,000 pounds, PROVIDED THAT no sweating or distilling is conducted, and PROVIDED THAT only precious metals, or an alloy containing >50% aluminum, magnesium, tin, zinc, or copper is melted.

         (7) Crucible furnaces or pot furnaces with a capacity 450 cubic inches of any molten metal.

         (8) Ladles used in pouring molten metals.

         (9) Foundry sand-mold forming equipment.

         (10) Shell core and shell-mold manufacturing machines.

         (11) Molds used for the casting of metals.

         (12) Die casting machines with a rated capacity 1,000 pounds that are not used for copper alloys.

         (13) Equipment used for heating metals immediately prior to forging, pressing, rolling, or drawing, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (14) Forming equipment used exclusively for forging, rolling, or drawing of metals, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (15) Heat treatment equipment used exclusively for metals, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (16) Equipment used exclusively for case hardening, carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, carbonitriding, siliconizing, or diffusion treating of metals, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (17) Atmosphere generators used in connection with metal heat-treating processes.

         (18) Sintering equipment used exclusively for metals other than lead, PROVIDED THAT no coke or limestone is used, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (19) Welding equipment and oxygen/gaseous fuel cutting equipment.

         (20) Soldering or brazing, or equipment, including brazing ovens.

         (21) Equipment used exclusively for surface preparation, passivation, deoxidation, and/or stripping that meets all of the following tank content criteria:

         (A) 50 grams of VOC per liter;

         (B) No acids other than boric, formic, acetic, phosphoric, sulfuric, or 12% hydrochloric; and

         (C) May contain alkaline oxidizing agents, hydrogen peroxide, salt solutions, sodium hydroxide, and water in any concentration.

         Associated rinse tanks and waste storage tanks used exclusively to store the solutions drained from this equipment are also exempt. (This exemption does not include anodizing, hard anodizing, chemical milling, circuit board etching using ammonia-based etchant, electrocleaning, or the stripping of chromium, except sulfuric acid and/or boric acid anodizing with a total bath concentration of 20% by weight and using 10,000 amp-hours per day, or phosphoric acid anodizing with a bath concentration of 15% by weight of phosphoric acid and using 20,000 amp-hours per day.)

         (22) Equipment used exclusively for electrolytic plating (except the use of chromic and/or hydrochloric acid) or electrolytic stripping (except the use of chromic, hydrochloric, nitric, or sulfuric acid) of brass, bronze, copper, iron, tin, zinc, precious metals, and associated rinse tanks and waste storage tanks used exclusively to store the solutions drained from this equipment. Also, equipment used to electrolytically recover metals from spent or pretreated plating solutions that qualify for this exemption.

         Ceramics and Glass

         (23) Kilns used for firing ceramic-ware or artwork, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (24) Porcelain enameling furnaces, porcelain enameling drying ovens, vitreous enameling furnaces, or vitreous enameling drying ovens, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (25) Hand glass melting furnaces, electric furnaces, and pot furnaces with a capacity 1,000 pounds of glass.

         (26) Heat-treatment equipment used exclusively for glass, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (27) Sintering equipment used exclusively for glass PROVIDED THAT no coke or limestone is used, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         Plastics and Rubber and Composites

         (28) Equipment used exclusively for conveying and storing plastic pellets.

         (29) Extrusion equipment used exclusively for extruding rubber or plastics where no organic plasticizer is present, or for pelletizing polystyrene foam scrap.

         (30) Equipment used for extrusion, compression molding, and injection molding of plastics, PROVIDED THAT the VOC content of all mold release products or lubricants is 1% by weight.

         (31) Injection or blow-molding equipment for rubber or plastics, PROVIDED THAT no blowing agent other than compressed air, water, or carbon dioxide is used.

         (32) Presses or molds used for curing, post-curing, or forming composite products and plastic products, PROVIDED THAT the blowing agent contains no VOC or chlorinated compounds.

         (33) Presses or molds used for curing or forming rubber products and composite rubber products with a ram diameter 26 inches, PROVIDED THAT it is operated at 400°F.

         (34) Ovens used exclusively for the curing or forming of plastics or composite products, where no foam-forming or expanding process is involved, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (35) Ovens used exclusively for the curing of vinyl plastisols by the closed-mold curing process, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (36) Equipment used exclusively for softening or annealing plastics, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (37) Hot wire cutting of expanded polystyrene foam and woven polyester film.

         (38) Mixers, roll mills, and calenders for rubber or plastics where no material in powder form is added and no organic solvents, diluents, or thinners are used.

         Material Working and Handling

         (39) Equipment used for mechanical buffing (except tire buffers), polishing, carving, cutting, drilling, grinding, machining, planing, pressing, routing, sawing, stamping, or turning of wood, ceramic artwork, ceramic precision parts, leather, metals, plastics, rubber, fiberboard, masonry, glass, silicon, semiconductor wafers, carbon, graphite, or composites. This exemption also applies to laser cutting, drilling, and machining of metals.

         (40) Hand-held sanding equipment.

         (41) Sanding equipment controlled by a fabric filter with an airflow of <2,000>

         (42) Equipment used exclusively for shredding of wood (e.g., tub grinders, hammermills, hoggers), or for extruding, pressing, handling, or storage of wood chips, sawdust, or wood shavings.

         (43) Paper shredding and associated conveying systems and baling equipment.

         (44) Hammermills used exclusively to process aluminum and/or tin cans.

         (45) Tumblers used for the cleaning or deburring of metal products without abrasive blasting.

         Abrasive Blasting

         (46) Portable abrasive blasting equipment used at a temporary location to clean bridges, water towers, buildings, or similar structures, PROVIDED THAT any blasting with sand (or silica) is performed with >66% by volume water.

         (47) Portable vacuum blasting equipment using steel shot and vented to a fabric filter.

         (48) Hydroblasting equipment using exclusively water as the abrasive.

         (49) Abrasive blasting cabinets vented to a fabric filter, PROVIDED THAT the total internal volume of the cabinet is 100 cubic feet.

         (50) Shot peening operations, PROVIDED THAT no surface material is removed.


         (51) Solvent cleaning:

         (A) Non-refillable, hand-held aerosol spray cans of solvent; or

         (B) Closed-loop solvent recovery systems with refrigerated or water-cooled condensers used for recovery of waste solvent generated on-site.

         (52) Steam-cleaning equipment.

         (53) Unheated liquid solvent tanks used for cleaning or drying parts:

         (A) With a solvent capacity 10 gallons and containing 5% by weight perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, carbon tetra-chloride, chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, or any combination thereof;

         (B) Using a solvent with a true vapor pressure 0.6 psi containing 5% by weight perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloro-ethylene, or any combination thereof;

         (C) With a remote reservoir and using a solvent containing 5% by weight perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, carbon tetra-chloride, chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, or any combination thereof; or

         (D) With a solvent capacity 2 gallons; or

         (E) Using solutions with a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content of 1% by weight and no identified Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP), and are heated below the boiling point of the solution.

         (54) Hand-wipe cleaning.

         Coating, Resin, and Adhesive Application

         (55) Powder-coating equipment.

         (56) Portable coating equipment and pavement stripers used exclusively for the field application of architectural coatings and industrial maintenance coatings to stationary structures and their appurtenances or to pavements and curbs.

         (57) High-volume low-pressure (HVLP) spray-coating equipment having a cup capacity 8 fluid ounces, PROVIDED THAT it is not used to coat >9 square feet per day and is not used to coat motor vehicles or aerospace components.

         (58) Airbrushes having a cup capacity 2 fluid ounces and an airflow of 0.5-2.0 cfm.

         (59) Hand-held aerosol spray cans having a capacity of 1 quart of coating and hand-held brush and rollers for coating application.

         (60) Spray-coating equipment used exclusively for application of automotive undercoating or bed liner materials with a flash point >100°F.

         (61) Ovens associated with an exempt coating operation, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.

         (62) Ovens associated with a coating operation that are used exclusively to accelerate evaporation, if any combustion equipment is also exempt. (Note: The coating operation is not necessarily exempt.)

         (63) Radiation-curing equipment using ultraviolet or electron beam energy to initiate a chemical reaction forming a polymer network in a coating.

         (64) Hand lay, brush, and roll-up resins equipment and operations.

         (65) Equipment used exclusively for melting or applying of waxes or natural and synthetic resins.

         (66) Hot-melt adhesive equipment.

         (67) Any adhesive application equipment that exclusively uses materials containing <1% voc="" by="" weight="" and=""><0.1%>

         (68) Equipment used exclusively for bonding of linings to brake shoes, where no organic solvents are used.


         (69) Retail, sheet-fed, non-heatset offset presses (lithographic or letter-press).

         (70) Presses using exclusively UV-curable inks.

         (71) Presses using exclusively plastisols.

         (72) Presses using exclusively water-based inks (<1.5 lbs="" voc="" per="" gallon,="" excluding="" water,="" or=""><10% voc="" by="" volume)="" and="" cleaning="" solvents="" without="">

         (73) Presses used exclusively for making proofs.

         (74) Electrostatic, ink jet, laser jet, and thermal printing equipment.

         (75) Ovens used exclusively for exempt printing presses, if any combustion equipment is also exempt.


         (76) Photographic process equipment by which an image is reproduced upon material sensitized by radiant energy, excluding equipment using perchloroethylene.

         Liquid Storage and Transfer

         (77) Storage tanks permanently attached to a motor vehicle.

         (78) Storage tanks used exclusively for:

         (A) Liquefied gases, including any tanks designed to operate in excess of 29.7 psia without emissions;

         (B) Asphalt at a facility other than an asphalt roofing plant, asphalt processing plant, hot mix asphalt plants, or petroleum refinery;

         (C) Any liquids (other than asphalt) that also have a rated capacity 1,000 gallons;

         (D) Organic liquids (other than gasoline or asphalt) that also have a rated capacity <20,000>

         (E) Organic liquids (other than asphalt) with a true vapor pressure <2.2 psia="" (e.g.,="" astm="" spec.="" fuel="" oils="" and="" lubricating="" oils)="" that="" also="" have="" a="" rated="" capacity=""><40,000>

         (F) Organic liquids (other than asphalt) with a true vapor pressure <0.5 psia="" that="" also="" have="" a="" rated="" capacity="">>40,000 gallons;

         (G) Sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid with an acid strength 99% by weight;

         (H) Nitric acid with an acid strength 70% by weight;

         (I) Hydrochloric acid or hydrofluoric acid tanks with an acid strength 30% by weight;

         (J) Aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, or salts, PROVIDED THAT the surface of the solution contains 1% VOC by weight;

         (K) Liquid soaps, liquid detergents, vegetable oils, fatty acids, fatty esters, fatty alcohols, waxes, and wax emulsions;

         (L) Tallow or edible animal fats intended for human consumption and of sufficient quality to be certifiable for United States markets;

         (M) Water emulsion intermediates and products, including latex, with a VOC content 5% by volume or a VOC composite partial pressure of 0.1 psi at 68?F; or

         (N) Wine, beer, or other alcoholic beverages.

         (79) Loading and unloading equipment used exclusively for the storage tanks exempted above.

         (80) Loading and unloading equipment used exclusively for transferring liquids or compressed gases into containers having a rated capacity <60 gallons,="" except="" equipment="" transferring="">1,000 gallons per day of liquid with a true vapor pressure >0.5 psia.

         (81) Equipment used exclusively for the packaging of sodium hypochlorite-based household cleaning or pool products.


         (82) Mixing equipment, PROVIDED THAT no material in powder form is added and the mixture contains <1% voc="" by="">

         (83) Equipment used exclusively for the mixing and blending of materials at ambient temperature to make water-based adhesives.

         (84) Equipment used exclusively for the manufacture of water emulsions of waxes, greases, or oils.

         (85) Equipment used exclusively for the mixing and packaging of lubricants or greases.

         (86) Equipment used exclusively for manufacturing soap or detergent bars, including mixing tanks, roll mills, plodders, cutters, wrappers, where no heating, drying, or chemical reactions occur.

         (87) Equipment used exclusively to mill or grind coatings and molding compounds in a paste form, PROVIDED THAT the solution contains <1% voc="" by="">

         (88) Batch mixers with a rated working capacity 55 gallons.

         (89) Batch mixers used exclusively for paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, shellacs, printing inks, or sealers, PROVIDED THAT the mixer is equipped with a lid that contacts >90% of the rim.

         Water Treatment

         (90) Oil/water separators, except those at petroleum refineries.

         (91) Water cooling towers and water cooling ponds not used for evaporative cooling of process water, or not used for evaporative cooling of water from barometric jets or from barometric condensers, and in which no chromium compounds are contained.

         (92) Equipment used exclusively to generate ozone and associated ozone destruction equipment for the treatment of cooling tower water or for water treatment processes.

         (93) Municipal sewer systems, including wastewater treatment plants and lagoons, PROVIDED THAT they do not use anaerobic digesters or chlorine sterilization. This exemption does not include sewage sludge incinerators.

         (94) Soil and groundwater remediation projects involving <15 pounds="" per="" year="" of="" benzene="" or="" vinyl="" chloride,=""><500 pounds="" per="" year="" of="" perchloroethylene,="" and=""><1,000 pounds="" per="" year="" of="" toxic="" air="">

         Landfills and Composting

         (95) Passive aeration of soil, PROVIDED THAT the soil is not being used as a cover material at a landfill.

         (96) Closed landfills that do not have an operating, active landfill gas collection system.

         (97) Non-commercial composting.

         Agriculture, Food, and Drugs

         (98) Equipment used in agricultural operations, in the growing of crops, or the raising of fowl or animals.

         (99) Insecticide, pesticide, or fertilizer spray equipment.

         (100) Equipment used in retail establishments to dry, cook, fry, bake, or grill food for human consumption, including charbroilers, smokehouses, barbecue units, deep fat fryers, cocoa and nut roasters, but not including coffee roasters.

         (101) Cooking kettles (other than deep frying equipment) and confection cookers where all the product in the kettle is edible and intended for human consumption.

         (102) Bakery ovens with a total production of yeast leavened bread products <10,000 pounds="" per="" operating="" day,="" if="" any="" combustion="" equipment="" is="" also="">

         (103) Equipment used to dry, mill, grind, blend, or package <1,000 tons="" per="" year="" of="" dry="" food="" products="" such="" as="" seeds,="" grains,="" corn,="" meal,="" flour,="" sugar,="" and="">

         (104) Equipment used to convey, transfer, clean, or separate <1,000 tons="" per="" year="" of="" dry="" food="" products="" or="" waste="" from="" food="" production="">

         (105) Storage equipment or facilities containing dry food products that are not vented to the outside atmosphere, or that handle <1,000 tons="" per="">

         (106) Equipment used exclusively to grind, blend, package, or store tea, cocoa, spices, coffee, flavor, fragrance extraction, dried flowers, or spices, PROVIDED THAT no organic solvents are used in the process.

         (107) Equipment used to convey or process materials in bakeries or used to produce noodles, macaroni, pasta, food mixes, and drink mixes where products are edible and intended for human consumption, PROVIDED THAT no organic solvents are used in the process. This exemption does not include storage bins located outside buildings.

         (108) Brewing operations at facilities producing <3 million="" gallons="" per="" year="" of="">

         (109) Fermentation tanks for wine (excluding tanks used for the commercial production of yeast for sale).

         (110) Equipment used exclusively for tableting, or coating vitamins, herbs, or dietary supplements, PROVIDED THAT no organic solvents are used in the process.

         (111) Equipment used exclusively for tableting or packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, or coating pharmaceutical tablets, PROVIDED THAT no organic solvents are used.

         Quarries, Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants, and Concrete and Asphalt Batch Plants

         (112) Portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants.

         (113) Fixed nonmetallic mineral processing plants.

         (114) (Reserved).

         (115) Mixers and other ancillary equipment at concrete batch plants (or aggregate product production facilities) with a rated capacity <15 cubic="" yards="" per="">

         (116) Concrete mixers with a rated working capacity of 1 cubic yard.

         (117) Drilling or blasting (explosives detonation).

         (118) Asphaltic concrete crushing/recycling equipment with a throughput <5,000 tons="" per="">


         (119) Asphalt paving application.

         (120) Asphalt (hot-tar) roofing application.

         (121) Building construction or demolition, except that notification of demolitions is required under Section 4.03 of Regulation III.

         Ventilation and Control Equipment

         (122) Comfort air-conditioning systems, or ventilating systems (forced or natural draft), PROVIDED THAT they are not designed or used to control air contaminants generated by, or released from, sources subject to Notice of Construction.

         (123) Refrigeration units, except those used as, or in conjunction with, air pollution control equipment.

         (124) Refrigerant recovery and/or recycling units, excluding refrigerant reclaiming facilities.

         (125) Emergency ventilation systems used exclusively to contain and control emissions resulting from the failure of a compressed gas storage system.

         (126) Emergency ventilation systems used exclusively to scrub ammonia from refrigeration systems during process upsets or equipment breakdowns.

         (127) Negative air machines equipped with HEPA filters used to control asbestos emissions from demolition/renovation activities.

         (128) Portable control equipment used exclusively for storage tank degassing.

         (129) Vacuum-cleaning systems used exclusively for industrial, commercial, or residential housekeeping purposes controlled by a fabric filter with an airflow <2,000>

         (130) Control equipment used exclusively for sources that are exempt from Notice of Construction under Section 6.03(c) of this regulation.

         (131) Routine maintenance, repair, or similar parts replacement of control equipment.

         Testing and Research

         (132) Laboratory testing and quality assurance/control testing equipment used exclusively for chemical and physical analysis, teaching, or experimentation, used specifically in achieving the purpose of the analysis, test, or teaching activity. Non-production bench scale research equipment is also included.


         (133) Single-family and duplex dwellings.

         (134) Oxygen, nitrogen, or rare gas extraction and liquefaction equipment, if any combustion equipment used to power such equipment is also exempt.

         (135) Equipment, including dryers, used exclusively for dyeing, stripping, or bleaching of textiles where no organic solvents, diluents, or thinners are used, if any combustion equipment used to power such equipment is also exempt.

         (136) Chemical vapor sterilization equipment where no ethylene oxide is used, and with a chamber volume of 2 cubic feet used by healthcare facilities.

         (137) Ozone generators that produce <1 pound="" per="" day="" of="">

         (138) Fire extinguishing equipment.

         (d) Each Notice of Construction application and Section 6.03(b) notification shall be submitted on forms provided by the Agency and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee as required by Section 6.04 of this regulation. Notice of Construction applications shall also include any additional information required to demonstrate that the requirements of this Article are met. Notice of Construction applications shall also include an environmental checklist or other documents demonstrating compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act.