
  • WSR 10-14-021




    [ Filed June 25, 2010, 11:22 a.m. ]

         The Washington state rehabilitation council is a group of fifteen governor-appointed volunteers. The council was created by Title 1, Section 105 of the Rehabilitation Act and by Executive Order 04-04, for the purpose of increasing employment and economic advancement for eligible job seekers with disabilities. We are systems advocates for the vocational rehabilitation service system and the customers it serves. Our mandates include: Gathering public input about vocational rehabilitation services, assessing program data and performance, and making policy recommendations.

         We are meeting in Olympia at the Red Lion Inn, 2300 Evergreen Park Drive, Olympia, WA 98502, on Friday, July 16, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

         All portions of this meeting are open to the public.

         American Sign Language interpretation will be provided.

         The objectives for the meeting are to:

    ? Learn about the division of vocational rehabilitation's (DVR) role in the new disability lifeline program which will replace general assistance;
    ? Receive an update on program and performance of DVR from Andres Aguirre, interim director.

         For more information, or to request reasonable accommodation or a spoken language interpreter, contact JoAnne at 1-866-252-2939 or e-mail langjk@dshs.wa.gov.

         Transit Access: Intercity Transit route 44 is the stop nearest the meeting location. To plan your trip call Intercity Transit at: Voice (360) 786-1881, voice outside Thurston County 1-800-287-6348, TTY (360) 943-521 [943-5211].

         The Washington state rehabilitation council received approval from the office of financial management to hold this meeting in person and at this facility.