WSR 16-08-097
[Filed April 5, 2016, 10:15 a.m.]
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Editorial changes to chapter 51-11C WAC, 2015 Washington State Energy Code-Commercial.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Makes editorial changes to the following sections of the commercial energy portion of the Washington State Energy Code, chapter 51-11C WAC.
WAC 51-11C-10300 - Section C103.6.3, this change corrects section references and typographical errors.
WAC 51-11C-40100 - Section C401.2, this change corrects section references.
WAC 51-11C-40213 - Section C402.1.3, this change removes a referenced section that is no longer applicable.
WAC 51-11C-40215 - Equation 4-2, this change corrects typographical errors within the text.
WAC 51-11C-40225 - Section C402.2.5, this change corrects a table reference in the exception.
WAC 51-11C-40330 - Section C403.3, this change corrects section references in note e to footnote 10.
WAC 51-11C-40343 - Section C403.4.2.4, this change corrects a typographical error within the text.
WAC 51-11C-40345 - Section C403.4.4, this change deletes a stray reference to "complex" systems, which are no longer defined as such by the code.
WAC 51-11C-40360 - Section C403.7, this change adds the missing metric equivalent in item 13.
WAC 51-11C-404021 - Table C404.2, this change adds the missing performance requirement in the first row.
WAC 51-11C-40507 - Section C405.7, "Dwelling unit" is added to the title to clarify that this section applies only to residential dwellings.
WAC 51-11C-40602 - Section C406.2.2, this change corrects table number references.
WAC 51-11C-40608 - Section C406.8, this change corrects section references.
WAC 51-11C-407051 - Table C407.5.1(1), this change adds the missing system numbers and corrects typographical errors in the "Fan Systems" row.
WAC 51-11C-40801 - Sections C408.1.2, C408.1.4.3, these changes correct section references.
WAC 51-11C-40804 - Section C408.4, this change removes "and completion requirements" from the section title since there are none referenced.
WAC 51-11C-40904 - Section C409.4.4, this change corrects section references.
WAC 51-11C-41000 - Section C410.2.1, this change corrects typographical errors within the text of item 6.
WAC 51-11C-50300 - Section C503.6.7, these changes correct section references.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Some editorial errors were identified in the rules filed under WSR 16-03-072. This rule corrects those errors.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapters
19.27, 19.27A, and
34.05 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: State building code council, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting and Implementation: Krista Braaksma, P.O. Box 41449, Olympia, WA 98504-1449, (360) 407-9278; and Enforcement: Local jurisdictions.
April 5, 2016
Steve K. Simpson
Council Chair
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-10300 Section C103-Construction documents.
C103.1 General. Construction documents and other supporting data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the code official is authorized to require necessary construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.
| |
EXCEPTION: | The code official is authorized to waive the requirements for construction documents or other supporting data if the code official determines they are not necessary to confirm compliance with this code. |
C103.2 Information on construction documents. Construction documents shall be drawn to scale upon suitable material. Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted when approved by the code official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed, and show in sufficient detail pertinent data and features of the building, systems and equipment as herein governed. Details shall include, but are not limited to, as applicable:
1. Insulation materials and their R-values.
2. Fenestration U-factors and SHGCs.
3. Area-weighted U-factor and SHGC calculations.
4. Mechanical system design criteria.
5. Mechanical and service water heating system and equipment types, sizes and efficiencies.
6. Economizer description.
7. Equipment and systems controls.
8. Fan motor horsepower (hp) and controls.
9. Duct sealing, duct and pipe insulation and location.
10. Lighting fixture schedule with wattage and control narrative.
11. Location of daylight zones on floor plan.
12. Air barrier details including all air barrier boundaries and associated square foot calculations on all six sides of the air barrier as applicable.
C103.2.1 Building thermal envelope depiction. The building's thermal envelope shall be represented on the construction documents.
C103.3 Examination of documents. The code official shall examine or cause to be examined the accompanying construction documents and shall ascertain whether the construction indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws or ordinances.
C103.3.1 Approval of construction documents. When the code official issues a permit where construction documents are required, the construction documents shall be endorsed in writing and stamped "Reviewed for Code Compliance." Such approved construction documents shall not be changed, modified or altered without authorization from the code official. Work shall be done in accordance with the approved construction documents.
One set of construction documents so reviewed shall be retained by the code official. The other set shall be returned to the applicant, kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by the code official or a duly authorized representative.
C103.3.2 Previous approvals. This code shall not require changes in the construction documents, construction or designated occupancy of a structure for which a lawful permit has been heretofore issued or otherwise lawfully authorized, and the construction of which has been pursued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of this code and has not been abandoned.
C103.3.3 Phased approval. The code official shall have the authority to issue a permit for the construction of part of an energy conservation system before the construction documents for the entire system have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The holders of such permit shall proceed at their own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire energy conservation system will be granted.
C103.4 Amended construction documents. Changes made during construction that are not in compliance with the approved construction documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of construction documents.
C103.5 Retention of construction documents. One set of approved construction documents shall be retained by the code official for a period of not less than 180 days from date of completion of the permitted work, or as required by state or local laws.
C103.6 Building documentation and close out submittal requirements. The construction documents shall specify that the documents described in this section be provided to the building owner or owner's authorized agent within 180 days of the date of receipt of the certificate of occupancy.
C103.6.1 Record documents. Construction documents shall be updated to convey a record of the completed work. Such updates shall include mechanical, electrical and control drawings red-lined, or redrawn if specified, that show all changes to size, type and locations of components, equipment and assemblies.
C103.6.2 Manuals. An operating and maintenance manual shall be provided for each component, device, piece of equipment, and system required to be commissioned by this code. The manual shall include all of the following:
1. Submittal data indicating all selected options for each piece of equipment.
2. Manufacturer's operation manuals and maintenance manuals for each device, piece of equipment, and system requiring maintenance, except equipment not furnished as part of the project. Required routine maintenance actions, cleaning and recommended relamping shall be clearly identified.
3. Name and address of at least one service agency.
4. Controls system inspection schedule, maintenance and calibration information, wiring diagrams, schematics, and control sequence descriptions. Desired or field-determined setpoints shall be permanently recorded on control drawings at control devices or, for digital control systems, on the graphic where settings may be changed.
C103.6.3 Compliance documentation. All energy code compliance forms and calculations shall be delivered in one document to the building owner as part of the project record documents, manuals, or as a standalone document. This document shall include the specific energy code year utilized for compliance determination for each system. NFRC certificates for the installed windows, list total area for each NFRC certificate, the interior lighting power compliance path (building area, space-by-space) used to calculate the lighting power allowance.
For projects complying with Section C401.2((, item one)) Item 1, the documentation shall include:
1. The envelop insulation compliance path (prescriptive or component performance).
2. All completed code compliance forms, and all compliance calculations including, but not limited to, those required by sections C402.1.5, C403.2.12.1, C405.4, and C405.5.
For projects complying with ((C407)) Section C401.2 Item 2, the documentation shall include:
1. A list of all proposed ((envelop)) envelope component types, areas and U-values.
2. A list of all lighting area types with areas, lighting power allowance, and installed lighting power density.
3. A list of each HVAC system modeled with the assigned and proposed system type.
4. Electronic copies of the baseline and proposed model input and output file. The input files shall be in a format suitable for rerunning the model and shall not consist solely of formatted reports of the inputs.
C103.6.4 Systems operation training. Training of the maintenance staff for equipment included in the manuals required by Section C103.6.2 shall include at a minimum:
1. Review of manuals and permanent certificate.
2. Hands-on demonstration of all normal maintenance procedures, normal operating modes, and all emergency shutdown and start-up procedures.
3. Training completion report.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40100 Section C401-General.
C401.1 Scope. The provisions in this chapter are applicable to commercial buildings and their building sites.
C401.2 Application. Commercial buildings shall comply with one of the following:
1. The requirements of Sections C402, C403, C404, C405, C406, C408, C409 and C410.
2. The requirements of Section C407, C408, C409, C410, ((C402.4)) C402.5, C403.2, C404, C405.2, C405.3, C405.4, C405.6 and C405.7. The building energy consumption shall be equal to or less than 87, 90, or 93 percent of the standard reference design building, depending on the option selected per Section C407.3.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40213 Section C402.1.3-Insulation component R-value method.
C402.1.3 Insulation component R-value-based method. Building thermal envelope opaque assemblies shall meet the requirements of Section C402.2 ((and C402.4)) based on the climate zone specified in Chapter 3. For opaque portions of the building thermal envelope intended to comply on an insulation component R-value basis, the R-values for insulation in framing areas, where required, and for continuous insulation, where required, shall not be less than that specified in Table C402.1.3. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing Group R occupancies shall use the R-values from the "Group R" column of Table C402.1.3. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the R-values from the "All other" column of Table C402.1.3. The thermal resistance or R-value of the insulating material installed in, or continuously on, below grade exterior walls of the building envelope required in accordance with Table C402.1.3 shall extend to the lowest floor of the conditioned space enclosed by the below grade wall. Doors having less than 50 percent opaque glass area shall be considered opaque doors. Opaque swinging doors shall comply with the Table C402.1.4 and opaque nonswinging doors shall comply with Table C402.1.3 or C402.1.4.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40215 Section C402.1.5-Component performance alternative.
C402.1.5 Component performance alternative. Building envelope values and fenestration areas determined in accordance with Equation 4-2 shall be permitted in lieu of compliance with the U-factors and F-factors in Table C402.1.4 and C402.4 and the maximum allowable fenestration areas in Section C402.4.1.
Equation 4-2
| | | | |
A + B + C + D = ? Zero |
Where: |
A = |
Sum of the (UA Dif) values for each distinct assembly type of the building thermal envelope, other than slabs on grade and below-grade walls |
UA Dif |
= |
UA Proposed - UA Table |
UA Proposed |
= |
Proposed U-value x Area |
UA Table |
= |
(U-factor from Table C402.1.4 or C402.4 or Section C402.1.3) x Area |
B = |
Sum of the (FL Dif) values for each distinct slab on grade perimeter condition of the building thermal envelope |
FL Dif |
= |
FL Proposed - FL Table |
FL Proposed |
= |
Proposed F-value x Perimeter length |
FL Table |
= |
(F-factor specified in Table C402.1.4) x Perimeter length |
| | |
The maximum allowed prescriptive vertical fenestration area as a percent of the gross above-grade wall area ratio is either: |
1. |
30% |
2. |
40% if the building complies with Section C402.4.1.1; or |
3. |
40% if the U-values used in calculating A for vertical fenestration are taken from Section C402.4.1.3 rather than Table C402.4 |
| | | |
Where the proposed vertical fenestration area is less than or equal to the maximum allowed prescriptive vertical fenestration area, the value of ((D)) C (Excess Vertical Glazing Value) shall be zero. Otherwise: |
C = |
(CA x UV) - (CA x UWall), but not less than zero |
CA |
= |
(Proposed Vertical Fenestration Area) - (Vertical Fenestration Area allowed) |
UA Wall |
= |
Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each opaque assembly of the exterior wall |
= |
Sum of the (UA proposed) values for each above-grade wall assembly |
UWall |
= |
UAW/sum of wall area (excludes vertical fenestration area) |
= |
Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each vertical fenestration assembly |
UV |
= |
UAV/total vertical fenestration area |
Where the proposed skylight area is less than or equal to the skylight area allowed by Section C402.4.1, the value of ((E)) D (Excess Skylight Value) shall be zero. Otherwise: |
D = |
(DA x US) - (DA x URoof), but not less than zero |
DA |
= |
(Proposed Skylight Area) - (Allowable Skylight Area from Section C402.4.1) |
= |
Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each roof assembly |
URoof |
= |
UAR/sum of roof area (excludes skylight area) |
= |
Sum of the (UA Proposed) values for each skylight assembly |
US |
= |
UAS/total skylight area |
C402.1.5.1 Component U-factors. The U-factors for typical construction assemblies are included in Chapter 3 and Appendix A. These values shall be used for all calculations. Where proposed construction assemblies are not represented in Chapter 3 or Appendix A, values shall be calculated in accordance with the ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals, using the framing factors listed in Appendix A.
For envelope assemblies containing metal framing, the U-factor shall be determined by one of the following methods:
1. Results of laboratory measurements according to acceptable methods of test.
2. ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals where the metal framing is bonded on one or both sides to a metal skin or covering.
3. The zone method as provided in ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals.
4. Effective framing/cavity R-values as provided in Appendix A.
When return air ceiling plenums are employed, the roof/ceiling assembly shall:
a. For thermal transmittance purposes, not include the ceiling proper nor the plenum space as part of the assembly; and
b. For gross area purposes, be based upon the interior face of the upper plenum surface.
5. Tables in ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Normative Appendix A.
C402.1.5.2 SHGC rate calculations. Solar heat gain coefficient shall comply with Table C402.4. The target SHGCAt and the proposed SHGCAp shall be calculated using Equations 4-3 and 4-4 and the corresponding areas and SHGCs from Table C402.4.
Equation 4-3-Target SHGCAt
Equation C402-3
Target SHGCAt
| | |
SHGCogt(Aogt) + SHGCvgt (Avgt + Avgmt + Avgmot + Avgdt) |
Where: |
= |
The target combined solar heat gain of the target fenestration area. |
SHGCogt |
= |
The solar heat gain coefficient for skylight fenestration found in Table C402.3. |
Aogt |
= |
The proposed skylight area. |
SHGCvgt |
The solar heat gain coefficient for vertical fenestration found in Table C402.3. Buildings utilizing Section C402.3.1.3 shall use the SHGC value specified there. The SHGC may be adjusted for projection factors per the requirements of Section C402.3. |
Avgt |
= |
The proposed vertical fenestration area with nonmetal framing. |
Avgmt |
= |
The proposed vertical fenestration area with fixed metal framing. |
Avgmot |
= |
The proposed vertical fenestration area with operable metal framing. |
Avgdt |
= |
The proposed vertical fenestration area of entrance doors. |
The vertical fenestration area does not include opaque doors and opaque spandrel panels. |
Equation 4-4
Proposed SHGCAp
| | |
= |
SHGCogAog + SHGCvgAvg |
Where: |
= |
The combined proposed solar heat gain of the proposed fenestration area. |
SHGCog |
= |
The solar heat gain coefficient of the skylights. |
Aog |
= |
The skylight area. |
SHGCvg |
= |
The solar heat gain coefficient of the vertical fenestration. |
Avg |
= |
The vertical fenestration area. |
The vertical fenestration area does not include opaque doors and opaque spandrel panels. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40225 Section C402.2.5-Floors.
C402.2.5 Floors. The thermal properties (component R-values or assembly U- or F-factors) of floor assemblies over outdoor air or unconditioned space shall be as specified in Table C402.1.3 or C402.1.4 based on the construction materials used in the floor assembly. Floor framing cavity insulation or structural slab insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with the underside of the subfloor decking or structural slabs.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. The floor framing cavity insulation or structural slab insulation shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side of sheathing or continuous insulation installed on the bottom side of floor assemblies where combined with insulation that meets or exceeds the minimum R-value in Table ((C401.1.3)) C402.1.3 for "Metal framed" or "Wood framed and other" values for "Walls, Above Grade" and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing or floor assembly members. |
| 2. Insulation applied to the underside of concrete floor slabs shall be permitted an air space of not more than 1 inch where it turns up and is in contact with the underside of the floor under walls associated with the building thermal envelope. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40330 Section C403.3-Economizers.
C403.3 Economizers (Prescriptive). Air economizers shall be provided on all new systems including those serving computer server rooms, electronic equipment, radio equipment, and telephone switchgear. Economizers shall comply with Sections C403.3.1 through C403.3.4.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Systems complying with Section C403.6 Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) with year-round cooling loads from lights and equipment of less than 5 watts per square foot. |
| 2. Unitary or packaged systems serving one zone with dehumidification that affect other systems so as to increase the overall building energy consumption. New humidification equipment shall comply with Section C403.2.3.4. |
| 3. Unitary or packaged systems serving one zone where the cooling efficiency meets or exceeds the efficiency requirements in Table C403.3. |
| 4. Water-cooled refrigeration equipment serving chilled beams and chilled ceiling space cooling systems only which are provided with a water economizer meeting the requirements of Section C403.3.4. |
| 5. Systems complying with all of the following criteria: |
| 5.1. Consist of multiple water source heat pumps connected to a common water loop; |
| 5.2. Have a minimum of 60 percent air economizer; |
| 5.3. Have water source heat pumps with an EER at least 15 percent higher for cooling and a COP at least 15 percent higher for heating than that specified in Section C403.2.3; |
| 5.4. Where provided, have a central boiler or furnace efficiency of 90 percent minimum for units up to 199,000 Btu/h; and |
| 5.5. Provide heat recovery with a minimum 50 percent heat recovery effectiveness as defined in Section C403.5 to preheat the outside air supply. |
| 6. For Group R occupancies, cooling units installed outdoors or in a mechanical room adjacent to outdoors with a total cooling capacity less than 20,000 Btu/h and other cooling units with a total cooling capacity less than 54,000 Btu/h provided that these are high-efficiency cooling equipment with IEER, SEER, and EER values more than 15 percent higher than minimum efficiencies listed in Tables C403.2.3 (1) through (3), in the appropriate size category, using the same test procedures. Equipment shall be listed in the appropriate certification program to qualify for this exception. For split systems, compliance is based on the cooling capacity of individual fan coil units. |
| 7. Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, multiple-zone split-system heat pumps, consisting of multiple, individually metered indoor units with multi-speed fan motors, served on a single common refrigeration circuit with an exterior reverse-cycle heat pump with variable speed compressor(s) and variable speed condenser fan(s). These systems shall also be capable of providing simultaneous heating and cooling operation, where recovered energy from the indoor units operating in one mode can be transferred to one or more indoor units operating in the other mode, and shall serve at least 20 percent internal (no perimeter wall within 12') and 20 percent perimeter zones (as determined by conditioned floor area) and the outdoor unit shall be at least 65,000 Btu/h in total capacity. Systems utilizing this exception shall have 50 percent heat recovery effectiveness as defined by Section C403.5 on the outside air. For the purposes of this exception, dedicated server rooms, electronic equipment rooms or telecom switch rooms are not considered perimeter zones. |
| 8. Equipment used to cool Controlled Plant Growth Environments provided these are high-efficiency cooling equipment with SEER, EER and IEER values a minimum of 20 percent greater than the values listed in Tables C403.2.3 (1), (3) and (7). |
| 9. Equipment used to cool any spaces with year-round cooling loads from lights and equipment of greater than 5 watts per square foot, where it can be demonstrated through calculations, to the satisfaction of the code official, that the heat rejection load of the equipment will be recovered and used for on-site space heating or service water heating demands such that the energy use of the building is decreased in comparison to a baseline of the same equipment provided with an air economizer complying with Section C403.3. |
| 10. Equipment used to cool any dedicated server room, electronic equipment room or telecom switch room provided the system complies with Option a, b or c in the table below. The total capacity of all systems without economizers shall not exceed 240,000 Btu/h per building or 10 percent of its air economizer capacity, whichever is greater. This exception shall not be used for Total Building Performance. |
| | | | |
Equipment Type |
Higher Equipment Efficiency |
Part-Load Control |
Economizer |
Option a |
Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2)a |
+15%b |
Required over 85,000 Btu/hc |
None Required |
Option b |
Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2)a |
+5%d |
Required over 85,000 Btu/hc |
Waterside Economizere |
Option c |
ASHRAE Standard 127f |
+0%g |
Required over 85,000 Btu/hc |
Waterside Economizere |
| |
Notes for Exception 10: |
a | For a system where all of the cooling equipment is subject to the AHRI standards listed in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2), the system shall comply with all of the following (note that if the system contains any cooling equipment that exceeds the capacity limits in Table C403.2.3(1) or C403.2.3(2), or if the system contains any cooling equipment that is not included in Table C403.2.3(1) or C403.2.3(2), then the system is not allowed to use this option). |
b | The cooling equipment shall have an EER value and an IPLV value that is a minimum of 15 percent greater than the value listed in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2). |
c | For units with a total cooling capacity over 85,000 Btu/h, the system shall utilize part-load capacity control schemes that are able to modulate to a part-load capacity of 50 percent of the load or less that results in the compressor operating at the same or higher EER at part loads than at full load (e.g., minimum of two-stages of compressor unloading such as cylinder unloading, two-stage scrolls, dual tandem scrolls, but hot gas bypass is not credited as a compressor unloading system). |
d | The cooling equipment shall have an EER value and an IPLV value that is a minimum of 5 percent greater than the value listed in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2). |
e | The system shall include a water economizer in lieu of air economizer. Water economizers shall meet the requirements of ((C403.4.1.2 through C403.4.1.4)) C403.3.1 and C403.3.2 and be capable of providing the total concurrent cooling load served by the connected terminal equipment lacking airside economizer, at outside air temperatures of 50°F dry-bulb/45°F wet-bulb and below. For this calculation, all factors including solar and internal load shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the outside temperatures. The equipment shall be served by a dedicated condenser water system unless a nondedicated condenser water system exists that can provide appropriate water temperatures during hours when waterside economizer cooling is available. |
f | For a system where all cooling equipment is subject to ASHRAE Standard 127. |
g | The cooling equipment subject to the ASHRAE Standard 127 shall have an EER value and an IPLV value that is equal or greater than the value listed in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2) when determined in accordance with the rating conditions ASHRAE Standard 127 (i.e., not the rating conditions in AHRI Standard 210/240 or 340/360). This information shall be provided by an independent third party. |
Table C403.3
Equipment Efficiency Performance
Exception for Economizers
| |
Climate Zones |
Efficiency Improvementa |
4C |
64% |
5B |
59% |
| |
a | If a unit is rated with an IPLV, IEER or SEER then to eliminate the required air or water economizer, the minimum cooling efficiency of the HVAC unit must be increased by the percentage shown. If the HVAC unit is only rated with a full load metric like EER or COP cooling, then these must be increased by the percentage shown. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40343 Section C403.4.2-Hydronic systems controls.
C403.4.2 Hydronic systems controls. The heating of fluids that have been previously mechanically cooled and the cooling of fluids that have been previously mechanically heated shall be limited in accordance with Sections C403.4.2.1 through C403.4.2.3. Hydronic heating systems comprised of multiple-packaged boilers and designed to deliver conditioned water or steam into a common distribution system shall include automatic controls configured to sequence operation of the boilers. Hydronic heating systems comprised of a single boiler and greater than 500,000 Btu/h (146,550 W) input design capacity shall include either a multi-staged or modulating burner.
C403.4.2.1 Three-pipe system. Hydronic systems that use a common return system for both hot water and chilled water are prohibited.
C403.4.2.2 Two-pipe changeover system. Systems that use a common distribution system to supply both heated and chilled water shall be designed to allow a dead band between changeover from one mode to the other of at least 15°F (8.3°C) outside air temperatures; be designed to and provided with controls that will allow operation in one mode for at least 4 hours before changing over to the other mode; and be provided with controls that allow heating and cooling supply temperatures at the changeover point to be no more than 30°F (16.7°C) apart.
C403.4.2.3 Hydronic (water loop) heat pump systems. Hydronic heat pump systems shall comply with Sections C403. through C403.
C403. Temperature dead band. Hydronic heat pumps connected to a common heat pump water loop with central devices for heat rejection and heat addition shall have controls that are configured to provide a heat pump water supply temperature dead band of at least 20°F (11.1°C) between initiation of heat rejection and heat addition by the central devices.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Where a system loop temperature optimization controller is installed and can determine the most efficient operating temperature based on real time conditions of demand and capacity, dead bands of less than 20°F (11°C) shall be permitted. |
C403. Heat rejection. Heat rejection equipment shall comply with Sections C403. and C403.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Where it can be demonstrated that a heat pump system will be required to reject heat throughout the year. |
C403. Climate Zone 4. For Climate Zone 4:
1. If a closed-circuit cooling tower is used directly in the heat pump loop, either an automatic valve shall be installed to bypass all but a minimal flow of water around the tower, or lower leakage positive closure dampers shall be provided.
2. If an open-circuit tower is used directly in the heat pump loop, an automatic valve shall be installed to bypass all heat pump water flow around the tower.
3. If an open- or closed-circuit cooling tower is used in conjunction with a separate heat exchanger to isolate the cooling tower from the heat pump loop, then heat loss shall be controlled by shutting down the circulation pump on the cooling tower loop.
C403. Climate Zone 5. For Climate Zone 5, if an open- or closed-circuit cooling tower is used, then a separate heat exchanger shall be provided to isolate the cooling tower from the heat pump loop, and heat loss shall be controlled by shutting down the circulation pump on the cooling tower loop and providing an automatic valve to stop the flow of fluid.
C403. Isolation valve. Each hydronic heat pump on the hydronic system having a total pump system power exceeding 10 horsepower (hp) (7.5 kW) shall have a two-way (but not three-way) valve. For the purposes of this section, pump system power is the sum of the nominal power demand (i.e., nameplate horsepower at nominal motor efficiency) of motors of all pumps that are required to operate at design conditions to supply fluid from the heating or cooling source to all heat transfer devices (e.g., coils, heat exchanger) and return it to the source. This converts the system into a variable flow system and, as such, the primary circulation pumps shall comply with the variable flow requirements in Section C403.4.2.6.
C403.4.2.4 Part load controls. Hydronic systems greater than or equal to 300,000 Btu/h (88 kW) in design output capacity supplying heated or chilled water to comfort conditioning systems shall include controls that are configured to:
1. Automatically reset the supply-water temperatures in response to varying building heating and cooling demand using coil valve position, zone-return water temperature or outdoor air temperature. The temperature shall be reset by not less than 25 percent of the design supply-to-return water temperature difference.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Hydronic systems serving hydronic heat pumps. |
2. Automatically vary fluid flow for hydronic systems with a combined motor capacity of 3 hp or larger with three or more control valves or other devices by reducing the system design flow rate by not less than 50 percent by designed valves that modulate or step open and close, or pumps that modulate or turn on and off as a function of load.
3. Automatically vary pump flow ((or)) on chilled-water systems and heat rejection loops serving water-cooled unitary air conditioners with a combined motor capacity of 3 hp or larger by reducing pump design flow by not less than 50 percent utilizing adjustable speed drives on pumps, or multiple-staged pumps where not less than one-half of the total pump horsepower is capable of being automatically turned off. Pump flow shall be controlled to maintain one control valve nearly wide open or to satisfy the minimum differential pressure.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Supply-water temperature reset for chilled-water systems supplied by off-site district chilled water or chilled water from ice storage systems. |
| 2. Minimum flow rates other than 50 percent as required by the equipment manufacturer for proper operation of equipment where using flow bypass or end-of-line 3-way valves. |
| 3. Variable pump flow on dedicated equipment circulation pumps where configured in primary/secondary design to provide the minimum flow requirements of the equipment manufacturer for proper operation of equipment. |
C403.4.2.5 Boiler turndown. Boiler systems with design input of greater than 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 kW) shall comply with the turndown ratio specified in Table C403.4.2.5.
The system turndown requirement shall be met through the use of multiple single input boilers, one or more modulating boilers or a combination of single input and modulating boilers.
Table C403.4.2.5
Boiler Turndown
| |
Boiler System Design Input (Btu/h) |
Minimum Turndown Ratio |
? 1,000,000 and less than or equal to 5,000,000 |
3 to 1 |
> 5,000,000 and less than or equal to 10,000,000 |
4 to 1 |
> 10,000,000 |
5 to 1 |
C403.4.2.6 Pump isolation. Chilled water plants including more than one chiller shall be capable of and configured to reduce flow automatically through the chiller plant when a chiller is shut down and automatically shut off flow to chillers that are shut down. Chillers piped in series for the purpose of increased temperature differential shall be considered as one chiller.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Chillers that are piped in series for the purpose of increased temperature differential. |
Boiler plants including more than one boiler shall be capable of and configured to reduce flow automatically through the boiler plant when a boiler is shut down.
C403.4.2.7 Variable flow controls. Individual pumps required by this code to have variable speed control shall be controlled in one of the following manners:
1. For systems having a combined pump motor horsepower less than or equal to 20 hp (15 kW) and without direct digital control of individual coils, pump speed shall be a function of either:
1.1. Required differential pressure; or
1.2. Reset directly based on zone hydronic demand, or other zone load indicators; or
1.3. Reset directly based on pump power and pump differential pressure.
2. For systems having a combined pump motor horsepower that exceeds 20 hp (15 kW) or smaller systems with direct digital control, pump speed shall be a function of either:
2.1. The static pressure set point as reset based on the valve requiring the most pressure; or
2.2. Directly controlled based on zone hydronic demand.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40345 Section C403.4.4-Requirements for mechanical systems serving multiple zones.
C403.4.4 Requirements for mechanical systems serving multiple zones. Sections C403.4.4.1 through C403.4.4.4 shall apply to ((complex)) mechanical systems serving multiple zones. Supply air systems serving multiple zones shall be VAV systems which, during periods of occupancy, are designed and configured to reduce primary air supply to each zone to one of the following before reheating, recooling or mixing takes place:
1. Thirty percent of the maximum supply air to each zone.
2. Three hundred cfm (142 L/s) or less where the maximum flow rate is less than 10 percent of the total fan system supply airflow rate.
3. The minimum ventilation requirements of Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code.
4. Any higher rate that can be demonstrated to reduce overall system annual energy use by offsetting reheat/recool energy losses through a reduction in outdoor air intake for the system, as approved by the code official.
5. The airflow rates to comply with applicable codes or accreditation standards such as pressure relationships or minimum air change rates.
| |
EXCEPTION: | The following define where individual zones or where entire air distribution systems are exempted from the requirement for VAV control: |
| 1. Zones or supply air systems where at least 75 percent of the energy for reheating or for providing warm air in mixing systems is provided from a site-recovered or site-solar energy source. |
| 2. Zones where special humidity levels are required to satisfy process needs. |
| 3. Zones with a peak supply air quantity of 300 cfm (142 L/s) or less and where the flow rate is less than 10 percent of the total fan system supply airflow rate. |
| 4. Zones without DDC for which the volume of air that is reheated, recooled or remixed is less than the larger of the following: |
| 4.1. 30 percent of the zone design peak supply rate. |
| 4.2. The outdoor airflow rate required to meet the ventilation requirements of Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code for the zone. |
| 4.3. Any higher rate that can be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the code official, to reduce overall system annual energy usage by offsetting reheat/recool energy losses through a reduction in outdoor air intake for the system. |
| 4.4. The airflow rate required to comply with applicable codes or accreditation standards, such as pressure relationships or minimum air change rates. |
| 5. Zones with DDC that comply with all of the following: |
| 5.1. The airflow rate in dead band between heating and cooling does not exceed the larger of the following: |
| 5.1.1. 20 percent of the zone design peak supply rate. |
| 5.1.2. The outdoor airflow rate required to meet the ventilation requirements of Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code for the zone. |
| 5.1.3. Any higher rate that can be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the code official, to reduce overall system annual energy usage by offsetting reheat/recool energy losses through a reduction in outdoor air intake for the system. |
| 5.1.4. The airflow rate required to comply with applicable codes or accreditation standards, such as pressure relationships or minimum air change rates. |
| 5.2. The airflow rate that is reheated, recooled, or mixed shall be less than 50 percent of the zone design peak supply rate. |
| 5.3. The first stage of heating consists of modulating the zone supply air temperature setpoint up to a maximum setpoint while the airflow is maintained at the dead band flow rate. |
| 5.4. The second stage of heating consists of modulating the airflow rate from the dead band flow rate up to the heating maximum flow rate. |
| 6. Zones or supply air systems with thermostatic and humidistatic controls capable of operating in sequence the supply of heating and cooling energy to the zones and which are configured to prevent reheating, recooling, mixing or simultaneous supply of air that has been previously cooled, either mechanically or through the use of economizer systems, and air that has been previously mechanically heated. |
C403.4.4.1 Single duct variable air volume (VAV) systems, terminal devices. Single duct VAV systems shall use terminal devices capable of and configured to reduce the supply of primary supply air before reheating or recooling takes place.
C403.4.4.2 Dual duct and mixing VAV systems, terminal devices. Systems that have one warm air duct and one cool air duct shall use terminal devices which are capable of and configured to reduce the flow from one duct to a minimum before mixing of air from the other duct takes place.
C403.4.4.3 Multiple-zone VAV system ventilation optimization control. Multiple-zone VAV systems with direct digital control of individual zone boxes reporting to a central control panel shall have automatic controls configured to reduce outdoor air intake flow below design rates in response to changes in system ventilation efficiency (Ev) as defined by the International Mechanical Code.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. VAV systems with zonal transfer fans that recirculate air from other zones without directly mixing it with outdoor air, dual-duct dual-fan VAV systems, and VAV systems with fan-powered terminal units. |
| 2. Systems having exhaust air energy recovery complying with Section C403.5. |
| 3. Systems where total design exhaust airflow is more than 70 percent of total design outdoor air intake flow requirements. |
C403.4.4.4 Supply-air temperature reset controls. Multiple zone HVAC systems shall include controls that automatically reset the supply-air temperature in response to representative building loads, or to outdoor air temperature. The controls shall be capable of resetting the supply air temperature at least 25 percent of the difference between the design supply-air temperature and the design room air temperature.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Systems that prevent reheating, recooling or mixing of heated and cooled supply air. |
| 2. Seventy-five percent of the energy for reheating is from site-recovered or site solar energy sources. |
| 3. Zones with peak supply air quantities of 300 cfm (142 L/s) or less. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40360 Section C403.6-Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS).
C403.6 Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) (This section is optional until June 30, 2017; and becomes prescriptive as of July 1, 2017). For office, retail, education, libraries and fire stations. Outdoor air shall be provided to each occupied space by a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) which delivers 100 percent outdoor air without requiring operation of the heating and cooling system fans for ventilation air delivery.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Occupied spaces that are not ventilated by a mechanical ventilation system and are only ventilated by a natural ventilation system per Section 402 of the International Mechanical Code. |
| 2. High efficiency variable air volume (VAV) systems complying with Section C403.7. This exception shall not be used as a substitution for a DOAS per Section C406.6 or as a modification to the requirements for the Standard Reference Design per Section C407. |
C403.6.1 Energy recovery ventilation with DOAS. The DOAS shall include energy recovery ventilation that complies with the minimum energy recovery efficiency and energy recovery bypass requirements, where applicable, of Section C403.5.1.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Occupied spaces under the threshold of Section C403.5 with an average occupant load greater than 25 people per 1000 square feet (93 m2) of floor area (as established in Table 403.3.1.1 of the International Mechanical Code) that include demand control ventilation configured to reduce outdoor air by at least 50% below design minimum ventilation rates when the actual occupancy of the space served by the system is less than the design occupancy. |
| 2. Systems installed for the sole purpose of providing makeup air for systems exhausting toxic, flammable, paint, or corrosive fumes or dust, dryer exhaust, or commercial kitchen hoods used for collecting and removing grease vapors and smoke. |
C403.6.2 Heating/cooling system fan controls. Heating and cooling equipment fans, heating and cooling circulation pumps, and terminal unit fans shall cycle off and terminal unit primary cooling air shall be shut off when there is no call for heating or cooling in the zone.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Fans used for heating and cooling using less than 0.12 watts per cfm may operate when space temperatures are within the setpoint deadband (Section C403. to provide destratification and air mixing in the space. |
C403.6.3 Impracticality. Where the code official determines that full compliance with all the requirements of Sections C403.6.1 and C403.6.2 would be impractical, it is permissible to provide an approved alternate means of compliance that achieves a comparable level of energy efficiency. For the purposes of this section, impractical means that an HVAC system complying with Section C403.6 cannot effectively be utilized due to an unusual use or configuration of the building.
C403.7 High efficiency variable air volume (VAV) systems. For HVAC systems subject to the requirements of Section C403.6 but utilizing Exception 2 of that section, a high efficiency VAV system may be provided without a separate parallel DOAS when the system is designed, installed, and configured to comply with all of the following criteria (this exception shall not be used as a substitution for a DOAS per Section C406.6 or as a modification to the requirements for the Standard Reference Design per Section C407):
1. The VAV systems are provided with airside economizer per Section 403.3 without exceptions.
2. A direct-digital control (DDC) system is provided to control the VAV air handling units and associated terminal units per Section C403.2.4.12 regardless of sizing thresholds of Table C403.
3. Multiple-zone VAV systems with a minimum outdoor air requirement of 2,500 cfm (1180 L/s) or greater shall be equipped with a device capable of measuring outdoor airflow intake under all load conditions. The system shall be capable of increasing or reducing the outdoor airflow intake based on feedback from the VAV terminal units as required by Section C403.4.4.3, without exceptions, and Section C403.2.6.2 demand controlled ventilation.
4. Multiple-zone VAV systems with a minimum outdoor air requirement of 2,500 cfm (1180 L/s) or greater shall be equipped with a device capable of measuring supply airflow to the VAV terminal units under all load conditions.
5. In addition to meeting the zone isolation requirements of C403.2.4.4 a single VAV air handling unit shall not serve more than 50,000 square feet (2323 m2) unless a single floor is greater than 50,000 square feet (2323 m2) in which case the air handler is permitted to serve the entire floor.
6. The primary maximum cooling air for the VAV terminal units serving interior cooling load driven zones shall be sized for a supply air temperature that is a minimum of 5°F greater than the supply air temperature for the exterior zones in cooling.
7. Air terminal units with a minimum primary airflow setpoint of 50% or greater of the maximum primary airflow setpoint shall be sized with an inlet velocity of no greater than 900 feet per minute.
8. DDC systems be designed and configured per the guidelines set by high performance sequences of operation for HVAC systems (ASHRAE GPC 36, RP-1455).
9. Allowable fan motor horsepower shall not exceed 90% of the allowable HVAC fan system bhp (Option 2) as defined by Section C403.2.11.1.
10. All fan powered VAV terminal units (series or parallel) shall be provided with electronically commutated motors. The DDC system shall be configured to vary the speed of the motor as a function of the heating and cooling load in the space. Minimum speed shall not be greater than 66% of design airflow required for the greater of heating or cooling operation. Minimum speed shall be used during periods of low heating and cooling operation and ventilation-only operation.
| |
EXCEPTION: | For series fan powered terminal units where the volume of primary air required to deliver the ventilation requirements at minimum speed exceeds the air that would be delivered at the speed defined above, the minimum speed setpoint shall be configured to exceed the value required to provide the required ventilation air. |
11. Fan-powered VAV terminal units shall only be permitted at perimeter zones with an envelope heating load requirement. All other VAV terminal units shall be single duct terminal units.
12. When in occupied heating or in occupied deadband between heating and cooling all fan powered VAV terminal units shall be configured to reset the primary air supply setpoint, based on the VAV air handling unit outdoor air vent fraction, to the minimum ventilation airflow required per International Mechanical Code without utilizing the exceptions 2, 3, or 4 of Section C403.4.4.
13. Spaces that are larger than 150 square feet (((XX)) 14 m2) and with an occupant load greater than or equal to 25 people per 1000 square feet (93 m2) of floor area (as established in Table 403.3.1.1 of the International Mechanical Code) shall be provided with all of the following features:
13.1. A dedicated VAV terminal unit capable of controlling the space temperature and minimum ventilation shall be provided.
13.2. Demand control ventilation (DCV) shall be provided that utilizes a carbon dioxide sensor to reset the ventilation setpoint of the VAV terminal unit from the design minimum to design maximum ventilation rate as required by Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code.
13.3. Occupancy sensors shall be provided that are configured to reduce the minimum ventilation rate to zero and setback room temperature setpoints by a minimum of 5°F, for both cooling and heating, when the space is unoccupied.
14. Dedicated server rooms, electronic equipment rooms, telecom rooms, or other similar spaces with cooling loads greater than 5 watts/sf shall be provided with separate, independent HVAC systems to allow the VAV air handlers to turn off during unoccupied hours in the office space and to allow the supply air temperature reset to occur.
| |
EXCEPTION: | The VAV air handling unit and VAV terminal units may be used for secondary backup cooling when there is a failure of the primary HVAC system. |
| Additionally, server rooms, electronic equipment rooms, telecom rooms, or other similar spaces shall be provided with airside economizer per Section 403.3 without using the exceptions to Section C403.3. |
| |
EXCEPTION: | Heat recovery per exception 9 of Section 403.3 may be in lieu of airside economizer for the separate, independent HVAC system. |
15. HVAC system central heating or cooling plant will include a minimum of one of the following options:
15.1. VAV terminal units with hydronic heating coils connected to systems with hot water generation equipment limited to the following types of equipment: Gas-fired hydronic boilers with a thermal efficiency, Et, of not less than 90%, air-to-water heat pumps or heat recovery chillers.
15.2. Chilled water VAV air handing units connected to systems with chilled water generation equipment with IPLV values more than 25% higher than the minimum part load efficiencies listed in Table C403.2.3(7), in the appropriate size category, using the same test procedures. Equipment shall be listed in the appropriate certification program to qualify. The smallest chiller or compressor in the central plant shall not exceed 20% of the total central plant cooling capacity or the chilled water system shall include thermal storage sized for a minimum of 20% of the total central cooling plant capacity.
16. The DDC system shall include a fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) system complying with the following:
16.1. The following temperature sensors shall be permanently installed to monitor system operation:
16.1.1. Outside air.
16.1.2. Supply air.
16.1.3. Return air.
16.2. Temperature sensors shall have an accuracy of ±2°F (1.1°C) over the range of 40°F to 80°F (4°C to 26.7°C).
16.3. The VAV air handling unit controller shall be configured to provide system status by indicating the following:
16.3.1. Free cooling available.
16.3.2. Economizer enabled.
16.3.3. Compressor enabled.
16.3.4. Heating enabled.
16.3.5. Mixed air low limit cycle active.
16.3.6. The current value of each sensor.
16.4. The VAV air handling unit controller shall be capable of manually initiating each operating mode so that the operation of compressors, economizers, fans and the heating system can be independently tested and verified.
16.5. The VAV air handling unit shall be configured to report faults to a fault management application accessible by day-to-day operating or service personnel or annunciated locally on zone thermostats.
16.6. The VAV terminal unit shall be configured to report if the VAV inlet valve has failed by performing the following diagnostic check at a maximum interval of once a month:
16.6.1. Command VAV terminal unit primary air inlet valve closed and verify that primary airflow goes to zero.
16.6.2. Command VAV terminal unit primary air inlet valve to design airflow and verify that unit is controlling to with 10% of design airflow.
16.7. The VAV terminal unit shall be configured to report and trend when the zone is driving the following VAV air handling unit reset sequences. The building operator shall have the capability to exclude zones used in the reset sequences from the DDC control system graphical user interface:
16.7.1. Supply air temperature setpoint reset to lowest supply air temperature setpoint for cooling operation.
16.7.2. Supply air duct static pressure setpoint reset for the highest duct static pressure setpoint allowable.
16.8. The FDD system shall be configured to detect the following faults:
16.8.1. Air temperature sensor failure/fault.
16.8.2. Not economizing when the unit should be economizing.
16.8.3. Economizing when the unit should not be economizing.
16.8.4. Outdoor air or return air damper not modulating.
16.8.5. Excess outdoor air.
16.8.6 VAV terminal unit primary air valve failure.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-404021 Table C404.2-Minimum performance of water-heating equipment.
Table C404.2
Minimum Performance of Water-Heating Equipment
| | | | |
Equipment Type |
Size Category (input) |
Subcategory or Rating Condition |
Performance Requireda, b |
Test Procedure |
Storage water heaters, electric |
? 12 kWd |
Resistance |
0.93 - 0.00 132V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
? 24 amps and ? 250 volts |
Heat pump |
0.93 - 0.00 132V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
? 12 kWd |
Resistance |
(0.3 + 27/Vm,%/h |
Section G.2 of ANSI Z21.10.3 |
Instantaneous water heaters, electric |
All |
Resistance |
0.93 - 0.00132V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
Storage water heaters, gas |
? 75,000 Btu/h |
? 20 gal |
0.67 - 0.0019V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
? 75,000 Btu/h |
< 4,000 Btu/h/gal |
80% Et (Q/800 + 110?V) SL, Btu/h |
Section G.1 and G.2 of ANSI Z21.10.3 |
? 50,000 Btu/h and < 200,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 (Btu/h)/gal and < 2 gal |
0.62 - 0.0019V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
Instantaneous water heaters, gas |
? 200,000 Btu/hc |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and < 10 gal |
80% Et |
Section G.1 and G.2 of ANSI Z21.10.3 |
? 200,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and ? 10 gal |
80% Et (Q/800 + 110?V) SL, Btu/h |
Storage water heaters, oil |
? 105,000 Btu/h |
? 20 gal |
0.59 - 0.0019V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
? 105,000 Btu/h |
< 4,000 Btu/h/gal |
78% Et (Q/800 + 110?V) SL, Btu/h |
Section G.1 and G.2 of ANSI Z21.10.3 |
? 210,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and < 2 gal |
0.59 - 0.0019V, EF |
DOE 10 C.F.R. Part 430 |
Instantaneous water heaters, oil |
? 210,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and < 10 gal |
80% Et |
Section G.1 and G.2 of ANSI Z21.10.3 |
? 210,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and ? 10 gal |
78% Et (Q/800 + 110?V) SL, Btu/h |
Hot water supply boilers, gas and oil |
? 300,000 Btu/h and < 12,500,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and < 10 gal |
80% Et |
Section G.1 and G.2 of ANSI Z21.10.3 |
Hot water supply boilers, gas |
? 300,000 Btu/h and < 12,500,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and ? 10 gal |
80% Et (Q/800 + 110?V) SL, Btu/h |
Hot water supply boilers, oil |
? 300,000 Btu/h and < 12,500,000 Btu/h |
? 4,000 Btu/h/gal and ? 10 gal |
78% Et (Q/800 + 110?V) SL, Btu/h |
Pool heaters, gas and oil |
All |
- |
78% Et |
ASHRAE 146 |
Heat pump pool heaters |
All |
- |
4.0 COP |
AHRI 146 |
Unfired storage tanks |
All |
- |
Minimum insulation requirement R-12.5 (h . ft2 . °F)/Btu |
(none) |
| |
For SI: | °C = [(°F) - 32]/1.8, 1 British thermal unit per hour = 0.2931 W, 1 gallon = 3.785 L, 1 British thermal unit per hour per gallon = 0.078 W/L. |
a | Energy factor (EF) and thermal efficiency (Et) are minimum requirements. In the EF equation, V is the rated volume in gallons. |
b | Standby loss (SL) is the maximum Btu/h based on a nominal 70°F temperature difference between stored water and ambient requirements. In the SL equation, Q is the nameplate input rate in Btu/h. In the SL equation for electric water heaters, V is the rated volume in gallons and Vm is the measured volume in gallons. In the SL equation for oil and gas water heaters and boilers, V is the rated volume in gallons. |
c | Instantaneous water heaters with input rates below 200,000 Btu/h shall comply with these requirements if the water heater is designed to heat water to temperatures 180°F or higher. |
d | Electric water heaters with an input rating of 12 kW (40,950 Btu/h) or less that are designed to heat water to temperatures of 180°F or greater shall comply with the requirements for electric water heaters that have an input rating greater than 12 kW (40,950 Btu/h). |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40507 Section C405.7-Electrical energy consumption.
C405.6 Electrical transformers. Electric transformers shall meet the minimum efficiency requirements of Table C405.6 as tested and rated in accordance with the test procedure listed in DOE 10 C.F.R. 431. The efficiency shall be verified through certification under an approved certification program or, where no certification program exists, the equipment efficiency ratings shall be supported by data furnished by the transformer manufacturer.
| |
EXCEPTION: | The following transformers are exempt: |
| 1. Transformers that meet the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exclusions based on the DOE 10 C.F.R. 431 definition of special purpose applications. |
| 2. Transformers that meet the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exclusions that are not to be used in general purpose applications based on information provided in DOE 10 C.F.R. 431. |
| 3. Transformers that meet the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exclusions with multiple voltage taps where the highest tap is at least 20 percent more than the lowest tap. |
| 4. Drive transformers. |
| 5. Rectifier transformers. |
| 6. Auto-transformers. |
| 7. Uninterruptible power system transformers. |
| 8. Impedance transformers. |
| 9. Regulating transformers. |
| 10. Sealed and nonventilating transformers. |
| 11. Machine tool transformer. |
| 12. Welding transformer. |
| 13. Grounding transformer. |
| 14. Testing transformer. |
Table C405.6
Minimum Nominal Efficiency Levels For 10 C.F.R. 431 Low Voltage Dry-Type Distribution Transformers
| | | |
Single Phase Transformers |
Three Phase Transformers |
kVAa |
Efficiency (%)b |
kVAa |
Efficiency (%)b |
15 |
97.7 |
15 |
97.0 |
25 |
98.0 |
30 |
97.5 |
37.5 |
98.2 |
45 |
97.7 |
50 |
98.3 |
75 |
98.0 |
75 |
98.5 |
112.5 |
98.2 |
100 |
98.6 |
150 |
98.3 |
167 |
98.7 |
225 |
98.5 |
250 |
98.8 |
300 |
98.6 |
333 |
98.9 |
500 |
98.7 |
750 |
98.8 |
1000 |
98.9 |
| |
a | kiloVolt-Amp rating. |
b | Nominal efficiencies shall be established in accordance with the DOE 10 C.F.R. 431 test procedure for low voltage dry-type transformers. |
C405.7 Dwelling unit electrical energy consumption (mandatory). Each dwelling unit located in a Group R-2 building shall have a separate electrical meter. A utility tenant meter meets this requirement. See Section C409 for additional requirements for energy metering and energy consumption management.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40602 Section C406.2-HVAC option.
C406.2 More efficient HVAC equipment and fan performance. Buildings shall comply with Sections C406.2.1 through C406.2.3.
C406.2.1 HVAC system selection. No less than 90 percent of the total HVAC capacity serving the building shall be provided by equipment that is listed in Tables C403.2.3(1) through C403.2.3(9) or a combination thereof.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Air-to-water heat pumps or heat recovery chillers are also permitted to be utilized for Option C406.2. |
C406.2.2 Minimum equipment efficiency. Equipment shall exceed the minimum efficiency requirements listed in Tables C403.2.3(1) through C403.2.3(((7))) (9) by 15 percent, in addition to the requirements of Section C403. Where multiple performance requirements are provided, the equipment shall exceed all requirements by 15 percent.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Equipment that is larger than the maximum capacity range indicated in Tables C403.2.3(1) through C403.2.3(9) shall utilize the values listed for the largest capacity equipment for the associated equipment type shown in the table. |
C406.2.3 Minimum fan efficiency. Stand-alone supply, return and exhaust fans designed for operating with motors over 750 watts (1 hp) shall have an energy efficiency classification of not less than FEG 71 as defined in AMCA 205. The total efficiency of the fan at the design point of operation shall be within 10 percentage points of either the maximum total efficiency of the fan or the static efficiency of the fan.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40608 Section C406.8-Envelope option.
C406.8 Enhanced envelope performance. The total UA of the building thermal envelope shall be 15 percent lower than the maximum allowable UA for a building of identical configuration and fenestration area in accordance with Section ((C402.1.2)) C402.1.5 and Equation 4-2, where UA equals the sum of the U-values of each distinct envelope assembly multiplied by the area in square feet of that assembly.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-407051 Table C407.5.1(1)-Specifications for the standard reference and proposed design.
Table C407.5.1(1)
Specifications for the Standard Reference and Proposed Designs
| | | |
Building Component Characteristics |
Standard Reference Design |
Proposed Design |
Space use classification |
Same as proposed |
The space use classification shall be chosen in accordance with Table C405.4.2 for all areas of the building covered by this permit. Where the space use classification for a building is not known, the building shall be categorized as an office building. |
Roofs |
Type: Insulation entirely above deck |
As proposed |
Gross area: Same as proposed |
As proposed |
U-factor: From Table C402.1.4 |
As proposed |
Solar absorptance: 0.75 |
As proposed |
Emittance: 0.90 |
As proposed |
Walls, above-grade |
Type: Mass wall if proposed wall is mass; otherwise steel-framed wall |
As proposed |
Gross area: Same as proposed |
As proposed |
U-factor: From Table C402.1.4 |
As proposed |
Solar absorptance: 0.75 |
As proposed |
Emittance: 0.90 |
As proposed |
Walls, below-grade |
Type: Mass wall |
As proposed |
Gross area: Same as proposed |
As proposed |
U-Factor: From Table C402.1.4 with insulation layer on interior side of walls |
As proposed |
Floors, above-grade |
Type: Joist/framed floor |
As proposed |
Gross area: Same as proposed |
As proposed |
U-factor: From Table C402.1.4 |
As proposed |
Floors, slab-on-grade |
Type: Unheated |
As proposed |
F-factor: From Table C402.1.4 |
As proposed |
Opaque Doors |
Type: Swinging |
As proposed |
Area: Same as proposed |
As proposed |
U-factor: From Table C402.1.4 |
As proposed |
Vertical Fenestration Other than opaque doors |
Area |
As proposed |
1. The proposed vertical fenestration area; where the proposed vertical fenestration area is less than 30 percent of above-grade wall area. |
2. 30 percent of above-grade wall area; where the proposed vertical fenestration area is 30 percent or more of the above-grade wall area. |
U-factor: From Table C402.4 for the same framing material as proposed |
As proposed |
SHGC: From Table C402.4 except that for climates with no requirement (NR) SHGC = 0.40 shall be used |
As proposed |
External shading and PF: None |
As proposed |
Skylights |
Area |
As proposed |
1. The proposed skylight area; where the proposed skylight area is less than 3 percent of gross area of roof assembly. |
2. 3 percent of gross area of roof assembly; where the proposed skylight area is 3 percent or more of gross area of roof assembly. |
U-factor: From Table C402.4 |
As proposed |
SHGC: From Table C402.4 except that for climates with no requirement (NR) SHGC = 0.40 shall be used |
As proposed |
Air leakage |
For infiltration, the air leakage rate as determined below shall be modeled at 100% when the building fan system is off, and at 25% when the building fan system is on, unless otherwise approved by the building official for unusually pressurized buildings. Per PNNL Report 18898, Infiltration Modeling Guidelines for Commercial Building Energy Analysis, the building air leakage rates as determined in accordance with Section C402.5.1.2 at 0.30 in. w.g. (75 Pa) shall be converted for modeling in annual energy analysis programs by being multiplied by 0.112 unless other multipliers are approved by the building official (e.g., a tested air leakage of 0.40 cfm/ft2 of total building envelope area at 0.30 in. w.g. (75 Pa) would be calculated at 0.045 cfm/ft2 of building envelope area). The calculated infiltration rate shall be normalized to the input required by the modeling software. |
The Proposed Design air-leakage rate shall be the same as the Standard Design. |
Lighting, interior |
The interior lighting power shall be determined in accordance with Table C405.4.2. As proposed when the occupancy of the space is not known. |
As proposed; where the occupancy of the space is not known, the lighting power density shall be based on the space classification as offices in Table C405.4.2(1). |
Automatic lighting controls (e.g., programmable controls or automatic controls for daylight utilization) shall be modeled in the standard reference design as required by Section C405. |
Lighting, exterior |
The lighting power shall be determined in accordance with Table C405.5.2(2). Areas and dimensions of tradable and nontradable surfaces shall be the same as proposed. |
As proposed |
Internal gains |
Same as proposed |
Receptacle, motor and process loads shall be modeled and estimated based on the space use classification. All end-use load components within and associated with the building shall be modeled to include, but not be limited to, the following: Exhaust fans, parking garage ventilation fans, exterior building lighting, swimming pool heaters and pumps, elevators, escalators, refrigeration equipment and cooking equipment. |
Schedules |
Same as proposed |
Operating schedules shall include hourly profiles for daily operation and shall account for variations between weekdays, weekends, holidays and any seasonal operation. Schedules shall model the time-dependent variations in occupancy, illumination, receptacle loads, thermostat settings, mechanical ventilation, HVAC equipment availability, service hot water usage and any process loads. The schedules shall be typical of the proposed building type as determined by the designer and approved by the jurisdiction. |
Outdoor airflow rates |
Same as proposed, or no higher than those allowed by Section C403.2.6 (without exception 1), whichever is less. |
As proposed, in accordance with Section C403.2.6. |
Demand control ventilation: Shall be modeled as required by Section C403.6 including reduction to the minimum ventilation rate when unoccupied. |
As proposed |
Heating systems |
Fuel type: Same as proposed design |
As proposed |
Equipment typea: From Tables C407.5.1(2), C407.5.1(3), and C407.5.1(4) |
As proposed |
Efficiency: From Tables C403.2.3(2), C403.2.3(3), C403.2.3(4) and C403.2.3(5) |
As proposed |
Preheat coils: For HVAC system numbers 1 through 4, a preheat coil shall be modeled controlled to a fixed setpoint 20°F less than the design room heating temperature setpoint. |
Capacityb: Sized proportionally to the capacities in the proposed design based on sizing runs, i.e., the ratio between the capacities used in the annual simulations and the capacities determined by the sizing runs shall be the same for both the proposed design and standard reference design, and shall be established such that no smaller number of unmet heating load hours and no larger heating capacity safety factors are provided than in the proposed design. |
As proposed |
Weather conditions used in sizing runs to determine standard reference design equipment capacities may be based either on hourly historical weather files containing typical peak conditions or on design days developed using 99.6% heating design temperatures and 1% dry-bulb and 1% wet-bulb cooling design temperatures. |
Cooling systems |
Fuel type: Same as proposed design |
As proposed |
Equipment typec: From Tables C407.5.1(2), C407.5.1(3), and C407.5.1(4) |
As proposed |
Efficiency: From Tables C403.2.3(1), C403.2.3(2) and C403.2.3(3). Chillers shall use Path A efficiency. |
As proposed |
Capacityb: Sized proportionally to the capacities in the proposed design based on sizing runs, i.e., the ratio between the capacities used in the annual simulations and the capacities determined by the sizing runs shall be the same for both the proposed design and standard reference design, and shall be established such that no smaller number of unmet cooling load hours and no larger cooling capacity safety factors are provided than in the proposed design. |
As proposed |
Economizerd: Same as proposed, in accordance with Section C403.3. The high-limit shutoff shall be a dry-bulb switch with a setpoint as determined by Table C403.3.3.3. |
As proposed |
Energy recovery |
Standard reference design systems shall be modeled where required in Section C403.5. |
As proposed |
Fan systems |
Airflow rate: System design supply airflow rates for the standard reference design shall be based on a supply-air-to-room-air temperature difference of 20°F or the required ventilation air or makeup air, whichever is greater. If return or relief fans are specified in the proposed design, the standard reference design shall also be modeled with fans serving the same functions and sized for the standard reference design system supply fan air quantity less the minimum outdoor air, or 90% of the supply fan air quantity, whichever is larger. |
As proposed |
Motor brake horsepower: System fan electrical power for supply, return, exhaust, and relief (excluding power to fan-powered VAV boxes) shall be calculated using the following formulas: For systems 5, 7, 8 and 10 in Table C407.5.1(4), Pfan = ((CFMS)) CFMs × 0.3 For all other systems, including DOAS, Pfan = bhp × 746/Fan Motor Efficiency Where: Pfan = Electric power to fan motor (watts) bhp = Brake horsepower of standard reference design fan motor from Table C403.2.12.1(1) - Option 2 Fan motor = The efficiency from Tables C405.8(1) through C405.8(4) for the efficiency next motor size greater than the bhp using the enclosed motor at 1800 rpm ((CFMS)) CFMs = The standard reference design system maximum design supply fan airflow rate in cfm DOAS fan power shall be calculated separately from the brake horsepower allowance. |
As proposed |
On-site renewable energy |
No on-site renewable energy shall be modeled in the standard reference design. |
As proposed. |
Shading from adjacent structures/terrain |
Same as proposed. |
For the standard reference design and the proposed building, shading by permanent structures and terrain shall be taken into account for computing energy consumption whether or not these features are located on the building site. A permanent fixture is one that is likely to remain for the life of the proposed design. |
Service water heating |
Fuel type: Same as proposed |
As proposed |
Efficiency: From Table C404.2 and per Section C404.2.1 |
As proposed |
Capacity: Same as proposed |
Demand: Same as proposed |
Service hot-water energy consumption shall be calculated explicitly based upon the volume of service hot water required and the entering makeup water and the leaving service hot water temperatures. Entering water temperatures shall be estimated based upon the location. Leaving temperatures shall be based upon the end-use requirements. Service water loads and usage shall be the same for both the standard reference design and the proposed design and shall be documented by the calculation procedures recommended by the manufacturer's specifications or generally accepted engineering methods. |
Where no service water hot water system exists or is specified in the proposed design, no service hot water heating shall be modeled. |
As proposed |
Drain water heat recovery: Not required. |
As proposed Drain water heat recovery modeling shall take into account manufacturer's rated efficiencies per C404.9, quantity of connected drains, the proportional flow rates between the waste stream and the preheated stream. Reductions in service water heating energy use for drain water heat recovery shall be demonstrated by calculations. |
| |
a | Where no heating system exists or has been specified, the heating system shall be modeled as fossil fuel. The system characteristics shall be identical in both the standard reference design and proposed design. |
b | The ratio between the capacities used in the annual simulations and the capacities determined by sizing runs shall be the same for both the standard reference design and proposed design. |
c | Where no cooling system exists or no cooling system has been specified, the cooling system shall be modeled as an air-cooled single-zone system, one unit per thermal zone. The system characteristics shall be identical in both the standard reference design and proposed design. |
d | If an economizer is required in accordance with Section C403.3 and where no economizer exists or is specified in the proposed design, then an air economizer shall be provided in the standard reference design in accordance with Section C403.3. |
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40801 Section C408.1-General.
C408.1 General. A building commissioning process led by a certified commissioning professional shall be completed for mechanical systems in Section C403, service water heating systems in Section C404, electrical power and lighting systems in Section C405 and energy metering in Section C409.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Buildings, or portions thereof, which are exempt from Sections C408.2 through C408.6 may be excluded from the commissioning process. |
C408.1.1 Commissioning in construction documents. Construction document notes shall clearly indicate provisions for commissioning and completion requirements in accordance with this section and are permitted to refer to specifications for further requirements.
C408.1.2 Commissioning plan. A commissioning plan shall be developed by the project's certified commissioning professional and shall outline the organization, schedule, allocation of resources, and documentation requirements of the commissioning process. Items 1 through 4 shall be included with the construction documents, and items 5 through 8 shall be submitted prior to the first mechanical inspection. For projects where no mechanical inspection is required, items 5 through 8 shall be submitted prior to the first electrical inspection.
1. A narrative description of the activities that will be accomplished during each phase of commissioning, including the personnel intended to accomplish each of the activities.
2. Roles and responsibilities of the commissioning team, including statement of qualifications of the commissioning professional ((in accordance with Section C408.1.1)).
3. A schedule of activities including systems testing and balancing, functional performance testing, and verification of the building documentation requirements in Section C103.6.
4. Where the certified commissioning professional is an employee of one of the registered design professionals of record or an employee or subcontractor of the project contractor, an In-House Commissioning Disclosure and Conflict Management Plan shall be submitted with the commissioning plan. This plan shall disclose the certified commissioning professional's contractual relationship with other team members and provide a conflict management plan demonstrating that the certified commissioning professional is free to identify any issues discovered and report directly to the owner.
5. A listing of the specific equipment, appliances or systems to be tested and a description of the tests to be performed.
6. Functions to be tested.
7. Conditions under which the test will be performed.
8. Measurable criteria for performance.
C408.1.3 Final commissioning report. A final commissioning report shall be completed and certified by the certified commissioning professional and delivered to the building owner or owner's authorized agent. The report shall be organized with mechanical, lighting, service water heating and metering findings in separate sections to allow independent review. The report shall record the activities and results of the commissioning process and be developed from the final commissioning plan with all of its attached appendices. The report shall include:
1. Results of functional performance tests.
2. Disposition of deficiencies found during testing, including details of corrective measures used or proposed.
3. Functional performance test procedures used during the commissioning process including measurable criteria for test acceptance, provided herein for repeatability.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Deferred tests which cannot be performed at the time of report preparation due to climatic conditions. |
C408.1.4. Commissioning process completion requirements. Prior to the final mechanical, plumbing and electrical inspections or obtaining a certificate of occupancy, the certified commissioning professional or approved agency shall provide evidence of systems commissioning and completion in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Copies of all documentation shall be given to the owner and made available to the code official upon request in accordance with Section C408.1.4.3.
C408.1.4.1 Commissioning progress report for code compliance. A preliminary report of commissioning test procedures and results shall be completed and certified by the certified commissioning professional or approved agency and provided to the building owner or owner's authorized agent. The report shall be organized with mechanical, lighting, service water heating and metering findings in separate sections to allow independent review. The report shall be identified as "Preliminary Commissioning Report" and shall identify:
1. Itemization of deficiencies found during testing required by this code that have not been corrected at the time of report preparation.
2. Deferred tests that cannot be performed at the time of report preparation because of climatic conditions, with anticipated date of completion.
3. Climatic conditions required for performance of the deferred tests.
4. Status of the project's record documents, manuals and systems operation training with respect to requirements in Section C103.6.
C408.1.4.2 Acceptance of report. Buildings, or portions thereof, shall not be considered acceptable for a final inspection pursuant to Section ((C104.3)) C104.2 until the code official has received a letter of transmittal from the building owner acknowledging that the building owner or owner's authorized agent has received the Preliminary Commissioning Report. Completion of the Commissioning Compliance Checklist (Figure C408.1.4.2) is deemed to satisfy this requirement.
C408.1.4.3 Copy of report. The code official shall be permitted to require that a copy of the Preliminary Commissioning Report be made available for review by the code official.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-40804 Section C408.4-Service water heating systems commissioning.
C408.4 Service water heating systems commissioning ((and completion requirements)). Service water heating equipment and controls subject to Section C404 shall be included in the commissioning process required by Section C408.1. The commissioning process shall minimally include all energy code requirements for which the code states that equipment or controls shall "be capable of" or "configured to" perform specific functions.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Service water heating systems are exempt from the commissioning process in buildings where the largest service water heating system capacity is less than 200,000 Btu/h (58.6 W) and where there are no pools or permanent spas. |
C408.4.1 Functional performance testing. Functional performance testing specified in Sections C408.4.1.1 through C408.4.1.3 shall be conducted. Written procedures which clearly describe the individual systematic test procedures, the expected systems' response or acceptance criteria for each procedure, the actual response or findings, and any pertinent discussion shall be followed. Testing shall affirm operation with the system under 50 percent water heating load.
C408.4.1.1 Equipment. Equipment functional performance testing shall demonstrate the installation and operation of components, systems, and system-to-system interfacing relationships in accordance with approved plans and specifications such that operation, function, and maintenance serviceability for each of the commissioned systems is confirmed. Testing shall include all modes and sequence of operation, including under full-load, part-load and the following emergency conditions:
1. Redundant or automatic back-up mode;
2. Performance of alarms; and
3. Mode of operation upon a loss of power and restoration of power.
C408.4.1.2 Controls. Service water heating controls shall be tested to document that control devices, components, equipment, and systems are calibrated, adjusted and operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Sequences of operation shall be functionally tested to document they operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications.
C408.4.1.3 Pools and spas. Service water heating equipment, time switches, and heat recovery equipment which serve pools and permanent spas shall undergo a functional test to determine that they operate in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-04-056, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13)
WAC 51-11C-40904 Section C409.4-Measurement devices, data acquisition system and energy display.
C409.4 Measurement devices, data acquisition system and energy display.
C409.4.1 Meters. Meters and other measurement devices required by this section shall have local displays or be configured to automatically communicate energy data to a data acquisition system. Source meters may be any digital-type meters. Current sensors or flow meters are allowed for end use metering, provided that they have an accuracy of +/- 5%. All required metering systems and equipment shall provide at least hourly data that is fully integrated into the data acquisition and display system per the requirements of Section C409.
C409.4.2 Data acquisition system. The data acquisition system shall store the data from the required meters and other sensing devices for a minimum of 36 months. For each energy supply and end use category required by C409.2 and C409.3, it shall provide real-time energy consumption data and logged data for any hour, day, month or year.
C409.4.3 Energy display. For each building subject to Section C409.2 and C409.3, either a readily accessible and visible display, or a web page or other electronic document accessible to building management or to a third-party energy data analysis service shall be provided in the building accessible by building operation and management personnel. The display shall graphically provide the current energy consumption rate for each whole building energy source, plus each end use category, as well as the average and peak values for any day, week or year.
C409.4.4 Commissioning. The entire system shall be commissioned in accordance with Section ((C408.5)) C408. Deficiencies found during testing shall be corrected and retested and the commissioning report shall be updated to confirm that the entire metering and data acquisition and display system is fully functional.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-41000 Section C410-Refrigeration system requirements.
C410.1 General (prescriptive). Walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, refrigerated warehouse coolers, refrigerated warehouse freezers, and refrigerated display cases shall comply with this Section.
C410.1.1 Refrigeration equipment performance. Refrigeration equipment shall have an energy use in kWh/day not greater than the values of Tables C410.2(1) and C410.2(2) when tested and rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 1200. The energy use shall be verified through certification under an approved certification program or, where a certification program does not exist, the energy use shall be supported by data furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
Table C410.1.1(1)
Minimum Efficiency Requirements: Commercial Refrigeration
| | | |
ENERGY USE LIMITS (kWh per day)a |
Refrigerator with solid doors |
Holding Temperature |
0.10 x V + 2.04 |
AHRI 1200 |
Refrigerator with transparent doors |
0.12 x V + 3.34 |
Freezers with solid doors |
0.40 x V + 1.38 |
Freezers with transparent doors |
0.75 x V + 4.10 |
Refrigerator/freezers with solid doors |
The greater of 0.12 x V + 3.34 or 0.70 |
Commercial refrigerators |
Pulldown |
0.126 x V + 3.51 |
a V = Volume of the chiller for frozen compartment as defined in AHAM-HRF-1. |
Table C410.1.1(2)
Minimum Efficiency Requirements: Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
| | | | | |
ENERGY USE LIMITS (kWh per day)a,b |
Equipment Classc |
Family Code |
Operating Mode |
Rating Temperature |
Vertical open |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.82 x TDA + 4.07 |
AHRI 1200 |
Semivertical open |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.83 x TDA + 3.18 |
Horizontal open |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.35 x TDA + 2.88 |
Vertical open |
Remote condensing |
Low |
2.27 x TDA + 6.85 |
Horizontal open |
Remote condensing |
Low |
0.57 x TDA + 6.88 |
Vertical transparent door |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.22 x TDA + 1.95 |
Vertical transparent door |
Remote condensing |
Low |
0.56 x TDA + 2.61 |
Service over counter |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.51 x TDA + 0.11 |
Vertical open |
Self-contained |
Medium |
1.74 x TDA + 4.71 |
Semivertical open |
Self-contained |
Medium |
1.73 x TDA + 4.59 |
Horizontal open |
Self-contained |
Medium |
0.77 x TDA + 5.55 |
Horizontal open |
Self-contained |
Low |
1.92 x TDA + 7.08 |
Vertical transparent door |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
0.67 x TDA + 3.29 |
Vertical solid door |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
0.38 x V + 0.88 |
Horizontal transparent door |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
0.56 x TDA + 0.43 |
Semivertical open |
Remote condensing |
Low |
2.27 x TDA + 6.85 |
Vertical open |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
2.89 x TDA + 8.7 |
Semivertical open |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
2.89 x TDA + 8.7 |
Horizontal open |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
0.72 x TDA + 8.74 |
Vertical transparent door |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
0.66 x TDA + 3.05 |
Horizontal transparent door |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.16 x TDA + 0.13 |
Horizontal transparent door |
Remote condensing |
Low |
0.34 x TDA + 0.26 |
Horizontal transparent door |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
0.4 x TDA + 0.31 |
Vertical solid door |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.11 x V + 0.26 |
Vertical solid door |
Remote condensing |
Low |
0.23 x V + 0.54 |
Vertical solid door |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
0.27 x V + 0.63 |
Horizontal solid door |
Remote condensing |
Medium |
0.11 x V + 0.26 |
Horizontal solid door |
Remote condensing |
Low |
0.23 x V + 0.54 |
Horizontal solid door |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
0.27 x V + 0.63 |
Service over counter |
Remote condensing |
Low |
1.08 x TDA + 0.22 |
Service over counter |
Remote condensing |
Ice cream |
1.26 x TDA + 0.26 |
Vertical open |
Self-contained |
Low |
4.37 x TDA + 11.82 |
Vertical open |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
5.55 x TDA + 15.02 |
Semivertical open |
Self-contained |
Low |
4.34 x TDA + 11.51 |
Semivertical open |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
5.52 x TDA + 14.63 |
Horizontal open |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
2.44 x TDA + 9.0 |
Service over counter |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
1.76 x TDA + 0.36 |
Horizontal solid door |
Self-contained |
Ice cream |
0.38 x V + 0.88 |
| | | |
a | V = Volume of the case, as measured in accordance with Appendix C of AHRI 1200. |
b | TDA = Total display area of the case, as measured in accordance with Appendix D of AHRI 1200. |
c | Equipment class designations consist of a combination [(in sequential order separated by periods (AAA).(BB).(C))] of: |
| | (AAA) An equipment family code where: |
| | | VOP = Vertical open |
| | | SVO = Semi-vertical open |
| | | HZO = Horizontal open |
| | | VCT = Vertical transparent doors |
| | | VCS = Vertical solid doors |
| | | HCT = Horizontal transparent doors |
| | | HCS = Horizontal solid doors |
| | | SOC = Service over counter |
| | (BB) An operating mode code: |
| | | RC = Remote condensing |
| | | SC = Self-contained |
| | (C) A rating temperature code: |
| | | M = Medium temperature (38°F) |
| | | L = Low temperature (0°F) |
| | | I = Ice cream temperature (15°F) |
| | For example, "VOP.RC.M" refers to the "vertical-open, remote-condensing, medium-temperature" equipment class. |
C410.2 Walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers. Refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall comply with this section. Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers that are not either site assembled or site constructed shall comply with the following:
1. Be equipped with automatic door-closers that firmly close walk-in doors that have been closed to within 1 inch (25 mm) of full closure.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Automatic closers are not required for doors more than 45 inches (1143 mm) in width or more than 7 feet (2134 mm) in height. |
2. Doorways shall have strip doors, curtains, spring-hinged doors or other method of minimizing infiltration when doors are open.
3. Walk-in coolers and refrigerated warehouse coolers shall contain wall, ceiling, and door insulation of not less than R-25 or have wall, ceiling and door assembly U-factors no greater than U-0.039. Walk-in freezers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall contain wall, ceiling and door insulation of not less than R-32 or have wall, ceiling and door assembly U-factors no greater than U-0.030.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Glazed portions of doors or structural members need not be insulated. |
4. The floor of walk-in freezers shall contain floor insulation of not less than R-28 or have a floor assembly U-factor no greater than U-0.035.
5. Transparent reach-in doors for walk-in freezers and windows in walk-in freezer doors shall be of triple-pane glass, either filled with inert gas or with heat-reflective treated glass.
6. Windows and transparent reach-in doors for walk-in coolers doors shall be of double-pane or triple-pane, inert gas-filled, heat-reflective treated glass.
7. Evaporator fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0.746 kW) and less than 460 volts shall use electronically commutated motors, brushless direct-current motors, or 3-phase motors.
8. Condenser fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0.746 kW) shall use electronically commutated motors, permanent split capacitor-type motors or 3-phase motors.
9. Where antisweat heaters without antisweat heater controls are provided, they shall have a total door rail, glass and frame heater power draw of not more than 7.1 W/ft2 (76 W/m2) of door opening for walk-in freezers and 3.0 W/ft2 (32 W/m2) of door opening for walk-in coolers.
10. Where antisweat heater controls are provided, they shall reduce the energy use of the antisweat heater as a function of the relative humidity in the air outside the door or to the condensation on the inner glass pane.
11. Lights in walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, refrigerated warehouse coolers and refrigerated warehouse freezers shall either use light sources with an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per watt, including ballast losses, or shall use light sources with an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per watt, including ballast losses, in conjunction with a device that turns off the lights within 15 minutes when the space is not occupied.
C410.2.1 Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers. Site-assembled or site-constructed walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers shall comply with the following:
1. Automatic door closers shall be provided that fully close walk-in doors that have been closed to within 1 inch (25 mm) of full closure.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Closers are not required for doors more than 45 inches (1143 mm) in width or more than 7 feet (2134 mm) in height. |
2. Doorways shall be provided with strip doors, curtains, spring-hinged doors or other method of minimizing infiltration when the doors are open.
3. Walk-in cooler walls, ceilings and doors shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-25 or have wall, ceiling and door assembly U-factors no greater than U-0.039. Walk-in freezers walls, ceilings and doors shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-32 or have wall, ceiling, door and slab assembly U-factors no greater than U-0.030.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Insulation is not required for glazed portions of doors or at structural members associated with the walls, ceiling or door frame. |
4. The floor of walk-in freezers shall be provided with insulation having a thermal resistance of not less than R-28 or have a floor assembly U-factor no greater than U-0.035.
5. Transparent reach-in doors for and windows in opaque walk-in freezer doors shall be provided with triple-pane glass having the interstitial spaces filled with inert gas or provided with heat-reflective treated glass.
6. Transparent reach-in doors ((for)) and windows in opaque walk-in cooler doors shall be double-pane heat-reflective treated glass having the interstitial space gas filled.
7. Evaporator fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0.746 kW) and less than 460 volts shall be electronically commutated motors or 3-phase motors.
8. Condenser fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0.746 kW) in capacity shall be of the electronically commutated or permanent split capacitor-type or shall be 3-phase motors.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Fan motors in walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers combined in a single enclosure greater than 3,000 square feet (279 m2) in floor area are exempt. |
9. Antisweat heaters that are not provided with antisweat heater controls shall have a total door rail, glass and frame heater power draw not greater than 7.1 W/ft2 (76 W/m2) of door opening for walk-in freezers, and not greater than 3.0 W/ft2 (32 W/m2) of door opening for walk-in coolers.
10. Antisweat heater controls shall be capable of reducing the energy use of the antisweat heater as a function of the relative humidity in the air outside the door or to the condensation on the inner glass pane.
11. Light sources shall have an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per watt, including any ballast losses, or shall be provided with a device that automatically turns off the lights within 15 minutes of when the walk-in cooler or walk-in freezer was last occupied.
C410.2.2 Refrigerated display cases. Site-assembled or site-constructed refrigerated display cases shall comply with the following:
1. Lighting and glass doors in refrigerated display cases shall be controlled by one of the following:
1.1. Time switch controls to turn off lights during nonbusiness hours. Timed overrides for display cases shall turn the lights on for up to 1 hour and shall automatically time out to turn the lights off.
1.2. Motion sensor controls on each display case section that reduce lighting power by at least 50 percent within 3 minutes after the area within the sensor range is vacated.
2. Low-temperature display cases shall incorporate temperature-based defrost termination control with a time-limit default. The defrost cycle shall terminate first on an upper temperature limit breach and second upon a time limit breach.
3. Antisweat heater controls shall reduce the energy use of the antisweat heater as a function of the relative humidity in the air outside the door or to the condensation on the inner glass pane.
C410.3 Refrigeration systems. Refrigerated display cases, walk-in coolers or walk-in freezers that are served by remote compressor and remote condensers not located in a condensing unit, shall comply with Sections C410.4.1 and C410.4.2.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Systems where the working fluid in the refrigeration cycle goes through both subcritical and supercritical states (transcritical) or that use ammonia refrigerant are exempt. |
C410.3.1 Condensers serving refrigeration systems. Fan-powered condensers shall comply with the following:
1. The design saturated condensing temperatures for air-cooled condensers shall not exceed the design dry-bulb temperature plus 10°F (5.6°C) for low-temperature refrigeration systems, and the design dry-bulb temperature plus 15°F (8°C) for medium temperature refrigeration systems where the saturated condensing temperature for blend refrigerants shall be determined using the average of liquid and vapor temperatures as converted from the condenser drain pressure.
2. Condenser fan motors that are less than 1 hp (0.75 kW) shall use electronically commutated motors, permanent split-capacitor-type motors or 3-phase motors.
3. Condenser fans for air-cooled condensers, evaporatively cooled condensers, air- or water-cooled fluid coolers or cooling towers shall reduce fan motor demand to not more than 30 percent of design wattage at 50 percent of design air volume, and incorporate one of the following continuous variable speed fan control approaches:
3.1. Refrigeration system condenser control for air-cooled condensers shall use variable setpoint control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint in response to ambient dry-bulb temperature.
3.2. Refrigeration system condenser control for evaporatively cooled condensers shall use variable setpoint control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint in response to ambient wet-bulb temperature.
4. Multiple fan condensers shall be controlled in unison.
5. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be not greater than 70°F (21°C).
C410.3.2 Compressor systems. Refrigeration compressor systems shall comply with the following:
1. Compressors and multiple-compressor system suction groups shall include control systems that use floating suction pressure control logic to reset the target suction pressure temperature based on the temperature requirements of the attached refrigeration display cases or walk-ins.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Controls are not required for the following: |
| 1. Single-compressor systems that do not have variable capacity capability. |
| 2. Suction groups that have a design saturated suction temperature of 30°F (-1.1°C) or higher, suction groups that comprise the high stage of a two-stage or cascade system, or suction groups that primarily serve chillers for secondary cooling fluids. |
2. Liquid subcooling shall be provided for all low-temperature compressor systems with a design cooling capacity equal to or greater than 100,000 Btu/hr (29.3 kW) with a design-saturated suction temperature of -10°F (-23°C) or lower. The subcooled liquid temperature shall be controlled at a maximum temperature setpoint of 50°F (10°C) at the exit of the subcooler using either compressor economizer (interstage) ports or a separate compressor suction group operating at a saturated suction temperature of 18°F (-7.8°C) or higher.
2.1. Insulation for liquid lines with a fluid operating temperature less than 60°F (15.6°C) shall comply with Table C403.2.10.
3. Compressors that incorporate internal or external crankcase heaters shall provide a means to cycle the heaters off during compressor operation.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-03-072, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16)
WAC 51-11C-50300 Section C503-Alterations.
C503.1 General. Alterations to any building or structure shall comply with the requirements of the code for new construction. Alterations shall be such that the existing building or structure is no less conforming with the provisions of this code than the existing building or structure was prior to the alteration. Alterations to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall conform to the provisions of this code as they relate to new construction without requiring the unaltered portions of the existing building or building system to comply with this code. Alterations shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems.
| |
EXCEPTION: | The following alterations need not comply with the requirements for new construction provided the energy use of the building is not increased: |
| 1. Storm windows installed over existing fenestration. |
| 2. Surface applied window film installed on existing single pane fenestration assemblies to reduce solar heat gain provided the code does not require the glazing fenestration to be replaced. |
| 3. Existing ceiling, wall or floor cavities exposed during construction provided that these cavities are insulated to full depth with insulation having a minimum nominal value of R-3.0 per inch installed per Section C402. |
| 4. Construction where the existing roof, wall or floor cavity is not exposed. |
| 5. Roof recover. |
| 6. Air barriers shall not be required for roof recover and roof replacement where the alterations or renovations to the building do not include alterations, renovations or repairs to the remainder of the building envelope. |
| 7. Replacement of existing doors that separate conditioned space from the exterior shall not require the installation of a vestibule or revolving door, provided however that an existing vestibule that separates a conditioned space from the exterior shall not be removed. |
C503.2 Change in space conditioning. Any nonconditioned space that is altered to become conditioned space or semi-heated space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code. Any semi-heated space that is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code.
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EXCEPTION: | Where the component performance building envelope option in Section C402.1.5 is used to comply with this Section, the Proposed UA is allowed to be up to 110 percent of the Target UA. Where the total building performance option in Section C407 is used to comply with this section, the annual energy consumption of the proposed design is allowed to be 110 percent of the annual energy consumption otherwise allowed by Section C407.3. |
C503.3 Building envelope. New building envelope assemblies that are part of the alteration shall comply with Sections C402.1 through C402.5 as applicable.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Air leakage testing is not required for alterations and repairs, unless the project includes a change in space conditioning according to Section C503.2 or a change of occupancy or use according to Section C505.1. |
C503.3.1 Roof replacement. Roof replacements shall comply with Table C402.1.3 or C402.1.4 where the existing roof assembly is part of the building thermal envelope and contains insulation entirely above the roof deck.
C503.3.2 Vertical fenestration. The addition of vertical fenestration that results in a total building vertical fenestration area less than or equal to that specified in Section C402.4.1 shall comply with Section C402.4. Alterations that result in a total building vertical fenestration area greater than specified in Section C402.4.1 shall comply with one of the following:
1. Vertical fenestration alternate per Section C402.1.3 for the new vertical fenestration added.
2. Vertical fenestration alternate per Section C402.4.1.1 for the area adjacent to the new vertical fenestration added.
3. Component performance option with target area adjustment per Section C402.1.5 or the total building performance option in Section C407 for the whole building.
C503.3.2.1 Application to replacement fenestration products. Where some or all of an existing fenestration unit is replaced with a new fenestration product, including sash and glazing, the replacement fenestration unit shall meet the applicable requirements for U-factor and SHGC in Table C402.4.
| |
EXCEPTION: | An area-weighted average of the U-factor of replacement fenestration products being installed in the building for each fenestration product category listed in Table C402.4 shall be permitted to satisfy the U-factor requirements for each fenestration product category listed in Table C402.4. Individual fenestration products from different product categories listed in Table C402.4 shall not be combined in calculating the area-weighted average U-factor. |
C503.3.3 Skylight area. The addition of skylights that results in a total building skylight area less than or equal to that specified in Section C402.4.1 shall comply with Section C402.4. Alterations that result in a total building skylight area greater than that specified in Section C402.4.1 shall comply with the component performance option with target area adjustment per Section C402.1.5 or the total building performance option in Section C407 for the whole building.
C503.4 Mechanical systems. Those parts of systems which are altered or replaced shall comply with Section C403. Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing mechanical system that will cause the existing mechanical system to become out of compliance.
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EXCEPTION: | Existing mechanical systems which are altered or where parts of the systems are replaced are not required to be modified to comply with Section C403.6 as long as mechanical cooling is not added to the system. |
All new systems in existing buildings, including packaged unitary equipment and packaged split systems, shall comply with Section C403.
Where mechanical cooling is added to a space that was not previously cooled, the mechanical system shall comply with either Section C403.6 or C403.3.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Alternate designs that are not in full compliance with this code may be approved when the code official determines that existing building constraints including, but not limited to, available mechanical space, limitations of the existing structure, or proximity to adjacent air intakes/exhausts make full compliance impractical. Alternate designs shall provide alternate energy savings strategies including, but not limited to, Demand Control Ventilation or increased mechanical cooling or heating efficiency above that required by Tables C403.2.3(1) through C403.2.3(10). |
| 2. Qualifying small equipment: This exception shall not be used for unitary cooling equipment installed outdoors or in a mechanical room adjacent to the outdoors. This exception is allowed to be used for other cooling units and split systems serving one zone with a total cooling capacity rated in accordance with Section C403.2.3 of less than 33,000 Btu/h (hereafter referred to as qualifying small systems) provided that these are high-efficiency cooling equipment with SEER and EER values more than 15 percent higher than minimum efficiencies listed in Tables C403.2.3 (1) through (3), in the appropriate size category, using the same test procedures. Equipment shall be listed in the appropriate certification program to qualify for this exception. The total capacity of all qualifying small equipment without economizers shall not exceed 72,000 Btu/h per building, or 5 percent of its air economizer capacity, whichever is greater. That portion of the equipment serving Group R occupancies is not included in determining the total capacity of all units without economizers in a building. Redundant units are not counted in the capacity limitations. This exception shall not be used for the shell-and-core permit or for the initial tenant improvement or for Total Building Performance. |
| 3. Chilled water terminal units connected to systems with chilled water generation equipment with IPLV values more than 25 percent higher than minimum part load efficiencies listed in Table C403.2.3(7), in the appropriate size category, using the same test procedures. Equipment shall be listed in the appropriate certification program to qualify for this exception. The total capacity of all systems without economizers shall not exceed 480,000 Btu/h per building, or 20 percent of its air economizer capacity, whichever is greater. That portion of the equipment serving Group R occupancy is not included in determining the total capacity of all units without economizers in a building. This exception shall not be used for the initial permit (this includes any initial permit for the space including, but not limited to, the shell-and-core permit, built-to-suit permit, and tenant improvement permit) or for Total Building Performance Method. |
Alterations to existing mechanical cooling systems shall not decrease economizer capacity unless the system complies with either Section C403.2.6 or C403.3. In addition, for existing mechanical cooling systems that do not comply with either Section C403.2.6 or C403.3, including both the individual unit size limits and the total building capacity limits on units without economizer; other alterations shall comply with Table C503.4.
When space cooling equipment is replaced, controls shall comply with all requirements under Section C403.6 and related subsections or provide for integrated operation with economizer in accordance with Section C403.3.1.
Existing equipment currently in use may be relocated within the same floor or same tenant space if removed and reinstalled within the same permit.
Table C503.4
Economizer Compliance Options for Mechanical Alterations
| | | | |
Option A |
Option B (alternate to A) |
Option C (alternate to A) |
Option D (alternate to A) |
Unit Type |
Any alteration with new or replacement equipment |
Replacement unit of the same type with the same or smaller output capacity |
Replacement unit of the same type with a larger output capacity |
New equipment added to existing system or replacement unit of a different type |
1. Packaged Units |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,3 |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,3 |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 |
2. Split Systems |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Efficiency: + 10/5%5 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capability |
Only for new units < 54,000 Btuh replacing unit installed prior to 1991 (one of two): Efficiency: + 10/5%5 Economizer: 50%6 |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 |
For units > 54,000 Btuh or any units installed after 1991: Option A |
3. Water Source Heat Pump |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
(two of three): Efficiency: + 10/5%5 Flow control valve7 Economizer: 50%6 |
(three of three): Efficiency: + 10/5%5 Flow control valve7 Economizer: 50%6 (except for certain pre-1991 systems8) |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 (except for certain pre-1991 systems8) |
4. Hydronic Economizer using Air-Cooled Heat Rejection Equipment (Dry Cooler) |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: 14332 |
Efficiency: + 10/5%5 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Option A |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 |
5. Air-Handling Unit (including fan coil units) where the system has an air-cooled chiller |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Option A (except for certain pre-1991 systems8) |
Option A (except for certain pre-1991 systems8) |
6. Air-Handling Unit (including fan coil units) and Water-cooled Process Equipment, where the system has a water-cooled chiller10 |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Option A (except for certain pre-1991 systems8 and certain 1991-2004 systems9) |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 (except for certain pre-1991 systems8 and certain 1991-2015 systems9) |
7. Cooling Tower |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
No requirements |
Option A |
Option A |
8. Air-Cooled Chiller |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Efficiency: + 5%11 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Efficiency (two of two): (1) + 10%12 and (2) multistage Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 |
9. Water-Cooled Chiller |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Efficiency (one of two): (1) + 10%13 or (2) plate frame heat exchanger15 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Efficiency (two of two): (1) + 15%14 and (2) plate-frame heat exchanger15 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 |
10. Boiler |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32 |
Efficiency: + 8%16 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Efficiency: + 8%16 Economizer: shall not decrease existing economizer capacity |
Efficiency: min.1 Economizer: C403.32,4 |
| | |
1 | Minimum equipment efficiency shall comply with Section C403.2.3 and Tables C403.2.3(1) through C403.2.3(10). |
2 | System and building shall comply with Section C403.3 (including both the individual unit size limits and the total building capacity limits on units without economizer). It is acceptable to comply using one of the exceptions to Section C403.3 or C504.3.4. |
3 | All equipment replaced in an existing building shall have air economizer complying with Section C403.3 unless both the individual unit size and the total capacity of units without air economizer in the building is less than that allowed in Exception 2 to Section C503.4. |
4 | All separate new equipment added to an existing building shall have air economizer complying with Section C403.3 unless both the individual unit size and the total capacity of units without air economizer in the building is less than that allowed in Exception 3 to Section C503.4. |
5 | Equipment shall have a capacity-weighted average cooling system efficiency: |
a. | For units with a cooling capacity below 54,000 Btuh, a minimum of 10% greater than the requirements in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2). |
b. | For units with a cooling capacity of 54,000 Btuh and greater, a minimum of 5% greater than the requirements in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2). |
6 | Minimum of 50% air economizer that is ducted in a fully enclosed path directly to every heat pump unit in each zone, except that ducts may terminate within 12 inches of the intake to an HVAC unit provided that they are physically fastened so that the outside air duct is directed into the unit intake. If this is an increase in the amount of outside air supplied to this unit, the outside air supply system shall be configured to provide this additional outside air and equipped with economizer control. |
7 | Have flow control valve to eliminate flow through the heat pumps that are not in operation with variable speed pumping control complying with Section C403.4.2 for that heat pump. |
| | - When the total capacity of all units with flow control valves exceeds 15% of the total system capacity, a variable frequency drive shall be installed on the main loop pump. |
| | - As an alternate to this requirement, have a capacity-weighted average cooling system efficiency that is 5% greater than the requirements in note 5 (i.e., a minimum of 15%/10% greater than the requirements in Tables C403.2.3(1) and C403.2.3(2)). |
8 | Systems installed prior to 1991 without fully utilized capacity are allowed to comply with Option B, provided that the individual unit cooling capacity does not exceed 90,000 Btuh. |
9 | Economizer not required for systems installed with water economizer plate and frame heat exchanger complying with previous codes between 1991 and June 2016, provided that the total fan coil load does not exceed the existing or added capacity of the heat exchangers. |
10 | For water-cooled process equipment where the manufacturers specifications require colder temperatures than available with waterside economizer, that portion of the load is exempt from the economizer requirements. |
11 | The air-cooled chiller shall have an IPLV efficiency that is a minimum of 5% greater than the IPLV requirements in Table C403.2.3(7). |
12 | The air-cooled chiller shall: |
a. | Have an IPLV efficiency that is a minimum of 10% greater than the IPLV requirements in Table C403.2.3(7); and |
b. | Be multistage with a minimum of two compressors. |
13 | The water-cooled chiller shall have an IPLV efficiency that is a minimum of 10% greater than the IPLV requirements in Table C403.2.3(7). |
14 | The water-cooled chiller shall have an IPLV efficiency that is a minimum of 15% greater than the IPLV requirements in Table C403.2.3(7). |
15 | Economizer cooling shall be provided by adding a plate-frame heat exchanger on the waterside with a capacity that is a minimum of 20% of the chiller capacity at standard AHRI rating conditions. |
16 | The replacement boiler shall have an efficiency that is a minimum of 8% higher than the value in Table C403.2.3(5), except for electric boilers. |
C503.5 Service hot water systems. New service hot water systems that are part of the alteration shall comply with Section C404.
C503.6 Lighting and motors. Alterations that replace 50 percent or more of the luminaires in a space enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions, replace 50 percent or more of parking garage luminaires, or replace 50 percent or more of the total installed wattage of exterior luminaires shall comply with Sections C405.4 and C405.5. Where less than 50 percent of the fixtures in an interior space enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions or parking garage are new, or 50 percent or more of the installed exterior wattage is altered, the installed lighting wattage shall be maintained or reduced.
Where new wiring is being installed to serve added fixtures and/or fixtures are being relocated to a new circuit, controls shall comply with Sections ((C405.2.2.3)) C405.2.1, C405.2.3, C405.2.4, C405.2.5, C405.2.7, C405.3, and as applicable C408.3. In addition, office areas less than 300 ft2 enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions, and all meeting and conference rooms, and all school classrooms, shall be equipped with occupancy sensors that comply with Section C405.2.1 and C408.3. Where a new lighting panel (or a moved lighting panel) with all new raceway and conductor wiring from the panel to the fixtures is being installed, controls shall also comply with the other requirements in Sections C405.2 and C408.3.
Where new walls or ceiling-height partitions are added to an existing space and create a new enclosed space, but the lighting fixtures are not being changed, other than being relocated, the new enclosed space shall have controls that comply with Sections C405.2.1, C405.2.2, C405.2.3, C405.2.4, C405.2.5 and C408.3.
Those motors which are altered or replaced shall comply with Section C405.8.
C503.7 Refrigeration systems. Those parts of systems which are altered or replaced shall comply with Section C410. Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing refrigerated space or system that will cause the existing mechanical system to become out of compliance. All new refrigerated spaces or systems in existing buildings, including refrigerated display cases, shall comply with Section C410.