
  • WSR 06-11-075



    (Salmon Recovery Funding Board)

    [ Memorandum -- May 15, 2006 ]

         The interagency committee for outdoor recreation (IAC) will meet Thursday, June 22 and Friday, June 23, at the Vancouver National Historic Reserve Trust's Red Cross Service Club, H.B. Hamilton Hall, 605 Barnes Street, Vancouver, WA.

         The focus of this regular business meeting will be the 2007-2009 agency strategic plan and budget proposal adoption. The committee will also discuss urban wildlife habitat grants over the past decade; hear about approaches to long range conservation and recreation planning; discuss management reports; hear a brief staff report and testimony regarding conversion issues (including the King County '60 Acres S' site); consider adopting the model rules for recusal; and conduct a personnel evaluation session. The committee will tour several local IAC-assisted conservation and recreation sites on the afternoon of Thursday, June 22.

         If you plan to participate or have materials for committee review, please submit information to the IAC office no later than June 5, 2006. This will allow for distribution to committee members in a timely fashion.

         IAC public meetings are held in locations accessible to people with disabilities. Arrangements for individuals with hearing or visual impairments can be provided by contacting IAC by June 6, 2006, at (360) 902-2637 or TDD (360) 902-1996.