
  • WSR 11-08-072



    (Economic Services Administration)

    [ Filed April 6, 2011, 10:22 a.m. ]

         Original Notice.

         Expedited rule making -- Proposed notice was filed as WSR 11-03-078.

         Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: The department is proposing to amend WAC 388-400-0025 Who is eligible for disability lifeline benefits?

         Hearing Location(s): Office Building 2, Auditorium, DSHS Headquarters, 1115 Washington, Olympia, WA 98504 (public parking at 11th and Jefferson. A map is available at http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/msa/rpau/RPAU-OB-2directions.html or by calling (360) 664-6094), on May 10, 2011, at 10:00 a.m.

         Date of Intended Adoption: Not earlier than May 11, 2011.

         Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504-5850, delivery 1115 Washington Street S.E., Olympia, WA 98504, e-mail DSHSRPAURulesCoordinator@dshs.wa.gov, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5 p.m. on May 10, 2011.

         Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Jennisha Johnson, DSHS rules consultant, by April 26, 2011, TTY (360) 664-6178 or (360) 664-6094 or by e-mail at jennisha.johnson@dshs.wa.gov.

         Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The department is proposing to add pregnancy to the existing eligibility criteria for the disability lifeline (DL) program in WAC 388-400-0025.

         Reasons Supporting Proposal: These changes are necessary to comply with RCW 74.04.005 which requires the department to provide DL benefits to eligible pregnant women who are not eligible for federal assistance programs.

         Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, and chapters 74.08A and 74.12 RCW.

         Statute Being Implemented: RCW 74.04.005.

         Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

         Name of Proponent: Department of social and health services, governmental.

         Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Shane Riddle, P.O. Box 45470, Olympia, WA 98504-5470, (360) 725-4352.

         No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The proposed rule does not have an economic impact on small businesses.

         A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. These amendments are exempt as allowed under RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(vii) which states in-part, "[t]his section does not apply to ... rules of the department of social and health services relating only to client medical or financial eligibility and rules concerning liability for care of dependents."

    April 1, 2011

    Katherine I. Vasquez

    Rules Coordinator

    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 10-16-096, filed 7/30/10, effective 9/1/10)

    WAC 388-400-0025   Who is eligible for disability lifeline benefits?   (1) Effective March 29, 2010, the "general assistance" program was replaced by "disability lifeline." Any reference in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) to general assistance also applies to disability lifeline.

         (2) You are eligible for disability lifeline (DL) benefits if you:

         (a) Are pregnant as verified by a medical statement or incapacitated as required under WAC 388-448-0001 through 388-448-0120;

         (b) Are at least eighteen years old or, if under eighteen, a member of a married couple;

         (c) Are in financial need according to DL income and resource rules in chapters 388-450, 388-470 and 388-488 WAC. We determine who is in your assistance unit according to WAC 388-408-0010;

         (d) Meet the disability lifeline citizenship/alien status requirements under WAC 388-424-0015(2);

         (e) Provide a Social Security number as required under WAC 388-476-0005;

         (f) Reside in the state of Washington as required under WAC 388-468-0005;

         (g) Undergo referrals for assessment, treatment, or to other agencies as provided under WAC 388-448-0130 through 388-448-0150;

         (h) Sign an interim assistance reimbursement authorization to agree to repay the monetary value of general assistance or disability lifeline benefits subsequently duplicated by Supplemental Security Income benefits as described under WAC 388-448-0200, 388-448-0210 and 388-474-0020;

         (i) Report changes of circumstances as required under WAC 388-418-0005; and

         (j) Complete a mid-certification review and provide proof of any changes as required under WAC 388-418-0011.

         (3) You aren't eligible for disability lifeline benefits if you:

         (a) Have received general assistance or disability lifeline benefits for more than the maximum number of months as defined in WAC 388-448-0250.

         (b) Are eligible for temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) benefits.

         (c) Are eligible for state family assistance (SFA) benefits.

         (d) Refuse or fail to meet a TANF or SFA eligibility rule.

         (e) Refuse or fail to participate in drug or alcohol treatment as required in WAC 388-448-0220.

         (f) Are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

         (g) Are an ineligible spouse of an SSI recipient.

         (h) Failed to follow a Social Security Administration (SSA) program rule or application requirement and SSA denied or terminated your benefits.

         (4) If you reside in a public institution and meet all other requirements, your eligibility for DL depends on the type of institution. A "public institution" is an institution that is supported by public funds, and a governmental unit either is responsible for it or exercises administrative control over it.

         (a) You may be eligible for disability lifeline if you are:

         (i) A patient in a public medical institution; or

         (ii) A patient in a public mental institution and:

         (A) Sixty-five years of age or older; or

         (B) Twenty years of age or younger.

         (b) You aren't eligible for DL when you are in the custody of or confined in a public institution such as a state penitentiary or county jail including placement:

         (i) In a work release program; or

         (ii) Outside of the institution including home detention.

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.005, 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.04.51 [74.04.510], 74.08.090, 74.08A.100, 74.04.770, 74.04.0005 [74.04.005], and 2010 c 8. 10-16-096, § 388-400-0025, filed 7/30/10, effective 9/1/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.04.510, 74.08.090. 06-13-043, § 388-400-0025, filed 6/15/06, effective 7/17/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.04.510 and 2004 c 54. 04-23-027, § 388-400-0025, filed 11/8/04, effective 12/9/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.08.090. 04-15-057, § 388-400-0025, filed 7/13/04, effective 8/13/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.057, 74.08.090. 00-15-017, § 388-400-0025, filed 7/10/00, effective 9/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057 and 74.08.090. 98-16-044, § 388-400-0025, filed 7/31/98, effective 9/1/98.]