
  • WSR 12-06-013



    [ Order 10-09 -- Filed February 27, 2012, 12:53 p.m. , effective March 29, 2012 ]

         Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.

         Purpose: This amendment will increase fees for the engineering review of dam construction plans and for periodic safety inspections to better reflect the actual cost of providing these services, and update the mailing address for submitting fees.

         Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending chapter 173-175 WAC.

         Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapters 43.21A, 43.27A, 86.16, 90.03, 90.28, and 90.54 RCW. RCW 43.135.055 requires a majority vote of the legislature to raise or add fees. The 2011 legislature authorized ecology in section 302(2) of 2ESHB 1087.SL to increase dam safety fees by up to thirty-five percent in fiscal year 2012, and 4.62 percent in fiscal year 2013 as necessary to recover costs.

          Adopted under notice filed as WSR 11-22-056 on October 31, 2011.

         A final cost-benefit analysis is available by contacting Water Resources Program Publications, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-6872, fax (360) 407-7162, e-mail WRPublications@ecy.wa.gov.

         Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 5, Repealed 0.

         Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

         Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

         Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

         Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0;      Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

         Date Adopted: February 26, 2012.

    Ted Sturdevant



    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-08, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04)

    WAC 173-175-360   Construction permit fees for new project construction.   (1) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspection for new project construction shall be the amounts shown in Table 4A through June 30, 2012, and as shown in Table 4B thereafter, as ((adjusted by the fiscal growth factor, and)) determined by the nearest values of dam height and crest length, in feet, which correspond to the project's planned dam height and crest length.

         (2) ((The fees in Table 4 are automatically adjusted annually on July 1st by the fiscal growth factor as calculated under chapter 43.135 RCW. After July 1st of each year, the department shall publish the adjusted fees by providing notice on its internet site and by providing written notification by mail or electronic mail to permit applicants.

         (3))) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspection for new dairy waste impoundments, and conservation dams, shall be ((in the amount of one thousand four hundred dollars)) one thousand eight hundred ninety dollars through June 30, 2012, and one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven dollars thereafter, provided the project meets the following requirements:

         (a) The facility has a low downstream hazard classification;

         (b) The maximum embankment height is less than fifteen feet;

         (c) The facility conforms with a set of standard plans and specifications prepared by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and approved by the department; and

         (d) The NRCS or its designee provides periodic oversight of construction to ensure that the facility conforms to the standard plans.

         If the project fails to meet any of the above requirements, the standard fees as described under subsection (1) of this section shall apply.


    For use through June 30, 2012

    Dam Height (ft) Crest Length (ft)
    50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1500 2000 4000
    400 74451 83068 86270 88200 89756 90979 92016 92911 94181 94181 94181 94181 94181 94181 94181 94181
    300 64420 76381 81561 84245 85893 87118 88155 89095 90602 91827 92863 93804 94181 94181 94181 94181
    250 57215 71107 77087 80950 82975 84669 85753 86647 88155 89425 90462 91357 92863 94181 94181 94181
    200 47561 62442 70636 74827 78217 80666 82032 83304 85187 86412 87447 88389 89896 92627 94181 94181
    180 42052 58251 66351 71813 75062 77841 80195 81373 83444 85045 86082 86976 88484 91262 93193 94181
    160 36401 53636 61877 67528 71720 74356 76663 78736 81326 82975 84434 85422 86930 89708 91639 94181
    150 33670 51046 59287 64984 69553 72520 74780 76805 80195 81843 83257 84528 86082 88861 90791 94181
    140 30939 47467 56509 62395 66775 70588 72802 74780 78171 80619 82032 83257 85187 87918 89896 94181
    130 28301 43606 53684 59428 63902 67528 70730 72661 75957 78736 80713 81938 83963 86930 88908 93617
    120 25664 39556 50245 56273 60889 64420 67528 70306 73603 76334 78736 80478 82551 85893 87824 92534
    110 23074 35600 45866 52978 57357 61171 64138 66775 71201 73838 76146 78171 80995 84763 86694 91403
    100 20579 31739 40875 48504 53684 57310 60512 63148 67575 71154 73368 75346 78783 83020 85422 90132
    95 19354 29808 38426 45960 51846 55285 58440 61265 65550 69318 71955 73885 77229 82080 84763 89472
    90 18130 27924 35977 43040 49021 53307 56273 59004 63525 67151 70353 72331 75628 81137 83775 86270
    85 16906 26041 33575 40169 46149 50953 54108 56744 61406 64891 68046 70777 73980 80149 81561 81561
    80 15728 24204 31221 67343 42947 47844 51894 54437 58911 62630 65645 68376 72284 76852 76852 76852
    75 14551 22415 28867 34565 39745 44548 48597 52083 56367 60183 63196 65832 70448 72144 72144 72144
    70 13374 20625 26559 31787 36590 40969 45112 48597 53778 57403 60605 63243 67433 67433 67433 67433
    65 12243 18883 24298 29101 33434 37484 41299 44878 50764 54531 57639 60417 62725 62725 62725 62725
    60 11113 17140 22086 26418 30373 34047 37531 40780 46761 51564 54579 57215 58016 58016 58016 58016
    55 10030 15445 19919 23827 27406 30703 33810 36730 42240 47137 51235 53307 53307 53307 53307 53307
    50 8947 13797 17753 21285 24440 27406 30186 32775 37720 42240 46431 48597 48597 48597 48597 48597
    46 8100 12479 16105 19260 22133 24817 27313 29714 34141 38237 42147 44830 44830 44830 44830 44830
    42 7252 11207 14457 17282 19872 22273 24534 26653 30655 34329 37813 41062 41062 41062 41062 41062
    38 6451 9936 12808 15352 17659 19778 21802 23687 27218 30515 33575 36543 37296 37296 37296 37296
    34 5651 8758 11254 13467 15492 17377 19118 20767 23874 26747 29478 32022 33528 33528 33528 33528
    30 4897 7534 9701 11631 13374 14975 16482 17941 20625 23121 25428 27642 29762 29762 29762 29762
    28 4521 6970 8947 10736 12337 13844 15210 16529 19024 21332 23450 25523 27877 27877 27877 27877
    26 4144 6404 8240 9841 11302 12667 13938 15163 17423 19542 21520 23403 25994 25994 25994 25994
    24 3861 5792 7487 8947 10312 11537 12714 13844 15916 17799 19637 21332 24111 24111 24111 24111
    22 3626 5274 6781 8100 9324 10454 11489 12526 14362 16105 17753 19260 22180 22226 22226 22226
    20 3343 4708 6075 7252 8334 9371 10312 11207 12856 14457 15869 17282 19872 20343 20343 20343
    18 3107 4191 5368 6451 7393 8287 9135 9936 11396 12808 14080 15304 17612 18459 18459 18459
    16 2872 3767 4708 5651 6451 7252 8005 8664 9983 11160 12337 13374 15398 16576 16576 16576
    15 2778 3626 4379 5227 6027 6733 7439 8052 9277 10407 11442 12432 14315 15634 15634 15634
    14 2683 3437 4050 4850 5556 6215 6875 7439 8571 9606 10596 11489 13232 14692 14692 14692
    13 2590 3249 3813 4473 5132 5745 6309 6875 7911 8853 9748 10596 12150 13751 13751 13751
    12 2543 3060 3626 4097 4708 5227 5792 6262 7204 8100 8900 9701 11113 12808 12808 12808
    11 2496 2920 3391 3813 4284 4756 5227 5698 6546 7346 8100 8806 10125 11866 11866 11866
    10 2448 2778 3154 3578 3908 4284 4708 5132 5886 6593 7299 7911 9088 10925 10925 10925
    9 2401 2636 2967 3296 3626 3908 4237 4568 5274 5886 6498 7063 8100 9983 9983 9983
    8 2354 2543 2778 3013 3343 3578 3813 4050 4614 5179 5698 6215 7110 9040 9040 9040
    7 2354 2448 2590 2825 3013 3249 3484 3673 4002 4473 4945 5368 6169 7958 8100 8100
    6 2354 2401 2496 2636 2778 2967 3107 3296 3626 3861 4191 4568 5227 6733 7157 7157
    5 2354 2354 2401 2496 2590 2683 2825 2920 3202 3437 3673 3861 4332 5556 6215 6215


    For use beginning July 1, 2012

    Dam Height (ft) Crest Length (ft)
    50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1500 2000 4000
    400 77890 86905 90255 92274 93902 95182 96267 97203 98532 98532 98532 98532 98532 98532 98532 98532
    300 67396 79909 85329 88137 89861 91142 92227 93211 94787 96069 97153 98137 98532 98532 98532 98532
    250 59858 74392 80648 84689 86808 88580 89714 90650 92227 93556 94641 95577 97153 98532 98532 98532
    200 49758 65326 73899 78284 81830 84392 85821 87152 89122 90404 91487 92472 94049 96906 98532 98532
    180 43994 60942 69416 75130 78529 81437 83900 85132 87299 88974 90058 90994 92571 95478 97498 98532
    160 38082 56113 64735 70647 75033 77791 80204 82373 85083 86808 88334 89368 90946 93852 95872 98532
    150 35225 53404 62026 67986 72766 75870 78234 80353 83900 85624 87103 88433 90058 92966 94985 98532
    140 32368 49659 59119 65277 69860 73849 76165 78234 81782 84343 85821 87103 89122 91979 94049 98532
    130 29608 45620 56164 62173 66854 70647 73997 76017 79466 82373 84441 85723 87842 90946 93015 97942
    120 26849 41383 52566 58872 63702 67396 70647 73554 77003 79860 82373 84196 86364 89861 91881 96809
    110 24140 37244 47985 55425 60006 63997 67101 69860 74490 77249 79663 81782 84736 88679 90699 95625
    100 21529 33205 42763 50744 56164 59957 63307 66065 70696 74441 76757 78826 82422 86855 89368 94296
    95 20248 31185 40201 48083 54241 57839 61139 64095 68578 72520 75279 77298 80796 85872 88679 93605
    90 18967 29214 37639 45028 51285 55769 58872 61729 66459 70253 73603 75672 79122 84885 87645 90255
    85 17687 27244 35126 42024 48281 53307 56607 59365 64242 67888 71189 74046 77397 83851 85329 85329
    80 16454 25322 32663 70454 44931 50054 54291 56951 61632 65523 68677 71534 75623 80402 80402 80402
    75 15223 23450 30200 36161 41581 46606 50842 54489 58971 62963 66115 68873 73702 75477 75477 75477
    70 13991 21577 27786 33255 38280 42861 47196 50842 56262 60055 63404 66164 70548 70548 70548 70548
    65 12808 19755 25420 30445 34978 39215 43207 46951 53109 57050 60301 63208 65622 65622 65622 65622
    60 11626 17931 23106 27638 31776 35619 39264 42664 48921 53946 57100 59858 60696 60696 60696 60696
    55 10493 16158 20839 24927 28672 32121 35372 38426 44191 49314 53602 55769 55769 55769 55769 55769
    50 9360 14434 18573 22268 25569 28672 31580 34289 39462 44191 48576 50842 50842 50842 50842 50842
    46 8474 13055 16849 20149 23155 25963 28574 31086 35718 40003 44094 46901 46901 46901 46901 46901
    42 7587 11724 15124 18080 20790 23302 25667 27884 32071 35915 39559 42959 42959 42959 42959 42959
    38 6749 10395 13399 16061 18474 20691 22809 24781 28475 31924 35126 38231 39019 39019 39019 39019
    34 5912 9162 11773 14089 16207 18179 20001 21726 24976 27982 30839 33501 35076 35076 35076 35076
    30 5123 7882 10149 12168 13991 15666 17243 18769 21577 24189 26602 28919 31137 31137 31137 31137
    28 4729 7292 9360 11232 12906 14483 15912 17292 19902 22317 24533 26702 29164 29164 29164 29164
    26 4335 6699 8620 10295 11824 13252 14581 15863 18227 20444 22514 24484 27194 27194 27194 27194
    24 4039 6059 7832 9360 10788 12070 13301 14483 16651 18621 20544 22317 25224 25224 25224 25224
    22 3793 5517 7094 8474 9754 10936 12019 13104 15025 16849 18573 20149 23204 23252 23252 23252
    20 3497 4925 6355 7587 8719 9803 10788 11724 13449 15124 16602 18080 20790 21282 21282 21282
    18 3250 4384 5616 6749 7734 8669 9557 10395 11922 13399 14730 16011 18425 19311 19311 19311
    16 3004 3941 4925 5912 6749 7587 8374 9064 10444 11675 12906 13991 16109 17341 17341 17341
    15 2906 3793 4581 5468 6305 7044 7782 8424 9705 10887 11970 13006 14976 16356 16356 16356
    14 2806 3595 4237 5074 5812 6502 7192 7782 8966 10049 11085 12019 13843 15370 15370 15370
    13 2709 3399 3989 4679 5369 6010 6600 7192 8276 9262 10198 11085 12711 14386 14386 14386
    12 2660 3201 3793 4286 4925 5468 6059 6551 7536 8474 9311 10149 11626 13399 13399 13399
    11 2611 3054 3547 3989 4481 4975 5468 5961 6848 7685 8474 9212 10592 12414 12414 12414
    10 2561 2906 3299 3743 4088 4481 4925 5369 6157 6897 7636 8276 9507 11429 11429 11429
    9 2511 2757 3104 3448 3793 4088 4432 4779 5517 6157 6798 7389 8474 10444 10444 10444
    8 2462 2660 2906 3152 3497 3743 3989 4237 4827 5418 5961 6502 7438 9457 9457 9457
    7 2462 2561 2709 2955 3152 3399 3644 3842 4186 4679 5173 5616 6454 8325 8474 8474
    6 2462 2511 2611 2757 2906 3104 3250 3448 3793 4039 4384 4779 5468 7044 7487 7487
    5 2462 2462 2511 2611 2709 2806 2955 3054 3349 3595 3842 4039 4532 5812 6502 6502

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, 43.21A.080, 86.16.061, 90.03.350 and [90.03].470. 04-16-122 (Order 03-08), § 173-175-360, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and 86.16.061. 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), § 173-175-360, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]

    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-08, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04)

    WAC 173-175-370   Construction permit fees for modifications of existing dams.   (1) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspections for project modifications involving significant enlargements shall be the ((greater of one thousand four hundred dollars or the)) amount determined by those applicable percentages shown in Table 5A of the fees in Table 4A((, as adjusted by the fiscal growth factor)) through June 30, 2012, or Table 4B thereafter, but no less than one thousand eight hundred ninety dollars through June 30, 2012, or one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven dollars thereafter. The appropriate Table 4A or B fee amount is to be determined using the nearest values of dam height and crest length, in feet, which correspond to the overall dimensions of the modified dam.


    Dam Height (ft) CREST LENGTH (FEET)
    50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1500 2000 4000
    400 44268 49392 51296 52444 53368 54096 54712 55244 56000 56000 56000 56000 56000 56000 56000 56000
    300 38304 45416 48496 50092 51072 51800 52416 52976 53872 54600 55216 55776 56000 56000 56000 56000
    250 34020 42280 45836 48132 49336 50344 50988 51520 52416 53172 53788 54320 55216 56000 56000 56000
    200 28280 37128 42000 44492 46508 47964 48776 49532 50652 51380 51996 52556 53452 55076 56000 56000
    180 25004 34636 39452 42700 44632 46284 47684 48384 49616 50568 51184 51716 52612 54264 55412 56000
    160 21644 31892 36792 40152 42644 44212 45584 46816 48356 49336 50204 50792 51688 53340 54488 56000
    150 20020 30352 35252 38640 41356 43120 44464 45668 47684 48664 49504 50260 51184 52836 53984 56000
    140 18396 28224 33600 37100 39704 41972 43288 44464 46480 47936 48776 49504 50652 52276 53452 56000
    130 16828 25928 31920 35336 37996 40152 42056 43204 45164 46816 47992 48720 49924 51688 52864 55664
    120 15260 23520 29876 33460 36204 38304 40152 41804 43764 45388 46816 47852 49084 51072 52220 55020
    110 13720 21168 27272 31500 34104 36372 38136 39704 42336 43904 45276 46480 48160 50400 51548 54348
    100 12236 18872 24304 28840 31920 34076 35980 37548 40180 42308 43624 44800 46844 49364 50792 53592
    95 11508 17724 22848 27328 30828 32872 34748 36428 38976 41216 42784 43932 45920 48804 50400 53200
    90 10780 16604 21392 25592 29148 31696 33460 35084 37772 39928 41832 43008 44968 48244 49812 51296
    85 10052 15484 19964 23884 27440 30296 32172 33740 36512 38584 40460 42084 43988 47656 48496 48496
    80 9352 14392 18564 22204 25536 28448 30856 32368 35028 37240 39032 40656 42980 45696 45696 45696
    75 8652 13328 17164 20552 23632 26488 28896 30968 33516 35784 37576 39144 41888 42896 42896 42896
    70 7952 12264 15792 18900 21756 24360 26824 28896 31976 34132 36036 37604 40096 40096 40096 40096
    65 7280 11228 14448 17304 19880 22288 24556 26684 30184 32424 34272 35924 37296 37296 37296 37296
    60 6608 10192 13132 15708 18060 20244 22316 24248 27804 30660 32452 34020 34496 34496 34496 34496
    55 5964 9184 11844 14168 16296 18256 20104 21840 25116 28028 30464 31696 31696 31696 31696 31696
    50 5320 8204 10556 12656 14532 16296 17948 19488 22428 25116 27608 28896 28896 28896 28896 28896
    46 4816 7420 9576 11452 13160 14756 16240 17668 20300 22736 25060 26656 26656 26656 26656 26656
    42 4312 6664 8596 10276 11816 13244 14588 15848 18228 20412 22484 24416 24416 24416 24416 24416
    38 3836 5908 7616 9128 10500 11760 12964 14084 16184 18144 19964 21728 22176 22176 22176 22176
    34 3360 5208 6692 8008 9212 10332 11368 12348 14196 15904 17528 19040 19936 19936 19936 19936
    30 2912 4480 5768 6916 7952 8904 9800 10668 12264 13748 15120 16436 17696 17696 17696 17696
    28 2688 4144 5320 6384 7336 8232 9044 9828 11312 12684 13944 15176 16576 16576 16576 16576
    26 2464 3808 4900 5852 6720 7532 8288 9016 10360 11620 12796 13916 15456 15456 15456 15456
    24 2296 3444 4452 5320 6132 6860 7560 8232 9464 10584 11676 12684 14336 14336 14336 14336
    22 2156 3136 4032 4816 5544 6216 6832 7448 8540 9576 10556 11452 13188 13216 13216 13216
    20 1988 2800 3612 4312 4956 5572 6132 6664 7644 8596 9436 10276 11816 12096 12096 12096
    18 1848 2492 3192 3836 4396 4928 5432 5908 6776 7616 8372 9100 10472 10976 10976 10976
    16 1708 2240 2800 3360 3836 4312 4760 5152 5936 6636 7336 7952 9156 9856 9856 9856
    15 1652 2156 2604 3108 3584 4004 4424 4788 5516 6188 6804 7392 8512 9296 9296 9296
    14 1596 2044 2408 2884 3304 3696 4088 4424 5096 5712 6300 6832 7868 8736 8736 8736
    13 1540 1932 2268 2660 3052 3416 3752 4088 4704 5264 5796 6300 7224 8176 8176 8176
    12 1512 1820 2156 2436 2800 3108 3444 3724 4284 4816 5292 5768 6608 7616 7616 7616
    11 1484 1736 2016 2268 2548 2828 3108 3388 3892 4368 4816 5236 6020 7056 7056 7056
    10 1456 1652 1876 2128 2324 2548 2800 3052 3500 3920 4340 4704 5404 6496 6496 6496
    9 1428 1568 1764 1960 2156 2324 2520 2716 3136 3500 3864 4200 4816 5936 5936 5936
    8 1400 1512 1652 1792 1988 2128 2268 2408 2744 3080 3388 3696 4228 5376 5376 5376
    7 1400 1456 1540 1680 1792 1932 2072 2184 2380 2660 2940 3192 3668 4732 4816 4816
    6 1400 1428 1484 1568 1652 1764 1848 1960 2156 2296 2492 2716 3108 4004 4256 4256
    5 1400 1400 1428 1484 1540 1596 1680 1736 1904 2044 2184 2296 2576 3304 3696 3696))

         (2) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspection for project modifications not involving significant enlargements shall be the ((greater of one thousand four hundred dollars or the)) amount determined by those applicable percentages shown in Table 5B of the fees in Table 4A((, as adjusted by the fiscal growth factor)) through June 30, 2012, or Table 4B thereafter, but no less than one thousand eight hundred ninety dollars through June 30, 2012, or one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven dollars thereafter. The appropriate Table 4A or B fee amount is to be determined using the nearest values of dam height and crest length, in feet, which correspond to the overall dimensions of the modified dam.

         (3) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspection for repair of a dam with safety deficiencies as required by the department shall be ((one thousand four hundred dollars)) one thousand eight hundred ninety dollars through June 30, 2012, or one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven dollars thereafter.

         (4) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspection for the removal or partial removal of a dam with safety deficiencies for the purpose of eliminating a public safety hazard shall be the minimum fee of ten dollars.

         (5) Fees for the review of plans and specifications and for construction inspection for the planned abandonment and reclamation of dams and reservoir areas used in mining operations shall be ((the minimum fee of one thousand four hundred dollars)) one thousand eight hundred ninety dollars through June 30, 2012, or one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven dollars thereafter.






    TABLE 5B



    Spillway(s) 35% 25%
    Impounding Barrier 35% 25%
    Appurtenant Works and Miscellaneous Construction Elements 10% 10%

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, 43.21A.080, 86.16.061, 90.03.350 and [90.03].470. 04-16-122 (Order 03-08), § 173-175-370, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and 86.16.061. 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), § 173-175-370, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]

    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-08, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04)

    WAC 173-175-390   Payment of construction permit fees.   (1) The amount of the construction permit fee will be determined by the department based upon procedures contained in WAC 173-175-360 and 173-175-370 and information contained in the construction plans.

         (a) An initial payment, which may represent all or a portion of the construction permit fee shall be paid in conjunction with the submittal of the construction permit application described in WAC 173-175-120. The amount of the initial payment shall be:

         (i) Ten dollars for the removal of a dam with safety deficiencies as described in WAC 173-175-370(3); or

         (ii) One thousand ((four)) eight hundred ninety dollars for construction of a new dam or modification of an existing dam or project through June 30, 2012, and one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven dollars thereafter.

         (b) The balance of the fee amount (less the initial payment above) is to be paid following notification by the department of the balance due.

         (c) All fees collected are nonrefundable.

         (2) No fee shall be required for the review of conceptual plans which describe proposed repairs or improvements to existing dams to correct safety deficiencies. The normal construction permit process will apply at the time plans and specifications are submitted to the department.

         (3) No additional fees shall be required for plan and specification changes and resubmittals required by the department as part of the review process.

         (4) No additional fees shall be required for review of construction change orders.

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, 43.21A.080, 86.16.061, 90.03.350 and [90.03].470. 04-16-122 (Order 03-08), § 173-175-390, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04. Statutory Authority: 1995 c 8. 95-22-030 (Order 94-15), § 173-175-390, filed 10/24/95, effective 11/24/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A].080 and 86.16.061. 93-01-090 (Order 92-35), § 173-175-390, filed 12/16/92, effective 1/16/93; 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), § 173-175-390, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]

    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 05-11, filed 8/31/05, effective 10/1/05)

    WAC 173-175-765   Periodic inspection fee schedule.   (1) The inspection fee amounts are based on the downstream hazard classification of the dam, as determined by the department((, and incorporate the fiscal growth factor calculated under chapter 43.135 RCW)). The inspection fees for each five-year inspection are prorated on an annual basis.

         (((a) Equation 1 below is used to calculate the annual inspection fees.

    ((Annual Inspection Fee = (COSTFGF) ÷ (Cycle) Equation 1))


         (i) Cycle = number of years between inspections, with five years being the minimum.

         (ii) FGF = an annual fiscal growth factor expressed as a percentage, as determined under chapter 43.135 RCW.

         (iii) COSTFGF = cost of inspection in dollars including a fiscal growth factor. The cost is obtained by multiplying the inspection cost in the preceding year by the current year's fiscal growth factor as follows:

    ((COSTFGF = Previous year's cost x [1 + (FGF)] Equation 2))

         (b) For implementation of the fiscal growth factor, the base year for dam inspection fees will be fiscal year 2004, ending June 30, 2004. In the base year, the FGF will be zero.

         (c))) The cost for ((an)) a periodic inspection by the department ((in the base year)) starting July 1, 2012, will be as follows:

         (((i) $3440.00)) (a) For dams with high downstream hazard classifications the fee is six thousand forty dollars, with a prorated annual fee of (($688.00)) one thousand two hundred eighty dollars for a five-year inspection cycle.

         (((ii) $2500.00)) (b) For dams with significant downstream hazard classifications the fee is four thousand four hundred five dollars, with a prorated annual fee of (($500.00)) eight hundred eighty-one dollars if a five-year inspection cycle is implemented, or (($250.00)) four hundred forty dollars and fifty cents if a ten-year inspection cycle is implemented.

         (2) Exceptions to periodic inspection fee schedule.

         (a) For any hydraulic works less than ten years old, that the department examined and approved the construction plans and specifications as to its safety when required under RCW 90.03.350, there shall be no fee charged; or

         (b) For any hydraulic works more than ten years old, but less than twenty years old, that the department examined and approved the construction plans and specifications as to its safety when required under RCW 90.03.350, the fee charged shall equal the fee for a significant hazard dam.

         (3) Inspection fee for impoundments with multiple dams. For reservoirs or impoundments with a main dam and one or more saddle dams, a single annual inspection fee will be charged for the facility. The dam with the highest downstream hazard rating will be used for fee computation.

         (4) Inspection fee for multicell impoundments. For multicell impoundments, such as wastewater lagoons, where two or more cells are located side-by-side or share a common embankment, a single annual inspection fee will be charged for the facility. The cell with the highest downstream hazard classification will be used for fee computation.

         (5) Inspection fee for nonroutine inspections. For nonroutine inspections as described in WAC 173-175-725, no fees will be charged to the dam owner.

         (6) Inspection fee for inspections at public request. For inspections done at public request, as described in WAC 173-175-735, no fees will be charged to the dam owner.

    [Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.21A and 90.03 RCW. 05-18-039 (Order 05-11), § 173-175-765, filed 8/31/05, effective 10/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, 43.21A.080, 86.16.061, 90.03.350 and [90.03].470. 04-16-122 (Order 03-08), § 173-175-765, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04.]

    AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-08, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04)

    WAC 173-175-785   Periodic inspection fee payments.   (1) The applicable inspection fee shall be paid by check or money order payable to the department of ecology and mailed to the following address:

         Department of Ecology

         ((Dam Safety Inspection Fee Program)) Cashiering Unit

         P.O. Box ((5128)) 47611

         ((Lacey)) Olympia, Washington ((98509-5128)) 98504-7611.

         (2) In the event a check is returned due to insufficient funds, the department shall consider the inspection fee to be unpaid.

         (3) Delinquent accounts. Dam owners are considered delinquent in the payment of fees if the fees are not received by the first invoice billing due date. Delinquent accounts will be processed in the following manner:

         (a) Municipal and government entities shall be notified by certified mail that they have one hundred eighty days to bring the delinquent account up-to-date. Regulatory orders may be issued to enforce a restriction of reservoir filling until all delinquent fees are paid on accounts that remain delinquent after ninety days.

         (b) Nonmunicipal or nongovernment dam owners shall be notified by the department by certified mail that they have one hundred eighty days to bring the delinquent account up-to-date. Accounts that remain delinquent after one hundred eighty days may be turned over for collection. In addition, a surcharge totaling twenty percent of the delinquent amount owed will also be added. The surcharge is to recover the costs for collection. If the collection agency fails to recover the delinquent fees after twelve months, the department may issue regulatory orders to enforce restriction of reservoir filling until all delinquent fees are paid.

    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, 43.21A.080, 86.16.061, 90.03.350 and [90.03].470. 04-16-122 (Order 03-08), § 173-175-785, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04.]

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