WSR 12-17-015 AGENDA
DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING [ Filed August 2, 2012, 10:50 a.m. ] Following is the rule-making agenda for the department of licensing. This agenda is sent to you as a requirement of RCW 34.05.314).If I can provide any additional information regarding rule making at the department of licensing please don't hesitate to contact Damon Monroe via e-mail at dmonroe@dol.wa.gov, or by phone at (360) 902-3843.
CR-101 CR-102 PROGRAM SUBJECT 12-03-062 Licensees audits and investigations Director's authority for investigations, inspections and audits. 12-13-079 Professional athletics Adding and amending amateur martial arts, chapter 36-14 WAC. 12-16-029 Dealers and manufacturers Independent vehicle dealer education. 12-09-031 12-12-073 Training and technical services Driver training schools and school districts to administer the knowledge and drive test. 12-10-086 System and licensing support Veteran license plate emblems. 12-11-060 System and licensing support Vehicle license/brands. 12-10-087 12-13-054 Driver records Ignition interlock device revolving account. 12-11-018 System and licensing support Destroyed or wrecked vehicle-reporting-rebuilt. 12-11-013 Contracts and programs ADR monitoring services. 12-14-072 Contracts and programs Minimum training requirements. 11-20-095 12-13-055 System and licensing support Notice and order defined in relation to license suspension. 10-23-097 Real estate Examination of managing brokers. 09-14-135 Engineers Chapter 196-12 WAC, amending to reflect current DB practices. 10-23-088 PSD/hearings Chapter 308-103 WAC, Rules of procedure for hearings under RCW 46.20.308. 10-23-086 Driver records Chapter 308-102 WAC, Administration of Financial Responsibility Act -- Procedures. 10-23-085 Driver records Mailing original driver's licenses and identicards out-of-state. 10-19-061 Training and technical services WAC 308-104-014 Application for driver license or ID-updating application requirements. 10-14-037 Real estate Director authority on conducting audits and investigations. 10-12-073 Cosmetology Chapter 308-20 WAC. 10-08-095 Title and registration WAC 308-56A-206. 10-01-136 Engineers Chapter 196-25 WAC. 10-01-035 Tattoo New rules. 09-08-077 Land surveyor Chapter 196-21 WAC, part of an effort to better organize existing and future rules under the existing chapter that pertain to surveyors-in-training. 09-08-075 Engineering Chapter 196-20 WAC, part of an effort to better organize existing and future rules under the existing chapter that pertain to engineers-in-training. 08-18-068 Driver records WAC 308-104-018. 08-18-066 Driver records WAC 308-104-160 Nonmoving violation defined. 08-14-032 Real estate Implement section 10, chapter 110, Laws of 2008. 08-07-004 Engineers Chapter 196-26A WAC, Engineer and land surveyor fees. 06-22-105 10-23-023 PSD/motorcycle Establish basic requirements governing the operation and scope of motorcycle education courses offered by commercial businesses. Damon Monroe
Rules Coordinator