
  • WSR 11-14-056




    [ Filed June 29, 2011, 4:27 p.m. ]

         Following is the department of natural resources' semi-annual rules development agenda for publication in the Washington State Register, pursuant to RCW 34.05.314. There may be additional rule-making activity not on the agenda as conditions warrant.

         Please call (360) 902-1393 or e-mail peggy.murphy@dnr.wa.gov if you have questions.


    July to December 2011

         The following WAC section will be removed: WAC 332-18-140.

         The purpose of the rule change is to achieve consistency between RCW 78.44.087 [(3)](f) and WAC 332-18-140. In 2006, the Surface Mining Act, under RCW 78.44.087 [(3)](f) "Assignment of interests in real property within the state of Washington," was removed from the statute. The change removes surface mine reclamation rule, WAC 332-18-140, which allows the acceptance of interest in real property in lieu of other performance security for surface mine reclamation permits.

         The following WAC chapter will be updated: Chapter 332-24 WAC.

         The purpose of the rule change is to implement SSHB [2ESHB] 1087 and achieve consistency with chapter 332-24 WAC related to silviculture burn permit fees. The change in chapter 332-24 WAC will allow DNR's burn permit fees to cover more of the expenses in administering the program, consistent with the directives in SSHB [2ESHB] 1087 approved by the 2011 legislature.

    Peggy Murphy

    Agency Rules Coordinator