
  • WSR 11-15-008



    [ Filed July 7, 2011, 9:34 a.m. ]

         Pursuant to RCW 34.05.314, the following is Western Washington University's semi-annual agenda for (WAC) rules development for the term of July 1 through December 31, 2011:

         1. Chapter 516-52 WAC, Health and safety: Rule-making amendments to comply with a state initiative adopted in 2006 that prohibits smoking in public places and workplaces. Preproposal CR-101 was filed February 10, 2010, as WSR 10-05-049. CR-102 anticipated in 2011.

         2. Chapter 516-23 WAC, Student rights and responsibilities code: Preproposal CR-101 was filed September 11, 2009 as WSR 09-19-061. CR-102 anticipated in 2011.

         3. Chapter 516-09 WAC, Public records: Housekeeping amendments to WAC 516-09-020 and 516-09-030. Preproposal to be filed summer 2011.

         4. Chapter 516-34 WAC, Leasing of university property for business purposes: Preproposal to be filed fall 2011.

         5. Chapter 516-36 WAC, Use of university facilities -- Scheduling: Preproposal to be filed fall 2011.

         Additional rule-making activity not on the agenda may occur as conditions warrant. For more information concerning the semi-annual agenda, please contact Suzanne Baker, Rules Coordinator, Western Washington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA 98225-9015, phone (360) 650-3117, e-mail Suzanne.Baker@wwu.edu.

    Suzanne M. Baker