
  • WSR 15-15-083
    (Children's Administration)
    [Filed July 14, 2015, 1:00 p.m.]
    Subject of Possible Rule Making: The department intends to update WAC 388-148-1320 Will the department grant me a foster family license?, 388-145-1335 What additional steps must I complete prior to licensing?, and any other related rules as may be required to provide further instructions on how to proceed with foster care applicants and their household members over the age of eighteen or agency staff that have a positive TB test due to latent TB.
    This update will also include changes to allow for a medical exception to the requirement for proof of influenza vaccination if the vaccination would result in a severe medical consequence to the person or unborn fetus and there is no other form of influenza vaccine that would not cause severe medical consequences. This will allow these applicants and agencies that otherwise meet all other licensing regulations to be licensed for birth to two years of age with a physician's statement.
    Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 74.15.010, 74.15.030, 74.15.040, 74.15.090, 74.13.031.
    Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: The requested WAC revisions for WAC 388-148-1320 and 388-145-1335 will allow the division of licensed resources (DLR) to license these homes that otherwise meet the minimum licensing requirements with a physician's statement.
    Process for Developing New Rule: DSHS welcomes the public to take part in developing the rules. Anyone interested should contact the staff person identified below. At a later date, DSHS will file a proposal with the office of the code reviser with a notice of proposed rule making. A copy of the proposal will be sent to everyone on the mailing list and to anyone who requests a copy.
    Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Kristina Wright, Program Manager, DSHS, Division of Licensed Resources, Children's Administration, 1115 Washington Street S.E., P.O. Box 45710, Olympia, WA 98504-5710, phone (360) 902-8349, fax (360) 902-7903, e-mail wrighks@dshs.wa.gov.
    July 13, 2015
    Katherine I. Vasquez
    Rules Coordinator