
  • WSR 11-15-053



    [ Filed July 18, 2011, 9:28 a.m. ]

    Rule Development Agenda

    July - December 2011

         The forest practices board's mandate is to adopt rules to protect the state's public resources while maintaining a viable forest products industry. The following rule proposals are under development or are anticipated during this time period. There may be additional rule making activity not on the agenda as conditions warrant.

         1. Notice of forest practice to affected Indian tribes, the board may consider rule making at its August meeting to clarify rules that require landowners to meet with tribes when an application involves a cultural resource.

         2. Road maintenance and abandonment plan, the board will consider rule adoption at its August meeting to amend WAC 222-24-050 and 222-24-051 to allow landowners to apply for an extension of the road maintenance and abandonment plan (RMAP) deadline for up to five years.

         3. Bald eagle/peregrin [peregrine] falcon, the board may consider rule making at is [its] August meeting that will implement Washington fish and wildlife commission rules that delisted the bald eagle and peregrin [peregrine] falcon as a state threatened and endangered species.

         4. Forestry riparian easement program, the board may consider rule making to amend chapter 222-21 WAC to implement HB [ESHB] 1509 (2011 legislation) that reforms the program by including a definition of a qualifying small forest landowner as a for profit entity and modifying the duties of the small forest landowner office.

         5. WAC 222-16-080 Critical habitats (state) of threatened and endangered species, the board may consider rule making to amend WAC 222-16-080 to ensure special wildlife management plans (SWMP) are subject to SEPA review.

         Contact Person: Patricia Anderson, FPB Rules Coordinator, Department of Natural Resources, Forest Practices Division, P.O. Box 47012, Olympia, WA 98504-7012, phone (360) 902-1413, fax (360) 902-1428, e-mail patricia.anderson@dnr.wa.gov.