
  • WSR 15-15-032
    [Filed July 8, 2015, 6:33 a.m.]
    Title or Subject: Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) 15-0037 Community First Choice.
    Program Effective Date: On or after July 1, 2015.
    Description: The health care authority and the department of social and health services intend to submit SPA 15-0037 to make a technical change to the community first choice program SPA 15-0002 that was approved by CMS on June 30, 2015. SPA 15-0037 will remove language specifying "sunset" language for training on the home and community-based (HCB) setting requirements in adult family homes and assisted living facilities, providing medicaid participants information on these requirements, and strengthening the survey and data analysis processes to assess for systematic issues. The "sunset" language will be replaced with language to provide more information on the HCB setting rules to participants and providers and to ensure the state has a method for identifying and addressing residential facilities' adherence to the new HCB rules.
    SPA 15-0037 is anticipated to have no effect on annual aggregate expenditures.
    SPA 15-0037 is in the drafting process; therefore copies are not yet available for review.
    For additional information, to receive copies of the proposed changes when they become available, and to submit comments please contact Tracey Rollins, Home and Community Services Division, P.O. Box 45600, phone (360) 725-3216, TDD/TTY 877-905-0454, fax (360) 438-8633, e-mail Rollita@dshs.wa.gov.