HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY [ Filed May 22, 2013, 2:07 p.m. ]
Notice of Interpretive or Policy Statement
In accordance with RCW 34.05.230(12), following is a list of policy and interpretive statements issued by the health care authority (HCA).
HCA Legal and Administrative Services
Document Title: Provider Notice #13-34.Subject: Outpatient hospital services.
The agency made extensive changes to the MPG to: Improve clarity, add updated policy for sleep studies, and add PA requirements for new drugs billed under misc. CPT codes or product-specific CPT codes. For a complete list of changes, refer to the "What Has Changed" table in the Outpatient Hospital Services Medicaid Provider Guide.
For additional information, contact Amber Lougheed, HCA, P.O. Box 45504, phone (360) 725-1349, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 586-9727, e-mail amber.lougheed@hca.wa.gov, web site http://www.hca.wa.gov/.