WSR 13-13-086
[Filed June 19, 2013, 11:22 a.m.]
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 13-10-089.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Title 108 WAC, Charter school commission; chapter 108-10 WAC, Introduction; chapter 108-20 WAC, Application; and chapter 108-30 WAC, Performance framework.
Hearing Location(s): Tacoma Public Schools, Central Administration Building, 601 South 8th Street, Tacoma, WA 98405, on Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Thursday, August 22, 2013.
Submit Written Comments to: RaShelle Davis, P.O. Box 43113, Olympia, WA 98504, e-mail, by Monday, August 19, 2013.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact RaShelle Davis by Monday, August 19, 2013, (360) 902-0551.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of the proposed rules is to establish the charter school application process, outline the content required for charter school applications, define the charter school application approval criteria, and develop the performance framework for charter school oversight and evaluation.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The charter school commission must publish its rules and criteria regarding the application process, approval process, and the performance framework so that the public and potential applicants have adequate notice.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter
28A.710 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Charter school commission, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: RaShelle Davis, P.O. Box 43113, Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 902-0551.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. A small business economic impact statement or school district fiscal impact statement is not required.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The proposed rules do not provide material change to the Washington state statute and are therefore exempt from the cost-benefit analysis.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
RaShelle Davis
Policy Advisor
WAC 108-10-010 Purpose. The purpose of this title is to establish the charter school application process, outline the content required for charter school applications, define the charter school application approval criteria, and develop the performance framework for charter school oversight and evaluation.
WAC 108-10-020 Authority. Authority for this title is RCW 28A.710.070, which establishes the Washington charter school commission as an independent state agency whose mission is to authorize high-quality public charter schools throughout the state and to ensure the highest standards of accountability and oversight for these schools.
WAC 108-10-030 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout this title unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
"Applicant" means a nonprofit corporation that has submitted an application to an authorizer. The nonprofit corporation must be either a public benefit nonprofit corporation as defined in RCW
24.03.490, or a nonprofit corporation as defined in RCW
24.03.005 that has applied for tax exempt status under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Sec. 501 (c)(3)). The nonprofit corporation may not be a sectarian or religious organization and must meet all of the requirements for a public benefit nonprofit corporation before receiving any funding under RCW
"At risk of dropping out of high school" means a student who meets one or more of the following factors: (1) Receives poor grades in core subjects, such as Math or English; (2) possesses low attendance rates; (3) fails to be promoted to the next grade, especially during the transition grade of ninth grade; (4) is continuously disengaged or unmotivated in the classroom; (5) students with higher than average disciplinary sanctions; and/or (6) other indicators supported by peer review research.
"At-risk student" means a student who has an academic or economic disadvantage that requires assistance or special services to succeed in educational programs. The term includes, but is not limited to, students who do not meet minimum standards of academic proficiency, students who are at risk of dropping out of high school, students in chronically low-performing schools, students with higher than average disciplinary sanctions, students with lower participation rates in advanced or gifted programs, students who are limited in English proficiency, students who are members of economically disadvantaged families, and students who are identified as having special educational needs.
"Business days" means the days of the week, Monday through Friday.
"Commission" means the Washington state charter school commission, its staff, or its delegee(s).
"Economic disadvantage" means demonstrating financial hardship such as receiving free or reduced lunch, or below two hundred percent of the federal poverty level.
"Online platform" means the online process as explained in Part I of this title that applicants use to complete and submit the application electronically.
WAC 108-20-010 Charter school application process information. (1) Information regarding the charter school application process shall be made available on the commission's web page. The information made available on the web page will include at a minimum: A timeline for the application process, a list of required application materials, the scoring rubric used by evaluators, and the contact information for the commission's staff. General questions regarding the application process may be directed to the commission's staff.
(2) The commission may make available an in-person or online orientation session to provide an overview of the charter school application process, content required in the application, and the online platform.
WAC 108-20-020 Notice of intent. (1) An applicant seeking approval must submit an electronic or hard copy nonbinding notice of intent not less than thirty days before the last date for submission of an application to the commission.
(2) The electronic copy of the notice of intent must be received via e-mail by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time not less than thirty days before the last date for submission of an application to the commission.
(3) The hard copy must be:
(a) Postmarked not less than thirty days before the last date for submission of an application to the commission; or
(b) Hand delivered before the close of business not less than thirty days before the last date for submission of an application to the commission.
(4) Within two business days of receipt of the notice of intent, the commission will send e-mail confirmation that the notice of intent has been received.
WAC 108-20-030 Application submission. (1) All applications, whether for an original charter, a modification of a charter, or the renewal of a charter shall be made on forms approved by the commission or through the online platform.
(2) An electronic version of the application through the online platform must be received by the commission by the application deadline in order for the application to be considered.
(3) After receipt of the electronic application, the commission or its designee will review the application for completeness. If the review reveals that information is missing, the applicant will be contacted and granted twenty-four hours to provide the missing information.
(4)(a) Once an application is deemed complete, the applicant will be notified via e-mail and will be required to submit ten hard copies of the application. The hard copies of the application shall be identical in all respects to the content found in the application submitted through the online platform.
(b) The applicant will have seven business days to submit the ten hard copies of the application either in person or through the United States Postal Service. In-person delivery will be due by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time on the fifth business day. Mailed applications must be postmarked by the fifth business day.
(5) An application will be considered ready for evaluation when all questions on the application are answered and all documentation required by the application or subsequently requested by the commission is received. Incomplete applications, or applications received after the deadline, will not be considered for evaluation.
WAC 108-20-040 Applicant interview. Applicants are required to participate in an interview following submission of a complete application. The interview is used as an evaluative tool for the evaluators to ask questions, seek clarification, and gain additional information regarding the application. The interview is taken into consideration with the application and will be used in the final recommendations made by the evaluators. Applicants will be given a notice of at least five business days before the scheduled interview date.
WAC 108-20-050 Public forum. Applicants are required to participate in a public forum with the commission. The public forum will be an opportunity for the applicant to engage directly with the commission and for the public to learn about and provide comment regarding the applicant. The public forum is independent of the application process and may be used to evaluate the applicant. Applicants will be given a notice of at least five business days before the scheduled public forum date.
WAC 108-20-060 Application evaluators. The commission, its designee(s), or a combination thereof will participate in the evaluation process. Should the commission designate external evaluators, the designees must be qualified and independent, and disclose any conflict(s) of interest. The application evaluators will make a recommendation to the commission regarding the applications reviewed. The commission reserves its right to make final decisions regarding the approval and denial of charter school applications.
WAC 108-20-070 Criteria used for application evaluation. The commission will grant approval only to charter school applicants that are able to demonstrate the capacity to successfully execute all elements of the educational, operational, financial, and governance plan. The charter school applications must demonstrate the applicants' competence in each of the components listed in RCW 28A.710.130 as well as any other requirements in chapter 28A.710 RCW and those outlined below in this section. The approval criteria include:
(1) An executive summary that outlines the school's mission and vision, target student population and community, location or geographic area for the proposed school and the school district where it will be located, the educational need and anticipated student population, the education plan/school design, leadership and governance, enrollment summary, a brief description of the plan for the school, and an explanation of how the applicant will successfully open and operate a high-quality school with direct links to the plan and resources; community engagement, evidence of need, and parent and community support for the proposed charter school.
(2) A high-quality educational program design and capacity that addresses the following elements:
(a) A curriculum and instructional design framework that reflects the needs of the anticipated population and ensures all students will meet or exceed the state standard. This includes:
(i) A description of the basic learning environment (e.g., classroom-based, independent study), class size, classroom management, and structure.
(ii) An overview of the planned curriculum including a sample course scope and sequence for one subject for each division (elementary, middle, high school) the school would serve. In addition, identified course outcomes and demonstrated alignment with applicable state standards.
(iii) Evidence that the educational program is based on proven methods; evidence that the proposed educational program has a sound base in research, theory, and/or experience, and has been or is likely to be rigorous, engaging, and effective for the anticipated student population.
(iv) If the curricular content is developed, a summarized description of content choices such as text book selection, by subject, and rationale. The applicant must provide evidence that this curricular content will be appropriate and effective for the targeted students as well as adhere to the state curricular requirements.
(v) If the curricular content is not developed, a plan for how the content will be developed between approval of the application and the opening of the school, including who will be responsible and when key stages will be completed.
(vi) A description of the primary teaching methods and instructional strategies that the school will expect teachers to use and why the strategies are well-suited for the anticipated student population.
(b) A description of student performance standards for the school as a whole. If the applicant plans to adopt or develop additional academic standards beyond the state and authorizer standards, an explanation of the types of standards (content areas, grade levels). The applicant must also explain the policies and standards for promoting students from one grade to the next.
(c) A detailed explanation of high school graduation requirements including, but not limited to: A description of the process of earning credit hours, calculating grade point averages, and what information will be available on transcripts, and elective courses offered; explanations of additional requirements that exceed state and authorizer standards; explanations of how these requirements ensure student readiness for college or post secondary opportunities; and an explanation of the systems and structures used for students at risk of dropping out and/or not meeting graduation requirements.
(d) An outline of the school calendar and schedule including, but not limited to: An explanation of how the calendar meets the needs of the school's educational program; the structure of the school day and week, including number of instructional hours/minutes in a day for core subjects; the length of the school day (start/dismissal times); and the minimum number of hours/minutes devoted to academic instruction in each grade.
(e) A description of the school culture including, but not limited to: A description of the culture or ethos of the proposed school; an explanation of how it will promote a positive academic environment and reinforce student intellectual and social development; the process of implementation of this culture among students and staff; and an explanation of how the school culture will serve students with special needs.
(f) An overview of supplemental programming including, but not limited to: Summer school offerings including the schedule, length, and anticipated participants; resource and staffing needs; extra-curricular or cocurricular activities offerings and how they will be funded; programs addressing student mental, emotional, and social development and health; and other student-focused activities and programs integral to the educational and student development plans.
(g) Special populations and at-risk students includes, but is not limited to: A description of the overall plan to serve students with special needs; a description of more specific plans identifying how the school will meet the students' learning needs in the least restrictive environment possible as defined by state and federal special education guidelines and law; how the school will meet the needs of students who do not meet minimum standards of academic proficiency, students who are at risk of dropping out of high school, students in chronically low-performing schools, students with higher than average disciplinary sanctions, students with lower participation rates in advanced or gifted programs, students who are limited in English proficiency, students who are members of economically disadvantaged families; how the school will meet the needs of highly capable students; and how the school will comply with applicable laws and regulations governing services to these student populations.
(h) A culturally inclusive student recruitment and enrollment plan that includes, but is not limited to: An enrollment policy; plans for student recruitment and marketing that will provide equal access; and plans for outreach to families of targeted at-risk students.
(i) Evidence that the proposed discipline plan has a sound base in, and some combination of, research, theory, experience, and best practice; and has an explanation of how it is likely to be effective for the anticipated student population. The discipline policy must be culturally responsive and comply with applicable state laws and authorizer policies which includes, but is not limited to: Equitable and fair practices with incentives to promote good discipline; penalties for infractions; types of offenses; rights of students with disabilities in disciplinary actions and proceedings; procedures for due process when a student is suspended or expelled; and how students and parents will be informed of the discipline policy.
(j) Conversion schools. Proposed conversion schools must provide a detailed plan for how they intend to engage the entire school community and any information regarding steps already taken; additionally a detailed plan that demonstrates that the conversion school will have sufficient capacity to enroll all students who wish to remain enrolled in the school after conversion; demonstrated support for the proposed conversion by a petition signed by a majority of teachers assigned to the school or a petition signed by a majority of parents of students in the school; a description of the organization's prior experience in taking over or turning around an underperforming school; and specific ways it will engage and transform the existing school culture.
(k) Education program capacity includes, but is not limited to: The identification of key members of the school's leadership team who will play a substantial role in school development and its success; the key members' qualifications to implement school design; identification and descriptions of organizations, agencies, or consultants that are partners in planning and establishing the school; the identification of the principal/head of school candidate and why this individual is well qualified to lead the school in achieving its mission (if no candidate identified, a description of the job and its qualifications, timeline, criteria, recruiting and selection process); a description of the responsibilities and qualifications of the school's leadership/management team beyond the principal/head of school; and who will be working full time, or nearly full time, to lead development of the school, and the plan to compensate them.
(l) The school's plan for using internal and external assessments to measure and report student progress.
(3) Operations plan and capacity. A detailed plan and supporting information addressing the school's operations plan and capacity including the following elements:
(a) A detailed description of the school's governance includes, but is not limited to: Legal status and governing documents; organization charts that show the school governance, management, and staffing structure in the school's first year and at full build-out, and the roles and responsibilities of the governing board, staff, any related bodies, and any external organizations playing a role in the school's management; regarding the governing board, an explanation of the governance philosophy guiding the board; a description of the governance structure; a list of current and identified board members and their intended roles, including their interests in and qualification for serving the school's board as well as background information on the identified or proposed governing board members and proposed school leadership and management team; if there is no initial governing board, an explanation of how and when the transition to the formal governing board will take place; the procedure by which board members have been and will be selected and how frequently they will meet; a description of the board's ethical standards and procedures for identifying and addressing conflicts of interests; plans for increasing the capacity of the governing board; advisory bodies and the roles and duties of those bodies; and a description of the school's grievance process should a student or parent have an objection to the governing board policy or decision, administrative procedure, or practice at the school.
(b) An explanation of any proposed partnership agreement between a charter school and the school district or educational service district (ESD) in which it resides and a description of the terms of that agreement.
(c) Explanations of any other partnerships or contractual relationships central to the school's operations or mission; in the case of an application where the proposed charter school intends to contract with a nonprofit education service provider (ESP) for substantial educational services, management services, or both, the applicant must:
(i) Provide evidence of the nonprofit ESP's success in serving student populations similar to the targeted population, including demonstrated academic achievement as well as successful management of nonacademic school functions if applicable;
(ii) Provide a term sheet setting forth the proposed duration of the service contract; roles and responsibilities of the governing board, the school staff, and the ESP; scope of services and resources to be provided by the service provider; performance evaluation measures and timelines; compensation structure, including clear identification of all fees to be paid to the service provider; methods of contract oversight and enforcement; investment disclosure; and conditions for renewal and termination of the contract; and
(iii) Disclose and explain any existing or potential conflicts of interest between the charter school board and proposed service provider or any affiliated business entities.
(d) A detailed description of the school's staffing includes, but is not limited to: Staff structure; staffing plans for the first year and for the term of the charter, hiring, management, and evaluation; professional development; and performance management.
(e) A detailed description of the school's facilities includes, but is not limited to: Facilities requirements for school plan; specialty classroom needs; administrative and support needs; facilities essential to fulfillment of athletic program; playground; common space for assemblies and large group meetings; existing public or nonpublic facilities; independent facilities; process for identifying and securing a facility; a detailed facility start-up plan including backup or contingency plans, if appropriate. For a conversion school, the applicant must supply evidence that it has notified the encompassing school district of the conversion.
(f) Start-up and ongoing operations include, but are not limited to: A detailed start-up plan for the school specifying tasks, timelines, and responsible individuals; transportation plan; food service plan; plans for all other significant operational or ancillary services; plan for safety and security for students, the facility, and property; description of types and levels of insurance coverage.
(g) A detailed description of the school's operations capacity includes, but is not limited to: Individual and collective qualifications for successfully implementing operations plan with specific emphasis on staffing, performance management, professional development, general operations, and facilities management; organization's capacity and experience in facilities acquisition and management.
(4) Financial plan. A detailed description of the school's financial plan and capacity includes, but is not limited to:
(a) A description of the systems, policies, and procedures the school will use for financial planning, accounting, purchasing, and payroll, including a description of internal controls and methods for ensuring compliance with all financial reporting requirements; roles and responsibilities of administration and governing board for school finances; plans and procedures for annual audit of financial and administrative operations; methods for ensuring financial transparency; liability insurance plans with ability to indemnify the school, its board, staff, and teachers against tort claims; completion of a budget form and financial plan workbook; a detailed description of assumptions, estimates, and bases for revenue projections, staffing levels, and costs. This includes start-up and five-year cash flow projections and budgets with clearly stated assumptions.
(b) Financial management capacity. A detailed description of the school's financial management capacity includes, but is not limited to: Individual and collective qualifications for successfully implementing the financial plan which includes, at a minimum, financial management, fund-raising and development, and accounting and internal controls.
(5) School specific performance measures. A detailed description of the school's specific performance measures includes, but is not limited to, the following mission-specific items: Educational goals and targets; organizational goals and targets; nonmandatory assessments or measures for evaluating student learning needs and progression within the school year; training and support school leadership and teachers will receive in analyzing, interpreting, and using performance data to improve student learning.
(6) For existing charter school operators, charter management organizations or educational management organizations, a detailed description of the organization's growth plans and capacity to successfully support and execute that plan.
(7) Conflict of interest. Conflict of interest includes, but is not limited to: Full disclosure of all real or apparent conflicts of interest between reviewers, decision makers, applicants, and any affiliates of these entities.
(8) Background checks. The safety and welfare of the students in Washington's charter schools is of the utmost importance, as is the protection of scarce state resources being entrusted to charter schools. Therefore, application evaluation will include the following background check components:
(a) Each identified or proposed governing board member, and identified or proposed school leadership and management, must complete a background check disclosure form, waiver, and certification which will include disclosure of, at a minimum, criminal background information in accordance with enumerated questions and as aligned with RCW
28A.400.303 and the statutes cited therein. This will also require specific disclosure of financial mismanagement or malfeasance.
(b) The commission may also complete an independent background and/or records check on each identified or proposed governing board member, and identified or proposed school leadership and management.
(c) Individuals will not be permitted to serve on the governing board, administration, or leadership of a charter school if the results of their records check would legally preclude them from working in a school.
(d) Individuals may not be permitted to serve on the governing board, administration, or leadership of a charter school if they have a history of financial malfeasance or mismanagement.
(9) Misrepresentations on application. In the event that an applicant makes material misrepresentations in the information and documentation submitted as part of this application process, the application may be denied.
WAC 108-20-080 Ratings. The application and all associated documents and evidence will be rated using the following criteria: Exceeds the standard; meets the standard; partially meets the standard; or does not meet the standard. The application will also be evaluated to determine whether the school is designed to serve at-risk students, and whether each component aligns with the overall mission, budget, and goals stated throughout the application and supporting documents.
WAC 108-20-090 Approval or denial of an application. (1) After evaluation of the application and supporting documents, interview, and other documented evidence received through the application review process, including public input received by the commission, the commission will determine whether to approve, approve with conditions, or deny an application. Preference will be given to applications for charter schools designed to serve at-risk student populations.
(2) Conditions that must be satisfied when an application is conditionally approved will be memorialized in the charter contract. Failure to satisfy those conditions will negate approval.
(3) Reasons for denial of an application will be clearly stated in writing.
WAC 108-30-010 Performance framework policy statement. The commission will evaluate charter school performance using a performance framework designed to ensure that charter schools are held to the highest standards of accountability and oversight. The performance framework allows for the application of rigorous standards and metrics to evaluate the performance of each charter school.
WAC 108-30-020 Performance framework. (1) "Performance framework" means the standards that will be used by the commission to evaluate the performance of each charter school. The performance framework will be a source of information used by the commission to make decisions involving corrective action, renewal, modification, revocation, and/or termination of a charter school.
(2) The performance framework evaluates charter school performance and compliance in the areas of academic, financial, organizational, legal and mission specific performance and compliance. The commission will develop and post performance framework guidance for charter schools on the commission web site.
(3) Academic performance and compliance. Academic performance and compliance measures whether the charter school meets or is making sufficient progress towards academic performance expectations. Academic performance and compliance includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Student achievement. Evaluation of student achievement includes evaluation of student academic proficiency in English language arts and literacy in history/social studies/civic education, science and technical subjects, and mathematics; advanced proficiency measurements in English language arts and literacy in history/social studies/civic education, science and technical subjects, and mathematics; evaluation of student achievement gaps in both proficiency and growth. In addition to overall data, this information must be disaggregated by major student subgroups including gender, race and ethnicity, poverty status, special education status, English language learner status, and highly capable status.
(b) Comparative performance. Evaluation of comparative performance includes comparison of charter school to district-of-residence performance in English language arts and literacy in history/social studies/civic education, science and technical subjects, and mathematics; comparison of charter school to peer or similar school performance in English language arts and literacy in history/social studies/civic education and science and technical subjects, and mathematics. In addition to overall data, this information must be disaggregated by major student subgroups including gender, race and ethnicity, poverty status, special education status, English language learner status, and highly capable status.
(c) Student progress. Evaluation of student progress includes evaluation of growth based on the school's median student growth percentile in English language arts and literacy in history/social studies/civic education, science and technical subjects, and mathematics. In addition to overall data, this information must be disaggregated by major student subgroups including gender, race and ethnicity, poverty status, special education status, English language learner status, and highly capable status.
(d) Post secondary readiness (high school evaluation). Evaluation of post secondary readiness includes evaluation of students' performance and participation on American College Testing (ACT) or Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT); overall graduation rates; comparison of charter school to district-of-residence graduation rates; comparison of charter school to peer or similar school graduation rates; enrollment in post secondary institutions within six months of graduation; enrollment in post secondary institutions within eighteen months of graduation. In addition to overall data, this information must be disaggregated by major student subgroups including gender, race and ethnicity, poverty status, special education status, English language learner status, and highly capable status.
(e) State and federal accountability. Evaluation of the charter school's compliance with state and federal accountability rules, regulations, and laws and whether the school has met the targets set forth by the state accountability system including, but not limited to, provision of basic education, instruction in the essential academic learning requirements, statewide student assessments, performance improvement goals. In addition to overall data, this information must be disaggregated by major student subgroups including gender, race and ethnicity, poverty status, special education status, English language learner status, and highly capable status.
(f) Mission specific accountability. Evaluation of whether the charter school has met mission specific goals identified in its contract.
(4) Financial performance and compliance. Financial performance and compliance measures the financial health and viability of a charter school. Financial performance and compliance includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Near term indicators. Evaluation of financial performance and compliance includes evaluation of charter school's assets and liabilities, available cash; actual enrollment as compared to enrollment projection and associated budget; loan and grant status.
(b) Sustainability indicators. Evaluation of sustainability indicators includes evaluation of net income and revenue; debt to asset ratio; cash flow; debt service ratio.
(c) Audit and accounting indicators. Evaluation of audit and accounting indicators includes evaluation of the charter school's compliance with generally accepted accounting principles; audit results and findings, if any.
(5) Organizational performance and compliance. Organizational performance and compliance measures compliance with specific terms and provisions of the charter contract and state and federal legal requirements. Organizational performance and compliance includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Education program. Evaluation of the education program includes evaluation of the charter school's education program in terms of compliance with specific performance expectations set forth in the charter contract; compliance with requirements of local education agencies and public schools under those federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to, compliance with the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Federal Educational Rights Privacy Act, the Elementary And Secondary Education Act, McKinney-Vento Act, and any other applicable education laws or regulations.
(b) Charter school law compliance. Evaluation of charter school law compliance includes evaluation of the charter school's compliance with chapter
28A.710 RCW. This includes review of policies and practices related to admissions, waiting lists, recruitment, security and privacy.
(c) Safety and welfare compliance. Evaluation of student and employee compliance includes evaluation of the charter school's compliance with laws concerning employment of faculty and staff including, but not limited to, certification requirements and background checks; evaluation of student and employee disciplinary policies and procedures and application of associated legal and constitutional protections; evaluation of compliance with health and safety laws and regulations.
(d) Board performance and stewardship. Evaluation of board performance and stewardship will include evaluation of compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and terms of the charter contract as well as willingness and skill in taking corrective action as required.
(e) Student involvement and retention. Evaluation of student involvement and retention will include evaluation of attendance and recurrent enrollment.
(f) Mission specific accountability. Evaluation of whether the charter school has met mission specific goals identified in its contract including, but not limited to, proactive public engagement in student recruitment and demonstrated execution of a mission appropriate enrollment plan.
(6) Other. The commission may also include additional rigorous, valid, and reliable indicators to augment evaluations of the charter school's performance.
WAC 108-30-030 Rating categories. Unless otherwise deemed appropriate, academic measures will be rated using the following categories: Exceeds standard; meets standard; does not meet standard; falls far below standard. Financial and organizational measures will be rated using the following categories: Meets standard or does not meet standard. Each of these ratings will be defined in relation to the measure being evaluated.
WAC 108-30-040 Review process. (1) Charter school responsibilities. Charter schools shall submit data, documentation, or other evidence to establish compliance with the performance framework and terms of the charter contract. The charter school shall also submit additional data, documentation, or other evidence necessary to facilitate oversight and monitoring by the commission. This includes, at a minimum:
(a) Submission of the data, documentation, or evidence to the commission in accordance with the format and time frames established by the commission prior to the beginning of each school year. This will include submission of an annual report but may also require submission of other reports at more frequent intervals.
(b) Submission of additional data, documentation, or evidence that the commission determines to be relevant to evaluation of compliance with the performance framework within ten business days of the commission's request, unless otherwise indicated in the request.
(c) Charter schools shall submit independent audit reports and any associated findings to the commission within ten business days of receipt by the charter school.
(d) Charter schools shall respond, within reasonable time frames, to any notice of concerns about unsatisfactory performance or legal compliance provided by the commission. The charter school will work with the commission to remedy the problem.
(e) Charter schools shall comply with any corrective action plan required by the commission.
(f) Multiple schools operating under a single charter contract or overseen by a single charter school board must report their performance as separate schools, and each school shall be held independently accountable for its performance.
(g) Charter schools may submit a written response to any findings or recommendations contained in the compliance review report within ten business days of issuance of the report.
(2) Commission responsibilities. The commission will continually monitor the performance and legal compliance of the charter schools it oversees, at a minimum, this will include:
(a) Collecting and analyzing data to support ongoing evaluation according to the performance framework.
(b) Annual evaluation of compliance with the performance framework in accordance with established rating categories and associated rubric(s).
(c) Annual issuance of a compliance review report that documents the results of the annual evaluation, along with any additional relevant information, including necessary corrective action.
(d) Before the beginning of each school year, establish format and time frames governing the submission of data, documentation, or evidence to be submitted to the commission by the charter schools.
(e) Post time frames on the commission's web site.
(f) Notification to the charter school of perceived problems about unsatisfactory performance or legal compliance, perceived or otherwise, will be given within reasonable time frames considering the scope and severity of the concern. The charter school will be given a reasonable opportunity to remedy the problem, unless revocation is warranted by the law.
(i) A perceived problem exists when the commission has conducted an inquiry and it is reasonable to believe that the issue exists (anytime a complaint is brought or information is brought forward).
(ii) The commission will respond to any general reporting of issues within a reasonable amount of time depending upon the scope and severity of the concern. When the health or safety of children are at risk a response will be made within forty-eight hours.
(g) Taking corrective action, or exercising sanctions including, but not limited to, successful completion of a corrective action plan within a specified time frame to address apparent deficiencies in charter school performance or legal compliance.
(h) Imposition of sanctions if the commission determines that it is necessary to address noncompliance.
(i) Consideration of any written response that a charter school submits in response to the commission's findings or recommendations.
(3) Nothing in this provision will preclude the commission from requesting additional information outside established time frames when the commission determines that the information is necessary to satisfy its monitoring and oversight responsibilities under the law.
(4) Nothing in this provision precludes the commission from conducting inquiries or investigations into charter school performance on an as needed basis. If the commission determines that notice may compromise an investigation or inquiry, notice will be provided upon completion of the investigation or inquiry.
(5) Failure to submit data, documentation, or evidence as requested by the commission could result in a finding of "does not meet standard" for the performance framework or corrective action.