
  • WSR 09-13-050




    [ Filed June 11, 2009, 2:54 p.m. ]

    Notice of Interpretive or Policy Statement

         In accordance with RCW 34.05.230(12), following is a list of policy and interpretive statements issued by the department of social and health services.

    HRSA Administration

    Division of Healthcare Services

         Document Title: Public Notice.

         Subject: Dental program changes.

         Effective Date: July 1, 2009.

         Document Description: The legislature directed the medicaid program to reduce its expenditures. On July 1, 2009, certain services will not be available, or available only in reduced amount. These changes affect all medicaid recipients and evidentiary hearings to challenge these changes will not be available. There will be no continuation of the affected services on or after July 1, 2009. Dental -- Noncovered: For adults, the department will no longer pay for alveoplasty and posterior endodontics; for children, posterior crowns.

         To receive a copy of the interpretive or policy statements, contact John Davis, Washington State Medicaid, Office of Medical Benefits and Clinical Review, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-1748, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, e-mail DAVISJS@dshs.wa.gov, web site http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/.

         Document Title: Public Notice.

         Subject: DME and enteral nutrition program changes.

         Effective Date: July 1, 2009.

         Document Description: The legislature directed the medicaid program to reduce its expenditures. On July 1, 2009, certain services will not be available or available only in reduced amount. These changes affect all medicaid recipients and evidentiary hearings to challenge these changes will not be available. There will be no continuation of the affected services on or after July 1, 2009. For adults (twenty-one and older), medicaid will no longer pay for oral nutrition; there are no changes for children. An exception to rule (ETR) WAC 388-501-0160 option is available through the department.

         To receive a copy of the interpretive or policy statements, contact Maureen Guzman, Washington State Medicaid, Office of Medical Benefits and Clinical Review, P.O. Box 45504, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-2033, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 725-1966, e-mail GUZMAM@dshs.wa.gov, web site http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/.

         Document Title: Public Notice.

         Subject: Durable medical equipment benefit changes.

         Effective Date: August 1, 2009.

         Document Description: The legislature directed the medicaid program to reduce its expenditures. On August 1, 2009, certain services will not be available or available only in reduced amount. These changes affect all medicaid recipients and evidentiary hearings to challenge these changes will not be available. There will be no continuation of the affected services on or after August 1, 2009. For adults (twenty-one and older): Bathroom or shower items, stockings, and auto blood pressure cuffs are noncovered with ETR option per WAC 388-501-0160.

         To receive a copy of the interpretive or policy statements, contact Erin Mayo, Washington State Medicaid, Office of Medical Benefits and Clinical Review, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-1729, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 586-5299, e-mail MAYOE@dshs.wa.gov, web site http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/.

         Document Title: Public Notice.

         Subject: Durable medical equipment benefit changes.

         Effective Date: August 1, 2009.

         Document Description: The legislature directed the medicaid program to reduce its expenditures. On August 1, 2009, certain services will not be available or available only in reduced amount. These changes affect all medicaid recipients and evidentiary hearings to challenge these changes will not be available. There will be no continuation of the affected services on or after August 1, 2009. Limits diabetic supplies to Lancets and test strips to 100/month if the client is on insulin or 100/3 months if the client is not on insulin. Offers a limitation extension option (WAC 388-543-1150).

         To receive a copy of the interpretive or policy statements, contact Erin Mayo, Washington State Medicaid, Office of Medical Benefits and Clinical Review, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-1729, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 586-5299, e-mail MAYOE@dshs.wa.gov, web site http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/.

         Document Title: Public Notice.

         Subject: Durable Medical Equipment Benefit Changes.

         Effective Date: August 1, 2009.

         Document Description: The legislature directed the medicaid program to reduce its expenditures. On August 1, 2009, certain services will not be available, or available only in reduced amount. These changes affect all Medicaid recipients and evidentiary hearings to challenge these changes will not be available. There will be no continuation of the affected services on or after August 1, 2009. For adults and children: Limits nonsterile gloves to two hundred per client per month; limits sterile gloves to thirty per month. A limitation extension (WAC 388-543-1150) option is available through the department.

         To receive a copy of the interpretive or policy statements, contact Erin Mayo, Washington State Medicaid, Office of Medical Benefits and Clinical Review, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-1729, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 586-5299, e-mail MAYOE@dshs.wa.gov, web site http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/.

         Document Title: Public Notice.

         Subject: Durable Medical Equipment Benefit Changes.

         Effective Date: August 1, 2009.

         Document Description: The legislature directed the medicaid program to reduce its expenditures. On August 1, 2009, certain services will not be available or available only in reduced amount. These changes affect all medicaid recipients and evidentiary hearings to challenge these changes will not be available. There will be no continuation of the affected services on or after August 1, 2009. For adults and children: Limits incontinent supplies to two hundred per client per month. Offers a limitation extension option (WAC 388-543-1150) through the department.

         To receive a copy of the interpretive or policy statements, contact Erin Mayo, Washington State Medicaid, Office of Medical Benefits and Clinical Review, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-1729, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 586-5299, e-mail MAYOE@dshs.wa.gov, web site http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/.