WSR 13-04-003 AGENDA
[ Filed January 23, 2013, 5:19 p.m. ] Following is the department of social and health services semi-annual rule-making agenda for January 1 through June 30, 2013. This agenda will be published in the Washington State Register as required in RCW 34.05.314 and distributed to interested parties. It is also available online at http://www.dshs.wa.gov/msa/rpau/DSHSagenda.html.This report represents DSHS rules under development at this time. There may be additional rule-making activity as DSHS responds to legislative actions, to comply with federal mandates, or to meet unforeseen circumstances.
Rule-Making Agenda January 1 through June 30, 2013
WAC Sections Purpose for Rule Making CR-101 Filings
CR-102 Filings
CR-103E Filings
Aging and Disability Services Administration Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery Chapter 388-877 WAC The department is amending chapter 388-877 WAC for the purpose of implementing an integrated behavioral health rule. WSR 11-09-067 Filed 4/18/2011
WSR 13-02-027 Filed 12/26/2012
WSR 13-02-028
Filed 12/20/2012
Division of Developmental Disabilities Chapter 388-845 WAC The division of developmental disabilities (DDD) is amending chapter 388-845 WAC to include information governing the operation of a new consolidated Basic and Basic Plus waiver. In addition, other changes may be needed to respond to budget and general housekeeping needs related to the renewal of the DDD home and community based services waivers. WSR 12-01-116 Filed 12/21/2011
WSR 13-02-062 Filed 12/27/2012
Home and Community Services Division Chapters 388-71 and 388-112 WAC Amending chapters 388-71, 388-112 WAC to implement and clarify the training requirements and the criminal history background check requirements as directed in chapter 74.39A RCW and to revise the implementation effective dates as directed by Initiative 1163. WSR 12-05-086 Filed 2/17/2012
WSR 12-16-027 Filed 8/1/2012
WSR 12-21-068 Filed 10/17/2012
WSR 12-13-090
Filed 6/19/2012
WSR 12-05-100
Filed 2/21/2012
WSR 12-02-049
Filed 12/30/2011
WAC 388-106-0010, 388-106-0130 The department is amending WAC 388-106-0010 and 388-106-0130 to revise the assessment process for allocating personal care hours. WSR 12-20-076 Filed 10/3/2012
WSR 12-22-009 Filed 10/26/2012
WSR 12-14-058
Filed 6/29/2012
WAC 388-106-0135, 388-106-1305 Amending chapter 388-106 WAC, Long-term care services, to better enable children to challenge the department's authorization of personal care hours. WSR 12-16-108 Filed 8/1/2012
WSR 12-20-074 Filed 10/3/2012
The department is amending chapter 388-106 WAC to make program revisions to New Freedom consumer directed services. WSR 13-01-088 Filed 12/18/2012
The department is amending chapter 388-106 WAC to make revisions to the New Freedom consumer directed services. WSR 13-01-088 Filed 12/19/2012
Management Services Division WAC 388-105-0005 To comply with budgetary directives put forth by the legislature in ESHB 2127, changes are being made to WAC 388-105-0005. WSR 12-10-090 Filed 5/2/2012
WSR 12-21-093 Filed 10/22/2012
WSR 12-21-134 Filed 10/24/2012
WSR 12-14-061
Filed 6/29/2012
WSR 12-10-048
Filed 4/30/2012
Residential Care Services Division Chapter 388-97 WAC The department is adding new sections and amending chapter 388-97 WAC to comply with federal regulation and state law. WSR 12-16-110 Filed 8/1/2012
WSR 12-23-058 Filed 11/19/2012
Children's Administration (CA) Chapter 388-61A WAC Revisions are intended to update the section on crib safety to be compliant with new rules adopted by the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission in December 2010, and to make clarifying edits to rules adopted in November 2010. WSR 12-05-113 Filed 2/22/2012
Chapters 388-25 and 388-148 WAC The department is amending to ensure that CA can access federal matching funds for extended foster care, to clearly define the eligibility requirements for participation in the extended foster care program and criteria for continued juvenile court dependency, and to ensure that eligible youth receive placement services as outlined by RCW. WSR 12-22-004 Filed 10/25/2012
WSR 13-03-021 Filed 1/7/2012
WSR 12-22-003 Filed 10/25/2012
Economic Services Administration Community Services Division WAC 388-450-0200 The department is amending to implement a new standard medical expenses income deduction for elderly persons and individuals with disabilities who are eligible for Basic Food benefits. WSR 12-16-109 Filed 8/1/2012
WAC 388-408-0040 The department is amending to clarify eligibility for Basic Food for persons living in an institution. WSR 12-17-133 Filed 8/21/2012
WAC 388-466-0120 The department is amending WAC 388-466-0120 to repeal refugee medical assistance language from the refugee cash assistance rule. WSR 12-08-063 Filed 4/4/2012
WSR 12-22-073 Filed 11/7/2012
Division of Child Support No rule-making activity at this time. Executive Office of the Secretary, Chief of Staff and Headquarters Units Special Commitment Center WAC 388-880-110 The department is amending WAC 388-880-110 Escort procedures, and other rules as required. WSR 12-15-076 Filed 7/18/2012
WSR 12-24-012 Filed 11/27/2012
WAC 388-880-150 The department is amending to update operations and public disclosure processes. WSR 12-17-134 Filed 8/21/2012
Chapter 388-885 WAC The department is amending rules related to the reimbursement of counties for indigent defense costs. WSR 12-17-135 Filed 8/21/2012
Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing New chapter. WSR 10-19-134 Filed 9/22/2010
Office of Policy and External Relations WAC 388-02-0005 WAC 388-02-0005 referencing chapter 388-526 WAC is being amended to reference chapter 182-526 WAC. CR-105, filed 12/24/12 as WSR 12-24-073 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation No rule-making activity at this time. Financial Services Administration Operations Support and Services Division Chapter 388-06 WAC The department is revising and reorganizing chapter 388-06 WAC. WSR 12-15-075 Filed 7/18/2012
Former Medicaid Purchasing Administration Filed by DSHS on behalf of the Health Care Authority Chapter 388-526 WAC To establish hearing rules related to medicaid funded services to implement the requirements of 2E2SBH (2E2SHB) 1738, section 53, effective July 1, 2011, for the transition of the single state medicaid agency to the Washington health care authority. WSR 12-20-078 Filed 10/3/2012
WSR 12-13-003
Filed 6/6/2012
WSR 12-05-037
Filed 2/10/2012
WSR 11-22-028
Filed 10/25/2011
WSR 11-14-040
Filed 6/28/2011
Katherine Iyall Vasquez
Rules Coordinator