
  • WSR 16-08-051
    [Filed April 1, 2016, 10:49 a.m.]
    Title or Subject: Medicaid State Plan Amendment 16-0010 Fee-for-Service SUD Rates.
    Effective Date: April 21, 2016.
    Description: The health care authority, in conjunction with the department of social and health services, division of behavioral health and recovery, anticipate submitting medicaid state plan amendment (SPA) 16-0010 to update reimbursement rates for chemical dependency treatment services. The rate change is urgently needed to protect access to these services for medicaid-eligible American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) clients as a result of the exclusion of AI/AN clients from the 1915(b) Waiver Amendment. The SPA is anticipated to become effective on April 21, 2016.
    This SPA is anticipated to affect annual aggregate expenditures in the amount of $25 million.
    The SPA is in the development process; therefore a copy is not yet available for review. To contact the agency for additional information and a copy of the SPA when it becomes available, please contact Sandra Mena-Tyree, Block Grant Manager, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, P.O. Box 5330, Olympia, WA 985004 [98504], phone (360) 725-3750, TDD/TTY 1-800-833-6384, fax (360) 725-280 [725-2280], e-mail menasa@dshs.wa.gob [menasa@dshs.wa.gov].