
  • WSR 12-14-082



    [ Filed July 2, 2012, 2:31 p.m. ]

    Notice of Interpretive or Policy Statement

         In accordance with RCW 34.05.230(12), following is a list of policy and interpretive statements issued by the health care authority (HCA).


    Legal and Administrative Services

         Document Title: Provider Notice #12-44.

         Subject: Physician-related services/healthcare professional services medicaid provider guide.

         Effective Date: July 1, 2012.

         Specific changes to the guide include:

    ? Update to CPT codes for prolonged care and oral maxillofacial surgery.
    ? Add new section for "dental services billable by primary care medical provider."
    ? Add new limits to "vision coverage table" for codes 92071 and 92072.
    ? Move all instructions regarding mental health to a new Mental Health for Children, Psychiatric and Psychological Services Medicaid Provider Guide.
    ? Add prior authorization (PA) requirement to procedure codes for spinal cord stimulation and pain management.
    ? Clarify that providers are eligible to receive enhanced rates for trauma care services provided to managed care enrollees, beginning July 1, 2012.
    ? Add procedure code S3854 to cover genetic counseling and genetic testing.
    ? Clarify physician assistants-certified billing for assisting in C-section.
    ? Update with information regarding agency review for medical necessity for hysterectomies in certain cases.
    ? Add procedure codes for services that require PA.
    ? Clarify information for requesting PA for intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
    ? Add PA requirements to procedure codes for spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain.
    ? Add Q2047 to the list of miscellaneous drugs that require PA.
    ? Replace J3490 with J0897 the "list of miscellaneous drugs that require PA."
    ? Revise information regarding modifiers 57, 59, and 80.

         For additional information, contact Amber Dassow, HCA, phone (360) 725-1349, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, e-mail dassoal@hca.wa.gov, web site http://www.hca.wa.gov/.