UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON [ Filed July 2, 2012, 3:38 p.m. ] The University of Washington has recently created or revised the following policy statements, orders, and codes:
? "Mobile Device Use and Allowance Policy," new effective February 2, 2012 (Administrative Policy Statement 55.1). ? "Facilities and Spaces Naming Policy," revised effective February 9, 2012 (Board of Regents Governance, Regent Policy No. 6). ? "Professional Leave Policy," revised effective April 20, 2012 (Executive Order No. 33). ? "University Organization Chart," revised effective May 3, 2012 (Administrative Policy Statement 1.1). ? "Policy Regarding Regent Conflicts of Interest," new effective June 7, 2012 (Board of Regents Governance, Regent Policy No. 13). ? "Statement of Ethical Principles," new effective June 7, 2012 (Board of Regents Governance, Regent Policy No. 14). ? "Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members," multiple sections revised effective June 11, 2012 (Faculty Code, Chapter 24). ? "Ensuring Business, Academic, and Research Continuity (BARC)," revised effective June 13, 2012 (Administrative Policy Statement 13.2). ? "Authorization for the Faculty to Share in the Formulation of Rules," revised effective June 14, 2012 (Executive Order No. II). ? "The Office of the President," revised effective June 14, 2012 (Executive Order No. 1). ? "Information Security Controls and Operational Practices," new effective June 20, 2012 (Administrative Policy Statement 2.6). ? "Personnel Actions," revised effective July 2, 2012 (Administrative Order No. 6).
To view any item noted above, see the UW policy directory: For more information on these materials contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director of Rules Coordination, University of Washington, Box 351210, Seattle, WA 98195-1210, e-mail, or fax (206) 685-3825.