DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY [ Filed July 27, 2009, 12:45 p.m. ] The Washington state department of ecology, toxics cleanup program (TCP) has recently updated the following polices [policies] and procedures. To obtain a copy of these and other TCP policies, go to or contact Ann McNeely at the department of ecology at (360) 407-7205 or
Policy or Procedure
Title Description Policy 710 Permit exemptions for remedial actions under MTCA. This policy describes how ecology will fulfill the requirements of permits exempt under RCW 70.105D.090 and recover costs related to these permits and nonexempt permits. This policy includes the following ecology director determinations:
(1) Remedial actions under MTCA are not exempt from NPDES permits.
(2) Hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSD facilities) conducting remedial actions under MTCA (RCRA corrective actions) are not exempt from obtaining a TSD facility permit.