PREPROPOSAL STATEMENT OF INQUIRYSTATE BOARD OF HEALTH [ Filed August 23, 2006, 10:51 a.m. ] This memo serves as notice that the Washington state board of health is withdrawing the CR-101 filed January 2, 2003, and published as WSR 03-02-101. The intent was to develop a proposal to govern stewardship of specimens submitted to the department of health's public health laboratories, particularly the dried blood spot specimens that are collected from each infant born in the state and submitted for newborn screening. Since the filing of WSR 03-02-101, the board has incorporated policies governing specimen stewardship in an amendment of the newborn screening regulations, chapter 246-650 WAC. For this reason, the CR-101 published as WSR 03-02-101 is no longer needed.Individuals requiring information on this rule should contact Michael Glass, Director, Newborn Screening at (206) 418-5470 or at
Craig McLaughlin
Executive Director