DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE [ Filed February 14, 2008, 4:33 p.m. ] RE: Clarification of Washington cattle import regulations and brand inspection requirements.Contact: Dr. Leonard Eldridge, state veterinarian, Washington state department of agriculture.
Date Approved: February 14, 2008.
In order to provide clarity regarding Washington state import regulations and brand inspection requirements related to cattle, the Washington state department of agriculture issues this interpretive statement pursuant to RCW 34.05.010(8) and 34.05.230.
It has come to the attention of the department that cattle are being brought into Washington state solely for the purpose of having the cattle meet state animal health requirements (i.e. to receive mature brucellosis vaccinations). It is acceptable to stop cattle in transit through the state for animal welfare reasons such as watering or feeding. However, shipments of cattle stopping to receive disease testing or vaccinations are no longer considered in transit and will be considered Washington state cattle. Persons bringing cattle into the state for testing or vaccination must meet Washington state animal health and livestock inspection requirements (i.e. brand inspection, Washington state required testing and vaccination, etc.). These regulations are found in chapters 16-54 and 16-86 WAC among others.
In addition, a brand inspection shall be required under the current regulations. If cattle change ownership or are transported out of the state after arrival in Washington, a brand inspection is required under RCW 16.57.260 and WAC 16-610-020.
Approved by: Valoria H. Loveland