WSR 16-07-012
[Order 16-41-Filed March 4, 2016, 3:08 p.m., effective April 4, 2016]
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Recent clam and oyster survey data, sport harvest projections, and negotiations affecting intertidal treaty and nontreaty fisheries, along with public health considerations and administrative tasks, call for recreational clam and oyster seasons to be opened or extended on some public beaches and requires some beaches to be closed, removed, or the seasons shortened. This proposal reflects those openings and closures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: This rule change proposal was discussed during the fish and wildlife commission meeting and public hearing on February 26, 2016. The proposed changes were adopted by the commission on the March 4, 2016, commission conference call. The changes will allow recreational clam and oyster seasons to be opened or extended on some public beaches and closed on other beaches to achieve maximum recreational opportunity while conserving shellfish resources.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 220-56-350 and 220-56-380.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 16-01-192 on December 23, 2015.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: March 4, 2016.
Brad Smith, Chair
Fish and Wildlife Commission
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 15-09-046, filed 4/10/15, effective 5/11/15)
WAC 220-56-350 Clams other than razor clams, mussels-Areas and seasons.
It is permissible to take, dig for, and possess clams and mussels for personal use ((on Puget Sound)) from public tidelands year-round, except the following restrictions apply to the public tidelands at the beaches listed below:
(1) Ala Spit: All public tidelands of Ala Spit are open May 1 through May 31 only.
(2) Alki Park: Closed year-round.
(3) Alki Point: Closed year-round.
(4) Bay View State Park: Closed year-round.
(5) Belfair State Park: Open ((January 1 through May 31 only)) year-round.
(6) Blake Island State Park Marina: Closed year-round.
(7) Blowers Bluff North: Closed year-round.
(8) Brown's Point Lighthouse: Closed year-round.
(((7))) (9) Budd Inlet: All state-owned tidelands of Budd Inlet south of a line drawn due west from the southern boundary of Burfoot Park to the opposite shore near 68th Avenue N.W. are closed year-round.
(10) Cama Beach State Park: Closed year-round.
(((8))) (11) Camano Island State Park: Closed year-round.
(((9))) (12) Chimacum Creek Tidelands (Irondale Beach Park): Public tidelands south of the main Chimacum Creek channel are closed year-round.
(13) Chuckanut Bay: All tidelands of Chuckanut Bay north of the BNSF Railroad trestle are closed year-round.
(((10))) (14) Coupeville: Closed year-round.
(((11))) (15) Dave Mackie County Park: Closed year-round.
(((12))) (16) Des Moines City Park: Closed year-round.
(((13))) (17) Discovery Park: Closed year-round.
(((14))) (18) DNR-142: Closed year-round.
(((15))) (19) DNR-144 (Sleeper): Closed year-round.
(((16))) (20) Dockton County Park: Closed year-round.
(((17))) (21) Dosewallips State Park: Open year-round only in the area defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach.
(((18))) (22) Dosewallips State Park South: Closed year-round south of the line defined by boundary markers on the beach.
(23) Drayton West: ((Closed, except open April)) All public tidelands of Drayton Harbor are closed year-round, except tidelands identified as conditionally approved by the department of health and defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach are open February 1 through October 31 ((only in the area defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach)).
(((19))) (24) Dungeness Spit and Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge Tidelands: Open May 15 through September 30 only.
(((20))) (25) Eagle Creek: Open July 1 through July 31 only.
(((21))) (26) East San de Fuca: ((Closed year-round)) Tidelands east of the Rolling Hills Glencairn Community dock are closed year-round.
(((22))) (27) Evergreen Rotary Park (Port Washington Narrows): Closed year-round.
(28) Fay Bainbridge Park: Closed year-round.
(((23))) (29) Fort Flagler State Park ((including that portion of the spit west of the park boundary (Rat Island))): Open May 15 through ((December 31 only)) August 31 only, except that portion of Rat Island and the spit west and south of the park boundary is closed year-round from two white posts on the north end of the island at the vegetation line south to the end of the island.
(((24))) (30) Freeland County Park: Open ((April)) March 1 through May 15 only.
(((25))) (31) Frye Cove County Park: Open May 1 through May 31 only.
(((26))) (32) Fudge Point State Park: Closed year-round.
(33) Garrison Bay: The tidelands at Guss Island and those tidelands at British Camp between the National Park Service dinghy dock at the north end and the park boundary at the south end are closed year-round.
(((27))) (34) Gertrude Island: All tidelands at Gertrude Island are closed year-round.
(((28))) (35) Golden Gardens: Closed year-round.
(((29))) (36) Graveyard Spit: Closed year-round.
(((30) Harrington Beach: Closed year-round.
(31))) (37) Hoodsport: Tidelands at Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery are closed year-round.
(((32))) (38) Hope Island State Park (South Puget Sound): Open May 1 through May 31 only.
(((33))) (39) Howarth Park: Closed year-round.
(((34))) (40) Illahee State Park: Open April 1 through July 31 only.
(((35))) (41) Indian Island County Park/Lagoon ((Beach/Isthmus Beach: Open July 1 through August 15)) Beach: From the jetty boundary with Port Townsend Ship Canal east to the beach access stairs on Flagler Road near milepost 4 open August 15 through September 15 only.
(((36))) (42) Kayak Point County Park: Closed year-round.
(((37))) (43) Kitsap Memorial State Park: Closed year-round.
(((38))) (44) Kopachuck State Park: Open June 1 through July 31 only.
(((39))) (45) Lent Landing (Port Washington Narrows): Closed year-round.
(46) Liberty Bay: All state-owned tidelands in Liberty Bay north and west of the Keyport Naval Supply Center are closed year-round.
(((40))) (47) Lincoln Park: Closed year-round.
(((41))) (48) Lions Park (Bremerton): Closed year-round.
(((42) Little Clam Bay: Closed year-round.
(43))) (49) Lofall: Closed year-round.
(50) Long Point West: Closed year-round.
(51) Lower Roto Vista Park: Closed year-round.
(((44))) (52) Manchester State Park: Closed year-round.
(((45))) (53) March Point Recreation Area: Closed year-round.
(54) McNeil Island: All tidelands on McNeil Island are closed year-round.
(((46))) (55) Meadowdale County Park: Closed year-round.
(((47))) (56) Mee-Kwa-Mooks Park: Closed year-round.
(((48))) (57) Monroe Landing: Closed year-round.
(((49))) (58) Mukilteo State Park: Closed year-round.
(((50))) (59) Mystery Bay State Park: Open October 1 through April 30 only.
(((51))) (60) Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge: ((Closed)) All state-owned tidelands of the Nisqually River delta south of a line drawn from Luhr Beach boat ramp to Sequalitchew Creek are closed year-round.
(((52))) (61) North Beach County Park: Closed year-round.
(((53))) (62) North Fort Lewis: Closed year-round.
(((54))) (63) North Tabook Point: Closed year-round.
(((55) Northeast Cultus Bay: Closed year-round.
(56))) (64) Oak Bay County Park: Open ((April)) May 1 through May 31 only.
(((57))) (65) Oak Harbor Beach Park: Closed year-round.
(66) Oak Harbor City Park: Closed year-round.
(((58))) (67) Old Mill County Park (Silverdale): Closed year-round.
(68) Olympia Shoal: Closed year-round.
(((59))) (69) Oyster Reserves: Puget Sound and Willapa Bay state oyster reserves are closed year-round except as follows:
(a) North Bay: State-owned oyster reserves and contiguous state-owned tidelands south and east of the powerline crossing are open May 1 through May 31 and September 1 through September 30 only.
(b) Oakland Bay: State-owned oyster reserves open year-round except in areas defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach.
(c) Willapa Bay - Long Island oyster reserve: Northwest side of Long Island between reserve monuments 39 and 41 and southwest side of Long Island between reserve monuments 58 and 59 are open year-round.
(((60))) (70) Pat Carey Vista Park: Closed year-round.
(71) Penrose Point State Park: Open March 1 through May 15 only.
(((61))) (72) Picnic Point County Park: Closed year-round.
(((62))) (73) Pitship Point: Closed year-round.
(((63))) (74) Pitt Island: All tidelands on Pitt Island are closed year-round.
(((64))) (75) Pleasant Harbor State Park: Closed year-round.
(((65))) (76) Pleasant Harbor WDFW Boat Launch: Closed year-round.
(77) Point Defiance: Closed year-round.
(((66))) (78) Point No Point South: Closed year-round.
(79) Point Whitney (((excluding Point Whitney Lagoon): Closed year-round)) Lagoon: Open January 1 through April 30 only.
(((67))) (80) Point Whitney ((Lagoon: Open January 1 through March 31 only)) Tidelands (excluding Point Whitney Lagoon): Open January 1 through March 15 only.
(((68) Port Angeles Coast Guard: Closed year-round.
(69))) (81) Port Angeles Harbor: ((Closed)) All public tidelands of Port Angeles Harbor and interior tidelands of Ediz Hook are closed year-round.
(((70))) (82) Port Gamble Heritage Park Tidelands: Open January 1 through June 30 only.
(83) Port Gardner: Closed year-round.
(((71))) (84) Port Townsend Ship Canal/Portage Beach: Open January 1 through July ((15)) 31 only.
(((72))) (85) Post Point: Closed year-round.
(((73))) (86) Potlatch DNR tidelands: Open ((June 1 through September)) April 1 through July 15 only.
(((74))) (87) Potlatch State Park: Open ((June 1 through September)) April 1 through July 15 only.
(((75))) (88) Priest Point County Park: Closed year-round.
(((76))) (89) Purdy Spit County Park: The southern shore of the spit from the boat ramp east to the southern utility tower near Purdy Bridge is open April 1 through April 30 only.
(((77))) (90) Quilcene Bay Tidelands: All state-owned tidelands in Quilcene Bay north of a line drawn from the Quilcene Boat Haven to Fisherman's Point are closed to the harvest of clams year-round, except those state-owned tidelands on the west side of the bay north of the Quilcene Boat Haven are open April 1 through December 31, daily from official sunrise to official sunset only.
(((78))) (91) Reid Harbor - South Beach: Closed year-round.
(((79))) (92) Retsil: Closed year-round.
(((80))) (93) Richmond Beach Saltwater Park: Closed year-round.
(((81))) (94) Salt Creek Recreation Area: Closed year-round.
(95) Saltair Beach (Kingston Ferry Terminal): Closed year-round.
(96) Saltwater State Park: Closed year-round.
(((82))) (97) Samish ((Beach: Closed)) Bay: Public tidelands of Samish Bay between Scotts Point and an unnamed point on the shore (latitude N48.5745°; longitude W122.4440°) are closed year-round.
(((83))) (98) Scenic Beach State Park: Closed year-round.
(((84))) (99) Seahurst County Park: Closed year-round.
(((85))) (100) Semiahmoo: Closed year-round.
(((86))) (101) Semiahmoo County Park: Closed year-round.
(((87))) (102) Semiahmoo Marina: Closed year-round.
(103) Sequim Bay State Park: Open ((May)) April 1 through ((May 31)) June 30 only.
(((88))) (104) Shine Tidelands State Park: Open January 1 through May 15 only.
(((89))) (105) Silverdale Waterfront Park: Closed year-round.
(((90))) (106) Sinclair Inlet: ((Closed)) All public tidelands of Sinclair Inlet west of a line drawn from the intersection of Bancroft Road and Beach Drive East northerly to Point Herron are closed year-round.
(((91))) (107) Skagit Bay Estuary Wildlife Areas: All public tidelands of Skagit Bay Estuary Wildlife Area, Fir Island Farms Reserve Wildlife Area, Island Wildlife Area, Camano Island Wildlife Area and Leque Island Wildlife Area are closed year-round.
(((92))) (108) South Carkeek Park: Closed year-round.
(((93))) (109) South Gordon Point: Closed year-round.
(((94))) (110) South Mukilteo Park: Closed year-round.
(((95) South Oro Bay: Closed year-round.
(96))) (111) Southworth Ferry Dock: Closed year-round.
(((97))) (112) Spencer Spit State Park: Open March 1 through July 31 only.
(((98))) (113) Taylor Bay: Closed year-round.
(((99))) (114) Triton Cove Tidelands: Open July 15 through August 31 only.
(((100))) (115) Twanoh State Park: Open ((September)) August 1 through September 30 only.
(((101))) (116) Walker County Park: Closed year-round.
(((102))) (117) West Dewatto: DNR Beach 44A open July 1 through September 30 only.
(((103))) (118) West Pass Access: Closed year-round.
(((104))) (119) Willapa Bay: State-owned tidelands east of the department Willapa Bay Field Station and Nahcotta Tidelands Interpretive Site are closed year-round.
(((105))) (120) Wolfe Property State Park: Open January 1 through May 15 only.
(((106))) (121) Woodard Bay Natural Resource Conservation Area: Closed year-round.
It is permissible to take, dig for, and possess clams, cockles, borers, and mussels, not including razor clams, for personal use in Grays Harbor and Willapa Harbor year-round, except from state oyster reserves, which are closed to clam digging year-round.
It is permissible to take, dig for, and possess clams, cockles, borers, and mussels, not including razor clams, for personal use from the Pacific Ocean beaches from November 1 through March 31 only.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 15-09-046, filed 4/10/15, effective 5/11/15)
WAC 220-56-380 Oysters-Areas and seasons.
It is permissible to take and possess oysters for personal use from public tidelands year-round except the following restrictions apply to the public tidelands at the beaches listed below:
(1) Ala Spit: All public tidelands of Ala Spit open May 1 through May 31 only.
(2) Alki Park: Closed year-round.
(3) Alki Point: Closed year-round.
(4) ((Bangor: Closed year-round.
(5))) Bay View State Park: Closed year-round.
(5) Blake Island State Park Marina: Closed year-round.
(6) Blowers Bluff North: Closed year-round.
(7) Brown's Point Lighthouse: Closed year-round.
(((7))) (8) Budd Inlet: All state-owned tidelands of Budd Inlet south of a line drawn from the southern boundary of Burfoot Park to the opposite shore near 68th Avenue N.W. are closed year-round.
(9) Cama Beach State Park: Closed year-round.
(((8))) (10) Camano Island State Park: Closed year-round.
(((9))) (11) Chuckanut Bay: All tidelands of Chuckanut Bay north of the BNSF Railroad trestle are closed year-round.
(((10))) (12) Chimacum Creek Tidelands (Irondale Beach Park): Public tidelands south of the main Chimacum Creek channel are closed year-round.
(13) Coupeville: Closed year-round.
(((11))) (14) Dave Mackie County Park: Closed year-round.
(((12))) (15) Des Moines City Park: Closed year-round.
(((13))) (16) Discovery Park: Closed year-round.
(((14))) (17) DNR-142: Closed year-round.
(((15))) (18) DNR-144 (Sleeper): Closed year-round.
(((16))) (19) Dockton County Park: Closed year-round.
(((17))) (20) Dosewallips State Park: Open year-round only in the area defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach.
(21) Dosewallips State Park South: Closed year-round south of the line defined by boundary markers on the beach.
(22) Drayton West: ((Closed, except open April)) All public tidelands of Drayton Harbor are closed year-round, except tidelands identified as conditionally approved by the department of health and defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach are open February 1 through October 31 only ((in the area defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach)).
(((18))) (23) Dungeness Spit/National Wildlife Refuge: Open May 15 through September 30 only.
(((19))) (24) East San de Fuca: ((Closed year-round)) Tidelands east of the Rolling Hills Glencairn Community dock are closed year-round.
(((20))) (25) Evergreen Rotary Park (Port Washington Narrows): Closed year-round.
(26) Fay Bainbridge Park: Closed year-round.
(((21))) (27) Fort Flagler State Park ((including that portion of the spit west of the park boundary (Rat Island))): Open May 15 through ((December 31 only)) August 31 only, except that portion of Rat Island and the spit west and south of the park boundary is closed year-round from two white posts on the north end of the island at the vegetation line south to the end of the island.
(((22))) (28) Freeland County Park: Open ((April)) March 1 through May 15 only.
(((23))) (29) Frye Cove County Park: Open May 1 through May 31 only.
(((24))) (30) Fudge Point State Park: Closed year-round.
(31) Garrison Bay: The tidelands at Guss Island and those tidelands at British Camp between the National Park Service dinghy dock at the north end and the park boundary at the south end are closed year-round.
(32) Golden Gardens: Closed year-round.
(((25))) (33) Graveyard Spit: Closed year-round.
(((26) Harrington Beach: Closed year-round.
(27))) (34) Hoodsport: Tidelands at the Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery are closed year-round.
(((28))) (35) Hope Island State Park (South Puget Sound): Open May 1 through May 31 only.
(((29))) (36) Howarth Park: Closed year-round.
(((30))) (37) Illahee State Park: Open April 1 through July 31 only.
(((31))) (38) Indian Island County Park/Lagoon ((Beach/Isthmus Beach: Open July 1 through August 15)) Beach: From the jetty boundary with Port Townsend Ship Canal east to the beach access stairs on Flagler Road near milepost 4 open August 15 through September 15 only.
(((32))) (39) Kayak Point County Park: Closed year-round.
(((33))) (40) Kitsap Memorial State Park: Closed year-round.
(((34))) (41) Kopachuck State Park: Open March 1 through July 31 only.
(((35))) (42) Lent Landing (Port Washington Narrows): Closed year-round.
(43) Liberty Bay: All state-owned tidelands in Liberty Bay north and west of the Keyport Naval Supply Center are closed year-round.
(((36))) (44) Lincoln Park: Closed year-round.
(((37))) (45) Lions Park (Bremerton): Closed year-round.
(((38) Little Clam Bay: Closed year-round.
(39))) (46) Lofall: Closed year-round.
(47) Long Point West: Closed year-round.
(48) Lower Roto Vista Park: Closed year-round.
(((40))) (49) Manchester State Park: Closed year-round.
(((41))) (50) March Point Recreation Area: Closed year-round.
(51) Meadowdale County Park: Closed year-round.
(((42))) (52) Mee-Kwa-Mooks Park: Closed year-round.
(((43))) (53) Monroe Landing: Closed year-round.
(((44))) (54) Mukilteo State Park: Closed year-round.
(((45))) (55) Mystery Bay State Park: Open October 1 through April 30 only.
(((46))) (56) Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge: All state-owned tidelands of the Nisqually River delta south of a line drawn from Luhr Beach boat ramp to Sequalitchew Creek are closed year-round.
(((47))) (57) North Beach County Park: Closed year-round.
(((48))) (58) North Fort Lewis: Closed year-round.
(((49))) (59) North Tabook Point: Closed year-round.
(((50) Northeast Cultus Bay: Closed year-round.
(51))) (60) Oak Bay County Park: Open ((April)) May 1 through May 31 only.
(((52))) (61) Oak Harbor Beach Park: Closed year-round.
(((53))) (62) Oak Harbor City Park: Closed year-round.
(((54))) (63) Old Mill County Park (Silverdale): Closed year-round.
(64) Olympia Shoal: Closed year-round.
(((55))) (65) Oyster Reserves: Puget Sound and Willapa Bay oyster reserves are closed year-round except ((the following are open during the dates specified)) as follows:
(a) North Bay: State-owned reserves and contiguous state-owned tidelands south and east of the powerline crossing are open May 1 through May 31 and September 1 through September 30 only.
(b) Oakland Bay: State-owned oyster reserves are open year-round except in areas defined by boundary markers and signs posted on the beach.
(((b) North Bay: State-owned reserves are open May 1 through May 31 and September 1 through September 30 only.))
(c) Willapa Bay - Long Island oyster reserve: Northwest side of Long Island between reserve monuments 39 and 41 and southwest side of Long Island between reserve monuments 58 and 59 are open year-round.
(((56))) (66) Pat Carey Vista Park: Closed year-round.
(67) Penrose Point State Park: Open March 1 through May 15 only.
(((57))) (68) Pitship Point: Closed year-round.
(69) Picnic Point: Closed year-round.
(((58))) (70) Pitt Island: Closed year-round.
(((59))) (71) Pleasant Harbor State Park: Closed year-round.
(((60))) (72) Pleasant Harbor WDFW Boat Launch: Closed year-round.
(73) Point Defiance: Closed year-round.
(((61))) (74) Point No Point South: Closed year-round.
(75) Point Whitney Tidelands (excluding Point Whitney Lagoon): Open January 1 through June 30 only.
(((62) Port Angeles Coast Guard: Closed year-round.
(63))) (76) Port Angeles Harbor: All public tidelands of Port Angeles Harbor and interior tidelands of Ediz Hook are closed year-round.
(((64))) (77) Port Gamble Heritage Park Tidelands: Open January 1 through June 30 only.
(78) Port Gardner: Closed year-round.
(((65))) (79) Port Townsend Ship Canal/Portage Beach: Open January 1 through ((July 15)) July 31 only.
(((66))) (80) Post Point: Closed year-round.
(((67))) (81) Potlatch DNR Tidelands: Open ((June 1 through September)) April 1 through July 15 only.
(((68))) (82) Potlatch State Park: Open ((June 1 through September)) April 1 through July 15 only.
(((69))) (83) Priest Point County Park: Closed year-round.
(((70))) (84) Purdy Spit County Park: The southern shore of the spit from the boat ramp east to the southern utility tower near Purdy Bridge is open April 1 through April 30 only.
(((71))) (85) Quilcene Bay Tidelands: All state-owned tidelands in Quilcene Bay north of a line drawn from the Quilcene Boat Haven to Fisherman's Point are closed year-round except those state-owned tidelands on the west side of the bay north of the Quilcene Boat Haven are open April 1 through December 31, daily from official sunrise to official sunset, only.
(((72))) (86) Reid Harbor - South Beach: Closed year-round.
(((73))) (87) Retsil: Closed year-round.
(((74))) (88) Richmond Beach Saltwater Park: Closed year-round.
(((75))) (89) Salt Creek Recreation Area: Closed year-round.
(90) Saltair Beach (Kingston Ferry Terminal): Closed year-round.
(91) Saltwater State Park: Closed year-round.
(((76))) (92) Samish ((Beach:)) Bay: Public tidelands of Samish Bay between Scotts Point and an unnamed point on the shore (latitude N48.5745°; longitude W122.4440°) are closed year-round.
(((77))) (93) Scenic Beach State Park: Closed year-round.
(((78))) (94) Seahurst County Park: Closed year-round.
(((79))) (95) Semiahmoo: Closed year-round.
(((80))) (96) Semiahmoo County Park: Closed year-round.
(((81))) (97) Semiahmoo Marina: Closed year-round.
(98) Sequim Bay State Park: Open ((May)) April 1 through ((May 31)) June 30 only.
(((82))) (99) Shine Tidelands State Park: Open January 1 through May 15 only.
(((83))) (100) Silverdale Waterfront Park: Closed year-round.
(((84))) (101) Sinclair Inlet: All public tidelands of Sinclair Inlet west of a line drawn from the intersection of Bancroft Road and Beach Drive East northerly to Point Herron are closed year-round.
(((85))) (102) Skagit Bay Estuary Wildlife Areas: All public tidelands of the Skagit Bay Estuary Wildlife Area, Fir Island Farms Reserve Wildlife Area, Island Wildlife Area, Camano Island Wildlife Area and Leque Island Wildlife Area are closed year-round.
(((86))) (103) South Carkeek Park: Closed year-round.
(((87))) (104) South Gordon Point: Closed year-round.
(((88))) (105) South Mukilteo Park: Closed year-round.
(((89) South Oro Bay: Closed year-round.
(90))) (106) Southworth Ferry Dock: Closed year-round.
(((91))) (107) Spencer Spit State Park: Open March 1 through July 31 only.
(((92))) (108) Taylor Bay: Closed year-round.
(((93))) (109) Walker County Park: Closed year-round.
(((94))) (110) West Pass Access: Closed year-round.
(((95))) (111) Willapa Bay: State-owned tidelands east of the department Willapa Bay Field Station and the Nahcotta Tidelands Interpretive Site are open only between boundary markers and posted signs.
(((96))) (112) Wolfe Property State Park: Open January 1 through May 15 only.
(((97))) (113) Woodard Bay Natural Resource Conservation Area: Closed year-round.