
  • WSR 08-15-012



    [ Filed July 7, 2008, 8:58 a.m. ]

         Following is the rule-making agenda for the department of licensing. This agenda is sent as a requirement of RCW 34.05.314.

         Feel free to contact Ramona Provost if you need any assistance concerning this matter at 359-4017.


    JULY 2008

    97-11-002 Driver responsibility Procedural rules regarding the revocation and restoration of driving privileges of those forced to be an [a] habitual traffic offender under chapter 46.65 RCW, including rules regarding the right to a hearing.
    03-15-108 UCC Possible adjustments to fees changed by the program WAC 308-30-100.
    03-17-029 Camping resorts Fee adjustment to chapter 308-420 WAC, regulating camping resorts.
    05-07-044 Dealers WAC 308-66-110, 308-66-155, 308-66-157, 308-66-190.
    05-07-070 Dealers WAC 308-90-120.
    05-07-071 Dealers WAC 308-66-180.
    05-11-104 Title and registration Chapters 308-56A, 308-96A WAC, implementing 2SSB 5916.
    06-22-105 Motorcycle Establish basic requirements governing the operation and scope of motorcycle education courses offered by commercial businesses.
    07-03-147 Appraisers Chapter 308-125 WAC.
    07-10-016 Driver training schools Driver training school program, professional development education, school and instructor approval.
    07-10-053 Architects Chapter 308-12 WAC.
    07-10-054 08-11-109 Landscape architects Chapter 308-13 WAC.
    07-13-081 Title and registration WAC 308-56A-140.
    07-14-058 Real estate WAC 308-124A-460.
    07-15-011 Dealers Chapter 308-63 WAC.
    07-19-066 07-23-037 Title and registration WAC 308-56A-150.
    07-23-013 Court reporters Chapter 308-14 WAC, Court reporters.
    08-06-001 Funeral WAC 308-48-010.
    08-08-015 Bail bond Implement ESSB 6437, chapter 308-19 WAC.
    08-07-004 Engineers Chapter 196-26A WAC, Engineer and land surveyor fees.
    08-08-081 Title and registration WAC 308-96A-560.
    08-09-058 Employment agency WAC 308-33-110, 308-33-120, 308-33-130.
    08-08-082 Title and registration Chapter 308-96A WAC, new rule to allow family members of armed forces members killed in action to receive license plates.
    08-09-033 UCC WAC 308-390-105 Fees.
    08-08-122 Cosmetology Chapter 308-20 WAC, Apprenticeship.
    08-09-087 Title and registration WAC 308-56A-530.
    08-09-088 Title and registration WAC 308-96A-175.
    07-16-136 08-11-053 Commercial driver license WAC 308-100-005, 308-100-031, 308-100-033, 308-100-035, 308-100-038.
    08-11-054 Driver examining Senior driver accident prevention program.
    08-11-045 Appraiser Chapter 308-125 WAC.
    08-11-046 Appraiser Chapter 308-125 WAC.
    08-12-111 Cosmetology Chapter 308-20 WAC.

    Ramona Provost

    Rules Coordinator