
  • WSR 10-04-077



    [ Filed February 1, 2010, 2:45 p.m. ]

    Agenda for Rules Under Development

    January - June, 2010

         Agency Contact: Lori Anderson, Communications and Training Officer, P.O. Box 40908, Olympia, WA 98504-0908, phone (360) 664-2737, toll free 1-877-601-2828, fax (360) 753-1112, e-mail landerson@pdc.wa.gov.

         At present, the public disclosure commission has three rules under development1 and plans to review and update two chapters of the Washington Administrative Code:

         1 The commission voted to proceed with rule making after consideration of a petition for rule making that proposed amendments to WAC 390-05-290, 390-18-010, and 390-18-025.

         1. Topic: Definition of political advertising.

         Status: On December 18, 2008, the commission filed the preproposal statement with the code reviser giving notice that it is considering rules relating to political advertising and possible changes to WAC 390-05-290 to include telephone and internet communications and public opinion polls as a form of mass communication that is political advertising.

         A stakeholder meeting was held January 13, 2010. No public hearing has been scheduled.

         Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370(1).

         Statute Being Implemented: RCW 42.17.020, 42.17.510.

         WAC Cite: WAC 390-05-290 Definition of political advertising.

         2. Topic: Advertising, political advertising, electioneering communications, and independent expenditures.

         Status: Amendments to WAC 390-18-010 were proposed in a petition for rule making considered by the commission during its December 3, 2009, meeting. The commission voted to proceed with rule making. On December 18, 2008, the commission filed the preproposal statement with the code reviser giving notice that it is considering possible changes to WAC 390-18-010 related to sponsor identification requirements for telephonic political advertising.

         A stakeholder meeting was held January 13, 2010. No public hearing has been scheduled.

         Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370(1).

         Statute Being Implemented: RCW 42.17.510.

         WAC Cite: WAC 390-18-010 Advertising, political advertising, electioneering communications, and independent expenditures.

         3. Topic: Advertising -- Identification of "top five contributors."

         Status: Amendments to WAC 390-18-025 were proposed in a petition for rule making considered by the commission during its December 3, 2009, meeting. The commission voted to proceed with rule making. On December 18, 2008, the commission filed the preproposal statement with the code reviser giving notice that it is considering possible changes to WAC 390-18-025 to consider amendatory language addressing disclosure of "top 5 contributors."

         A stakeholder meeting was held January 13, 2010. No public hearing has been scheduled.

         Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370(1).

         Statute Being Implemented: RCW 42.17.510.

         WAC Cite: WAC 390-18-025 Advertising -- Identification of "top five contributors."

         4. Topic: Public records.

         Status: The commission will file a preproposal statement with the code reviser giving notice that it is considering possible changes to chapters 390-13 and 390-14 WAC that will recognize and adopt relevant provisions of the state's model public records rules and address technological advancements in the delivery of public records.

         A public hearing and possible adoption of amended rules may occur in June 2010.

         Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370(1).

         Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 42.17 RCW.

         WAC Cite: Chapters 390-13 and 390-14 WAC.

         A complete listing of rule-making activity from 1999 to present can be found on the public disclosure commission web site at www.pdc.wa.gov under Rule Making Activity.