- WSR 16-16-038AGENDADEPARTMENT OFNATURAL RESOURCES[Filed July 26, 2016, 10:17 a.m.]Rules Development AgendaJuly to December 2016WAC CHAPTER OR SECTIONPURPOSE OF RULE BEINGDEVELOPED OR AMENDED332-24Rule change to ensure fire protection rules are clearly written and provide appropriate protection regarding regulation of forest operations and spark emitting equipment requirements. The changes will also update references to department of ecology WAC and chapter 70.94 RCW.332-08The department of natural resources has the discretion to consider rule-making changes related to insurance and security requirements; the program is currently evaluating whether or not this is necessary.332-18-05004Amending rule governing fines, base penalties schedule in relation to surface mine reclamation.New WACA new rule will be written to implement RCW 78.44.087 (5)(c) developing a standardized performance security formula.New WACRCW 39.04.155 directs state agencies awarding small works contract to have procedures in place to solicit bids and award contracts.