
  • WSR 08-05-048




    [ April 4, 2005 ]



    WHEREAS, the United States Congress has enacted the 50 State Commemorative Coin Program Act, which created the 50 State Quarter Program, under which a design honoring each state is placed on the reverse side of the United States quarter; and

    WHEREAS, the United States Mint will release the Washington State Commemorative Quarter in 2007; and

    WHEREAS, as part of the selection process, the Secretary of the Treasury and the United States Mint have requested that the Governor conduct a concept selection process and provide the United States Mint at least three, but no more than five, narrative design concepts for the Washington State quarter; and

    WHEREAS, based on the narrative design concepts submitted by the state, the United States Mint will produce original artwork embodying each concept. After approval of the designs by the Secretary of the Treasury, the designs will be presented to the state. As provided in the Act, the Governor will then recommend the final design to the Secretary of the Treasury for final approval;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christine O. Gregoire, Governor of the state of Washington, hereby order that the Washington State Quarter Advisory Commission is hereby established. The Commission shall develop the narrative design concepts to be presented to the United States Mint and shall make recommendations to the Governor regarding the final design of the Washington State quarter.

         The Commission shall consist of the following members:

         Mike Gregoire, First Gentleman, Honorary Chair

         Kris Tucker, Executive Director, State Arts Commission, Administrative Chair

         Michael J. Murphy, State Treasurer (or designee)

         Dr. Terry Bergeson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction (or designee)

         President, Washington State Historical Society (or designee)

         Two Members of the Senate (determined by each Caucus)

         Two Members of the House (determined by each Caucus)

         Member of the American Numismatic Association (determined by the Association)

         Nine Citizens at large (determined by the Governor and representing the geographic, demographic and artistic diversity of the state)

    Each member of the Commission shall remain a member until the final design of the Washington quarter has been publicly announced. If a member is unable to serve, the Chair shall appoint a replacement.

    The Commission shall adopt a procedure for the solicitation, review and consideration of all narrative design concepts received by the Commission. The Commission's procedures shall be consistent with the requirements of the 50 States Commemorative Coin Act. In addition, the Commission is to review and consider graphic designs that were submitted before the creation of the Commission. By September 2005, the Commission shall submit three to five narrative concepts for the Washington quarter to the Governor.

    When the United States Mint provides the state with its final design renderings of the narrative concepts, the Commission will provide an opportunity for public comment and voting on a people's choice. The Commission shall make a final selection recommendation to the Governor. The Governor shall have final approval of the design submitted to the United States Mint.

    This executive order takes effect immediately and shall expire when the quarter is publicly unveiled in Washington State.

    Signed and sealed with the official seal of the State of Washington, on this 4th day of April 2005, at Olympia, Washington.

    Christine O. Gregoire
    Sam Reed
    Secretary of State