WSR 09-09-122 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY [ Filed April 22, 2009, 7:54 a.m. ]
PUBLIC NOTICE Ecology Accepts Comments on the Revised Bridge and Ferry Terminal Washing and Painting Individual Permit
Revising and Reissuing the Bridge and Ferry Washing and Painting Individual Permit: The bridge and ferry washing and painting individual NPDES and state waste discharge general permit, issued by the Washington state department of ecology (ecology) on April 3, 2004, expired on April 3, 2009. Ecology has revised the permit and is proposing to reissue it on or about July 8, 2009. The proposed draft bridge and ferry washing and painting individual permit and fact sheet will be made available for public review on May 6, 2009. Ecology will accept comments on the draft permit and fact sheet from May 6, 2009, to June 5, 2009.Purpose of the Bridge and Ferry Washing and Painting Individual Permit: This individual permit provides coverage to the Washington state department of transportation for washing and painting activities having an associated discharge to surface waters on bridge and ferry transfer spans located in the state of Washington. The permit is different from other individual permits issued by ecology because it covers a specific activity rather than a specific facility or location. This permit does implement the Federal Clean Water Act and State Water Pollution Control Act. Under federal and state water quality law (Federal Clean Water Act and State Water Pollution Control Act), a permit is required for the discharge of wastewater. The proposed individual permit addresses these legal requirements and controls the discharge of pollutants to protect surface water and ground water quality in Washington state. As the applicant receiving coverage under the individual bridge and ferry washing and painting permit, the Washington department of transportation is required to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.
Applying for the Permit: The Washington department of transportation did reapply for permit coverage before the expiration of the existing permit. Their application covered all bridge and ferry terminals owned, operated, and maintained by Washington state.
Requesting Copies of the Permit: Beginning May 6, 2009, you can download copies of the proposed permit and fact sheet from the web site at You may also request paper copies from the contact person given below.
Submitting Written Comments: During the public comment period (May 6 - June 5, 2009) ecology will accept written comments on the draft bridge and ferry washing and painting individual permit and fact sheet. Comments should reference specific text when possible. Comments may address the following:
? Technical issues,
? Accuracy and completeness of information,
? The scope of facilities proposed for coverage,
? Adequacy of environmental protection and permit conditions, or
? Any other concern that would result from issuance of the revised permit.
Ecology will accept comments by mail or e-mail. Comments submitted by e-mail must contain a name and postal address for the sender. Written comments must be postmarked no later than midnight, Friday, June 5, 2009. You may send your written or e-mail comments and/or get on the mailing list for this permit by contacting Penny Kelley, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-7298, e-mail
Issuing the Final Bridge and Ferry Washing and Painting Individual Permit: The final permit will be issued after ecology receives and considers all public comments. If public comments cause a substantial change in the permit conditions from the original draft permit, another public notice of draft and comment period may ensue.
Ecology expects to issue the permit on or about July 8, 2009, if there is no substantial change to the draft. It will be effective thirty days later. When issued, a copy of the notice of issuance and ecology's responses to the comments will be sent to all persons who submitted written comments.
If you have special accommodation needs or require a copy of the permit and fact sheet in an alternative format, please contact Gary Bailey at (360) 407-6433. If you are a person with a speech or hearing impairment, call 711 or 800-833-6388 for TTY.