
  • WSR 08-14-087



    [ Filed June 27, 2008, 11:24 a.m. ]

    Notice of Dividend

         Pursuant to WAC 296-17-89505, the department of labor and industries, using the calculation to determine the dividend percentage as found in WAC 296-17-89505, has fixed the percentage for the 2007 rate holiday dividend at 14.49%. The dividend for any employer not enrolled in retrospective rating for work reported from July 1, 2007, to December 31, 2007, will be 14.49% X Accident Fund premiums paid for work done during the period July 1, 2007, to December 31, 2007.

         Dividends will either be applied to debt, credited to the employer's account, or sent to employers as a dividend check.

         Dividend warrants are scheduled to be mailed to eligible employers at the beginning of July 2008. Employers receiving a net dividend of $10.00 or less will not receive a warrant, but will receive a credit on their industrial insurance account.

    Judy Schurke
