CLEMENCY AND PARDONS BOARD [ Filed May 13, 2010, 11:06 a.m. ] The Washington state clemency and pardons board hereby gives notice that its quarterly hearings are scheduled for September 9 and 10, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., in Senate Hearing Room 3, of the John A. Cherberg Building, Olympia, Washington. The following petitions will be considered by the board1:
1At the board's discretion, the order of the petitions to be called for hearing is subject to change.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2010 Petitioner: Petition For: Starcia Ague Pardon Elizabeth Jones Pardon Konstantin Manzar Pardon Troy Prouty Pardon Theodore Randall Pardon David Reed Pardon Jacob Morgan Pardon Gregory P. Ciego Pardon Cecilio Huitron Pardon Michael Harris Commutation Barry Massey Commutation