
  • WSR 14-16-050
    [Filed July 29, 2014, 2:22 p.m.]
    Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Title 132I WAC, Community colleges-Highline Community College.
    Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: (1) Highline Community College is reverting to its formal name, Highline College, for all official and unofficial agency identification. It is necessary to replace all references to Highline Community College in Title 132I WAC with Highline College.
    (2) The campus safety and security office's name is changing to the Highline public safety department and public safety and emergency management director is the department leader. References to the campus safety and security office and the campus safety and security supervisor in Title 132I WAC are being replaced with the new titles.
    (3) The time requirement for denying a request for public records is bing [being] changed to two days from the current ten days in WAC 132I-276-045(3).
    (4) The hospitality services office's name is changing to the conference services office. References to the hospitality services office are being replaced with the new name.
    Reasons Supporting Proposal: (1) Replacing Highline Community College with Highline College in Title 132I WAC will assure consistency with the college's internal and external communications and eliminate confusion when referencing the college's administrative procedures.
    (2) Replacing references to campus safety and security and hospitality services also removes confusion when people are attempting to identify the responsible department and personnel empowered to enforce parking and traffic regulations as well as other public safety issues.
    (3) Changing the time limit for denials of public records requests from ten days to two days brings the college's WAC into conformance with RCW 42.56.5320.
    Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 34.05 RCW et seq. and RCW 28B.50.140 (10) and (13).
    Statute Being Implemented: RCW 42.56.520.
    Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
    Name of Proponent: Highline College, governmental.
    Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Larry T. Yok, Highline College, (206) 592-3545.
    July 28, 2014
    Larry T. Yok
    for Administration
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-020 Definitions.
    As used in this document, the following words shall mean:
    (1) Campus: Any property or facility over which Highline ((Community)) College exercises control as the owner, lessee, or tenant.
    (2) College: Highline ((Community)) College, or any additional community college hereafter established with Community College District 9, state of Washington, and collectively, those responsible for its control and operations.
    (3) College community: Trustees, students, employees, and guests on college owned or controlled facilities.
    (4) College facilities: Includes any or all property controlled or operated by the college.
    (5) Student: Includes all persons attending or enrolled at the college, both full time and part time.
    (6) ((Campus safety and security supervisor)) Public safety and emergency management director: An employee of Highline Community College District 9, state of Washington, who is responsible to the vice-president for administration for ((campus)) security, safety, parking, and traffic control at the college's campus.
    (7) Registered vehicle: A vehicle registered with the ((campus safety and security office)) public safety department.
    (8) Motor vehicle: An automobile, truck, motor-driven cycle, scooter, or any vehicle powered by an engine or motor.
    (9) Nonmotorized vehicle: Bicycles, skateboards, and other vehicles not equipped with engines or motors.
    (10) Visitor: Any person(s), other than currently enrolled students or college employees, who is on the campus as a guest(s) or to visit the campus for meetings and/or other purposes.
    (11) School year: Unless otherwise designated, the time period commencing with the summer quarter of the ((community)) college calendar year and extending through the subsequent fall, winter, and spring quarters.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-030 Applicable parking and traffic rules and regulations-Areas affected.
    The following rules and regulations apply to all persons operating vehicles on Highline ((Community)) College's campus.
    (1) The motor vehicle and other traffic laws of the state of Washington.
    (2) The municipal traffic code of the city of Des Moines, state of Washington, to the extent that the college owns or controls property located within the city of Des Moines.
    (3) The municipal traffic code of the city of Kent to the extent the college owns or controls property within the city of Kent.
    (4) Any other municipal traffic codes applicable to college owned or controlled property that is located outside of the boundaries of the cities identified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section.
    (5) The Highline ((Community)) College parking and traffic regulations, as set forth in this chapter, shall be applicable to all properties owned or controlled by Highline ((Community)) College. In case of conflict with the state, county or municipal motor vehicle laws, those laws shall govern and take precedence over the college's parking and traffic regulations.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-040 Parking and traffic responsibility.
    The vice-president for administration is responsible for parking and traffic management on campus. In general, the responsibility is delegated to the ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety and emergency management director. All duly appointed public safety ((and security)) employees of Highline ((Community)) College shall have the authority to enforce all college parking and traffic regulations under the supervision of the public safety ((and security)) supervisor.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-050 Permits required for vehicles on campus.
    No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the campus of Highline ((Community)) College without a permit issued by the ((safety and security office)) public safety department unless the vehicle is parked in a parking space designated for visitors. All persons parking on the campus will be given a reasonable time to secure a temporary or permanent permit from the ((safety and security office)) public safety department.
    (1) A valid permit is:
    (a) A current Highline ((Community)) College vehicle permit displayed in accordance with instructions.
    (b) A temporary or guest permit authorized by the ((safety and security office)) public safety department and displayed in accordance with instructions.
    (2) Parking permits are not transferable, except as provided in WAC 132I-116-100.
    (3) The college reserves the right to refuse the issuance of a parking permit to any applicant.
    (4) Visitors may park in designated "visitor" parking spaces without securing a permit. Visitor parking spaces are not available for use by currently enrolled students or college employees, provided that no motor vehicle shall occupy a "visitor" parking space in excess of the posted time limit.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-070 Authorization for issuance of permits.
    The ((safety and security office)) public safety department is authorized to issue parking permits to students, faculty, staff members, visitors and guests of the college pursuant to the following regulations:
    (1) Students may be issued a parking permit upon the registration of their motor vehicles with the ((safety and security office)) public safety department at the beginning of each academic quarter.
    (2) Full-time and part-time faculty and staff members may be issued a parking permit upon the registration of their motor vehicles at the time they begin their employment at the college.
    (3) Full-time faculty and staff personnel may be issued a second motor vehicle permit for another personally owned motor vehicle. A condition of issuance is that at no time will more than one vehicle be parked on campus.
    (4) Car pool permits may be issued to faculty, staff, and students. A car pool is defined as being from two to five persons. One transferable permit will be issued by the ((safety and security office)) public safety department for each car pool. This permit is transferable only among the registered members of the car pool. This permit will be displayed in accordance with the instructions provided with the permit. A condition of issuance is that at no time will more than one vehicle owned by members of the pool be parked on campus.
    (5) The ((safety and security office)) public safety department may issue temporary and special parking permits when such permits are necessary to enhance the business or operation of the college.
    (6) Permit-holders may obtain temporary parking permits at the ((safety and security office)) public safety department without charge for an unregistered vehicle when necessary due to the nonavailability of their registered vehicles.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-100 Transfer of permits.
    Parking permits are transferable between vehicles registered to the permit holder. Permits may be reissued as authorized by the ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety and emergency management director or designee.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-150 Parking within designated spaces.
    (1) Vehicles on the Highline ((Community)) College campus shall be parked in designated parking areas only. These areas are marked by a curb, white lines, or signs. Parking on or over a line constitutes a violation.
    (2) No motor vehicle may be parked in posted "no parking" and "fire lane" zones, within ten feet of a fire hydrant; on any area that has been landscaped or designed for landscaping; or on any paved walkway or unpaved pathway designated for pedestrian use. This prohibition shall not apply to vehicles operated by the college maintenance or ((safety and security)) public safety employees, by persons who have received express authorization from the ((safety and security office)) public safety department, or emergency response vehicles.
    (3) No motorcycles, motorized bicycles, scooters, or bicycles shall be parked inside a building, against a building or handrails, or sidewalk or other pedestrian pathway. Bicycles must be secured to racks as provided.
    (4) Motor vehicles that have been parked in excess of seventy-two hours and that appear to be inoperable or abandoned may be impounded and stored at the expense of the owner and/or operator thereof, pursuant to WAC 132I-116-222.
    (5) Persons seeking to park on campus longer than seventy-two hours must apply and receive authorization from the ((safety and security office)) public safety department.
    (6) All vehicles shall follow traffic arrows and other markings established for the purposes of directing traffic on campus.
    (7) No vehicle shall be parked so as to occupy any portion of more than one parking space or stall as designated within the parking area. The fact that other vehicles may have been so parked as to require the vehicle parked to occupy a portion or more than one space or stall shall not constitute an excuse for violation of this section.
    (8) No vehicle shall be parked on the campus except in those areas set aside and designated pursuant to WAC 132I-116-140.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-170 Night parking.
    Students, faculty, and staff with a valid parking permit may park in any area ((A or B spaces)) on a first-come first-serve basis between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:45 p.m., provided that disabled parking spaces remain restricted to motor vehicles displaying a valid disabled parking permit parking placard or license plate from an authorized governmental agency.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-190 Regulatory signs and directions.
    The ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety director or designee is authorized to erect signs, barricades, and other structures and to paint marks or other directions upon the entry ways and streets on campus and upon the various parking lots owned or operated by the college. Such signs, barricades, structures, markings, and directions shall be made and placed as to best effectuate the objectives of these rules and regulations, in the opinion of the vice-president for administration or his or her designee. Drivers of vehicles shall observe and obey the signs, barricades, structures, markings, and directions erected pursuant to this section. Drivers shall also comply with the directions from ((safety and security)) public safety personnel including commissioned law enforcement officers in the control and regulation of traffic.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-200 Vehicle operation.
    (1) No vehicle shall be operated on the campus at a speed in excess of ten miles per hour or as posted. No vehicle of any type shall at any time use the campus parking lots for testing, racing, or other unauthorized activities.
    (2) No vehicle shall be operated in such a negligent or reckless manner as to place person(s) or property in danger of injury or grievous harm.
    (3) Upon a roadway designated for one-way traffic, a vehicle shall be driven only in the direction designated at all or such times as shall be indicated by official traffic control devices.
    (4) No motorized vehicle shall be operated on pedestrian walkways or pathways with the exception of official college vehicles, emergency response vehicles, and vehicles granted permission to do so by the ((safety and security office)) public safety department.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-222 Impounding of vehicles.
    Any vehicle parked on campus in violation of these regulations, including the motor vehicle and other traffic laws of the state of Washington and the traffic code of the cities of Des Moines and Kent as incorporated in WAC 132I-116-030, may be impounded and towed to an impound lot by a duly authorized towing company under contract to provide towing services to the college. The expense of such impounding and storage shall be charged to the owner or operator of the vehicle and paid by him prior to its release. The college and its employees shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from such immobilization, impounding, and/or storage.
    Circumstances in which vehicles may be impounded include, but are not limited to the following:
    (1) Blocking a roadway in a manner that impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
    (2) Blocking a walkway in a manner that impedes pedestrian traffic;
    (3) Blocking a fire lane or impeding access to a fire hydrant including parking within ten feet of a fire hydrant;
    (4) Creating a safety hazard in the opinion of the ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety and emergency management director or ((his or her)) designee;
    (5) Blocking a legally parked car;
    (6) Parking in a marked "tow-away" or "no parking" zone;
    (7) Having an accumulation of four or more outstanding college parking/traffic violations;
    (8) Illegally parking in a handicapped parking space;
    (9) Parking anywhere other than a designated parking area; or
    (10) Parking on campus for more than seventy-two hours without prior authorization from the ((safety and security office)) public safety department.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-230 Report of accident.
    The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident on campus resulting in injury to or death of any person or damage to either vehicles of $500.00 or more, shall within twenty-four hours report such accident to the ((safety and security office)) public safety department. This does not relieve any person so involved in an accident from their responsibility to file a state of Washington motor vehicle accident report within twenty-four hours after such accident.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-240 Specific traffic and parking regulations and restrictions authorized.
    Upon special occasions or during emergencies, the ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety and emergency management director or designee is authorized to impose additional traffic and parking regulations and restrictions consistent with the objectives specified in WAC 132I-116-010.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-260 Issuance of traffic citations.
    Upon the violation(s) of any of the parking and traffic rules and regulations contained in chapter 132I-116 WAC, the ((safety and security)) public safety personnel are authorized to issue citations, setting forth the date, the approximate time, permit number, license number, name of permit holder, infraction, ((safety and security)) name of the public safety employee, and schedule of fines. Parking citations may be served by attaching or affixing a copy thereof in some prominent place outside such vehicle or by personally serving the operator.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-270 Fines and penalties.
    (1) Fines may be levied for any violations of the rules and regulations contained in chapter 132I-116 WAC.
    In addition to a fine imposed under these regulations, illegally parked vehicle(s) may be subject to impound pursuant to WAC 132I-116-222.
    (2) A schedule of parking and traffic fines and penalties shall be adopted by the board of trustees.
    (3) An accumulation of unpaid citations that are more than twenty calendar days overdue from the date of the citation(s) by a student may be cause for disciplinary action, and the chief student affairs officer (CSAO) may initiate disciplinary proceedings against such students. No disciplinary action shall be taken until the student has completed the appeal process or waived his or her appeal rights.
    (4) An accumulation of unpaid citations that are more than twenty calendar days overdue from the date of the citation(s) by faculty or staff members shall be turned over to the financial services office for the collection of fines. The collection process shall not commence until the faculty or staff member has completed the appeal process or waived his or her appeal rights.
    (5) Parking and traffic citations will be processed by the campus ((safety and security office)) public safety department. Parking and traffic fines are to be paid to the cashier's office.
    (6) Parking and traffic fines shall be charged for offenses according to the schedule established by the board of trustees.
    (7) In the event a student fails or refuses to pay a fine, the following may result:
    (a) Student may have a hold placed on his or her record and may not be eligible to register;
    (b) Student may not be able to obtain a transcript or his or her grades or credits;
    (c) Student may not receive a degree;
    (d) Student may be denied future parking privileges;
    (e) Student's vehicle may be impounded;
    (f) Student's debt may be turned over to a collection agency in accordance with the college's collection policy.
    (8) Parking and traffic fines are due twenty calendar days from the date of citation. Provided that if timely appeal is filed, such fine shall be due twenty calendar days from the date of service upon the violator of the order terminating the appeal.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-23-044, filed 11/12/04, effective 12/13/04)
    WAC 132I-116-275 Schedule of fines and penalties.
    Highline ((Community)) College parking and traffic fine schedule is listed in the Highline ((Community)) College budget book on file in the Highline ((Community)) College library and adopted by the board of trustees.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-116-300 Appeal of fines and penalties.
    Any citation for violation of these rules and regulations, may be appealed. The appeal must be submitted in writing, within twenty calendar days from the date of the citation, to the ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety and emergency management director or designee, who will:
    (1) Review the appeal and confer with the appellant to determine whether a satisfactory solution, to all parties, can be reached without further administrative action. If a solution satisfactory to all parties cannot be reached, the ((safety and security supervisor)) public safety and emergency management director or his designee will issue and serve the appellant with a brief written order explaining why the appeal was denied. Service shall be in person or by first class mail. For purposes of this regulation, service by mail will be deemed complete on the third business day after the order is deposited in the mail.
    (2) An appeal of the ((safety and security supervisor's)) public safety and emergency management director's or designee's order may be submitted in writing to the college's vice-president for administration or designee within twenty-one calendar days after service of the public safety ((and security)) supervisor's order is complete. The written appeal must be accompanied by a copy of the ((security supervisor's)) public safety and emergency management director's or designee's order. Within twenty calendar days from the receipt of any such appeal, the college's vice-president for administration or designee shall render a written decision. This decision will be final.
    (3) The final legal recourse for an appellant is to the Washington state superior court system.
    (4) In the event that the appeal involves an impounded vehicle, the vehicle's owner shall have the right to a hearing before the ((safety and security supervisor or his or her)) public safety and emergency management director or designee within forty-eight hours of a request, or on the next business day if the forty-eight hour period terminates on a weekend or holiday. The vehicle's owner shall also be entitled to a release of the vehicle upon payment of a bond to the college in the amount of the sum of the impoundment costs and the total of all fines due and owing. If at the hearing it is shown that the vehicle was improperly impounded, the owner of the vehicle shall be entitled to a refund of the costs of impoundment. The vehicle's owner may appeal the ((safety and security supervisor's)) public safety and emergency management director's or designee's order as provided in WAC 132I-116-300(2).
    (5) In all appeals under this section, the appellant carries the burden of proof, which shall be a preponderance of the evidence.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-01-088, filed 12/17/07, effective 1/17/08)
    WAC 132I-120-010 Purpose.
    (((1) Highline Community College serves its community and the general public by providing opportunities for all persons seeking educational and personal enrichment. The college delivers innovative education and training opportunities to foster personal and professional success in a multicultural society.
    Highline Community College is committed to the following values:
    Access: We believe education should be available to all who seek it.
    Collaboration: We value teamwork, joint responsibility and ownership.
    Community: We value our community and are dedicated to serving its educational needs.
    Diversity: We respect the rights and perspectives of the diverse populations who live, learn and work in our community.
    Excellence: We strive for the highest quality in all our programs and services.
    Integrity: We believe in honesty and trustworthiness in all our college practices.
    Internationalization: We value a global perspective and respect cultural differences.
    Learning: We develop an interactive, creative, and learner-centered environment that supports student success.
    (2) Students have the responsibility to observe and help maintain appropriate conditions in the classroom, on campus, and when officially representing the college in the larger community. Allegiance to these core values and the civility statement (WAC 132I-120-100(1)) allows Highline Community College to offer a learning environment that prepares students to engage actively and responsibly as citizens in the local and global communities.
    (3) Highline Community College has jurisdiction to take appropriate disciplinary action when any student acts in a manner that violates this code at any college-sponsored program or event. Jurisdiction is defined in WAC 132I-120-530. The purpose of these rules is to prescribe standards of conduct for students of Highline Community College District No. 9; the violations of which may constitute sufficient cause for disciplinary action as described in accordance with the procedures established in WAC 132I-120-010 through 132I-120-530.
    (4) A student's application for admission or registration constitutes acceptance of the responsibility to comply with the general policies and regulations established by the college and to meet the expectations described in this document.)) As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-01-088, filed 12/17/07, effective 1/17/08)
    WAC 132I-120-020 General policies.
    (1) Highline ((Community)) College is an agency of the state of Washington and adheres to all local, state, and federal laws. The college is obligated to demonstrate respect for the laws by cooperating in their enforcement.
    (2) Highline ((Community)) College cannot and will not establish regulations which would abridge constitutional rights.
    (3) Proper procedures are established to maintain conditions conducive to the effective performance of the function of the college, to protect students from unfair imposition of penalties, and to assure due process. Highline ((Community)) College is granted the right by law to adopt rules deemed necessary to govern its operations.
    (4) If these rules are broken, the college has the right and the obligation to take action that is in the best interest of the college and that is commensurate with the constitutional rights of the individual.
    (5) Highline ((Community)) College reserves the right to impose the provisions of this chapter and provide further sanctions before or after law enforcement agencies, courts, or other agencies have imposed penalties or otherwise disposed of a case. College proceedings are not subject to challenge on the ground that criminal or civil charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced or in which the defendant has been found not guilty or not liable. In addition, the college reserves the right to refer incidents to the appropriate civilian authorities or law enforcement agencies.
    (6) The associated students of Highline ((Community)) College have the right to participate in the formulation and review of all policies pertaining to student rights and responsibilities and its enforcement as described in the student code of conduct.
    (7) Rules of conduct and procedures of enforcement shall be printed and made available to all students via the internet and in hard copy upon request.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-01-088, filed 12/17/07, effective 1/17/08)
    WAC 132I-120-030 Definitions.
    (1) As used in these rules, the following words and phrases shall mean:
    (a) "Anabolic steroids" means synthetic derivatives of testosterone or any isomer, ester, salt, or derivative that acts in the same manner on the human body.
    (b) "Androgens" means testosterone in one of its forms or a derivative, isomer, ester, or salt that acts in the same manner on the human body.
    (c) "((ASHCC)) ASHC" refers to the associated students of Highline ((Community)) College, the official student government association.
    (d) "Assembly" refers to any overt activity engaged in by three or more persons, the object of which is to gain publicity, advocate a view, petition for a cause or disseminate information to any person or group.
    (e) "Board of trustees" means the board members appointed by the governor of the state of Washington who have final authority for the governance of Highline ((Community)) College.
    (f) "Chief student affairs officer (CSAO)" means the college administrator who reports to the college president, who serves as the college's student judicial affairs administrator, and who is responsible for administering the student rights and responsibilities code. The CSAO may designate a student judicial affairs administrator to fulfill this responsibility.
    (g) "College" means Highline ((Community)) College (((HCC))), or any additional community college hereafter established with Community College District 9, state of Washington, and collectively, those responsible for its control and operation.
    (h) "College community" means trustees, students, staff, faculty, and visitors on college owned or controlled facilities.
    (i) "College facilities" means and includes any or all property controlled and/or operated by the college.
    (j) "Day" means a calendar day. The effective date of any provision of these rules shall be the day other than a Saturday, Sunday or holiday.
    (k) "Faculty complaint process" is the process through which students may seek resolution of complaints against faculty members about instructional matters. The faculty complaint process is explained fully in the Complaints Against Faculty Members section 807 of the Highline College Education Association (HCEA) ((HCC)) negotiated agreement. Written procedures for the faculty complaint process are available in the office of the chief student affairs officer, and in the academic affairs administrative offices.
    (l) "Human growth hormones" means growth hormones, or a derivative, isomer, ester, or salt that act in the same manner on the human body.
    (m) "Initial disciplinary hearing" means a meeting between the chief student affairs officer or designee and accused party to review the charges and evidence of any code violation and give opportunity for the accused party to give their account of the incident(s) under investigation.
    (n) "President" means the chief executive officer of the college appointed by the board of trustees, and for the purposes of these rules includes "acting president" or the delegated authority in the absence of the president.
    (o) "Student" means and includes any person enrolled at the college, or a person seeking admission or accepted to the college for admission.
    (p) "Student group" means a number of students who have not met the formal requirements to be officially recognized as a student organization.
    (q) "Student code of conduct" means the ((HCC)) Highline College student rights and responsibilities.
    (r) "Student organization" means a number of students who have met the formal requirements of clubs and organizations recognition as provided by the associated students of Highline ((Community)) College (((ASHCC)) ASHC).
    (s) "Summary suspension hearing" means a short, concise, and timely hearing administered in emergencies, following a student being summarily suspended from attending a class or classes.
    (t) "Student judicial affairs administrator" means the chief student affairs officer or designee.
    (2) All other terms have their natural meaning unless the context dictates otherwise.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-120-100 College community expectations.
    (1) Civility statement. Members of Highline ((Community)) College community accept the responsibility to promote a learning and working environment which ensures mutual respect, civility, honesty, and fairness. Members of the college community are expected to uphold the college's values and ethics necessary to maintain a positive campus climate, which includes health, safety and welfare of the campus community. To be active participants in the process of education, college community members will strive to adhere to the following expectations:
    (a) To be positive contributors to the college, the city of Des Moines, and the surrounding community.
    (b) To conduct themselves with civility and be held accountable as members of the ((HCC)) Highline College community.
    (c) To be honest and take responsibility for treating others with respect and dignity.
    (d) To be open to the concepts of leadership, diversity, and wellness.
    (e) To be open-minded and prepared to learn.
    (2) Educational expectations. Students who choose to attend Highline ((Community)) College also choose to participate actively in the adult learning process offered by the college. As a process, learning is not a product or commodity, which is bought and sold, but rather, it is a relationship between instructors who are willing to teach, staff who are willing to support, and students who are willing to learn. Therefore, the responsibility for learning is shared equally between students, staff, and faculty.
    (3) Student responsibilities. The college is responsible for providing its students with an educational environment rich in the high quality resources needed by students to attain their individual educational goals. In return, students are responsible for making themselves aware of the full breadth of the resources available, for the timely choosing and appropriate use of these resources, and for the specific behavioral tasks necessary for attaining the desired learning outcomes. Student responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: To actively participate in the learning process by adhering to the college's policies, practices, and procedures; attending all class sessions; utilizing campus resources; participating actively in the advising process; seeking timely assistance in meeting educational goals; and assuming responsibility for the selection of courses to achieve those goals.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-120-101 Student code of conduct.
    (1) Code of conduct. As members of the college community, students are expected to obey all college rules and regulations and are prohibited from engaging in any unlawful conduct. Any student who, either as a principal actor, aid, abettor, or accomplice as defined in RCW 9A.08.020, as now law or hereafter amended, violates any local, state or federal law, interferes with the personal rights or privileges of others or the educational process of the college, or violates the code of conduct which includes, but is not limited to, the categories listed below, shall be subject to disciplinary action as provided in this chapter (see WAC 132I-120-410).
    (a) Personal offenses.
    (i) Assault, reckless endangerment, intimidation, or interference upon another person in the manner set forth in RCW 9A.36.010 through 9A.36.050, or 28B.10.570 through 28B.10.572, as now law or hereafter amended.
    (ii) Disorderly, disruptive, or abusive behavior which interferes with the rights of others or obstructs or disrupts teaching, learning, research, or administrative functions.
    (iii) Inattentiveness, inability, or failure to follow the reasonable instructions of any college employee acting within their professional responsibility, thereby infringing upon the rights and privileges of others.
    (iv) Refusal to comply with any lawful order to leave the college campus or any portion thereof by college personnel when necessary for the college to achieve its purpose of providing educational programs and services.
    (v) Unauthorized assembly, obstruction, or disruption which materially and substantially interferes with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, classes, hearings, meetings, the educational and administrative functions of the college, or the rights and privileges of others.
    (vi) Filing of a formal complaint falsely accusing another member of the college community with violating a provision of this chapter.
    (vii) Falsely reporting an emergency, such as by setting off or otherwise tampering with any emergency safety equipment, alarm, or other device established for the safety of individuals and/or college facilities.
    (viii) Submitting information known to be false, misinterpreted, or fraudulent to college officials or on college records.
    (ix) Engaging in unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where such behavior offends the recipient or a third party, causes discomfort or humiliation, or creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work or learning environment.
    (x) Stalking behavior in which a student repeatedly engages in a course of conduct directed at another person and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her family; where the threat is reasonably determined by the college to seriously alarm, torment, or terrorize the person; and where the threat is additionally determined by the college to serve no legitimate purpose.
    (xi) Destruction or alteration of any evidence that could be used during an investigation or college proceeding.
    (xii) Any malicious act or behavior which causes harm to any person's physical or mental well-being. Harassment includes intentionally and repeatedly following or contacting another person in a manner that alarms, annoys, intimidates, harasses, or causes substantial emotional distress.
    (b) Property offenses.
    (i) Actual or attempted theft or robbery (RCW 9A.56.010 through 9A.56.060 and 9A.56.100) of property or services belonging to the college or college community member including but not limited to knowingly possessing stolen property.
    (ii) Malicious mischief that causes damage to or destruction of any college facility or other public, private, or personal property.
    (iii) Unauthorized use of college equipment, supplies, and facilities for personal gain.
    (iv) Unauthorized use of a motorized vehicle, skateboard, bicycle, or other personal vehicle on campus pedestrian walkways.
    (v) Unauthorized entry, access, or presence upon the property of the college or into a college facility or portion thereof which has been closed, reserved, restricted, or placed off limits or unauthorized possession or use of key, access code, or password to any college facility or system.
    (vi) Misuses of information technology. The following is prohibited: Failure to comply with laws, regulations, license agreements, or contracts governing use of college networks, software and hardware; abuse of communal resources; and, use of college computing resources for illegal or unauthorized commercial purposes or personal gain. It is the obligation of college students to be aware of their responsibilities as outlined in the Computing Resources Appropriate Use Policy, which is available on the Highline ((Community)) College web site. Failure to comply may result in loss of access to college computing resources, as well as administrative, civil or criminal action under Washington state or federal law.
    (c) Status offenses.
    (i) Forgery, falsification, or alteration of official documents, records, or correspondence.
    (ii) Refusal to provide positive identification (e.g., student or state identification card; valid driver's license) when requested by any identified college official.
    (d) Offenses pertaining to drugs/alcohol/smoking.
    (i) Smoking outside of the designated smoking areas.
    (ii) Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on college property or at a college-sponsored event is prohibited unless attendees are over the age of twenty-one and an alcohol permit has been obtained.
    (iii) Controlled substances. Using, possessing, delivering, selling or being under the influence of legend drugs, including anabolic steroids, androgens, or human growth hormones, as defined by RCW 69.41.010 and 69.41.300 or any other controlled substance as defined in RCW 69.50.101 as now law or hereafter amended, except upon valid prescription or order of a practitioner is subject to additional sanctions, including disqualification from participation in college-sponsored athletic events. For the purpose of this regulation, "sale" shall include the statutory meaning defined in RCW 69.04.005 as now law or hereafter amended.
    (e) Other misconduct: Any other conduct or action in which the college can demonstrate a clear and distinct threat to college property, the educational process, or any other legitimate function of the college or the health or safety of any member of the college community.
    (2) Violation of any of the above regulations may also constitute violation of criminal laws or ordinances of various cities, municipalities, counties, the state of Washington, or the United States and may subject a violator to criminal sanctions in addition to any sanctions imposed by the college.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-120-102 Academic honesty.
    (1) Students attending Highline ((Community)) College are expected to participate as responsible members of the college community, which includes assuming full responsibility for maintaining honesty and integrity in all work submitted for credit and in any other work assigned by faculty.
    (2) Violations of academic honesty include, but are not limited to:
    (a) Plagiarism: The unauthorized use or close imitation of the words, ideas, data, images, or product of another and the representation of them as one's own original work.
    (b) Cheating: Use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids; an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge; unauthorized or attempted unauthorized copying or collaboration.
    (c) Fabrication: Intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information, such as falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references.
    (d) Collusion: Assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, such as paying or bribing someone to acquire a test or assignment, or increase the score on a test or assignment; taking a test or doing an assignment for someone else; allowing someone to do these things for one's own benefit.
    (e) Academic misconduct: Intentionally violating college policies, such as altering grades, misrepresenting one's identity, failing to report known incidents of academic dishonesty, or participating in obtaining or distributing any part of a test or any information about a test.
    (3) Penalties for academic dishonesty.
    (a) All suspected academic dishonesty will be reported, with evidence attached, to the chief student affairs officer as a means of tracking.
    (b) If a student commits academic dishonesty, any one or a combination of the following sanctions may be imposed by the faculty member:
    (i) Verbal or written warning.
    (ii) A grade of 0% (0.0) or otherwise lowered grade for the assignment, project, or test.
    (iii) The following sanction may be imposed by the faculty member only after a formal hearing is conducted by the chief student affairs officer, and the chief student affairs officer approves the sanction:
    A grade of 0% (0.0) or otherwise lowered grade for the course, overriding a student's withdrawal from the course.
    (c) In accordance with the Highline student rights and responsibilities code (WAC 132I-120-410), the chief student affairs officer may issue a formal disciplinary warning letter for a student's first reported offense of academic dishonesty. The warning letter may be issued in lieu of a formal hearing; however, it will not be reported to transfer institutions or other requesting agencies.
    (d) In accordance with the Highline student rights and responsibilities code (WAC 132I-120-410), the chief student affairs officer will summon a student to a formal hearing for a second or subsequent offense of academic dishonesty.
    (e) Disciplinary actions for second or subsequent offenses of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the sanctions outlined in WAC 132I-120-410, which may be imposed upon students according to the procedure outlined in WAC 132I-120-421.
    (4) Academic dishonesty complaint and hearing procedures.
    (a) The faculty member observing or investigating the apparent act of academic dishonesty shall document the incident by writing down the time, date, place, and a description of the act and/or any other pertinent information.
    (b) The faculty member may collect evidence to corroborate the allegation.
    (c) The faculty member shall provide the student an opportunity to explain the incident.
    (d) The faculty member shall explain to the student the procedures and penalties for academic dishonesty and shall give the student a copy of the Highline ((Community)) College academic honesty policy.
    (e) The faculty member may resolve the matter informally by determining an appropriate sanction, which may include a verbal or written warning, or a grade of 0% (0.0) or otherwise lowered grade on an assignment, project, or test, or no further action.
    (f) The faculty member shall submit a copy of the Academic Dishonesty Report form to the office of the chief student affairs officer. The report shall be kept on file and may be presented as evidence for more stringent sanctions, should the student commit subsequent violation(s) of the academic honesty policy.
    (g) If the faculty member wishes to initiate more stringent sanctions in addition to lowering or failing an assignment and/or verbal or written warning (e.g., assign a failing grade for the course), or if the student has committed more than one academic dishonesty offense, the student must be entitled to a formal hearing with the chief student affairs officer or his or her designee. Following a formal hearing, sanctions imposed by the chief student affairs officer may range from no further action (no failing grade for the course) to dismissal from the college (WAC 132I-120-410). The chief student affairs officer may not overturn the sanctions imposed by the faculty member ((d)(i) and (ii) of this subsection).
    (h) The faculty member shall submit a copy of the Academic Dishonesty Report form and any additional evidence to the chief student affairs officer within ten days of the alleged act of academic dishonesty, which initiates the formal hearing process.
    (i) Within ten days of receiving an Academic Dishonesty Report form, the chief student affairs officer or designee shall notify the student in writing of the date, time and location of the hearing. At the hearing, the student shall meet with the chief student affairs officer or designee to hear the charges and present his/her side of the case. If the student chooses not to attend or fails to appear, the hearing will be conducted in the student's absence.
    (j) The chief student affairs officer or designee will consider any evidence submitted within seven days of the hearing, and interview persons as warranted. The chief student affairs officer or designee determines if the action recommended by the faculty member is appropriate.
    (k) Within ten days of the hearing, the chief student affairs officer or designee shall send written notification of the results to the student and faculty member. The decision of the chief student affairs officer or designee is final. (With permission, contents of this policy were adapted from "Academic Integrity Policy," Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon.)
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-120-105 Student rights.
    The following rights are guaranteed to each student within the limitations of statutory law and college policy as deemed necessary to achieve the educational goals of the college:
    (1) Academic freedom.
    (a) Students are guaranteed the rights of free inquiry, expression, and assembly upon and within college facilities that are generally open and available to the public.
    (b) Students are free to pursue appropriate educational objectives from among the college's curricula, programs, and services, subject to the limitations of RCW 28B.50.090 (3)(b).
    (c) Students shall be protected from academic evaluation which is arbitrary or capricious, but are responsible for meeting the standards of academic performance established by their instructors. Grade complaints are administered through the Complaints against Faculty Members section 807 of the Highline College Education Association (HCEA) ((HCC)) negotiated agreement.
    (d) Students have the right to a learning environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, inappropriate and disrespectful conduct, and sexual harassment.
    (2) Due process.
    (a) It is guaranteed that students have the right to be secure in their persons, quarters, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
    (b) No disciplinary sanction may be imposed on any student without notice to the accused of the nature of the charges.
    (c) A student accused of violating this student rights and responsibilities code is entitled to procedural due process as set forth in this chapter.
    (3) Distribution and posting. Students may distribute or post printed or published material subject to official written procedures available in the student programs office. All free publications not in violation of state and/or federal laws may be distributed from authorized public areas subject to time, place, and manner as determined by the college. Students distributing printed materials are responsible for litter control of all distributed material.
    (4) Off-campus speakers. Recognized student organizations shall have the right to invite outside speakers to speak on campus subject to the availability of campus facilities, funding, and compliance with the college procedures available in the student programs office.
    (5) Commercial activities. The use of college grounds or facilities for commercial or private gain is prohibited except with the approval of the student programs office consistent with vending and fund-raising guidelines. Commercial activities which generate contractual and/or financial debt relationships with students are prohibited. The college reserves the right to charge commercial vendors for the use of college facilities.
    (6) Sale of merchandise. All merchandise offered for commercial sale may be sold only through the college bookstore or college food services except when approved by the student programs office or affiliated academic department as part of the cocurricular experience.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-120-315 Right of assembly.
    (1) Students have the right to conduct or participate in any assembly as defined in WAC 132I-120-030 on facilities that are generally available to the public provided that such assemblies:
    (a) Are conducted in an orderly manner;
    (b) Do not unreasonably interfere with classes, scheduled meetings or ceremonies, or college sponsored events;
    (c) Do not unreasonably interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or
    (d) Do not cause destruction or damage to college property.
    (2) College groups are encouraged to notify the ((campus safety and security office)) public safety department no later than forty-eight hours in advance of an event. However, unscheduled events are permitted so long as the event does not interfere with any other function occurring at the facility or college.
    (3) Assemblies which violate these rules may be ordered to disperse by college.
    (4) Any campus community member who violates any provision of this rule may be required to leave the campus or facility and may be issued a no trespass admonishment.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-01-088, filed 12/17/07, effective 1/17/08)
    WAC 132I-120-330 Rights of ownership of works.
    It shall be the policy of Highline ((Community)) College that employees of the college shall not use students' published or unpublished works for personal gain without written consent of the student.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 08-01-088, filed 12/17/07, effective 1/17/08)
    WAC 132I-120-520 Function of the review committee.
    (1) The review committee will establish procedures for review and possible revision of these rules.
    (2) All proposed amendments shall be submitted to the chief student affairs officer, who will send copies of each proposal to members of the review committee for their consideration. The review committee will hear and consider all proposed amendments and publish proposed recommendations for review by the Highline ((Community)) College (((HCC))) policy development council.
    (3) After completion of the above steps, the recommendations for revision of these rules shall be made to the president, who, upon approval and review by the college counsel, shall make final recommendation to the board of trustees.
    (4) Upon approval of the board of trustees, the new rules shall be published and be made immediately available to the college community.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-124-010 Smoking.
    It shall be the policy of Highline ((Community)) College, consistent with its efforts to promote wellness, fitness, and a campus environment conducive to work, study, and activities for staff, students, and the public to maintain a smoke/tobacco free indoor campus environment. Use of tobacco products is permitted on campus outside of the buildings. Receptacles for smoking materials are provided and all are urged to use them to maintain litter free campus grounds.
    The college recognizes the rights of those who choose to use tobacco and as such does not prohibit the use of tobacco products; it does, however, restrict the use of these materials to areas outside college facilities and vehicles.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-130-010 Tuition and fee schedules.
    Chapter 28B.15 RCW sets the parameters for tuition and fee levels at state community colleges. The legislature establishes the tuition and fee rates each biennium. The tuition and fee rates charged by Highline are based on this legislation, the specific amounts to be charged are transmitted to Highline ((Community)) College by the state board for community college education.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 95-09-072, filed 4/19/95, effective 5/20/95)
    WAC 132I-130-030 Tuition and fee waivers.
    (1) Highline College may periodically establish tuition and fee waivers as authorized by state law and by the state board for community and technical colleges. This will be done in accordance with chapter 131-28 WAC and under regular college fiscal processes. Information regarding specific waivers will be available as provided in WAC 132I-130-020.
    (2) Upon an applicant's request, individual determinations on tuition and fee waivers will be reviewed by the college (registrar), in a brief adjudicative proceeding under RCW 34.05.482 through 34.05.494.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-131-010 Scholarships.
    Detailed information concerning the criteria, eligibility, procedures for application, and other information regarding scholarships may be obtained at the following address:
    Highline ((Community)) College
    Attn: Scholarships
    P.O. Box 98000
    2400 South 240th Street
    Des Moines, WA 98198-9800
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-132-010 Financial aid.
    Federal, state, and private financial aid applications and information may be obtained at the following address:
    Highline ((Community)) College
    Attn: Office of Financial Aid
    P.O. Box 98000
    2400 South 240th Street
    Des Moines, WA 98198-9800
    Award of federal and state aid will be made in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-133-010 Organization-Operation-Information.
    (1) Organization. Community College District No. 9 is established in Title 28B RCW as a public institution of higher education. The institution is governed by a five-member board of trustees, appointed by the governor. The board employs a president, who is the chief executive officer of the institution. The president establishes the structure of the administration.
    (2) Operation. The administrative office is located at the following address:
    Highline ((Community)) College
    P.O. Box 98000
    2400 South 240th Street
    Des Moines, WA 98198-9800
    The office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.
    (3) Information. Additional and detailed information concerning the educational operations and course offerings may be obtained from the catalog, copies of which are available at the following address:
    Highline ((Community)) College
    P.O. Box 98000
    2400 South 240th Street
    Des Moines, WA 98198-9800
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-134-010 Rules coordinator.
    The rules coordinator for this institution shall have an office located at the office of the ((director of personnel)) vice-president for administration, with the following mailing address:
    Highline ((Community)) College
    Office of the Vice-President for Administration
    P.O. Box 98000
    2400 South 240th Street
    Des Moines, WA 98198-9800
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-140-010 Purpose.
    The trustees of Highline ((Community)) College believe that educational and community service opportunities are extended to the community when the college's buildings, grounds, and facilities are made available for use by the students, faculty, administration, staff, and the community. This use shall not interfere with regular college activities and shall be in accordance with the public interest and welfare, all applicable state and federal laws, and shall be in the best interest(s) of the college as interpreted by the administration of Highline ((Community)) College and/or the board of trustees.
    College facilities are reserved primarily for educational use including, but not limited to, instruction, research, public assembly of college groups, student activities and other activities directly related to the educational mission of the college. The public character of the college does not grant to individuals an unlimited license to engage in activity that limits, interferes with, or otherwise disrupts the normal activities for and to which the college's facilities and grounds are dedicated. Accordingly, the college is a designated public forum opened for the limited purposes recited herein and further subject to the time, place, and manner limitations and restrictions set forth in this policy.
    The purpose of the time, place, and manner regulations set forth in this policy is to establish procedures and reasonable controls for the use of college facilities for both college and noncollege groups. It is intended to balance the college's responsibility to fulfill its mission as a state educational institution of Washington with the interests of college groups and noncollege groups who are interested in using the campus for the purposes of constitutionally protected speech, assembly or expression. The college recognizes that college groups should be accorded the opportunity to utilize the facilities and grounds of the college to the fullest extent possible. The college intends to open its facilities to noncollege groups to a lesser extent as set forth herein.
    Intended or actual use in conflict with these policies or construed to be in any way detrimental to the college's best interests and/or original intent for that facility are strictly prohibited.
    Nothing in this chapter is intended to alter the students' right of assembly as set forth in WAC 132I-120-315.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-140-012 Use of facilities.
    (1) Subject to the regulations and requirements of this policy, both college and noncollege groups may use the campus limited forums as specified in WAC 132I-140-013(2) for First Amendment activities between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
    (2) Noncollege groups shall not affix or attach posters and signs to any college structure or equipment. Signs shall be no larger than three feet by five feet and no individual may carry more than one sign.
    (3) Noncollege groups shall not use amplified sound systems nor shall they bring any other equipment such as, but not limited to, chairs, tables and staging.
    (4) College groups are encouraged to notify the ((campus safety and security office)) public safety department no later than forty-eight hours in advance of an event. However, unscheduled events are permitted so long as the event does not interfere with any other function occurring at the facility or college.
    (5) College group events shall not last longer than eight hours from beginning to end unless permission is granted by the appropriate vice-president. Such permission must be made without consideration of the viewpoint of the activity.
    (6) All sites used for First Amendment activities shall be cleaned and left in their original condition and may be subject to inspection by a representative of the college after the event. Reasonable charges may be assessed against the sponsoring organization for the cost of restoring the facility to its preevent condition and for the repair of damaged property.
    (7) All fire, safety, sanitation, and special regulations specified for the event are to be obeyed. The college cannot and will not provide utility connections or hook-ups for purposes of First Amendment activities conducted pursuant to this policy.
    (8) The event must not be conducted in such a manner that it obstructs vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian or other traffic or otherwise interferes with ingress or egress to the college, or to college buildings or facilities or to college activities or events. The event must not create safety hazards or pose unreasonable safety risks to college students, faculty, employees or invitees to the college.
    (9) The event must not interfere with educational activities inside or outside any college building or otherwise prevent the college from fulfilling its mission and achieving its primary purpose of providing an education to its students. The event must not materially infringe on the rights and privileges of college students, employees or invitees to the college.
    (10) There shall be no overnight camping on college facilities or grounds. Camping is defined to include sleeping, cooking activities or storing personal belongings or the erection of tents or other shelters or structures used for purposes of personal habitation.
    (11) College facilities may not be used for commercial sales, solicitations, advertising or promotional activities unless:
    (a) Such activities serve educational purposes at the college; and
    (b) Such activities are under the sponsorship of a college department or office or officially chartered student club; or
    (c) Such activities are licensed by the college by a facilities rental agreement or other contractual arrangement.
    (12) The event must also be conducted in accordance with any other applicable college policies and regulations, local ordinance and state or federal laws.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-140-110 Right to deny use of facilities.
    (1) The trustees authorize the college to rent facilities to individuals or groups either affiliated or unaffiliated with the college. Procedures related to the rental of college facilities, including pricing and insurance requirements, are available in the ((hospitality)) conference services office.
    (2) The trustees reserve the right to deny facility use to noncollege individuals or groups whose activities are inconsistent with the open and public nature of Highline ((Community)) College or where such use would conflict with the purpose of local state and federal laws.
    (3) If at any time actual use of college facilities by the individual or group constitutes an unreasonable disruption of the normal operation of the college, such use shall immediately terminate, all persons engaged in such use shall immediately vacate the premises, and leave the college property upon command of the appropriate college official.
    (4) Use of college facilities shall be conditioned upon compliance with all college rules and regulations. The college reserves the right to deny use of college facilities to any individual or group who violates or has a history of violating college rules and regulations.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-140-120 Basis of fee assessment.
    (1) The basis for establishing and charging use fees reflects the college's assessment of the present market, the cost of operations, and the degree to which the proposed event advances the college's educational mission. Groups or organizations affiliated with the college should be permitted access to facilities at the lowest charge on the fee schedule which may include complimentary use. A current fee schedule is available at the ((hospitality)) conference services office.
    (2) The college does not wish to compete with any private enterprise. Therefore individuals or groups not affiliated with the college shall be charged for facility use according to the fee schedule established by the board of trustees; provided that the president or his or her designee may grant a reduced rate when the presence of such individual or group advances the college's educational mission.
    (3) Any individual or group desiring to rent college facilities shall sign a rental agreement. In the case of a group, an authorized representative of the group shall sign the rental agreement. By a group signing the agreement, the signatory specifies he or she has authority to enter into agreement on behalf of the group and if the group fails to pay the amount due, the signatory becomes responsible for all charges arising from the rental agreement. Any such charges may include an interest payment for overdue accounts as specified on the rental agreement but not less than one percent per month.
    (4) The college reserves the right to require an advance deposit up to one hundred percent of the rental fee.
    (5) The college reserves the right to make pricing changes without prior written notice.
    (6) The primary purpose of college facilities is to serve the instructional programs of the college including, but not limited to, college events and activities. The board of trustees reserves the right to cancel any permit and refund any payments for use of college facilities and equipment if the group's use of college facilities and/or equipment would violate any federal, state, local law, or college law, regulation, or rule or when the planned use could subject the college to any unreasonable risk of liability.
    (7) In the event of a cancellation of a facility use permit by the applicant, that group is liable for all college costs and expenses in preparing the college facility for its use.
    (8) All admission charges must be approved by the college prior to issuance of a facility use permit.
    (9) Individuals or groups using the college's facilities shall conduct all activities in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws including the rules and regulations adopted by the college in Title 132I WAC and as specified in the rental agreement. The college assumes no responsibility for consequences of any act or omission of any third party. The individual or group is responsible for damages incurred by third parties (including invitees, licensees, guests, employees, and members of the group) during their possession of the premises. The college assumes no liability for damage or loss of personal property or equipment left in any rental space during or after the event. The individual or group assumes full responsibility for the conduct of its invitees, licensees, guests, patrons, members, employees, or third parties hired to provide services for the individual or group.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-140-140 Supervision during activity.
    (1) Signatories of the rental agreement as well as adult organization leaders are responsible for group conduct and are expected to remain with their group during all activities at college facilities. The trustees reserve the right to require a staff member to represent the college at any activity on college facilities. Such service shall be paid at the current rate, by the individual or group requesting use of the facility, and does not relieve the individual or group from safeguarding the college's property.
    (2) The ((campus safety and security)) public safety staff or some other authority of the college will open and lock all rented facilities. Keys to buildings or facilities will not be issued or loaned on any occasion to any individual or group not affiliated with the college.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-140-150 Care and maintenance of facilities and equipment.
    (1) College-owned equipment shall not be removed from college facilities for loan or rental. Individuals or groups wishing to use equipment in connection with a rental should make arrangements through the ((hospitality)) conference services office at the time of application for a rental agreement. Further rental and operational restrictions may be outlined when the rental agreement is signed.
    (2) Individuals or groups renting college facilities are responsible for providing special equipment and clothing that may be necessary to protect college property from damage (e.g., tennis shoes must be worn on gymnasium floors).
    (3) Individuals and groups allowed use of college facilities are required to leave the premises in the same condition as when the individuals and groups were admitted to its use. After facility use, individuals and groups are required to arrange for proper disposal of decorations and other refuse when restoring the facility to its original condition.
    (4) Custodial and other services beyond those regularly scheduled to support normal college activities may be required for specific activities by outside groups, based on the size of group, the complexities of the event, or the facilities being used. Needed custodial services beyond that normally scheduled will result in that individual or groups being charged at the established rate. All extra custodial time required as a result of the individual's or group's use of the facility will be charged to the individual or group, including those receiving complimentary usage.
    (5) The ((campus safety and security)) public safety staff should be contacted for problems with facilities. The ((campus safety and security)) public safety staff will monitor any permit violations.
    (6) Any moving of college equipment for facility use will be under permission and supervision of the college.
    (7) Any decoration or use of a college facility that may result in permanent damage or injury to that facility is strictly prohibited.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-010 Purpose.
    The purpose of these policies and procedures is to establish a standard set of admission and registration practices that are necessary and appropriate for the administration of Highline ((Community)) College. For admission information contact the Admission Office, Highline ((Community)) College, 2400 South 240th Street, P.O. Box 98000, Des Moines, Washington 98198-9800 or see the college web site. For registration information contact the registrar's office at the same address.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-020 Definitions.
    The following terms are defined below:
    (1) Applicants: Persons seeking admission to Highline ((Community)) College.
    (2) Students: Applicants granted admission to Highline ((Community)) College.
    (3) Veterans: Applicants or students who are eligible to receive Department of Veterans' Affairs Educational Benefits.
    (4) Vietnam veterans: Veterans who have documented service in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, or Vietnam during the period of August 5, 1964, to April 11, 1975.
    (5) International students: Applicants or students who are not United States citizens and who attend Highline ((Community)) College on a student visa.
    (6) Newly admitted students: Students who have not previously attended Highline ((Community)) College.
    (7) Currently enrolled students: Students who are registered in credit courses in the current quarter.
    (8) Former students: Students who were registered in credit courses in a previous quarter but who are not currently enrolled in credit courses.
    (9) Resident students: Students who meet the definition according to RCW 28B.15.012. A copy of the Revised Code of Washington is available in the Highline ((Community)) College library.
    (10) Nonresident students: Students who meet the definition according to RCW 28B.15.012(3). A copy of the Revised Code of Washington is available in the Highline ((Community)) College library.
    (11) Registration by appointment: The initial period of registration for each quarter. Currently enrolled students are assigned days and times to register based upon the number of credits earned at Highline ((Community)) College.
    (12) Late registration: Enrollment after the tenth class day.
    (13) Open enrollment: Class registration for which no appointments are necessary.
    (14) GED: The General Educational Development test of the American Council on Education.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-160-032 Admission policy for applicants who are currently enrolled in a common school district or private high school.
    Highline ((Community)) College admits applicants who are concurrently enrolled in a common school district or accredited private school and Highline ((Community)) College. These applicants must meet the requirements in WAC 132I-160-045.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-033 Admission requirements.
    There are some guidelines in addition to the general admission policy (WAC 132I-160-025). These are:
    (1) Highline ((Community)) College recommends, but does not require, that new students with less than forty-five transferable college-level credits take placement tests for advising, placement, and retention purposes.
    (2) Specific courses may require demonstration of proficiency by assessment test scores or previous college course work.
    (3) Some programs have selective admission requirements and procedures due to limited space or other requirements. These requirements and procedures are updated annually and may differ for each program. Contact the Highline ((Community)) College office of admissions, for specific information.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-035 Admission procedures.
    Applicants become newly admitted students by completing and submitting a Highline ((Community)) College application form, either on the web or in person. Students who wish to transfer credit from other accredited institutions to Highline ((Community)) College should have official transcripts mailed to the records office.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-045 Admission requirements for applicants who are currently enrolled in a common school district or private high school.
    Applicants who are currently enrolled in a common school district or accredited private school and Highline ((Community)) College must:
    (1) Be currently enrolled as juniors or seniors in a common school district or accredited private school. Students enrolled in a home school are not eligible for admission;
    (2) Take the entire placement test((.));
    (3) Demonstrate college level skills on the placement test;
    (4) Have permission from their high school principal; applicants under the age of eighteen must also have permission of a parent or legal guardian;
    (5) Be in good standing at their high school (may not be on academic or disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal status);
    (6) Enroll for classes at the designated time; and
    (7) Pay any outstanding charges such as, but not limited to, tuition, fees, books and supplies.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-065 Registration procedures.
    There are two categories of registration procedures. One category applies to matriculated students, the other to those enrolled in continuing education courses. In both cases, registration is not completed until the student submits all required registration materials and pays all tuition and fees in full.
    (1) The college provides a schedule of dates and times to register.
    (2) Currently enrolled and returning students are assigned the first set of registration appointments based on the number of credits earned at Highline ((Community)) College.
    (3) Newly admitted students register during open enrollment.
    (4) Late registration occurs after the tenth day of classes.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-160-110 Refunds.
    Refunds resulting from official withdrawal from courses will be computed as follows for state supported courses:
    (1) One hundred percent. The refund will be one hundred percent of the amount paid if an official withdrawal form is received in the registration office before the sixth day of instruction of the quarter for which the fees have been paid. The deadlines vary for summer quarter courses, late-starting courses, or short courses. Deadlines are available from the college web site.
    (2) Canceled courses. When Highline ((Community)) College cancels a course, the college will refund the total amount paid for the course unless the student enrolls in a course to replace the canceled course. If the new course is for fewer credits, the college will refund the difference.
    (3) Forty percent. Highline ((Community)) College will refund forty percent of the total amount paid if an official withdrawal form is received in the registration office on or after the sixth day of instruction, provided such withdrawal occurs within the first twenty calendar days following the beginning of instruction. The deadlines vary for summer quarter courses, late-starting courses, or short courses. Deadlines are published on the college web site.
    (4) Continuing education classes. To obtain refunds for continuing education courses, withdrawals must be received forty-eight hours before the first scheduled course meeting. Other refunds, except for course cancellation, will be made at the discretion of the continuation education director.
    (5) Fees considered "nonrefundable" will be so designated in college materials and/or web sites.
    Chapter  132I-168A  WAC
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-23-044, filed 11/12/04, effective 12/13/04)
    WAC 132I-168A-010 Purpose of the library.
    (1) Highline ((Community)) College library, through its role of supporting free expression and free access to ideas, assists the college in achieving the college's mission of superior education for its diverse community. The library provides both on-site and remote access to information and knowledge. The library endeavors to provide access to books and other materials of value for their wide range of information, interest, viewpoints and enlightenment on the problems and issues of our times. Just as the library's doors remain open to all individuals, regardless of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin or socio-political views, so the library's collection remains open to all material regardless of author's age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin or socio-political viewpoint. Further, Highline ((Community)) College library, as part of an educational institution in a democratic society, perceives itself as challenger to all attempts at censorship and/or proscription of views of either patron or creator.
    (2) The library maintains, and makes available to all users, written policies and procedures on:
    (a) Collection development;
    (b) Hours of service;
    (c) Circulation periods;
    (d) Availability of resources;
    (e) Borrowing and access;
    (f) Fees;
    (g) Consideration and complaint processes; and
    (h) Protection of library records.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 04-23-044, filed 11/12/04, effective 12/13/04)
    WAC 132I-168A-050 Library use.
    Consistent with a community college as an active and integral part of the community, the library's materials and services are a public resource available to the surrounding community. Within this principle, the library's primary clientele are students, faculty, and staff of Highline ((Community)) College. The library also welcomes students from other Washington community and technical colleges and the community at large. The resources of the library are also available for sharing with other libraries within the state and globally.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-276-010 Access to public records.
    This chapter shall be known as Highline ((Community)) College rules on public records.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-276-017 Definitions.
    (1) "Public record" includes any written information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.
    (2) "Writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, e-mail, electronically maintained documents and every other means of recording any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds or symbols, combination thereof and all papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films and prints, magnetic or punched cards, disks, drums and other documents.
    (3) Highline ((Community)) College is an agency organized by statute pursuant to chapter 28B.50 RCW and shall hereinafter be referred to as the "college."
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-276-020 Purpose.
    The purpose of this chapter is to ensure compliance by Highline ((Community)) College with chapter 42.17 RCW while at the same time preserving the orderly operation of the community college district and the privacy of the students and employees of the college.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-276-045 Review of denials of public records request.
    (1) Any person who objects to the denial of a request for a public record may petition, in writing, for prompt review of such decision.
    (2) The written request by a person requesting review of a decision denying a public record shall be submitted to the president or his designee.
    (3) Within ((ten)) two business days after receiving the written request for review of a decision denying a public record, the president or his or her designee, shall complete such review.
    (4) During the course of the review the president or his or her designee shall consider the obligations of the district to fully comply with the intent of chapter 42.56 RCW insofar which requires providing full public access to official records, but shall also consider both the exemptions provided in chapter 42.56 RCW and the provisions of the statute which require the college to protect public records from damage or disorganization, prevent excessive interference with essential functions of the agency, and prevent any unreasonable invasion of personal privacy by deleting identifying details.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-16-111, filed 8/1/12, effective 9/1/12)
    WAC 132I-276-080 Office hours.
    For purposes of this chapter, the regular office hours of Highline ((Community)) College are available on the college web site.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-115, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92)
    WAC 132I-280-015 Definition of a student.
    A student is defined as any person who is or has been officially registered at Highline ((Community)) College and with respect to whom the college maintains education records or personally identifiable information.