
  • WSR 16-05-010
    [Filed February 4, 2016, 3:19 p.m.]
    Agenda for Rules Under Development
    January - June 2016
    Agency Contact: Lori Anderson, Communications and Training Officer, P.O. Box 40908, Olympia, WA 98504-0908, phone (360) 664-2737, toll-free 1-877-601-2828, fax (360) 753-1112, e-mail lori.anderson@pdc.wa.gov.
    The public disclosure commission (the commission) submits this semi-annual agenda for rules under development, in accordance with RCW 34.05.314. The commission is granted rule-making authority by RCW 42.17A.110(1). Possible rule making may include:
    1. Possible New Rule Making - Contribution Limits: The public disclosure commission intends to convert to rule guidance adopted in 1994 explaining circumstances that would cause political committees to be affiliated for the purpose of receiving contributions and how a contributor's limit would be applied when making contributions to affiliated committees.
    Statutes being implemented: RCW 42.17A.405 and [42.17A.]410.
    Possible Rule Making - Placeholder: Rule making may be necessary to implement laws enacted in 2016.
    2. Rule Making Underway: The following rule amendments were adopted at a January 28 hearing:
    WAC 390-12-200 Public disclosure commission-Executive director, amendment better clarified duties and authorized executive director to resolve complaints alleging a minor or technical violation of chapter 42.17A RCW by methods other than an adjudicative proceeding. Effective date: March 6, 2016.
    WAC 390-05-400 Changes in dollar amounts, inflationary adjustments made to contribution limits and other dollar amounts enacted by I-134. Effective date: February 29, 2016.
    WAC 390-16-050 Forms for contributions and expenditures of out-of-state political committees, disclosure threshold modified for inflation that determines large, out-of-state contributions reported by a political committee who participates in Washington state elections and is eligible to report as an out-of-state committee. Effective date: March 6, 2016.
    WAC 390-17-400 Time limit to solicit or accept contributions, converting to rule the commission's interpretation that clarified the conditions under which an elected official subject to the session freeze may participate in fund-raising events benefitting a bona fide political party or candidate who is not subject to the freeze. Effect [Effective] date: February 29, 2016.
    Expedited rule amendments taking effect February 25, 2016:
    WAC 390-19-020 Electronic filing-Mandatory filing, eliminating the wet signature requirement for electronic filing accounts used for submitting campaign disclosure reports, and
    A reference about accessing forms on the commission's web site was added to forms:
    WAC 390-16-011 Forms-Registration statement for political committees,
    WAC 390-16-012 Forms-Registration statement for candidates,
    WAC 39-16-031 Forms for statement of contributions deposit,
    WAC 390-16-032 Forms-Auction report,
    WAC 390-16-033 Earmarked contributions-Reporting-form,
    WAC 390-16-041 Forms-Summary of total contributions and expenditures, and
    WAC 390-20-130 Forms for statement of employment of legislators, state officers, and state employees.
    A complete listing of rule-making activity from 1999 to present can be found on the public disclosure commission web site at www.pdc.wa.gov under Rule Making Activity.
    February 4, 2016
    Lori Anderson
    Communications and
    Training Officer