WSR 08-05-034 AGENDA
[ Filed February 12, 2008, 3:20 p.m. ]
Semi-Annual Rule-Making Agenda January 31, 2008, through July 31, 2008
The following rule makings have been proposed and are currently between the CR-101, CR-102, CR-105 and CR-103 stage. They are currently under review and there may be further rule-making activity before July 31, 2008. If you have any questions regarding these rule-making activities please contact Kacy Scott, or (360) 725-7041.
WAC RCW Authority Subject Current Activity OIC Contact CR-101 CR-105 CR-102 CR-103 Chapter 284-07 48.02.060, 48.05.380, 48.44.050, 48.46.200, 48.74.025 Washington actuarial opinion and memorandum regulation. 06-21-123 Roy Olson
(360) 725-7136
Chapter 284-07 48.02.060, 48.31B.040, and 48.31C.150 Electronic holding company filings. 08-04-106 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Chapter 284-13 48.02.060 and 48.94.055 Reinsurance intermediary broker and manager licensing and reporting. 06-08-099 Jim Tompkins
(360) 725-7036
284-17-200 and 284-17-220 48.02.060, 48.17.150 CE requirements for agents and solicitors (vehicle only). 08-01-075 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Chapter 284-17 48.02.060 Producer licensing and education. 08-03-123 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Chapter 284-23 48.23.345 Juvenile life insurance. 07-17-163 Jim Tompkins
(360) 725-7036
Chapter 284-30, 284-24, 284-58 48.110.150 Rate filing (SERFF). 07-21-134 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
284-30-3901 - 284-30-3916 48.02.060 and 48.30.010 Automobile total loss settlements. 07-14-110 Chris Carlson
(360) 725-7042
WAC 284-30-570 48.02.060, 48.30.010 True answer on insurance denials. 08-01-024 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Chapter 284-43 48.02.060 and 48.43.535(10) Independent review organizations. 06-21-124 08-03-129 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Chapter 284-43 Sub. G 48.02.060, 48.20.450, 48.20.460, 48.44.050, 48.46.030, and 48.46.200 Issuance, renewal, and portability of health plans. 08-03-125 Donna Dorris
(360) 725-7040
284-43-810 48.02.060, 48.20.450, 48.20.460, 48.44.020, 48.44.050, and 48.46.200 Coverage for mental health services. 08-03-124 Donna Dorris
(360) 725-7040
284-74-420 48.02.060 CSO mortality table. 07-18-005 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
48.02.060 Surplus line brokers licenses. 08-03-122 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Miscellaneous 48.02.060 (3)(a) Interstate insurance compact. 07-11-157 Melodie Bankers
(360) 725-7039
Possible Rule Makings: In addition to the rule activities that have been initiated, the commissioner continues the effort to update and clarify the code. In the period before July 31, 2008, subjects that may be considered for rule making in this effort include:
WAC 284-02-070 General hearings (clean up). Chapter 284-04 WAC Gramm-Leach-Bliley/Privacy. Chapter 284-07 WAC Audited financial statements. Chapter 284-07 WAC Amendments to permitted accounting practices. Chapter 284-16 WAC Administrative supervision of financially distressed insurers. Chapter 284-17 WAC On-line processing of insurance producer applications and renewals. Chapter 284-17 WAC Insurance agent affiliation rules. Chapter 284-17 WAC Insurance producer - to recognize certain professional designations in lieu of prelicensing requirements. Chapter 284-18 WAC Washington holding company regulations. WAC 284-22-040 USLandH (at request of USLandH board). WAC 284-30-395 Personal injury protection (clean-up). Chapter 284-43G WAC Issuance, renewal, and portability of health plans (clean up). Chapter 284-58 WAC Form filing requirements. New Chapter 284-150 WAC (RCW 48.150.100) Direct patient-provider primary health care. New chapter Long-term care (if long-term care bill enacted during 2008 session). Mike Kreidler