
  • WSR 15-04-046
    [Filed January 28, 2015, 2:15 p.m.]
    Following is the office of financial management's (OFM) semi-annual rule-making agenda for publication in the Washington State Register. This list identifies rules under development and rules with anticipated rule-making action during the next six months.
    This agenda is available on OFM's web site at http://ofm.wa.gov/rulemaking/default.asp. The information on our web site is updated as rule-making notices are filed. If OFM should begin rule-making activities for a rule not listed on the agenda below, that information will also be posted.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Roselyn Marcus by e-mail Roselyn.Marcus@ofm.wa.gov or phone (360) 902-0434.
    Semi-Annual Rule-Making Agenda
    January 1 through June 30, 2015
    WAC Citation    
    Subject Matter/Purpose of Rule
    Current Activity/Approximate Filing Date
    WAC 357-01-235
    Update the persons with disabilities definition for affirmative action purposes.
    CR-102 filing anticipated in January. Proposing adoption at the February 12, 2015, director's meeting.
    WAC 357-01-290
    WAC 357-01-345
    WAC 357-19-025
    WAC 357-19-115
    WAC 357-19-117
    WAC 357-46-070
    WAC 357-52-010
    WAC 357-58-345
    WAC 357-58-370
    WAC 357-58-375
    WAC 357-58-515
    Remove reference to the temporary salary reduction for state government employees because it was only effective during the 2011-2013 fiscal biennium. WAC 357-58-375 and 357-58-515 are being repealed.
    CR-102 filing anticipated in January. Proposing adoption at the February 12, 2015, director's meeting.
    New chapter in Title 82 WAC
    Implementation of chapter 223, Laws of 2014 (ESHB [E2SHB] 2572) - Statewide all-payer health care claims database.
    CR-101 was filed July 3, 2014. CR-102 filings are anticipated during this next six-month period.
    Chapter 82-48 WAC
    Rules related to the disclosure of public records will be reviewed for possible updating as appropriate.
    CR-101 filing is anticipated in February.
    Roselyn Marcus
    Assistant Director
    Legal and Legislative Affairs