
  • WSR 16-13-148
    [Filed June 22, 2016, 10:45 a.m.]
    Subject of Possible Rule Making: Removing the word "gambling" from the "gross receipts" that amusement game licensees must report and removing amusement games from the definition of "gambling equipment."
    Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 9.46.070, 9.46.0201.
    Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: We have received three petitions for rule changes to revise requirements for amusement games. Two of the proposed rule changes would remove the word "gambling" from the "gross receipts" licensees must report. According to the petitioner, "Amusement Games are not gambling, gross receipts from amusement games are not gambling receipts." This change would "clearly define receipts from Amusement games as not gambling receipts."
    The third proposed rule change would remove amusement games from the list of "gambling equipment" as defined in WAC 230-03-200. According to the petitioner, the effect would be "thus not subjecting Amusement [amusement] Games to the same rules as gambling equipment."
    Process for Developing New Rule: Interested parties can participate in the discussion of this proposed change by attending a study session/work shop with commission staff, by attending a commission meeting, or contacting the agency staff at the contact information below.
    Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication. Written comments can be directed to Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 42400, Olympia, WA 98504-2400, fax (360) 486-3625, phone (360) 486-3447, or e-mail Michelle.Rancour@wsgc.wa.gov.
    To discuss these rule proposals in person with commission staff, please attend the July 14, 2016, study session/workshop at the Red Lion Seattle, 18220 International Boulevard, Seattle, WA 98188. Check our web site at www.wsgc.wa.gov under "Public Meetings" for the agenda and start time.
    The commissioners will discuss these rule proposals at their July 14 meeting or their August commission meeting. Check our web site at www.wsgc.wa.gov under "Public Meetings" for agendas, meeting dates, locations and start times.
    June 22, 2016
    Michelle Rancour
    Assistant to
    the Deputy Director