PREPROPOSAL STATEMENT OF INQUIRYDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH [ Filed July 3, 2012, 1:14 p.m. ] This is a memo asking for withdrawal of the CR-101 for chapter 246-874 WAC filed July 5, 2007, and published in WSR 07-14-145. The board of pharmacy (board) voted to withdraw this CR-101 at the June 7, 2012, meeting. The original intent of the preproposal was to establish minimum enforceable requirement for safe handling, storage, record keeping and administration of pharmaceuticals in Washington state correctional facilities.
The board is currently doing a project to scan all rules to evaluate for regulatory barriers to patient safety and contemporary practice. They may open this chapter at a later date as part of a larger project to update multiple pharmacy rules.
Individuals requiring information on this rule should contact Kitty Slater-Einert, rules coordinator for the Washington state board of pharmacy at (360) 236-4861.
Gregg L. Grunenfelder
for Mary C. Selecky