
  • WSR 08-05-055




    [ June 14, 2007 ]




    In November 2006, Washington Learns issued the first complete review of our state's education system from preschool through higher education and workforce training. Washington Learns' final report establishes long-term goals for raising overall education attainment within our state. One of the report's specific recommendations is to create a P-20 Council to evaluate early learning, K-12, higher education and workforce preparation with the goal of increasing accountability in our education system. This Executive Order establishes the P-20 Council.

    The P-20 Council will include leaders responsible for carrying out education policies and investments within our state and the three advisory committee chairs from the Washington Learns Steering Committee. With the participation of leaders from each level of education and from the three advisory committee chairs, the P-20 Council will hold our education system accountable for results that will best serve our children, our families, and our economy. To improve education accountability, the P-20 Council will ask and act on these and other questions:

    ? Are more children ready to learn when they enter kindergarten?
    ? Are more students adequately prepared in math and science -- the language of international competition?
    ? Are more students graduating from high school ready for work or higher education?
    ? Are more students completing college programs that prepare them for work or further education and training?
    ? Are students receiving personalized learning experiences that complement their learning styles?
    ? Are students experiencing a truly seamless education system?

    By looking at data from many sources within the education system, the P-20 Council will determine whether we are getting the expected return on our investment and where and how we need to make improvements.

    During its 2007 session, the legislature made significant investments in education in early learning, K-12 and higher education. Many of these investments are the result of Washington Learns. The P-20 Council's task is to track progress on the Washington Learns long-term goals and on the specific investments that have been made. The P-20 Council will use existing and new measures to collect data and track changes.

    The accountability processes used in other sectors of state government will be applied in education as well.

    The Governor's P-20 Council shall be composed of:

    1. The Governor;
    2. The Superintendent of Public Instruction;
    3. The Chair of the Washington Learns Early Learning Council;
    4. The Chair of the Washington Learns Higher Education Advisory Committee;
    5. The Director of the Department of Early Learning;
    6. The Chair of the State Board of Education;
    7. The Chair of the Professional Educator Standards Board;
    8. The Chair of the Higher Education Coordinating Board;
    9. The Chair of the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board;
    10. The Chair of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges;
    11. The Chair of the Council of Presidents;
    12. The Chair of the Independent Colleges of Washington; and
    13. One representative of tribal education programs from a federally recognized tribe, appointed by the Governor.

    The Governor's P-20 Council will be convened by the Governor and will be staffed and supported by the Office of Financial Management. Other agencies will provide information and support as requested by the Governor.

    This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

    Signed and sealed with the official seal of the state of Washington, on this 14th day of June 2007, at Olympia, Washington.

    Christine O. Gregoire
    Sam Reed
    Secretary of State