
  • WSR 08-17-118



    (Electronically-delivered Products Study Committee)

    [ Filed August 20, 2008, 10:38 a.m. ]

    Study of the Taxation of Electronically Delivered Products

         The committee established to conduct a study of the taxation of electronically delivery [delivered] products, as provided under section 136(3) of SHB 1128 (chapter 522, Laws of 2007 PV), will meet:

    Date Time Location

    September 25, 2008

    10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. John O'Brien Building

    Hearing Room D

    Capital Campus

    Olympia, Washington

         Information about the committee is available on the department of revenue's web site at http://dor.wa.gov. Under "Quick Clicks," click on "Get Statistics and Reports" to access the committee's preliminary report, meeting minutes, and other information.

         Interested persons may use the department of revenue's internet site to sign up to receive future information concerning the study of the taxation of electronically delivered products via e-mail. To sign up for the digital goods e-mail distribution list, visit http://dor.wa.gov, and click on "Contact Us" and "e-mail."

         Please direct questions about the study to one of the following persons: Gil Brewer, (360) 570-6135, gilb@dor.wa.gov; or Drew Shirk, (360) 570-3225, drews@dor.wa.gov; or Becky Hufana, (360) 586-3132, beckyh@dor.wa.gov.