WSR 06-15-026 AGENDA
DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY [ Filed July 7, 2006, 4:04 p.m. ] Pursuant to RCW 34.05.314, attached is the department of ecology's rule agenda for July 2006 through December 2006.If you have any questions please contact Jerry Thielen at (360) 407-7551 or e-mail at
Department of Ecology Rule-making Agenda
*The bolded dates indicate filings that have occurred.
WAC Chapter Program Chapter Title CR-102 Filing Date CR-103 Filing Date 173-430 AO 04-10 6/04
AQ Agricultural burning April 06 July 06 173-455 (new), 173-455-400, 173-455-407, 173-455-425, 173-455-491, and 173-455-495
AO 05-14
AQ Air quality fee rule June 06 September 06 173-400 and 173-460 AO 05-19
AQ General regulation for air pollution sources (WAC 173-400-110 only) and controls for new sources of toxic air pollutants October 06 April 07 173-400, 173-406, and 173-480 AO 06-03
AQ General regulation for air pollution sources, acid rain regulations, and ambient air quality standards and emission limits for radionuclides controls for new sources of toxic air pollutants 03/15/06 CR-105
May 06 173-406 AO 06-09
AQ Acid rain regulation September 06 February 07 173-18, 173-20, 173-22, and 173-27 AO 05-12
SEA Shoreline Management Act rules August 06 November 06 173-700 AO 04-13
SEA Wetland mitigation banking - pilot rule July 07 January 08 317-10, and 173-181 AO 00-03
Spills Oil spills contingency plans and response contractor standards June 06 September 06 317-40, 173-180A, 173-180B, 173-180C, and 173-180D AO 06-02
Spills Oil transfer operations June 06 September 06 173-300 AO 05-13
SWFAP Certification of operators of solid waste incinerator and landfill facilities February 06 July 06 173-308 AO 06-06
SWFAP Biosolids management January 07 May 07 173-224 AO 05-17
WQ Wastewater discharge permit fees January 06 May 06 173-201A AO 06-04
WQ Water quality standards June 06 December 06 173-95A and 173-98 AO 05-16
WQ Uses and limitations of the water pollution control revolving fund and uses and limitations of the centennial clean water fund February 07 June 07 173-503 AO 04-14
WR Instream resources protection program - Lower and Upper Skagit Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA 3 and 4). October 05 May 06 173-525 AO 05-03
WR Grays Elochoman instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 25 October - December 06 June 07 173-526 AO 05-04
WR Cowlitz instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 26 October - December 06 June 07 173-153 AO 05-18
WR Water conservancy boards March 06 July 06 173-527 AO 05-05
WR Lewis instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 27 October - December 06 May 07 9/15/06 WR Salmon-Washougal instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 28 October - December 06 April 07 173-503 AO 04-01
WR Instream flow rule for the Samish Subbasin September - December 06 June 07 173-532 AO 04-08
WR Water resources program for the Walla Walla Basin WRIA 32 September - December 06 March 07 173-134A AO 06-05
WR Quincy ground water subarea management policy August 06 January 07 173-340 AO 06-10
TCP Model toxics Control Act (MTCA) August 06 November 06 173-517 AO 04-02
WR Quilcene-Snow instream resources protection and water management program March 07 September 07 173-518 AO 04-03
WR Elwha Dungeness instream resources protection and watershed management program June 07 December 07 New chapter AO 06-01
WR Rain catchment January 07 May 07 173-New AO 06-07 4/06
SWFAP Electronic product recycling - Phase 1 July 06 October 06 Electronic product recycling - Phase 2 April 07 August 07 173-160 and 173-162 AO 06-08
WR Minimum standards for construction and maintenance of water wells and rules and regulations governing the regulation and licensing of well contractors and operators August 06 November 06 Jerry Thielen
Rules Coordinator