WSR 11-04-072 AGENDA
BUILDING CODE COUNCIL [ Filed January 31, 2011, 9:30 a.m. ]
Rules Agenda Anticipated Rule Making in 2011
This report details current and anticipated rule-making activities for the Washington state building code council (SBCC). If you have any questions regarding this report or SBCC rule-making activities, please contact Tim Nogler at (360) 902-7296.This agenda is for information purposes, and the noted dates of anticipated rule-making actions are estimates. There may be additional unforeseen rule-making activities.
Subject Matter
WAC Description Emergency Rule
CR-101 CR-102 CR-103 Exemption Criteria
Carbon monoxide 51-50 51-51
Possible update of procedures for statewide code change submittals. Currently in effect (WSR 11-01-067)
Anticipate filing in June 2011 Anticipate filing in December 2011 Finalizing permanent rule making previously covered by emergency rules. Energy Code 51-11 Possible revisions to Section 101 of the Washington State Energy Code regarding duct testing for existing residential buildings. Currently in effect (WSR 11-01-084)
Anticipate filing in June 2011 Anticipate filing in December 2011 Finalizing permanent rule making previously covered by emergency rules. Whole house ventilation 51-51 Requested modifications to the ventilation portion of the International Residential Code to correct errors. None expected Anticipate filing in March 2011 Anticipate filing in June 2011 Anticipate filing in December 2011 Beneficial to or requested by regulated entity. Kristyn Clayton