OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR [ June 22, 2010 ]
WHEREAS, a number of governmental agencies and programs of the state share goals and missions relating to food, nutrition, agriculture, health, and economic development through sustained agricultural production and improved access to nutritious foods;
WHEREAS, the current food system in Washington state is complex and directly affected by the activities and policies of multiple nongovernmental organizations, state agencies, and local governments, and a coordinated, systemic approach is necessary to improve the food security, nutrition and health of Washington's citizens;
WHEREAS, the percentage of young people who are overweight has tripled since 1980, and in Washington twenty-five percent of high school students and nearly sixty-one percent of Washington adults are either obese or overweight, and obesity contributes substantially to the burden of preventable illnesses and premature death;
WHEREAS, the Federal government has several initiatives focused on improving the nation's food security, nutrition, and health, including First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign and the USDA's "Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food" initiative;
WHEREAS, our current economic climate and budget challenges require us to constantly evaluate state agency functions and structures and take steps to coordinate and streamline their operations; and
NOW THEREFORE, I, Christine O. Gregoire, Governor of the state of Washington, declare my commitment to improve coordination of efforts relating to our state food policy and hereby declare and direct the following:
1. The Departments of Health, Agriculture, and Social and Health Services shall work collaboratively with other agencies and non-governmental organizations to examine state food policy, food-related programs, and food-related issues. In addition, I request the Conservation Commission and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction join as full partners in this effort. 2. These agencies shall produce a report to the Governor and Legislature which provides an assessment of existing data and identifies remaining gaps and opportunities in Washington State food policy to help address food security, nutrition, and health challenges faced by Washington citizens and to support realistic solutions to these issues. The report will be delivered by December 31, 2011. 3. The report is intended to help agencies, stakeholders and legislators: a. Explore ways to promote nutrition, especially for those who are most in need. b. Identify ways to educate the public and policy makers on the status of hunger in Washington State and the role they play in addressing the issue of food security, nutrition, and health. c. Educate the public and policy makers on the importance of farmland preservation and the importance of promoting Washington-grown products to farmer's markets, food banks, and institutions. 4. It is the intent of this executive order to place the state in a favorable position to qualify for available federal funds, moneys from foundations, and other sources to address issues of food security, nutrition and health of Washington citizens.
This executive order will take effect immediately.
Signed and sealed with the official seal of the state of Washington on this 22nd day of June 2010 at Seattle, Washington.
By: Christine O. Gregoire Governor
BY THE GOVERNOR: Dan Speigle for Secretary of State