WSR 15-15-064
(Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission)
[Filed July 10, 2015, 12:23 p.m.]
The nursing care quality assurance commission (commission) is withdrawing the following CR-101: WAC 246-840-202 through 246-840-207, nurse continuing competency (generally). Modify existing standards and create exemptions for those seeking advanced nursing degrees, WSR 13-22-068, filed November 5, 2013.
The commission is withdrawing this CR-101 for the flowing [following] reasons:
The original intent of the preproposal for these rules was to implement SB 5092 (chapter 229, Laws of 2013) to include exemptions from continuing competency requirements for nurses advancing their nursing education.
ESHB 2315 passed June 12, 2014. The bill requires all nurses take a one-time six-hour training in suicide assessment, treatment and management which must be completed during the first full continuing competency reporting period after the effective date of the law or the first full continuing competency reporting period after initial licensure, whichever is later. The commission's update of its continuing competency rule will include this new requirement.
Furthermore, the commission and stakeholders would like to update, clarify, and modify existing standards.
If you have questions please contact Teresa Corrado, Licensing Manager, Department of Health, NCQAC, P.O. Box 47684 [47864], Olympia, WA 98504-7864, (360) 236-4708,
Tami Thompson
Regulatory Affairs Manager