
  • WSR 11-17-102



    [ Filed August 22, 2011, 3:27 p.m. ]

    Policy Statement

         Title of Policy Statement: Exemption to Closure Related to Vibrio parahaemolyticus Illness.

         Issuing Entity: Washington state department of health, division of environmental health, office of shellfish and water protection.

         Description: This policy statement provides clarification to WAC 246-282-006 (9)(a) regarding requirements for a licensed shellfish dealer or harvester requesting an exemption to a shellfish growing area closure related to Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) illnesses. Licensed dealers or harvesters must also submit with their request appropriate scientific studies demonstrating that the proposed control measures will reduce the risk of Vp illness so that it is no longer reasonably likely to occur.

         Office Contact: Rick Porso, Department of Health, Office of Shellfish and Water Protection, P.O. Box 47820, Olympia, WA 98504-7820, (360) 236-3302, rick.porso@doh.wa.gov.

         Effective Date: July 1, 2011.