
  • WSR 06-16-109



    [ Filed August 1, 2006, 11:22 a.m. ]

         Original Notice.

         Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 06-07-123.

         Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Amendment of chapter 51-13 WAC, Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code.

         Hearing Location(s): Spokane City Council Chambers, West 808 Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA, on September 8, 2006, at 10:00 a.m.; and at the Holiday Inn Select Renton, One Grady Way South, Renton, WA, on October 13, 2006, at 10:00 a.m.

         Date of Intended Adoption: November 17, 2006.

         Submit Written Comments to: John Neff, Council Chair, P.O. Box 42525, Olympia, WA 98504-2525, e-mail sbcc@cted.wa.gov, fax (360) 586-9383, by October 13, 2006.

         Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Sue Mathers by August 31, 2006, TTY (360) 586-0772 or (360) 725-2966.

         Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The proposed rules amend the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code. The proposed rule updates references to national standards and adds Clark County to the list of high radon potential counties in Section 501.2.2.

         Reasons Supporting Proposal: RCW 19.27.190 and 19.27.020.

         Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 19.27.190 and 19.27.020.

         Statute Being Implemented: Chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW.

         Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

         Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: The council is seeking comments on the issues proposed in the following rules.

         Name of Proponent: Washington state building code council, governmental.

         Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting and Implementation: Krista Braaksma, P.O. Box 42525, Olympia, WA 98504-2525, (360) 725-2964; and Enforcement: Local jurisdictions.

         No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. This rule will update the adoption of model codes to stay current with national standards for the benefit of industry and Washington state interests, with no new state amendments being included. No disproportionate economic impact on small business was identified.

         A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The state building code council is not listed in this section as one of the agencies required to comply with this statute.

    August 1, 2006

    John P. Neff

    Council Chair


    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-07-192, filed 3/24/04, effective 7/1/04)

    WAC 51-13-304   Mechanical ventilation criteria and minimum ventilation performance for all other occupancies not covered in sections 302 and 303.  

         304.1 Ventilation: The minimum requirements for operable area to provide natural ventilation are specified in the International Building Code (IBC) as adopted by the state of Washington.

         Where a mechanical ventilation system is installed, the mechanical ventilation system shall be capable of supplying ventilation air to each zone with the minimum outdoor air quantities specified in Table 3-4.

    EXCEPTION: Where occupancy density is known and documented in the plans, the outside air rate may be based on the design occupant density. Under no circumstance shall the occupancies used result in outside air less than one-half that resulting from application of Table 3-4 estimated maximum occupancy values.

         The outdoor air shall be ducted in a fully enclosed path directly to every air handling unit in each zone not provided with sufficient operable area for natural ventilation.

    EXCEPTION: Ducts may terminate within 12 inches of the intake to an HVAC unit provided they are physically fastened so that the outside air duct is directed into the unit intake.

         In all parking garages, other than open parking garages as defined in IBC 406.3, used for storing or handling of automobiles operating under their own power and on all loading platforms in bus terminals, ventilation shall be provided at 1.5 cfm per square foot of gross floor area. The building official may approve an alternate ventilation system designed to exhaust a minimum fourteen thousand cfm for each operating vehicle. Such system shall be based on the anticipated instantaneous movement rate of vehicles but not less than 2.5 percent (or one vehicle) of the garage capacity. Automatic carbon monoxide sensing systems may be submitted for approval.

         In all buildings used for the repair of automobiles, each repair stall shall be equipped with an exhaust extension duct, extending to the outside of the building, which if over ten feet in length, shall mechanically exhaust three hundred cfm. Connecting offices and waiting rooms shall be supplied with conditioned air under positive pressure.

         Combustion air requirements shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 7 of the International Mechanical Code (IMC).

         Mechanical refrigerating equipment and rooms storing refrigerants shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 11 of the IMC.

         304.2 Alternate Systems: Alternate systems designed in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62.1.((1999))2004 shall be permitted.

    TABLE 3-1
    Minimum Source Specific Ventilation Capacity

    Bathrooms Kitchens
    Intermittently operating 50 cfm 100 cfm
    Continuous operation 20 cfm 25 cfm

    TABLE 3-2
    Ventilation Rates For All Group R Occupancies four (4) stories and less*
    Minimum and Maximum Ventilation Rates: Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM)


    Area, ft2

    2 or less 3 4 5 6 7 8
    Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
    <> 50 75 65 98 80 120 95 143 110 165 125 188 140 210
    501-1000 55 83 70 105 85 128 100 150 115 173 130 195 145 218
    1001-1500 60 90 75 113 90 135 105 158 120 180 135 203 150 225
    1501-2000 65 98 80 120 95 143 110 165 125 188 140 210 155 233
    2001-2500 70 105 85 128 100 150 115 173 130 195 145 218 160 240
    2501-3000 75 113 90 135 105 158 120 180 135 203 150 225 165 248
    3001-3500 80 120 95 143 110 165 125 188 140 210 155 233 170 255
    3501-4000 85 128 100 150 115 173 130 195 145 218 160 240 175 263
    4001-5000 95 143 110 165 125 188 140 210 155 233 170 255 185 278
    5001-6000 105 158 120 180 135 203 150 225 165 248 180 270 195 293
    6001-7000 115 173 130 195 145 218 160 240 175 263 190 285 205 308
    7001-8000 125 188 140 210 155 233 170 255 185 278 200 300 215 323
    8001-9000 135 203 150 225 165 248 180 270 195 293 210 315 225 338
    >9000 145 218 160 240 175 263 190 285 205 308 220 330 235 353
    *For residences that exceed 8 bedrooms, increase the minimum requirement listed for 8 bedrooms by an additional 15 CFM per bedroom. The maximum CFM is equal to 1.5 times the minimum.

    TABLE 3-3
    Prescriptive Exhaust Duct Sizing

    Fan Tested

    CFM @

    0.25 W.G.















    50 4 inch 25 4 inch 70 3
    50 5 inch 90 5 inch 100 3
    50 6 inch No Limit 6 inch No Limit 3
    80 4 inch2 NA 4 inch 20 3
    80 5 inch 15 5 inch 100 3
    80 6 inch 90 6 inch No Limit 3
    100 5 inch2 NA 5 inch 50 3
    100 6 inch 45 6 inch No Limit 3
    125 6 inch 15 6 inch No Limit 3
    125 7 inch 70 7 inch No Limit 3

    1. For each additional elbow subtract 10 feet from length.
    2. Flex ducts of this diameter are not permitted with fans of this size.

    TABLE 3-4
    Outdoor air requirements for ventilation1
    Occupancies not subject to sections 302 and 303

    Application Estimated



    P/1000 ft2 or

    100 m2

    Outdoor Air



    Dry Cleaners, Laundries3
         Commercial laundry 10 25
         Commercial dry cleaner 30 30
         Storage, pick up 30 35
         Coin-operated laundries 20 15
         Coin-operated dry cleaner 20 15
    Dwelling Units In Buildings Greater Than Four Stories or Attached to I-

         Occupancy Facilities

         Bedroom & living area24 15
    Food and Beverage Service
         Dining rooms 70 20
         Cafeteria, fast food 100 20
         Bars, cocktail lounges4 100 30
         Kitchens (cooking)23 20 15
    Garages, Repair, Service Stations
         Enclosed parking garage5 1.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Auto repair rooms 1.50 cfm/ft.sq.
    Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Congregate Residences with More Than Four


         Bedrooms 30 cfm/room
         Living Rooms 30 cfm/room
         Bath7 35 cfm/room
         Lobbies 30 15
         Conference rooms 50 20
         Assembly rooms 120 15
         Gambling casinos4 120 30
         Office space9 7 20
         Reception area 60 15

         centers and data

         entry areas

    60 20
         Conference rooms 50 20
    Public Spaces
         Corridors and utilities 0.05 cfm/ft.sq.
         Public restroom, cfm/wc

         or urinal10

         Lockers and dressing rooms 0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Smoking lounge11 70 60
         Elevators12 1.0 cfm/ft.sq.
    Retail Stores, Sales Floors, and Show Room Floors
         Basement and street 30 0.30 cfm/ft.sq.
         Upper floors 20 0.20 cfm/ft.sq.
         Storage rooms 15 0.15 cfm/ft.sq.
         Dressing rooms 0.20 cfm/ft.sq.
         Malls and arcades 20 0.20 cfm/ft.sq.
         Shipping and receiving 10 0.15 cfm/ft.sq.
         Smoking lounge11 70 60
         Warehouses 5 0.05 cfm/ft.sq.
    Speciality Shops
         Barber 25 15
         Beauty 25 25
         Reducing salons 20 15
         Florists13 8 15
         Clothiers, furniture 0.30 cfm/ft.sq.
         Hardware, drugs, fabric 8 15
         Supermarkets 8 15
         Pet shops 1.00 cfm/ft.sq.
    Sports and Amusement14
         Spectator areas 150 15
         Game rooms 70 25
         Ice arenas (playing areas) 0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Swimming Pools (pool

         and deck area)15

    0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Playing floor (gymnasium) 30 20
         Ballrooms and discos 100 25
         Bowling alleys (seating areas) 70 25
         Ticket booths 60 20
         Lobbies 150 20
         Auditorium 150 20
         Stages, studios 70 15
         Waiting rooms 100 15
         Platforms 100 15
         Vehicles 150 15
         Meat processing18 10 15
         Photo studios 10 15
         Darkrooms 10 0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Pharmacy 20 15
         Bank vaults 5 15
         Duplicating, printing19 0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Classroom 50 15
         Laboratories20 30 20
         Training shop 30 20
         Music rooms 50 15
         Libraries 20 15
         Locker rooms 0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Corridors 0.10 cfm/ft.sq.
         Auditoriums 150 15
         Smoking lounges11 70 60
    Hospitals, Nursing and Convalescent Homes
         Patient rooms21 10 25
         Medical procedure 20 15
         Operating rooms 20 30
         Recovery and ICU 20 15
         Autopsy rooms22 0.50 cfm/ft.sq.
         Physical Therapy 20 15
    Correctional Facilities
         Cells 20 20
         Dining halls 100 15
         Guard station 40 15

    1. Derived from ASHRAE Standard 62-1989.
    2. Net occupiable space.
    3. Dry-cleaning process may require more air.
    4. Supplementary smoke-removal equipment may be required.
    5. Distribution among people must consider worker location and concentration of running engine; stands where engines are run must incorporate systems for positive engine exhaust withdrawal. Contaminant sensors may be used to control ventilation.
    6. Independent of room size.
    7. Installed capacity for intermittent use.
    8. See also food and beverage service, merchandising, barber and beauty shops, garages.
    9. Some office equipment may require local exhaust.
    10. Mechanical exhaust with no recirculation is recommended.
    11. Normally supplied by transfer air, local mechanical exhaust; with no recirculation recommended.
    12. Normally supplied by transfer air.
    13. Ventilation to optimize plant growth may dictate requirements.
    14. When internal combustion engines are operated for maintenance of playing surfaces, increased ventilation rates may be required.
    15. Higher values may be required for humidity control.
    16. Special ventilation will be needed to eliminate special stage effects.
    17. Ventilation within vehicles may require special considerations.
    18. Spaces maintained at low temperatures (-10°F. to+ 50°F.) are not covered by these requirements unless the occupancy is continuous. Ventilation from adjoining spaces is permissible. When the occupancy is intermittent, infiltration will normally exceed the ventilation requirements.
    19. Installed equipment must incorporate positive exhaust and control of undesirable contaminants.
    20. Special contamination control systems may be required for processes or functions including laboratory animal occupancy.
    21. Special requirements or codes and pressure relationships may determine minimum ventilation rates and filter efficiency. Procedures generating contaminants may require higher rates.
    22. Air shall not be recirculated into other spaces.
    23. Makeup air for hood exhaust may require more ventilating air.
    24. Occupant loading shall be based on the number of bedrooms as follows: first bedroom, two persons; each additional bedroom, one person. Where higher occupant loadings are known, they shall be used.

    TABLE 3-5
    Prescriptive Integrated Forced Air Supply Duct Sizing



    (CFM) Per

    Table 3-2












    Number of


    50-80 6" 7" 20' 3
    80-125 7" 8" 20' 3
    115-175 8" 10" 20' 3
    170-240 9" 11" 20' 3

    1. For lengths over 20 feet increase duct diameter 1 inch.
    2. For elbows numbering more than 3 increase duct diameter 1 inch.

    TABLE 3-6
    Prescriptive Supply Fan Duct Sizing

    Supply Fan Tested CFM At 0.4" WG


    from Table 3-2



    Duct Diameter



    Duct Diameter

    50-90 CFM 4 inch 5 inch
    90-150 CFM 5 inch 6 inch
    150-250 CFM 6 inch 7 inch
    250-400 CFM 7 inch 8 inch

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.190, 19.27.020, and chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW. 04-07-192, § 51-13-304, filed 3/24/04, effective 7/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.190, 19.27.020. 01-02-099, § 51-13-304, filed 1/3/01, effective 7/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.190. 95-01-128, § 51-13-304, filed 12/21/94, effective 6/30/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.190(2) and 1992 c 132. 93-02-056, § 51-13-304, filed 1/6/93, effective 7/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.190. 91-01-102, § 51-13-304, filed 12/18/90, effective 7/1/91.]

    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-01-128, filed 12/21/94, effective 6/30/95)

    WAC 51-13-501   Scope.  

         501.1 General: The criteria of this chapter establishes minimum radon resistive construction requirements for all Group R Occupancies. These requirements are adopted pursuant to the ventilation requirements of Section 7, of Chapter 2 of the Session Laws of 1990.

         501.2 Application: The requirements of this chapter shall be adopted and enforced by all jurisdictions of the state according to the following subsections:

         501.2.1: All jurisdictions of the state shall comply with section 502.

         501.2.2: Clark, Ferry, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Skamania, Spokane, and Stevens counties shall also comply with section 503.

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.190. 95-01-128, § 51-13-501, filed 12/21/94, effective 6/30/95; 91-01-102, § 51-13-501, filed 12/18/90, effective 7/1/91.]

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