WSR 06-15-115 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY [ Filed July 18, 2006, 4:01 p.m. ] Ecology seeks comment on 5 general orders:Ecology has created the legal framework for general orders of approval (WAC 173-400-560). Ecology's air quality program is now proposing five new general orders. If a source wishes to install one of the pieces of equipment covered by the general orders, an application can be made for coverage under the general order, or the business can choose to go through the older more site specific notice of construction order of approval. The choice is made by the applicant.
The new orders cover:
1. Rich-burn, spark ignition, gaseous, fossil fuel-powered emergency electrical generators,
2. Diesel-powered emergency electrical generators,
3. Perchloroethylene dry cleaners using less than 2,100 gallons per year,
4. Portable rock crushers with less than 14,500 tons of material processed each day, and
5. Stationary rock crushers with less than 14,500 tons per day throughput.
The proposed general orders and support documents are available for public comment from August 2, 2006, to 5 p.m., August 31, 2006. Written, e-mailed and faxed comments must be received no later than 5 p.m., August 31, 2006. These comments should be sent to Tom Todd (address below).
They can be viewed at Printed copies of the orders can be obtained from Tom Todd, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-7528, fax (360) 407-7534, e-mail
The applicability criteria for these source categories are:
1. Rich-Burn, Spark Ignition, Gaseous, Fossil Fuel-Powered Emergency Electrical Generator.
Criterion Limitation Fuel Gaseous fossil fuels, such as natural gas and propane. Generator set size Not greater than eight hundred fifty brake horsepower (BHP) engine. Engine qualifications Spark ignition. Rich burn design: Equipped with three-way catalytic muffler.
Location Located in counties or at industrial facilities under jurisdiction of the department of ecology. Minimum distances to property line and publicly-accessible buildings vary with engine size If the exhaust stack extends at least ten feet above the roof line, there are no location restrictions. Engines under one hundred BHP may use a shorter stack with location restrictions.
Minimum stack height criteria Minimum stack height varies with engine size and location. Engines over one hundred BHP, exhaust stack must extend at least ten feet above the roof line. Engines one hundred BHP or less may use a shorter stack with location restrictions. Allowed operating hours Not more than thirty hours in any calendar year for required testing, and not more than five hundred hours total operation in any calendar year. Other criteria 1. The generator set is not part of a new major stationary source or major modification to a major stationary source which is subject to review under the prevention of significant deterioration program. 2. The addition of the generator set to an existing source does not make the source subject to the air operating permit program or require a modification in an existing air operating permit.
2. Diesel-powered Emergency Electrical Generators.
Criterion Limitation Fuel Low-sulfur content: Not greater than five hundred parts sulfur per million by weight (ppmw). Generator set size Not greater than five hundred thirty brake horsepower (BHP) engine. Diesel engine qualifications Certified by manufacturer to meet the standards of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Subpart IIII [IV] (as proposed July 2005, see "Diesel engine qualifications" under item 2 of approval conditions). Location Located in counties or at industrial facilities under jurisdiction of the department of ecology. Minimum distances to property line and publicly-accessible buildings vary with engine size If the exhaust stack extends at least ten feet above the roof line, there are no location restrictions. Engines under one hundred BHP may use a shorter stack with location restrictions.
Allowed operating hours Not more than thirty hours in any calendar year for required testing, and not more than five hundred hours total operation in any calendar year. Other criteria 3. The generator set is not part of a new major stationary source or major modification to a major stationary source which is subject to review under the prevention of significant deterioration program. 4. The addition of the generator set to an existing source does not make the source subject to the air operating permit program or require a modification in an existing air operating permit.
Fuel Low-sulfur content: Not greater than five hundred parts sulfur per million by weight (ppmw). Generator set size Not greater than five hundred thirty brake horsepower (BHP) engine. Diesel engine qualifications Certified by manufacturer to meet the standards of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Subpart IIII [IV] (as proposed July 2005, see "Diesel engine qualifications" under item 2 of approval conditions).
3. Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners Using less than 2100 Gallons Per Year.
Parameter Criteria Type of machine New and used cleaning machines originally designed and constructed as dry-to-dry equipment, equipped with refrigerated condenser (also known as 4th generation equipment). Maximum machine size None. Solvents allowed Perchloroethylene. Purchased quantity of solvent per year Less than 2,100 gal/yr. Location Shall not be located in any building containing a residence. Other requirements 5. The covered equipment is not part of a new major stationary source or major modification to a major stationary source which is subject to preview under the prevention of significant deterioration program. 6. The addition of the covered equipment to an existing source does not make the source subject to the air operating permit program or require a modification in an existing air operating permit.
4. Portable Rock Crushers less than 14,500 Tons of Material Processed Each Day.
Criterion Limitation Rock crusher throughput 14,500 tons per day and 1,500,000 tons per year Control technology BACT has been determined to be a wet suppression control technology that shall be installed and operated at each emission point (conveyer transfer point, screens, and crushers). Minimum distance to property line One hundred fifty feet (forty-five meters). Portable rock crushers Must not operate in the same location for more than twelve months. Visible emissions 10% opacity. Source of electrical power Stationary rock crushers cannot use portable or stationary diesel engines or diesel generators. There are no restrictions on portable rock crushers.
5. Portable Rock Crushers less than 14,500 Tons of Material Processed Each Day.
Criterion Limitation Rock crusher throughput 14,500 tons per day and 1,500,000 tons per year Control technology BACT has been determined to be a wet suppression control technology that shall be installed and operated at each emission point (conveyer transfer point, screens, and crushers). Minimum distance to property line One hundred fifty feet (forty-five meters). Portable rock crushers Must not operate in the same location for more than twelve months. Visible emissions 10% opacity. Source of electrical power Stationary rock crushers cannot use portable or stationary diesel engines or diesel generators. There are no restrictions on portable rock crushers.
These orders will be available to applicants in the counties that are regulated directly by ecology's air quality program. These counties are San Juan, Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, Asotin, Grant, Lincoln, Adams, Whitman, Franklin, and Klickitat counties. Applicants in other areas are regulated by a local air agency and are subject to their notice of construction rules and procedures. These orders are also available to those sources of statewide importance that are directly regulated by ecology.Submitting Written Comments: Ecology will accept written comments on the draft natural gas fired boiler general order and fact sheet. Comments should reference specific text when possible. Comments may address the following:
? Technical issues,
? Accuracy and completeness of information,
? The scope of facilities proposed for coverage,
? Adequacy of environmental protection and order conditions, or
? Any other concern that would result from issuance of the revised order.
Please submit written comments to Tom Todd, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-7528, fax (360) 407-7534, e-mail
Written, e-mailed and faxed comments must be received no later than 5 p.m., August 31, 2006.
Issuing the Final General Orders: Ecology will issue the final orders after it considers all public comments. Ecology expects to issue the general orders soon after the end of the public comment period. They will be effective thirty days after issuance. When ecology issues the orders, it will send a response to everyone who commented.
Who would be covered by the order? The order covers all new sources in the applicable source categories who propose to emit air pollutants to environment. The choice of whether to be covered by a more traditional individual notice of approval or these general orders remains with the applicant.
If you have special accommodation needs or require a copy of the order and fact sheet in an alternative format, please contact Tami Dahlgren, (360) 407-6830. If you are a person with a speech or hearing impairment, call 711 or 800-833-6388 for TTY.