WSR 16-04-115
[Filed February 2, 2016, 1:05 p.m.]
Pursuant to RCW
34.05.335, the department of revenue (department) files this notice of agency withdrawal of WSR 16-01-141 for proposal amending WAC 458-07-010 and 458-07-015; and repealing WAC 458-07-020. These rules are being proposed under an expedited rule-making process.
The department received a public comment to amend the proposed language in the rule proposal for WAC 458-07-015 at subsection (5) to clarify that the revaluation is "after a value is certified for the current year."
The department filed a second CR-105 proposal, WSR 16-04-101, on February 2, 2016, to amend WAC 458-07-010 and 458-07-015; and repeal WAC 458-07-020, using the new clarifying language described above in WAC 458-07-015 at subsection (5). The department proceeds with this expedited rule-making process under WSR 16-04-101.
Kevin Dixon
Rules Coordinator