
  • WSR 10-12-110



    [ Filed June 2, 2010, 9:33 a.m. ]

         Subject of Possible Rule Making: TITLE 390 WAC, rules relating to party preference, application of term "bona fide political party" and definition of party organization; rules relating to filing campaign finance disclosure forms with the county auditor or elections officer; rules relating to independent expenditures and electioneering communications sponsor ID requirements; rules relating to definitions and reporting of exempt activities; rules relating to public service announcements; and rules relating to campaign contribution limits.

         Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 42.17.370.

         Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: The public disclosure commission (PDC) will consider possible new rules, amendments, and repeal necessary to implement 2010 legislation: Possible new rules and amendment to WAC 390-05-275 to harmonize Washington state's top two primary system with chapter 42.17 RCW pending the January 1, 2012, effective date of 2SHB 2016 section 101; possible amendments to WAC 390-13-100, 390-16-011, 390-16-012, 390-16-041, 390-16-115, and 390-16-030 and possible repeal of WAC 390-16-314 to implement SB 6243 and delete instructions and references to file PDC reports with a county auditor or elections official; possible amendments to WAC 390-18-010 and 390-18-030 to implement 2SHB 2016 section 505 and give guidance and clarification to sponsors of independent expenditures and electioneering communications; possible amendments to WAC 390-17-060 to implement 2SHB 2016 section 602 and clarify which expenditures are exempt from contribution limits; possible amendments to WAC 390-05-525 to implement 2SHB 2016 section 703 and refine definition of public service announcement; and possible amendments to WAC 390-16-038, 390-17-302, and 390-17-315 to implement SB 6344 and clarify how contribution limits are applied. The rules are designed to provide guidance and clarification to the general public and persons subject to the disclosure law.

         Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: None.

         Process for Developing New Rule: At its meeting on June 24, 2010, the commission is expected to discuss and possibly approve draft language on the above referenced rule topics. Public comment will be welcome at this meeting. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments by June 22, 2010, to PDC staff member Lori Anderson, P.O. Box 40908, Olympia, WA 98504-0908. Written comments received by June 16, 2010, will be provided to commission members in advance of the meeting. A formal public hearing is expected to occur in conjunction with the commission's August or September meeting.

         Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Lori Anderson, Communications and Training Officer, Washington State Public Disclosure Commission, P.O. Box 40908, Olympia, WA 98504-0908, (360) 664-2737, 1-877-601-22828 [1-877-601-2828] (toll-free in Washington state), e-mail lori.anderson@pdc.wa.gov.

    June 2, 2010

    Lori Anderson

    Communications and

    Training Officer